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1. Despite business, dynamics, how can we enable our company to identify and develop
sustainable competitive advantage in e-business environment?
- Implementing e-business strategy using technology enables businesses to
reach its goals and objectives to improve its performance and have a
sustainable competitive advantage in e-business environment.

2. A marketing plan is a dynamic document linking the firm’s business models of

technology-driven marketing strategies. Why is it considered as a dynamic document?
- It helps businesses to reach its overall goals and even its future goals.

3. What’s the function of e-marketing plan in the ESP Model?

- Is to enhance or develop its email marketing strategy and segmented target
market through the help of ESP or environment strategy performance model.

4. What should marketers do before developing the marketing plan if corporate loans are
still not outlined?
- Marketers should go with environmental scanning and SWOT analysis.

5. What’s an environmental scanning?

- It is a continuous process of tracking of trends and events inside or outside
the organization that support on its success currently and even in the future.

6. Do you think that a Napkin plan works all the time?

- No, because not all new ideas that is being jot on the napkin is acceptable or
profitable to the business.

7. What do investors look for in a plan?

- Investors look for in a plan that makes the business grow quickly and can
obtain or generate large profit.

8. Aside from the solid proofs that e-business plan works, what else do Venture capitalist
look for in a plan?
- Venture capitalist aims to gain competitive advantage and increase its sales
and profit before its competitor appear in the market to reduce its profitability.
The lesser competitor in the market the better.
9. Is SWOT Analysis for e-business and the SWOT Analysis for brick and mortar business
the same? Explain.
- Yes, SWOT analysis on brick and mortar is the same on e-business they’ve
just change their platform and environment.

10. How can Market opportunity analysis improve strategic planning?

- Market opportunity analysis helps marketers to improve its strategic planning
through planning a long-term strategic decisions, identify its target market
through segmentation, can evaluate if the demand of a product or service,
and even understanding the characteristics and behavior of its target market.

11. What’s a positioning statement?

- Gives a brief description on its target market and helps marketers on how
they can maintain focus on their brand and how marketers put an image in
the mind of its customer.

12. Differentiate developed and emerging economies.

- Developed economies are already existed and continuous of being
developed by experts while emerging economies are a new comer and
haven’t yet been developed.

13. What’s a tipping point?

- When there is something emerge in the market that caught the attention of all
or it is what we call tend. When this thing happens everything changes and
no one can ever stop it.

14. What are the challenges of emerging economies?

- New emerging economies might not able to cope up the competition and
might deal with different barriers during the process.

15. What’s a diaspora community?

- Focus on how they will maintain its relationship on its homeland where they
promote same products online to reach their diaspora who lives in abroad.

16. What does digital divide mean?

- Where internet users divided into two on the side is the one who has internet
access while on the other side the one who don’t have internet access. A
digital divide is between the two.

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