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The Lucid Dreaming


How to Wake Up Inside Your Dreams

And Remember Them

by Max Trance

Copyright 2020, 2022 by Max Trance.

All Rights Reserved.

This work contains a very quick introduction to

Lucid Dreaming, which means that it’s not
possible to go into everything that can happen
within lucid dreams.

The material within this work is for entertainment

purposes only, and you may not be entertained.
The material in this work is all stuff that I’ve used
and tested myself, and have found to be

You agree to accept full responsibility and liability

for any and all outcomes from your use or non-
use of the material in this work.

Under no circumstances will the author,

publisher, distributor, or any other person or
entity associated with this work be held liable in
any way for anything.
Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................ 1

Lucid Dreaming Safety .............................................. 5

How to Wake Up Inside Your Dreams .................... 7

How to Remember Your Dreams ......................... 10

How to Have a Lucid Dream ................................. 12

Conclusion ............................................................... 16

Get the Audiobooks ............................................... 18

Max Trance Online ................................................. 19

Also by Max Trance ................................................ 20


Almost every night we have dreams. Some of us

recall those dreams vividly, while others don’t
recall our dreams at all and can come to believe
that we’re not dreaming. Most of us are
somewhere in between.

If you’re one of the many people who almost

never recall their dreams, don’t worry. Before I
learnt to lucid dream, I would recall one dream a
year if I was lucky.

These days, by following some simple processes

that I’ve outlined in this book, I can recall multiple
dreams almost every night.

The truth is that if we didn’t dream, our minds

would very quickly fall apart. It’s built-in to how
they work.

If you’re aware enough to be reading this book,

two things are true.

First, you’ve been alive long enough to learn to
understand English.

And second, because you’ve been alive for years

without completely losing your mind to the point
where you can no longer understand language,
you’ve already had countless dreams.

In our dreams, anything can happen.

So what’s Lucid Dreaming all about?

The key feature that separates lucid dreaming

from regular dreaming is that when we
become lucid in our dreams, we are
consciously aware and can take control.

With a little practice, this means that we can

shape our dreams in any way we might choose. If
we want to go diving in the Caribbean, our
dreams can take us there. If we want to practice
new skills, we can build appropriate
environments within our dreams and do just that.
When we lucid dream, we can experience life as
different creatures or even as alien lifeforms
living on distant planets.

The only limit to what you can do inside your own
lucid dreams is your imagination.

Have you ever heard of people having dreams

that lasted for days, weeks or even years? When
we dream, time doesn’t work in the same way as
it does when we’re in the waking world. And
when you learn to lucid dream, and practice the
skills a little, it’s possible to learn to control even
time itself within your dreams.

Had a bad day at work? Simply plan a 2 week

vacation for your dreams that night and wake up
fully refreshed, recalling every detail.

Need to study for an exam the next day, but

didn’t do quite enough work yet? Assuming
you’ve been over the material at least once, once
you’ve mastered lucid dreaming, it’s possible to
plan a dream in which you spend an entire week
studying and turn up to the exam having
mastered the material.

Or perhaps you’d like to explore new things that

you can’t do in your day-to-day life.

Whatever it is, so long as you can conceive of it,
you can dream it.

In this book I am aiming to present the bare-

bones minimum to set you on the path to your
first lucid dream. And for that, we need just two

1. A means to wake up inside our dreams and

become aware we are dreaming; and,
2. A bridge from our dreams to the waking
world so that we can remember our dreams.

Because what would be the point in becoming

lucid inside your dreams if you couldn’t recall
them afterwards?

Inside this book, I’ll share with you how to do


Lucid Dreaming Safety

As a rule, lucid dreams are completely safe. After

all, they are just the same as regular dreams,
except that we know how to take control and
how to recall them.

There are a couple of things to be aware of in

case they happen to you.

First, when we dream, our bodies temporarily

paralyze us to prevent us from coming to
harm from acting out whatever we’re
dreaming about.

This applies every bit as much to lucid dreams as

it does to regular dreams. Sleep paralysis is a
harmless and natural process, but it can be scary
if we wake up while it is still in effect.

If you wake up and find that you cannot move, all

you have to do is not panic, and think about
something else. Ideally, start thinking about the
dreams you’ve just had so that you’ll be able to
write them down when the paralysis clears. If you

find that you can’t recall your dreams, just think
about what you’re going to be doing today and
you’ll be fine.

Typically it takes about 15 minutes to come out of

sleep paralysis.

Second, it’s important to be aware that we

can never quite be sure we’re dreaming.
Because of this, never do anything that might
harm you or someone else in your dreams.

In practical terms, this means that if you want to

fly, it’s best to choose to float up from the ground
rather than jumping from a tall building.

I’m sure you get the idea and can apply it to other
scenarios where harm might happen.

How to Wake Up Inside
Your Dreams

Now you’re probably wondering by this point,

how exactly do we become conscious inside our

The easiest way I know to do this is to design a

test to tell us when we’re dreaming, and then do
that test enough while we’re awake that we
automatically do it inside our dreams.

This kind of test is known as a reality check.

Reality checks have just one key feature: they

have to be something that won’t work when
we do it in the waking world, but can work
when we’re dreaming.

It’s best if your reality check is some kind of

discreet physical action that you can perform

For example, just before I wrote this sentence I

tried pushing my palm through my desk and it
did not work. If my palm had gone through my
desk, I would have realized I’m dreaming and
woken up inside my dream.

You know that you’re dreaming when you

perform a reality check and the impossible thing
happens. In the case of pushing your palm
through the desk, if your palm goes straight
through the desk, it tells you that you’re highly
likely to be dreaming.

To begin with, choose 1 or 2 physical actions that

you can do throughout your days, and then start
doing them regularly.

The more frequently you practice your reality

checks throughout the day, the more quickly they
will become habits.

To be clear, reality checks are something that you

do periodically and habitually while you are
awake for the rest of your life.

Or at least, until you want to stop having lucid


Reality checks are a form of hypnotic anchor, and
I talk about those in much more detail in Artful
Hypnotic Anchoring.

How to Remember Your

There are two things I have found to be effective

when I want to recall my dreams the following

First, as you are drifting off to sleep,

consciously decide that you are going to
remember your dreams the following morning
and that you will write in your dream journal.

And second, when waking up in the morning,

write in your dream journal before doing
anything else at all.

As a rule, the more you write, the more quickly

you will build the bridge between your waking
world and your dreams.

It’s important to be aware that this is the trickiest

step in the entire process. The issue is
remembering to write in your dream journal as
soon as you wake up.

This is why it is essential to make that conscious
decision before you sleep.

After that, it’s a matter of sticking at it. Sometimes

it takes people a few weeks of consistent effort
before they remember to do it.

And as soon as you do remember to write in your

dream journal first thing in the morning, you are
starting to build that habit.

Before long it becomes automatic and starts to

happen every day. You just have to get over the
initial hump.

How to Have a Lucid

So what are the steps we need to take in order to

lucid dream?

Once you’ve chosen a couple of reality checks,

and practiced them enough that they’ve started
to happen automatically, it becomes possible to
wake up inside your dreams. So now it’s time for
a simple process that anyone can follow on any
night when you’d like to increase your chances of
having a lucid dream.

1. Plan your dream each night before you go to

bed. You do this by writing out a few
sentences describing the dream you would
like to experience. Put in details about where
you will be, who will be there with you, what
you will be doing, and how long you will be
there. Try to hit the sweet spot between
writing too little and writing too much. Usually
a few sentences is about right. You can write
your plan in something like my Lucid
Dreaming Planner and Journal if you’d like
to keep everything in the same place for easy
2. Place a pen and your dream journal, or at
least something to write on, somewhere
within reach of where you lie in bed. You want
to be able to pick it up and start writing with
as little movement as possible when you wake
up. Bedside tables are ideal for this.
3. Read the dream plan you wrote out in step 1,
then place the plan out of harm’s way and
start to visualize the dream that you’ve
planned. Think about the details for a few
minutes. The more of your senses you can
imagine within that dream, the easier it tends
to be. Imagine the colors, textures, sounds,
smells, and anything else that will be in that
dream environment.
4. Tilt your eyes back until they’re just straining,
then close your eyelids and count down from
100 to 0. When you lose track of the numbers,
let them go and drift off to sleep. If you get to
0 without losing the numbers, cycle back to
100 and continue. If you are good at
visualizing, you can simply step inside your
visualization of your dream instead of
counting down. Try both and discover which
works for you.
5. When you find that your reality check fails
(your palm goes through the desk, or
whatever other impossible thing you chose
happens), realize that you are dreaming and
take control of your dream. Have fun!
6. Before you open your eyes when you wake up
in the morning, take a few moments to think
back to the dream you’ve just had. Notice as
many details as you can until you are sure
you’ve got a good grasp on it.
7. Moving as little as possible, pick up your
dream journal and write out as much as you
can remember about the dreams you just
had. As a rule, the more you write, the more
quickly you will find it effortless to recall your
dreams in the future. Describe in as much
detail as you can.

As you’re working through this, be aware that

some people following this process can achieve
lucid dreams every night, while others might have
them less frequently.

The biggest key to making this process work is
to be consistent and persistent. The whole
point of it is to build up the pathways inside your
brain that allow you to experience and recall lucid

Once they are built, these pathways will remind

you to regularly check whether you’re dreaming,
and they will help you to remember your dreams.
Everyone can build them.

It typically takes 30 days for a new habit to be

properly set in a mind.

There are ways to speed this up, but if you’re

starting out it’s far more important to get there
than it is to get there fast and miss your target.
Follow the process every night for 30 nights and
discover what happens.


So that’s the lightning summary of how to have

lucid dreams. First, choose 1 or 2 reality checks
and practice them throughout your days. Allow
them to become habits that you perform
automatically. Then plan your dream, wake up
inside it, and write about it afterwards to help
you to recall.

As you might imagine, lucid dreaming is a vast

topic. This book is intended to be as brief an
introduction as possible, so we’ve covered the
bare minimum required.

If you’d like more, my book Lucid gives detailed

step-by-step instructions on every aspect of lucid
dreaming, including what to do to study, practice
and learn within your dreams, what to do to have
more time within your dreams, what to do to
stabilize your dreams, how to make your reality
checks more reliable, and much more.

And if you’d like to be alerted when I release new
material, you can find details on my website over

I’d like to thank you for taking the time to make it

to the end of this book. It is my hope that it has
helped you to shortcut your own learning process
so that you can start lucid dreaming much more

As a final thought, if you’ve enjoyed this book, or

learnt something from it, I’d really appreciate it if
you could post a positive review by following this

Review The Lucid Dreaming Formula

This helps me out no end.

Get the Audiobooks

My audiobooks are now available in a bundle


At the time of writing, inside the bundle you get:

 Unlock The Hypnotic Mind

 Unconscious Mind Secrets
 The Self-Hypnosis Formula
 Artful Hypnotic Anchoring
 Lucid

That’s all of my current audiobooks in the same


And this bundle is the only place you can get the
audiobook version of The Hypnotic Mind…

So if you prefer listening over reading, check it

out here:

Hypnotic Mind Audiobook Bundle

Max Trance Online


Buy stuff:


Public chat:

If you have any questions about lucid dreaming,

hypnosis, or the mind in general, please stop by
the public chat. At the time of writing, it’s on
Discord, and it is the single quickest way to get in
touch with me.

Also by Max Trance

Lucid: How to Start Lucid Dreaming Even if

You Never Remember Your Dreams
Step by step instructions designed to take you from
complete beginner to experiencing your first lucid
dream and remembering it in vivid detail, even if
you’ve never been able to recall your dreams before.
Available as an eBook and in paperback.

Lucid Dreaming Planner and Journal

The Dream Planner and Journal specifically designed
to be used with the material in this book that you’re
reading right now. Available in paperback.

Artful Hypnotic Anchoring

A guide on how to construct and use hypnotic
anchors. Available as an eBook and in paperback.

Hypnosis Quick Start Guide

Step by step instructions designed to take you from
complete beginner to hypnotizing your first subject.
Available as an eBook and in paperback.

Hypnosis Quick Start Workbook
Mostly the same as the Hypnosis Quick Start Guide,
only with spaces to write out your answers to the
questions I’ve found to be important to ask when
you would like to become good at hypnosis.
Available in paperback.

10 More Fun Things to Do With Hypnosis

Additional hypnotic phenomena to use with the
processes in the Hypnosis Quick Start books.
Available as an eBook.

The Hypnotic Mind

Designed to be an overview of understanding
hypnosis for beginners. Let me take you on a journey
through some of the big areas of hypnosis, what
they are and how they work.

The Self-Hypnosis Formula

Designed to be the quickest possible introduction to
self-hypnosis, this short book covers an exact 7 step
process that was engineered to guide anyone into
deep self-hypnosis and teach them to use it to leap-
frog into hypnotic realities, meditation, lucid
dreaming, sleep, and more. Available as an eBook.

The Two Page Deep Trance Script
Want a script that I’ve used to quickly guide the most
resistant subjects into deep hypnosis? This short
script was specifically designed to do just that.
Available as an eBook.

Unconscious Mind Secrets

Designed as an introduction to the human mind, this
short book focuses on the unconscious mind, and
how to get it to do things for you.


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