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Clinical Conference

Pathophysiology and Management of

Hypertension in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Principal Discussant
Stephen J. Phillips

Camp Hill Medical Centre and Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

nance imaging.11-'2 Animal models of stroke permit

H ypertension, defined in different ways by vari-

ous investigators over a period of many years,
has been shown to be a major risk factor for
stroke.1-2 In fact, the strength of the evidence suggests
rigorous scientific study of the mechanisms of cerebral
infarction, but the relevance of such laboratory findings
to human stroke is not always clear.
that hypertension causes stroke. But by what mecha- Chronic hypertension aggravates atherosclerosis13
nisms? The value of treating chronic hypertension to and induces complex pathological changes in the medias
prevent stroke is well established, but what should be of arteries and arterioles.1415 These structural changes
done about blood pressure elevations in the setting of increase vascular resistance and protect the cerebral
acute stroke? microcirculation from the deleterious effects of systemic
Stroke is a generic term for a clinical syndrome that hypertension.16 Paradoxically, however, the structural
includes focal cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), changes may predispose to cerebral ischemia by impair-
focal hemorrhage in the brain, and subarachnoid hem- ing vasodilator responsiveness.17-18
orrhage.3 Hypertension is an important precursor of The small-diameter penetrating end arteries in the
cerebral infarction and intracerebral hemorrhage. brain have been considered particularly vulnerable to
Whether hypertension predisposes to subarachnoid the deleterious effects of elevated blood pressure be-
hemorrhage is less certain because of conflicting evi- cause they arise directly from main arterial trunks.19
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dence from epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory The hypertension-associated morphological changes1-20
investigations.47 that occur in these vessels include microaneurysm for-
This article will focus on the pathophysiology and mation,2123 lipohyalinosis,24 and microatheroma.25 Ap-
management of elevated blood pressure in the setting of parently as a consequence of these changes but by
acute ischemic stroke. A review of the subject seems mechanisms not fully understood, either rupture or
timely given the frequency of the problem, the paucity occlusion of the diseased vessel may occur, producing
of clinically relevant scientific data,8 and contemporary intracerebral hemorrhage or infarction. The small in-
interest in salvaging ischemic brain before infarction farcts that occur deep in the cerebral hemispheres or
occurs.9-10 brain stem as a consequence of occlusion of these
diseased vessels have been postulated to represent a
How Does Hypertension Cause specific complication of hypertension (lacunar infarc-
Cerebral Infarction? tion), recognizable clinically as lacunar syndromes.25-26
Attempts to answer this question have tended to More recent clinical and epidemiologic data, 2729 how-
focus on the pathoanatomic effects of chronic hyperten- ever, suggest that hypertension is no more important in
sion, mainly because they are more amenable to study the pathogenesis of lacunar infarction (small-vessel
than the pathophysiological mechanisms of hyperten- territory stroke) than in the development of large-vessel
sion and cerebral ischemia during the acute phase of territory stroke caused by presumed atherothromboem-
stroke. Clearly, one would expect both types of mecha- bolic mechanisms (Table). Cerebral small-vessel disease
nism to be involved, but unfortunately, the picture is also occurs in aged normotensive subjects. Collectively,
incomplete and our knowledge fragmentary. Insights the data suggest that hypertension has an aggravating
into pathoanatomic mechanisms come from epidemio- and accelerating but nonspecific influence on degener-
logic investigations, autopsy studies, and clinical trials. ative cerebrovascular disease, and the existence of a
Study of the pathophysiological mechanisms of acute unique cerebrovascular lesion attributable to hyperten-
focal cerebral ischemia has been enhanced by the sion remains in question.30
development of new techniques such as positron emis- An overview analysis of 14 randomized trials of
sion tomography and diffusion-weighted magnetic reso- antihypertensive drug therapy31 showed that coronary
heart disease events were reduced by only 14% (95%
confidence interval, 4% to 22%). A reduction of 20% to
Reccived October 27,1992; accepted in revised form October 5,
25% would have been expected on the basis of evidence
Correspondence to Dr S.J. Phillips, Camp Hill Medical Centre, from observational epidemiologic studies.32 In contrast,
Department of Medicine, 5303 Morris St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J stroke was reduced by 42% (95% confidence interval,
1B6, Canada. 33% to 50%). The disparate effect of antihypertensive
132 Hypertension Vol 23, No 1 January 1994

Comparison of Frequency of Prestroke Hypertension

Among Patients With Flrst-Ever Ischemic Stroke in the
Rochester Epidemiology Project 37 and Oxfordshire CBF
Community Stroke Project 28

Prestroke Hypertension

Rochester* Oxfordshire!
Lacunar infarction, % 80 44
Nonlacunar infarction, % 70 47

Prestroke hypertension was defined by two blood pressure

readings a 160/95 mmHg in the Rochester project and two
blood pressure readings > 160/90 in the Oxfordshire project.
Difference between proportions within studies: *P=.O5 (P=.11
if patients with a cardiac source of emboli are excluded); tP=-6.
Perfusion Pressure
(mm Hg)
treatment on apparently similar pathological processes
has generated considerable debate and has not been FKB 1. Rot shows compensatory responses to reduced cere-
bral perfusion pressure. As cerebral perfusion pressure falls,
fully explained. Because myocardial infarction (the ma- cerebral blood flow (CBF) Is initially maintained by dilation of
jor contributor to the end point "coronary heart dis- precapillary resistance vessels. As a result, cerebral blood
ease" in clinical trials) is almost invariably a complica- volume (CBV) increases. When vasodilation can no longer
tion of coronary artery atherosclerosis, whereas compensate, cerebral autoregulation fails, and blood flow be-
cerebral infarction has several causes, the data suggest gins to fall (vertical line at 60 mm Hg). If perfusion pressure
that the effect of antihypertensive therapy on stroke continues to fall, an increase in the oxygen extraction fraction
(OEF) maintains cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2). Once
incidence was not mediated solely through an effect on
this mechanism becomes maximal (vertical line at 30 mm Hg),
atherothromboembolic mechanisms. further decline in blood flow leads to substrate depletion, energy
The results of the antihypertensive treatment trials failure, disruption of cellular homeostasis, and ultimately, isch-
indicate that both fatal and nonfatal strokes are pre- emic necrosis (ie, infarction). Dashed lines indicate conditions
for which data are inadequate to draw firm conclusions. (Used
vented within just a few years of blood pressure lower-
with permission from Powers.38)
ing, even among chronically hypertensive elderly sub-
jects33 who would be expected to have advanced
irreversible structural arterial disease. This suggests occlusion of which results in small, deep (lacunar)
that differences in the physiological regulatory mecha- cerebral infarcts. The influence of blood pressure on
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nisms of the cerebral and myocardial circulations and this window is, clearly, worthy of further study.
their dynamic adaptation to changes in perfusion pres- Acute increases in blood pressure superimposed on a
sure may be important determinants of the effects of chronic hypertensive state ("acute-on-chronic hyperten-
antihypertensive treatment.34 sion") is common in acute ischemic stroke; about half of
Functional brain imaging studies using positron emis- all patients have a history of preexisting hyperten-
sion tomography have helped reveal the pathophysio- sion,45"48 and on average these individuals have higher
logical consequences of acute cerebral arterial occlu- blood pressures than those who were previously nor-
sion.35-3* Some compensatory responses to reduced motensrve.48"50 After 3 or 4 days in the hospital, blood
cerebral perfusion pressure are shown in Fig 1. The pressure falls spontaneously (Fig 2).45"47-50-51
influence of blood pressure on these responses is not The reasons for acute hypertension in the setting of
well understood. In a recent study37 of 16 patients who acute stroke are poorly understood. Because it occurs in
had hypertension and an acute middle cerebral artery patients with transient ischemic attacks as well as stroke
territory infarct, blood flow in the ischemic region (as patients,50-51 Cushing's phenomenon (increased blood
estimated by single-photon emission computed tomog- pressure secondary to elevated intracranial pressure)
raphy) increased as blood pressure fell in patients cannot be responsible, except in cases of massive cere-
treated with captopril (n=3) or clonidine hydrochloride bral infarction. There seems to be no definite correla-
(n=2). In the patients who were given placebo (n=6) or tion with lesion size or location.49 Therefore, it is
nicardipine hydrochloride (n=5), the fall in blood pres- difficult to incriminate ischemic damage to the insular
sure was not associated with a significant change in cortex,52 nucleus tracrus solitarius, or other structures
cerebral blood flow. The nicardipine-treated patients involved in the physiological regulation of blood pres-
had the greatest fall in blood pressure from baseline. sure.53 Most explanations are based on the premise that
These data are difficult to interpret because of the small the hypertension is secondary to the stroke, eg, a
number of patients studied. response to increased plasma catecholamines,54 or the
The time interval between arterial occlusion and stress of hospital admission.48-50
irreversible brain injury may be as long as 6 to 9
How Should Elevated Blood Pressure Be
hours.35-38-39 Conceptualized as the ischemic penum-
bra,40"42 this period is viewed as a "window of opportu- Managed in the Setting of Acute
nity" for therapeutic intervention to restore regional Ischemic Stroke?
cerebral blood flow.43-44 The window would be expected The answer to this question is "rarely and cautiously"
to be widest in zones of cortical ischemia where the according to the recent report of the Emergency Car-
potential for collateral flow is greatest, and narrowest in diac Care Committee and Subcommittees of the Amer-
the territory of small-diameter penetrating end arteries, ican Heart Association.55 This statement stems mainly
Phillips Hypertension in Acute Ischemic Stroke 133

F G 2. Graphs show systolic (a) and diastolic (b)

200 a b blood pressure course in 755 stroke patients with
2 190 E 105
(solid bars) and without (open bars) previous hy-
pertension admitted to a nonintensive stroke unit.
1 1 Bars indicate 95% confidence limits of group mean
i 180 | 100 1 values. Of the 755 patients, 79% had an ischemic
1 170
' D1
I stroke, 11% had a transient ischemic attack, and
7% had an intracerebral hemorrhage. Patients con-
160 1 90 . D1 tinued their previous antihypertensive therapy un-
z 1 | 1
less symptomatic hypotension developed. Antihy-
pertensive therapy was started or intensified in 5%
a 150
D = ash
D 1 (2% within the first 4 days of admission) and
I 140
First diy Fourth day

Admission First day

Fourth d»y
decreased or stopped in 8% (2% within the first 4
days of admission). (Used with permission from
Carlberg et al.M)

from the fact that there had been no randomized trials Others34 have objected to the use of sodium nitroprus-
of antihypertensive treatment in acute ischemic stroke. side in this setting because cerebral vasodilatation
The single trial37 reported since these recommendations caused by the drug may compromise cerebral perfusion
were published was too small to provide any definitive pressure by increasing intracranial pressure. This risk is
data. Therefore, clinical decision making depends on probably more theoretical than real, except in patients
extrapolation from animal experiments, study of indi- who have poor intracranial compliance caused by a
viduals or series of patients, fashions and trends stimu- massive stroke. Therefore, intracranial pressure should
lated by the development and use of new drugs, and the be monitored if it is decided to lower elevated blood
experience and recommendations of experts. Not sur- pressure in a patient who has had a massive stroke.69
prisingly, then, considerable controversy surrounds this Alternatives to sodium nitroprusside include labe-
issue. talol, diazoxide, and nifedipine. The effect of intrave-
nously administered labetalol on cerebral blood flow in
Although severe hypertension during acute ischemic humans has not been well studied. Chronic oral therapy
stroke is an indicator of poor prognosis,5* there is no with labetalol has been shown not to reduce cerebral
convincing evidence that rapid lowering of elevated blood flow in hypertensive patients.70 Diazoxide does
blood pressure is beneficial in this situation. On the not cross the blood-brain barrier and so does not cause
contrary, there are several published reports of patients direct cerebral vasodilatation.58 Nifedipine is frequently
in whom neurological deterioration was associated with used to treat hypertensive urgencies and emergencies
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precipitous falls in blood pressure induced by emer- and has been shown to lower blood pressure without
gency antihypertensive treatment.57-58 Although cere- causing a reduction in cerebral blood flow71 but may not
bral blood flow was not measured in these patients, it is be an option for acute stroke patients who cannot
generally assumed that neurological deterioration oc- swallow because it has to be administered orally.
curred because blood pressure dropped below the lower Intravenous phentolamine or sodium nitroprusside is
limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation and caused recommended for rapid control of severe hypertension
more widespread cerebral hypoperfusion. The fre- associated with the purposeful or accidental ingestion or
quency of this occurrence in clinical practice has not injection of sympathomimetic agents such as cocaine.68
been established. It has been suggested59 that such Drug use or abuse is becoming increasingly recognized
complications are more common than reported in the as an important cause of stroke in young adults.72
literature. The risk of causing harm, together with the Hydralazine is contraindicated in patients with acute
lack of evidence of benefit, and knowledge that elevated ischemic stroke because it causes cerebral vasodilata-
blood pressure settles spontaneously in a few days tion and impaired autoregulation.34'58'68 Clonidine and
suggest that rapid lowering of blood pressure is best methyldopa are relatively contraindicated because of
avoided during the acute phase of an uncomplicated their tendency to depress higher cerebral functions.67
ischemic stroke.60*63 How far should blood pressure be lowered? Most
However, given the quality of the evidence, the authorities34'64'67'68 agree that mean arterial blood pres-
absence of proof of benefit does not mean that antihy- sure (calculated as diastolic pressure plus one third of
pertensive therapy is of no value. Some clinical investi- the pulse pressure) should be reduced by about 20% to
gators64"66 have argued persuasively in favor of aggres- 25% over 24 hours. This recommendation is largely
sive blood pressure management (particularly if the based on the results of a study73 of global cerebral blood
diastolic pressure is in excess of 120 mm Hg) to atten- flow in 22 hypertensive patients and 10 normotensive
uate edema formation and reduce the risk of hemor- control subjects which showed that mean arterial blood
rhage into ischemic brain. In addition, comorbid condi- pressure could be reduced by about 25% before the
tions may be present, such as aortic dissection or acute lower limit of autoregulation was reached and by about
myocardial ischemia, that would require antihyperten- 50% before symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion oc-
sive treatment in their own right. curred. The 24-hour time frame is somewhat arbitrary;
The clinician who elects to treat a hypertensive stroke positron emission tomography has shown that cerebral
patient has to decide next which drug to use and how far blood flow is unstable for a few days after stroke onset.35
to lower the blood pressure. Two recent reviews67'68 of
the management of hypertensive urgencies and emer- Closing Comments
gencies recommended sodium nitroprusside as the drug We do not know exactly how hypertension causes
of first choice for patients with acute ischemic stroke. stroke, and we do not understand the pathophysiologi-
134 Hypertension Vol 23, No 1 January 1994

cal mechanisms producing elevated blood pressure dur- by studying large numbers of patients in randomized
ing acute focal cerebral ischemia. Nor do we know the trials.
relative risks and benefits of antihypertensive treatment Dr William Lawton (University of Iowa, Iowa City): Are
in patients who present with an acute ischemic stroke or there different effects of various calcium blockers in
whether one antihypertensive agent is better than terms of efficacy; eg, does nimodipine or nicardipine
another. have special properties to commend their use over other
Fortunately, the new wave of interest in salvaging dihydropyridines?
ischemic brain is likely to change this dismal state of Dr Phillips: Not as far as we know. Nimodipine is of
affairs because of the realization that blood pressure proven value for the prevention of secondary cerebral
and its pharmacological manipulation have the poten- ischemic damage in patients with acute subarachnoid
tial to interact —directly or indirectly, beneficially or hemorrhage but has not been shown to be of definite
detrimentally—with other treatments currently being value in patients with acute ischemic stroke.77 The
evaluated for acute ischemic stroke. For example, in the benefit of nimodipine therapy in subarachnoid hemor-
recently published pilot studies74-76 of tissue plasmino- rhage patients is probably due to a cytoprotective effect
gen activator administered within minutes to hours of rather than a blood pressure-lowering effect. In two
stroke onset, patients with severe hypertension were randomized placebo-controlled trials of nimodipine in
excluded because they were considered to be at high patients with acute ischemic stroke,78-79 there were no
risk of hemorrhage into the region of reperfused isch- significant differences in blood pressure between the
emic brain. nimodipine- and placebo-treated groups. Different cal-
It is hoped that future research will bridge the gaps cium channel blockers have not been compared in
between laboratory science and clinical investigation clinical stroke trials.
and between the theory and practice of antihyperten- Dr William Lawton (University of Iowa, Iowa City): Do
sive treatment in acute ischemic stroke. calcium channel blockers or other vasodilators produce
Ack nowledgmen t a "steal syndrome" in acute stroke and worsen ischemic
Dr Phillips receives support from the W. Garfield Weston
Foundation. Dr Phillips: Possibly. Vorstrup et al80 measured regional
cerebral blood flow using the xenon-133 inhalation
Questions and Answers method before and after the intravenous administration
Dr Gerald DiBona (University of Iowa, Iowa City): of PY 108-068 (a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist
Given the impressive return of blood pressure to near developed by Sandoz Ltd) in 11 patients who had a
normal levels by day 4 after acute stroke in the Swedish cerebral infarct confirmed by computed tomography in
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study50 (Fig 2), is there a cutoff value for admission the preceding 1 to 9 days. Cerebral blood flow in the
blood pressure that should be treated? ischemic areas did not improve. In 3 patients, cerebral
Dr Phillips: No, the authors did not make any recom- blood flow decreased even further in the ischemic area.
mendations for treatment. Other authors have done so, In 1 other patient, cerebral blood flow increased in part
but cutoff values do not take into account the prestroke of the peri-infarct area. These changes in cerebral blood
blood pressure. For example, a stroke patient with a flow were not accompanied by any change in the pa-
blood pressure of 190/115 mm Hg and a premorbid tients' clinical status. The results are difficult to inter-
blood pressure of 170/90 mm Hg would probably be pret because the experiment was uncontrolled, a small
considered to require different management than an- number of patients were studied, and the cerebral blood
other stroke patient with the same level of acute hyper- flow measurements were made at different times after
tension but a premorbid blood pressure of 140/90 each stroke. The investigators did not clearly demon-
mm Hg. Unfortunately, the premorbid blood pressure is strate an increase in blood flow in one area of the brain
usually unknown to the treating physician when a and a concomitant decrease in another (ie, a "steal"
patient presents to the emergency room because of a phenomenon).
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Presentation and publication of this Clinical Conference Is supported by an educational grant from
Health Sciences Service, Merck Sharp & Dohme.
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