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E: Hi guys!

B: Hello Elisa

A: Hi!

E: What are you doing here?

B: We wanted to go to the cinema, but the queue is too long.

E: Oh, They were going to see "fast and furious 9", don’t they?

B: Yes, how did you know?

E: I know something. So, What do you plan to do now?

A: From so much waiting we got hungry and we don't know where to eat. Chili’s is a
good option, isn't it?

E: If it is. I was also looking for a restaurant for dinner.

B: I agree with Andree, we should go to Chili's for dinner. What would you like to eat?

E: I think it's a great idea, let's have dinner there, it has delicious food and cheap
prices. I would like to eat a salad because all this week I have eaten junk food.

B: The "Santa Fe crisper salad" is a good option to eat, isn't it?

E: Oh, of course!

A: The same thing happens to me as to Elisa, if we continue we won’t have good

health. Brandon and I had a hamburger yesterday, he ate two, didn't he?

B: Unfortunately yes. No one can resist eating a hamburger.

E: It is important that we all have a healthy diet. For now, I am not doing any sports. I
don't even go out for a walk anymore! You haven't been doing sports since the
pandemic started, have you?

A: It's true, we don't do any sports anymore.

B: A healthy diet helps protect us from diseases such as diabetes, heart disease
among others.

E: It is true, there are many and very dangerous diseases that not having a healthy diet
can cause us.

A: The soda is a widely consumed product, isn't it?

E: Yes, the worrying thing is that nobody takes importance to this topic.

A: If you ask anyone about what they had for dinner yesterday, they'll probably tell you
French fries.

B: We should start exercising, it is essential for good health. It seems to you if we go

for a run in the morning?

E: It is a very good idea, we can go anywhere to run, but in the morning. You work in
the evenings, don't you?

A: Yes, in the morning it would be perfect!

E: Perfect, from tomorrow we will start a new stage. Guys, have you read or know
anything else about this topic? it is very interesting and important.

B: Yes, The United States is the country with the highest number of people with
obesity, isn't it?

E: Yes, other countries are China and India. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to
change this situation. Have you read about reducing your salt intake?

A: Yes, the World Health Organization has agreed to reduce salt intake among the
world's population by 30% by 2025.

E: They also agreed to halt the rise in diabetes and obesity in adults and adolescents,
as well as child overweight by 2025. The world health organization also established a
diet with a list of foods for adults and children.

B: Vegetables and fruits give us a lot of vitamins, don't they? Hardly anyone
includes fruits and vegetables in their meals.

E: It is true, almost nobody consumes vegetables, fruits, lentils, oats, wheat. You
rarely find these foods in other people's meals. The most consumed products are those
with saturated fat.

A: Guys, you have to go to dinner to continue talking about this topic.

B: You are right, we are very hungry and it is also already very cold.

E: If you guys we better go, you know! to eat healthy. Chili's has some very good

A: Of course, let's go!

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