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Many ideas, many dreams, when they first appear, seem crazy, but they are not.

They are
innovative ideas that are ahead of their time, disrupting things and offering a different way of
looking at things. In my opinion, I agree with the following statement: "imagine with all your
mind, believe with all your heart, achieve with all your heart".
First, dreaming is simply the beginning. Steven Jobs once said "Have the courage to follow
your heart and intuition. They know in a way what you really want to be. Everything else is
secondary”. No one is perfect, but when we know how to try to perfect ourselves and move
forward, we will achieve results worthy of our efforts.
An important aspect of achieving our dreams is confidence in ourselves. If we don't trust that
we will achieve it, no one will. That's why it's important to set achievable and near-timed
goals, because each time we achieve them, we reinforce the idea that our dreams can come
In the end, to achieve success you must work hard. The path to your dream can be
complicated, but it is a path that you have to draw for yourself, setting yourself small
achievable goals to ultimately achieve that dream as desired. For example, Leonardo Da
Vinci became a world-famous painter thanks to his days of hard work drawing eggs to perfect
his skills through each seemingly simple picture.
No one is going to come and find us and provide us with our dream, which is something that
we will have to build with a lot of effort, with daily work and with all illusions. If you can
really dream it, you can achieve it.

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