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Stress – strain curve of ductile material under  In the region from B to C, the material

tension = becomes perfectly plastic, which means that it

deforms without an increase in the applied
load. The elongation of a mild-steel specimen
in the perfectly plastic region is typically 10 to
15 times the elongation that occurs in the
linear region (between the onset of loading and
the proportional limit). The presence of very
large strains in the plastic region (and beyond)
is the reason for not plotting this diagram to
 After undergoing the large strains that occur
during yielding in the region BC, the steel
begins to strain harden. During strain
hardening, the material undergoes changes in
its crystalline structure, resulting in increased
resistance of the material to further
 The diagram begins with a straight line from deformation. Elongation of the test specimen
the origin O to point A, which means that the in this region requires an increase in the tensile
relationship between stress and strain in this load, and therefore the stress-strain diagram
initial region is not only linear but also has a positive slope from C to D. The load
proportional (Two variables are said to be eventually reaches its maximum value, and the
proportional if their ratio remains constant. corresponding stress (at point D) is called the
Therefore, a proportional relationship may be ultimate stress. Further stretching of the bar is
represented by a straight line through the actually accompanied by a reduction in the
origin. However, a proportional relationship is load, and fracture finally occurs at a point such
not the same as a linear relationship. Although as E.
a proportional relationship is linear, the  The yield stress and ultimate stress of a
converse is not necessarily true, because a material are also called the yield strength and
relationship represented by a straight line that ultimate strength, respectively. Strength is a
does not pass through the origin is linear but general term that refers to the capacity of a
not proportional. The often-used expression structure to resist loads. For instance, the yield
“directly proportional” is synonymous with strength of a beam is the magnitude of the load
“proportional”). required to cause yielding in the beam, and the
 Beyond point A, the proportionality between ultimate strength of a truss is the maximum
stress and strain no longer exists; hence the load it can support, that is, the failure load.
stress at A is called the proportional limit.  However, when conducting a tension test of a
 The slope of the straight line from O to A is particular material, we define load-carrying
called the modulus of elasticity. Because the capacity by the stresses in the specimen rather
slope has units of stress divided by strain, than by the total loads acting on the specimen.
modulus of elasticity has the same units as As a result, the strength of a material is usually
stress. stated as a stress.
 With an increase in stress beyond the  When a test specimen is stretched, lateral
proportional limit, the strain begins to increase contraction occurs, as previously mentioned.
more rapidly for each increment in stress. The resulting decrease in cross-sectional area
Consequently, the stress-strain curve has a is too small to have a noticeable effect on the
smaller and smaller slope, until, at point B, the calculated values of the stresses up to about
curve becomes horizontal. Beginning at this point C, but beyond that point the reduction in
point, considerable elongation of the test area begins to alter the shape of the curve. In
specimen occurs with no noticeable increase in the vicinity of the ultimate stress, the reduction
the tensile force (from B to C). This in area of the bar becomes clearly visible and a
phenomenon is known as yielding of the pronounced necking of the bar occurs.
material, and point B is called the yield point.  If the actual cross-sectional area at the narrow
The corresponding stress is known as the yield part of the neck is used to calculate the stress,
stress of the steel. the true stress-strain curve (the dash line CE’)
is obtained. The total load the bar can carry
does indeed diminish after the ultimate stress  Structural steel is an alloy of iron containing
is reached (as shown by curve DE), but this about 0.2% carbon, and therefore it is
reduction is due to the decrease in area of the classified as a low-carbon steel. With
bar and not to a loss in strength of the material increasing carbon content, steel becomes less
itself. In reality, the material withstands an ductile but stronger (higher yield stress and
increase in true stress up to failure (point E). higher ultimate stress).
Because most structures are expected to  The physical properties of steel are also
function at stresses below the proportional affected by heat treatment, the presence of
limit, the conventional stress-strain curve other metals, and manufacturing processes
OABCDE, which is based upon the original such as rolling.
cross-sectional area of the specimen and is  Other materials that behave in a ductile
easy to determine, provides satisfactory manner (under certain conditions) include
information for use in engineering design. aluminium, copper, magnesium, lead,
 The diagram shows the general characteristics molybdenum, nickel, brass, bronze, monel
of the stress-strain curve for mild steel, but its metal, nylon, and Teflon and they may have
proportions are not realistic because, as considerable ductility, aluminium alloys
already mentioned, the strain that occurs from typically do not have a clearly definable yield
B to C may be more than ten times the strain point, as shown by the stress-strain diagram of
occurring from O to A. Furthermore, the Fig.-
strains from C to E are many times greater
than those from B to C.
 The correct relationships are portrayed in
following fig, which shows a stress-strain
diagram for mild steel drawn to scale. In this
figure, the strains from the zero point to point
A are so small in comparison to the strains
from point A to point E that they cannot be
seen, and the initial part of the diagram
appears to be a vertical line.
 However, they do have an initial linear region
with a recognizable proportional limit. Alloys
produced for structural purposes have
proportional limits in the range 70 to 410 MPa
and ultimate stresses in the range 140 to 550
 When a material such as aluminium does not
have an obvious yield point and yet undergoes
large strains after the proportional limit is
exceeded, an arbitrary yield stress may be
 The presence of a clearly defined yield point determined by the offset method. A straight
followed by large plastic strains is an line is drawn on the stress-strain diagram
important characteristic of structural steel that parallel to the initial linear part of the curve as
is sometimes utilized in practical design. given in following fig. but offset by some
 Metals such as structural steel that undergo standard strain, such as 0.002 (or 0.2%).
large permanent strains before failure are
classified as ductile. For instance, ductility is
the property that enables a bar of steel to be
bent into a circular arc or drawn into a wire
without breaking. A desirable feature of
ductile materials is that visible distortions
occur if the loads become too large, thus
providing an opportunity to take remedial
action before an actual fracture occurs. Also,
materials exhibiting ductile behaviour are
capable of absorbing large amounts of strain
energy prior to fracture.
 The intersection of the offset line and the  The percent reduction in area measures the
stress-strain curve (point A in the figure) amount of necking that occurs and is defined
defines the yield stress. Because this stress is as;
determined by an arbitrary rule and is not an
inherent physical property of the material, it
should be distinguished from a true yield stress
 in which A0 is the original cross-sectional area
by referring to it as the offset yield stress. For
and A1 is the final area at the fracture section.
a material such as aluminium, the offset yield
For ductile steels, the reduction is about 50%.
stress is slightly above the proportional limit.
 In the case of structural steel, with its abrupt
Stress – strain curve for brittle and ductile
transition from the linear region to the region
material under compression =
of plastic stretching, the offset stress is
 Stress-strain curves for materials in
essentially the same as both the yield stress
compression differ from those in tension.
and the proportional limit.
Ductile metals such as steel, aluminium, and
 Rubber maintains a linear relationship between copper have proportional limits in
stress and strain up to relatively large strains compression very close to those in tension,
(as compared to metals). The strain at the and the initial regions of their compressive and
proportional limit may be as high as 0.1 or 0.2 tensile stress-strain diagrams are about the
(10% or 20%). Beyond the proportional limit,
same. However, after yielding begins, the
the behaviour depends upon the type of rubber behaviour is quite different. In a tension test,
(Fig). Some kinds of soft rubber will stretch the specimen is stretched, necking may occur,
enormously without failure, reaching lengths and fracture ultimately takes place. When the
several times their original lengths. The material is compressed, it bulges outward on
material eventually offers increasing resistance the sides and becomes barrel shaped, because
to the load, and the stress - strain curve turns
friction between the specimen and the end
markedly upward. You can easily sense this plates prevents lateral expansion. With
characteristic behaviour by stretching a rubber increasing load, the specimen is flattened out
band with your hands. (Note that although and offers greatly increased resistance to
rubber exhibits very large strains, it is not a further shortening (which means that the
ductile material because the strains are not stress-strain curve becomes very steep). a
permanent. It is, of course, an elastic material.
compressive stress-strain diagram for copper;

 The ductility of a material in tension can be

 Since the actual cross-sectional area of a
characterized by its elongation and by the
specimen tested in compression is larger than
reduction in area at the cross section where
the initial area, the true stress in a compression
fracture occurs. The percent elongation is
test is smaller than the nominal stress.
defined as;
 Brittle materials loaded in compression
typically have an initial linear region followed
by a region in which the shortening increases
at a slightly higher rate than does the load. The
in which L0 is the original gage length and L1
stress-strain curves for compression and
is the distance between the gage marks at
tension often have similar shapes, but the
fracture. Because the elongation is not uniform
over the length of the specimen but is ultimate stresses in compression are much
higher than those in tension. Also, unlike
concentrated in the region of necking, the
ductile materials, which flatten out when
percent elongation depends upon the gage
compressed, brittle materials actually break at
the maximum load.

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