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1. This assessment is a group quiz. You are already grouped and each group has five members.
Please refer to the created groupings.
a Names of members SHOULD be indicated
b ONLY the assigned member shall upload the activity using the given filename
2. This group activity is asynchronous that you can do during our time. Please
refer to the due date for your guidance.
3. Topic: Chapter 3: Natural Law Ethics
4. Reference: Ethics the Basic, John Mizzoni, 2nd ed. ( green apple cover)
5. Filename- M3Q1_AQUINAS_Group number_date of Submission
6. Upload the file using pdf

1. Read and understand the cases.
2. Discuss only each case applying the principle indicated in the case. No more, no less.
3. Since it is 25 points each, you need to discuss accurately and correctly the details of
your explanation.
4. Use the title of each case for your discussion. No need to indicate the

A. CASE 1: Greg’s Dilemma

Greg has just one minute to make an agonizing choice. A runaway train is hurtling
down the track towards the junction where he is standing.
Further down the line, too far away for him to reach, forty men are working in a
tunnel. If the train reaches them, it is certain to kill many of them.
Greg can’t stop the train. But he can pull the lever that will divert it down another
track. Further down this line, in another tunnel, only five men are working. The
death toll is bound to be smaller. But if Greg pulls the lever, he is deliberately
choosing to bring death to this gang of five.
If he leaves it alone, it will not be him who causes deaths among the forty. He
must bring about the deaths of a few people, or allow even more to die. But isn’t
it worse to kill people than it is simply to let them die?
The rails are humming, the engine noises getting louder. Greg has only seconds
to make his choice. To kill or let die?
Source: ‘The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of Double Effect’ by Philippa Foot, republished in
Virtues and Vices (Oxford university Press, 2002)

Question for Case A. 30 points

1. Discuss the case using the principle of Double Effect. When discussing, it is
advisable to indicate the four conditions, then explain the case applying the
2. Is the Double effect principle that you applied same as the utilitarian theory?
Why? Why not. Be specific with your details

B. CASE NUMBER 2 ( 20 points) COVID 19

The COVID 19 virus causes a serious disease in humans. When a person affected by
the virus is brought to a hospital the patient is quarantined. To have contact with the
patient, a health care worker needs to put on a full body suit, for protection against the
virus. Normally, if a patient goes into cardiac arrest, health care workers rush into
resuscitate the patient. But if no one is suited up and the infected patient goes into cardiac
arrest, health care workers are instructed not to go in and perform the resuscitation
because of the possible spread of the virus.
1. Discuss the case using the four fundamental goods. Be able to explain
accurately and correctly how these fundamental goods can explain the plight of
the medical workers. Use bullets for the fundamental goods:
a. Life
b. Pro-creation
c. Knowledge
d. Sociability

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