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consumer’s role in society is to keep the trade alive and well. When people buy and
sell goods, people get what they want and need while boosting the economy of the
country. This behavior can play an important role in promoting our identity as a people
by consuming locally made products instead of purchasing imported ones.

How does consumer culture affect the Filipino self?

Consumer behavior has affected Filipinos' self identity. Consumer behavior refers the
study on how people mentally, physically or emotionally react or respond on different
products and services. Self -identity refers to the overall perception of oneself in relation to the society someone belongs to.

People nowadays live in the environment called millennial world, differentfrom the old
times, your basic needs and wants today can be access easily byj u s t t o u ch i n g t h e
s cr ee n o f y o u r g ad g e t s a n d b y m e an s o f o t h er t y p e s o f technology. In just a
second or a minute you can buy the products you like andneed where ever you are, as
long you have an internet connection and gadgets.Every day that passes the world
continue in discovering and creating new innovations that can help the humanity
and have a more comfortable life thanyesterday. While the world is persistent to its
innovation the perspective also of theindividual continue to change their behavior in
availing the products they want tobuy. Unlike from the old individuals the humanity
nowadays prioritize they wantsthan they need. Using the television, and social media
the people today can be easilypersuade by flowering words of the products seller
and encourage through thedifferent types of advertisements performed by the
popular actress or actor.Based on the reports issued by the “Rappler” two among
the four factors thatinfluence the Filipino decision in buying a product are the
Television as a mainsource product information for items like cosmetic/skin care, food and
beverages,personal care, health care/medicine household product and home
appliances.Additionally, advertisements also influence the consumer according
to theNielsen online survey conducted by Rappler about 73% of Filipino
respondentsagreed that the image created by the advertising influenced their
decision inbuying a product. Moreover, Nielsen Global Consumer Survey added that 48%
ofthe Filipino buy product because they like commercial or they persuade by
theadvertisements.The researcher of this study will find out the role of Filipino
consumerculture to Filipino self and identity. Consumer culture is commonly defined
as ac u l t u r e w h e r e s o c i a l s t a t u s , v a l u e s a n d a c t i v i t i e s a r e c e n t e r e d o n
t h e consumptions of goods and services. On the other hand, in consumer culture, alarge
part of what you do, what you value and how you defined turns around your
consumption of material. Filipinos has a unique way in buying the goods
orservices in the market. Furthermore, Shidhar Sharman gives definition
to “Identity” as an umbrella term used all through the social sciences to define
aperson’s idea and manifestation of distinctiveness. Identity is also a basis
ofsignificance for people. It is a progressive development occurring within
thepersonality and has an influential socio-cultural perspective within which it
isformed. It refers to the capacity for self-reflection and awareness of self. Identity i s ,
thus, the entire personality of a human being in his uniqueness,
w i t h psychological, biological and societal nature

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