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FEBRUARY 15, 2022

Guanajuato, México

Dear Anahela:
The days go by so fast, I still remember when we ran through the streets holding hands, and how can I forget that date,
if it was a year ago today, the day I fell in love with you, do you remember? that we were out of breath, you were
wearing a white hoodie with the H in the center, such a fan of Harry Potter as always, my favorite witch that's you,
you had curly hair so beautiful that I couldn't stop sniffing it, it looked like a kitten rubbing itself on its owner. And of
course, at that moment I was yours.
You poisoned me with those kisses to know chocolate.
Who would have thought that spirit the indomitable colt would fall at someone's feet in record time, now my heart
belongs to you.

I miss you so much, come back to me, a hug to heaven, God bless you always.

I drew you something nice, I hope you like it.

Until life brings us together again, I love you.

Your favorite wizard

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