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Class: Clitellata
Order: Opisthopora
Family: Lumbricidae
Genus: Lumbricus
Species: Lumbricus terrestris
Main Features:
An earthworm has a streamlined
body with no antennae or fins or
arms or legs! This streamlined shape
is an adaptation to living in narrow
burrows underground and the need
to move easily through the soil. An
earthworm has circular muscles that
surround each body segment.

Class: Clitellata
Order: Hirudinida
Family: Hirudinidae
Genus: Hirudo
Species: Hirudo medicinalis
Main Features:
Leeches are segmented worms with
suction cups at each end. Their
bodies are flattened, much wider
than they are thick. They are usually
dark colored, often brown or
sometimes black or dark green. Some
species have no markings, others
have spots and stripes.

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