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Giáo án soạn cải tiến

Date: …………../……../2021
1. Knowledge:
- words and phrases related to leaving school and choosing a career.
- Read for general ideas and specific information about career advice on websites for
secondary school leavers.
2. Targted competences:
- Increasing students’ communication, self-study skills, critical thinking, problem- solving
and creativeness.
3. Qualifications :
- Increasing students’ hard work, science awareness, self-study spirit, enthusiasm, challenge
acceptation, self-respecting, self-reliant, self-control and overcoming difficulties.
1. Equipments: computer, projector.
2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos.
1. Class organization:
Class Date of teaching Attendance Absentees

2. Checking: During the lesson

3. New lesson:
(Hoạt động 1: Mở đầu)
a) Objectives Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest
(Mục tiêu)
b) Content 1). Work with a partner. Guess what the students in the pictures may
(Nội dung) do after they leave school.

c) Products Suggested answers

(Sản phẩm) Picture 1: She may go straight to university/continue
studying. (Hình 1: Cô ấy có thể đi học đại học luôn / tiếp tục học.)
Picture 2: They may work as apprentices/join the workforce. (Hình
2: Họ có thể làngười học việc / tham gia lực lượng lao động.)
Picture 3: He may take a gap year and go travelling.  (Hình 3: Anh ta
có thể mất một năm đi trải nghiệm và đi du lịch.)
d) Elicit students’ answers.
Implementation Give feedback.
(Tổ chức thực hiện) Lead into new lesson.
(Hoạt động 2: Hình Thành Kiến Thức)
a) Objectives - Introduce new lexical structures related to the lesson
(Mục tiêu) - Read for general ideas
b) Content 2. Read some career advice for secondary school leavers. Choose the
(Nội dung) appropriate heading for each paragraph.

c) Products Suggested answers

(Sản phẩm) 1 - d. For those about to start a job
2 - c. For those going to be apprentices
3 - a. For those going to university
4 - b. For those who have no plans
d) - Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ)
Implementation State the requirements for each activity for the students.
(Tổ chức thực hiện) T; ask students to work in groups to read some career advice for
secondary school leavers and choose the appropriate heading for each
Sts: Work in groups to discuss the headings then read the career
advice to find the appropriate heading for each paragraph.
T Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for
each activity before performing the task.
- Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ):
Students work in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers
do general observations and help if necessary.
- Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận )
Ask a few group representatives to present their answers. Other
groups give comment. Teacher general comments.
- Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định):
Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must
complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved /
explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

(Hoạt động 3: Luyện Tập)
a) Objectives - Read for general ideas and specific information about career
(Mục tiêu) advice on websites for secondary school leavers.
b) Content 3) Find the words/phrases/expressions in the reading text which are
(Nội dung) closest in meaning to the following. Write them in the correct space. 
4) Read the text again and answer the questions
c) Products Suggested answers
(Sản phẩm) 1. smooth(er): without problems or difficulties  (trơn tru: không có
vấn đề hoặc khó khăn gì)
2. apprentice: someone who works for an employer or expert to
learn a particular skill or job ( người học nghề: ai đó làm việc cho một
người quản lý hoặc chuyên gia để học hỏi kỹ năng hoặc công việc)
3. shadow(ing) them: to follow someone else while they are at
work to learn about that person's job (theo sau ai: theo ai đó trong khi
họ làm để học về công việc của họ)
4. get(ting) to grips with: to begin to understand and deal with
something difficult (nỗ lực để hiểu và giải quyết gì đó: bắt đầu hiểu và
đối phó được với điều gì khó)
5. take to (something) like a duck to water : to become used to
something very easily (như cá gặp nước: trở nên quen thuộc với một
thứ gì đó một cách dễ dàng)
6. paperwork: written work in an office, such as filling in forms,
writing letters, etc.(công việc giấy tờ: công việc giấy tờ ở công sở, giống
như điền mẫu đơn , viết thư,...)

1. Some websites that provide school leavers with practical advice
about leaving school and taking the next step in their careers.
2. They should learn to take responsibility when things go wrong.
3. The best thing for apprentices is that they have the opportunity
to earn while they learn.
4. They have their timetables and other paperwork sorted in the
first week at university.
5. They can find a temporary job; they can take a year out and go
travelling; they may work somewhere abroad; they can speak to
career advisers to help them come up with a plan; they can go back to
d) - Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ)
Implementation State the requirements for each activity for the students.
(Tổ chức thực hiện) T: Ask student to work in pairs to ask and answer the question from 1-
Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each
activity before performing the task.
- Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ):
Students work in pairs in the process of performing tasks( ask and
answer the questions as model:
Teachers do general observations and help if necessary.
Example :
St 1: What kind of websites are available for school leavers in the
St 2 : Some websites that provide school leavers with practical
advice about leaving school and taking the next step in their
- Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận )
Ask some pairs of students to present their answers. Others give
comment. Teacher general comments.
- Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định):
Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must
complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved /
explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.
(Hoạt động 4: vận dụng)
a) Objectives Students apply the knowledge they have just learned into
(Mục tiêu) communicative and practical situations
b) Content Discuss with a partner.
(Nội dung) Which is the most useful piece of advice for you in the text? Why do
you think it is useful?
c) Products Suggested answers
(Sản phẩm) I think the most useful advice for me is taking responsibility if
something goes wrong in my job. By doing this, I will have the chance
to learn how to put things right as well as avoid making the same
mistakes in the future.
d) - Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ)
Implementation State the requirements for each activity for the students.
(Tổ chức thực hiện) T: Get students to work in pairs to ask and anser the question: Which
is the most useful piece of advice for you in the text? Why do you
think it is useful?
Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each
activity before performing the task.
- Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ):
Students work in pairs in the process of performing tasks.(ask and
anser the questions as model:
Example :
St1 : Which is the most useful piece of advice for you in the text?
Why do you think it is useful?
Sts 2 : I think the most useful advice for me is taking responsibility
if something goes wrong in my job. By doing this, I will have the
chance to learn how to put things right as well as avoid making
the same mistakes in the future.
Teachers do general observations and help if necessary.
- Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận )
Ask some pairs of students to present their answers. Teacher general
- Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định):
Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must
complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved /
explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

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