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Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62

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Aerospace Science and Technology

Modeling the fuel flow-rate of transport aircraft during flight phases

using genetic algorithm-optimized neural networks
Tolga Baklacioglu ∗
Department of Aircraft Airframe and Engine Maintenance, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Anadolu University, 26470 Eskisehir, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Predicting the fuel consumption of transport aircraft is vital for minimizing the detrimental effects of fuel
Received 30 September 2014 emissions on the environment, saving fuel energy sources, reducing flight costs, achieving more accurate
Received in revised form 13 January 2015 aircraft trajectory prediction, and providing effective and seamless management of air traffic. In this study,
Accepted 23 November 2015
a genetic algorithm-optimized neural network topology is designed to predict the fuel flow-rate of a
Available online 30 November 2015
transport aircraft using real flight data. This model incorporates the cruise flight phase and the fuel
Keywords: consumption dependency with respect to both the variation of true airspeed and altitude. Feed-forward
Aircraft backpropagation and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithms are applied, and a genetic algorithm is utilized to
Fuel flow-rate prediction design the optimum network architecture regarding time and effort. The predicted fuel flow-rates closely
Neural networks match the real data for both neural network training algorithms. Backpropagation gives the best accuracy
Genetic algorithms for the climb and cruise phases, whereas the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is optimal for the descent
Learning algorithms phase.
© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction results; it requires improvement in terms of the input parameters

and optimization of the modeling architecture. Trani et al. intro-
Because fuel rates constitute the largest portion of operational duced the effect of a variable Mach number as an input parameter,
costs, airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and air traffic authorities at- and considered the initial and final altitudes, but not the effect
tempt to implement procedures to reduce fuel consumption, such of a variation in altitude. Additionally, the initial aircraft weight
as continuous descent and tailored arrivals, and employ modeling and temperature were also defined as input parameters. It should
approaches to predict the fuel flow-rate [1]. Conservation of fuel be noted that the specific air range, but not the fuel flow-rate,
energy sources, as well as the reduction of detrimental effects of was given as an output parameter in their modeling of the cruise
fuel emissions on the environment, can only be fulfilled in this flight phase. They tested eight candidate topologies via a sensitiv-
way. Furthermore, the accomplishment of more accurate aircraft ity analysis, and selected a three-layer model with eight neurons
trajectory predictions, which will provide more effective manage- in the first two layers and one neuron in the output (third) layer.
ment of air traffic, demands the development of better propulsive A trial-and-error method was used to select the number of lay-
and fuel flow-rate prediction models [2]. ers and neurons, rather than an optimization for the NN model
Early attempts to estimate fuel consumption use Collins’ model architecture [4]. Bartel and Young [5] developed a thrust-specific
[3], which was also used in the FAA’s Airport and Airspace Sim- fuel consumption model for the cruise flight phase. Their model
ulation Model, SIMMOD. Later, Trani et al. [4] developed a neural considered fuel consumption with respect to the Mach number,
network (NN) model for the prediction of fuel consumption us- whereas the effect of the temperature ratio was excluded. The tem-
ing the Fokker F-100 aircraft performance flight manual data. As perature term was replaced by the ratio of any cruise thrust to
noted by Senzig et al. [1], this model requires detailed aerody- the cruise thrust in some reference condition. Senzig et al. [1] in-
namic information or a large database of airplane operations and vestigated a fuel consumption model with regards to the terminal
associated airplane state data, meaning its acceptance was lim- area. Their proposed arrival thrust-specific fuel consumption algo-
ited. While Trani et al.’s [4] NN model provided some accurate rithm was based on that of Hill and Peterson with modifications
by Yoder. The temperature ratio effect, variation of Mach number,
and net corrected thrust with respect to the pressure ratio were
* Tel.: +902222261457; fax: +902223221619. included in their model for the terminal area. Turgut and Rosen
E-mail address: [6] recently proposed a fuel consumption model based on a ge-
1270-9638/© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62 53

Fig. 1. Topology of a three-layer fuel flow rate FNN.

netic algorithm (GA) for the descent flight phase by considering ciated with the hidden layer (weights and biases) are grouped in
the fuel flow-rate with respect to altitude. According to its user- matrices W 1 and B 1 , whereas coefficients associated with the out-
manual, Eurocontrol’s BADA (current version 3.12) [7] calculates put layer are grouped in matrices W 2 and B 2 . The output of the
the nominal fuel flow using the thrust and the thrust-specific fuel network can be expressed as
consumption, which is specified as a function of the true airspeed  
for all flight phases except the idle descent and cruise. The cruise Y = f 2 W 2 f 1 (W 1 X + B 1 ) + B 2 (1)
fuel flow expression differs from the nominal fuel flow by an ad-
where X is the matrix of the input variables, f 1 and f 2 are the
ditional correction coefficient, whereas for the idle thrust descent
activation functions in the hidden and output layers, respectively,
condition, the fuel flow is expressed as a function of pressure, al-
and Y is the matrix of the output variables [11].
titude, and descent fuel flow coefficients.
The GA-NN model derived in this study considers the variation
2.1. Backpropagation algorithm with momentum
of both altitude and true airspeed as input parameters, and pro-
vides the fuel flow-rate as an output parameter for climb, cruise,
and descent flight phases. This model is developed using real raw Backpropagation (BP) is a well-known training algorithm. After
flight data records of the medium weight transport aircraft type, measuring the output error, the BP algorithm then calculates the
Boeing 737-800 operating in Pegasus Airlines of Turkey in 2009. As gradient of this error and adjusts the NN weights in the direction
a modeling approach, flight altitude and true airspeed variations of descending gradient. As a gradient-descent local search tech-
are inserted as inputs to the model to prevent the need for ex- nique, BP is highly accurate, but may also fall into local optima in
tensive detailed information of airplane operations and data. This complex search landscapes.
enables accurate fuel flow-rate modeling in a simplified manner. The squared error of the NN for a set of patterns can be defined
With regard to the optimization of the NN modeling architec- as
ture, the proposed model utilizes a GA method to determine the 
 p p 2
network input parameters and number of neurons in the hidden E= xi − o i (2)
layer(s), thus achieving an optimal or nearly optimal model in a p =1 i =1
shorter time with less effort.
p p
where E is the squared error of the NN, whereas xi and o i are
2. Neural networks th
the i components of the expected vector and the current output
vector for the pattern p, respectively, N is the number of output
An NN is an information or signal processing system composed neurons, and P is the number of patterns. The weights of the net-
of a large number of simple processing elements, called neurons. work define the actual value of the error function. Calculating the
These are interconnected by weighted links (or weighted connec- gradient of E, the BP algorithm updates the weights by moving
tions) that cooperate to perform parallel distributed processing and them in the gradient descent direction, which can be expressed as
solve computational tasks. NNs attempt to (at least partially) simu-
late the structure and functions of the brain and nervous system of ∂E
w i j (t + 1) = w i j (t ) − η (3)
living creatures [8]. Because the inputs of the first layer of neurons ∂ wij
are connected to external data, this is called the input layer. Sim-
where w i j (t ) and w i j (t + 1) correspond to the network weights
ilarly, as the outputs of the last layer of neurons are the result of
at the steps t and t + 1, respectively. The parameter η > 0 is the
the total NN, this is called the output layer. All neuron layers be-
learning rate controlling the learning speed. A momentum term is
tween the input and output layers are called hidden layers, whose
added to Eq. (3) to increase the stability of the search process:
action cannot be seen directly from the outside. If the outputs of
one layer are all connected to the input of the next layer, and there ∂E
are no connections within the same layer or from a later layer back w i j (t + 1) = w i j (t ) + m w i j (t ) − η (4)
∂ wij
to an earlier layer, this is regarded as a feed-forward network [9].
Collecting the values from all of its input connections, each neuron where  w i j (t ) shows the change in the weight w i j at step t, and
produces a single output passing through an activation function m is the momentum rate, which takes a value in the interval [0, 1).
[10]. In this paper, a multilayer feed-forward NN (FNN) structure When the error function does not change, this term accelerates the
is used for the proposed fuel flow-rate prediction model. A num- error minimization [12].
ber of parameters, such as the number of layers and the type and
number of units per layer, must be defined for any FNN. Adjusting 2.2. Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
the weights of the network to create the desired output constitutes
the last design step. This process is called training the NN. A fuel Being a variation of the Gauss–Newton (GN) method, the
flow rate FNN model with two inputs (flight altitude and true air- Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm is designed to minimize
speed), three neurons, as an example, in a single hidden layer and functions that are sums of squares of other non-linear expres-
one output (fuel flow rate) is shown in Fig. 1. Coefficients asso- sions [13]. The LM algorithm acts as an intermediate optimization
54 T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62

algorithm between the GN method and a gradient descent algo-

rithm. In the vicinity of a minimum, the LM algorithm exhibits
quadratic convergence, approximating the GN method. LM utilizes
gradient descent to select better initial parameters, and converts
to the GN method when approaching the minimum value of the
cost function. To improve accuracy, LM converts back to the gradi-
ent descent algorithm once it approaches the minimum. According
to the GN method, the weights of the neural network are updated
w = − ∇ 2 E (w) .∇ E (w) (5)

where ∇ 2 E (w) denotes the Hessian matrix, and can be expressed


∇ 2 E (w) = J T (w). J (w) + S (w)

S (w) = e i (w).∇ 2 e i (w) (6)
i =1

Here, J (w) is the Jacobian matrix and e i (w) represents the error
vector of the NN for pattern i. Because the number of calculations
increases exponentially with the network size, calculating S (w) is
costly; therefore, it is neglected and assumed to be equal to zero.
As a result, the NN weights can be updated by the following
expression for the GN method:
w = − J T (w). J (w) . J T (w)e (w) (7)
Fig. 2. Flowchart of BP algorithm hybridized with GA.
The LM modification to the GN method can be stated as
w = − J T (w). J (w) + λI . J T (w)e (w) (8) GA continues to generate successive populations until a prespeci-
fied termination criterion [18].
For large values of the parameter λ, the LM algorithm approx- GAs can be used to train NNs and optimize their architecture.
imates the gradient descent, whereas for small values of λ, it ap-
This utilizes the ability of GAs to escape from local optima. The
proximates the GN method. Adaptively adjusting λ allows the LM
search features of GAs are population-driven, and differ from those
algorithm to combine the advantages of the gradient descent and
of classical algorithms such as BP, which have trajectory-driven
GN methods, and bypass the limitations of both approaches [14].
search methods. In trajectory-driven methods, the points in the
When the algorithm commences, λ is set to a small value (i.e.,
search space are visited individually, depicting a trajectory in the
λ = 0.01). If a step yields an increased value for E (w), λ is multi-
search space. However, population-driven methods promote the
plied by a factor ϑ > 1 to drive the algorithm towards the gradient
exploration of the entire search space by modifying a set of so-
descent. Conversely, if a step yields a decreased value for E (w), λ
lutions in each step. This brings the advantage of being able to
is divided by ϑ to drive the algorithm towards GN [13,14].
avoid local optima [12].
In this study, a GA was hybridized with BP and LM algorithms
3. Genetic algorithm-optimized neural networks
to optimize the structure and connection weights. For LM, this
meant obtaining the initial weights (mean, variance) and num-
GAs are stochastic search techniques that utilize the mecha-
nisms of natural selection and natural genetics [15]. These algo- ber of neurons, whereas for BP, the learning and momentum rates
rithms have been successful in solving hard optimization prob- were adjusted in addition to the previously mentioned parameters.
lems, such as training NNs, i.e., problems in which the steepest The chromosomes in the GA were encoded as binary strings, which
descent techniques fall into local minima or fail because of the were defined by the number of neurons in the hidden layer(s) (in
complexity and/or non-differentiability of the search space [12]. the case of training with the LM or BP algorithm), and the learning
Starting with an initial set of random solutions, known as a popula- and momentum rates (in the case of training with the BP algo-
tion, GAs modify these multiple individuals, each of which encodes rithm) of the NN. The substring length was chosen as 16-bit and
a tentative solution, toward an optimal solution to the problem normalized to represent a real value in the interval [−1, +1]. The
being considered [12,15]. To create this optimal solution, some weights related to input links of a neuron were placed contigu-
measure of the suitability, or fitness, of each possible solution is ously in the chromosome. The fitness function for the developed
required [16]. To create a new population, the individuals in the GA was determined as the mean squared error (MSE), which pro-
current population are manipulated by several variation operators, vided the NN output error with respect to the desired output.
a step known as generation [12]. In GAs, individuals are encoded A population size of 100 was defined and a maximum generation
as strings, so that the chromosome values are uniquely mapped of 50 was chosen as the termination criterion for the GA. The num-
onto the decision variable domain. Although other representations ber of epochs used in the NN was set to 10,000. Roulette-wheel
can be used, the binary alphabet is most commonly applied [17]. selection, two point crossover, uniform mutation, and elitism were
Individuals are then selected according to their fitness values, and applied. The crossover and mutation rates were chosen to be 0.85
two basic operations are used to obtain the next generation from and 0.01, respectively. The choice of these parameters and values
the selected individuals. The features of parent individuals are re- were based on the computational results in terms of accuracy dur-
combined to one or more individuals using the crossover operation. ing the model implementation. In the GA-BP algorithm, the learn-
Some features of an individual are also modified by mutation. The ing and momentum rate optimizations were carried out between
T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62 55

Fig. 3. Training and cross-validation minimum MSE results obtained for different NN topologies: a) One HL, climb, b) One HL, cruise, c) One HL, descent, d) Two HL, climb,
e) Two HL, cruise, f) Two HL, descent (T: Training, CV: Cross-validation; HL: Hidden layer).

lower and upper bounds of 0 and 1, respectively, whereas in the 4. Application of fuel flow-rate prediction model
GA-BP and GA-LM algorithms, the number of neurons were opti-
mized between lower and upper bounds of 4 and 15, respectively. Randomly selected 2009 flight data records of the medium-
A steady-state strategy in which one new solution in every step is weight Boeing 737–800 transport aircraft operating in Pegasus
computed was utilized in the GA coding mechanism. 50 indepen- Airlines, Turkey were utilized in this study. These raw data in-
dent runs were performed in order to accomplish the statistical clude flight altitude, Mach number, engine speeds, flight time, and
significance of the results. A flowchart of the GA-optimized BP-NN fuel flow rate. The flight altitude, and true airspeed data of the
model is shown in Fig. 2. aircraft were used as inputs to the NN, and the fuel flow-rate
56 T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62

Fig. 3. (continued)

value associated to the same time instant for these inputs in the domized and split into training (60%), cross-validation (15%), and
flight data records was taken as the output of the NN. The true testing (25%) sets, allowing a supervised learning process to be
airspeed, altitude, and fuel flow-rate values were normalized by performed.
multiplying by factors of 10−3 , 10−6 , and 10−5 , respectively. The As the assignment of initial weight values, the number of neu-
fuel flow-rate values range between 4113–6621 kg/h for the climb, rons in the hidden layers, and the activation functions all affect the
1465–2884 kg/h for the cruise, and 146–1465 kg/h for the descent accuracy of the NN model; several configurations were tested using
phases, whereas the variation for the flight altitude is between the usual training processes. The BP and LM algorithms were ex-
approximately 10,000–30,000 ft for the climb, 32,000 ft for the ecuted for 10 runs of 10,000 epochs, using random initial weights
cruise (constant flight altitude-level flight), 7,000–29,000 ft for the with different numbers of neurons for one- and two-hidden-layer
descent phases. There are 347, 404, and 483 data points for the network architectures. Different momentum rates were also ap-
climb, cruise, and descent phases respectively. The data were ran- plied in the BP algorithm. The hyperbolic tangent activation func-
T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62 57

Fig. 3. (continued)

tion was used for the one-hidden-layer test, whereas sigmoid and the cross-validation data was considered to be the best NN model
hyperbolic tangent activation functions were used for the two- candidate. Note that the MSE values correspond to normalized fuel
hidden-layer networks. A linear activation function was used for flow-rate values. As it can be seen from Fig. 3, for the climb phase,
the output layer in both cases. These choices of activation func- the best candidate was found to be the LM-trained NN archi-
tions were seen to provide the minimum MSEs for the training tecture of 2-14-1, which indicates the number of neurons in the
and cross-validation. input, hidden, and output layers, respectively. Likewise, as shown
Fig. 3 shows the training and cross-validation results for the in Fig. 3, for the cruise and descent phases, the best NN model
determination of the optimum number of neurons in one- and candidates were found to be 2-11-1 and 2-13-1 LM-NN architec-
two-hidden-layer network structures for the climb, cruise, and de- tures, respectively. For two-hidden-layer networks, the number of
scent phases. The network topology with the minimum MSE for neurons in hidden layer 2, which used the hyperbolic tangent acti-
58 T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62

Fig. 4. Training results of GA optimization in terms of best fitness (MSE) for one- and two-hidden-layer networks: a) climb, b) cruise, c) descent.

vation function, was fixed to the optimal value obtained from the ance of the weight, number of neurons (for BP and LM hybridized
one-hidden-layer case, and then the number of neurons in hidden with GA), and momentum and learning rates (for BP hybridized
layer 1, which utilized the sigmoid activation function, was var- with GA) were optimized using the GA. Because the success of the
ied. training algorithms is critically dependent on choosing these pa-
For example, the number of neurons in hidden layer 2 was rameters, and as there are no guidelines for this procedure, using
fixed at 14, and the number of neurons in hidden layer 1 was a stochastic algorithm (such as a GA) provides a fine-tuned search
determined experimentally for the previous best NN architecture [19]. The best fitness values achieved by the GA are shown in Fig. 4
candidate of the climb phase. As well as the best candidate ar- for one- and two-hidden-layer networks. As it can be seen from
chitectures found for the one-hidden-layer case, all of the other Fig. 4(a), for the climb phase, a one-hidden layer network topology
architectures were tested for the two-hidden-layer case, so as not trained by LM hybridized with GA provided the minimum MSE,
to miss any better NNs. The best NN model candidate architectures which was equal to 2.414 × 10−5 . Meanwhile, applying the trial-
were found to be 2-11-14-1 (LM), 2-13-9-1 (BP with momentum error approach on the climb phase, the minimum cross-validation
rate m = 0.6), and 2-8-13-1 (LM) for the climb, cruise, and de- MSE was obtained as 2.877 × 10−5 by 2-11-14-1 two-hidden-layer
scent phases, respectively. For the GA optimization of the BP and network structure trained by LM as seen from Fig. 3(d). For the
LM algorithms, a population size of 100 chromosomes was used. cruise phase, a two-hidden-layer network trained by LM hybridized
Roulette selection, two-point crossover (with probability 0.85), and with GA gave the minimum MSE, which was equal to 0.006, as
uniform mutation (with probability 0.01) were applied. The termi- shown in Fig. 4(b). While, trial-and-error case provided the mini-
nation criterion was set to 50 generations. The training algorithms mum cross-validation MSE as 0.0013 by 2-11-1 one-hidden layer
were again executed for 10,000 epochs. For BP hybridized with GA, network trained with LM for the cruise flight condition as seen in
the lower and upper bounds for the learning and momentum rates Fig. 3(b). For the descent phase, the minimum MSE was obtained
were selected as 0 and 1, respectively. The initial mean and vari- as 0.0008 by a two-hidden-layer network architecture trained by
T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62 59

Fig. 4. (continued)

Table 1
Test performance of the best candidate NNs found by trial-and-error and GA-optimized NNs in terms of linear
correlation coefficients.

HL 1 PEs 14 11 6 6 14 13
HL 2 PEs – 14 – – 7 8
R 0.99976 0.99984 0.99988 0.99984 0.99979 0.99986

HL 1 PEs 11 13 11 14 7 6
HL 2 PEs – 9 – – 14 12
Training LM BP (m = 0.6) GA-BP GA-LM GA-BP GA-LM
R 0.92178 0.80666 0.95492 0.94484 0.91708 0.90952

HL 1 PEs 13 8 7 15 8 11
HL 2 PEs – 13 – – 14 13
R 0.99017 0.98687 0.95426 0.99097 0.94087 0.98976

LM hybridized with GA as shown in Fig. 4(c). On the other hand, the NN parameters even improved these results. Consequently, the
in the trial-error-case for the descent flight, the minimum cross- best testing performance for the GA-optimized NN architectures
validation MSE was found as 0.0018 by 2-13-1 one-hidden-layer was accomplished by 2-6-1 (GA-BP) as R = 0.99988 for the climb,
network trained with LM in Fig. 3(c). Consequently, it is clear from 2-11-1 (GA-BP) as R = 0.95492 for the cruise, and 2-15-1 (GA-LM)
the above results that the training of the networks with GA im- as R = 0.99097 for the descent. The learning and momentum rates
proved the obtained MSE values compared to the trial-and-error achieved for GA-optimized BP-NNs are shown in Table 2. As can be
approach for each flight case. seen in Fig. 5, there is a good agreement between the actual and
In the testing of the NN model topologies, it was also concluded predicted fuel flow-rate values for the test dataset at each flight
that this hybrid learning approach, whereby GAs are utilized to phase.
initialize the parameters of the BP algorithm, drastically improved
the convergence of the fuel flow-rate prediction NN model. One- 5. Comparison with previous models
hidden-layer networks trained with GA-BP provided the most ac-
curate results for the climb and cruise phases, whereas LM hy- In this section, the accuracy of the proposed fuel flow-rate pre-
bridized with GA in a one-hidden-layer network structure gave the diction model is compared with that of previous models. The input
best performance for the descent phase. As summarized in Table 1, variables and mean errors in fuel flow rate for the new model and
the test performance of GA-optimized NNs and the best trial-and- previous models are summarized in Table 3. In terms of the mean
error NN model architecture candidates, as chosen by considering percentage error, the proposed NN approach clearly provides su-
the cross-validation MSE, were determined using the linear cor- perior results to that of Trani et al. [4] for the climb and descent
relation coefficient R between the actual fuel flow-rate data and phases. Note that no comparison of the cruise phase can be made,
the NN output. The best testing performance in the trial-and-error because Trani et al.’s model does not predict the fuel flow-rate for
method was achieved by 2-11-14-1 (LM) as R = 0.99984 for the this part of the flight. In this sense, our model accomplishes the
climb, 2-11-1 (LM) as R = 0.92178 for the cruise, and 2-13-1 (LM) first accurate fuel flow-rate prediction for the cruise phase. The
as R = 0.99017 for the descent. The usage of GA optimization for percentage error of the GA model of Turgut and Rosen [6] is found
60 T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62

Fig. 5. Test results of the best NN model architectures by the comparison of estimated and actual fuel flow rates values for a) climb, b) cruise, c) descent.

to range between −13% and −3%, −7% and 10%, −2% and 2%, reduction. The originality of this study also lies in the usage of
−1% and 1% for different cases [6]. Therefore, the mean percent- real random raw flight data in the development of the NN model.
age error of their model is greater than 1%, which is less accurate This study used real flight data to develop the NN model, rather
than the new GA-NN model presented in this paper. Furthermore, than the aircraft flight manual data used to develop the existing
Turgut and Rosen’s GA model covers only the descent flight phase. NN model of Trani et al. Unlike previous approaches, the variation
Comparing the mean errors of the derived model and the previous of both flight altitude and true airspeed was simultaneously in-
models as shown in Table 3, it is also clearly seen that incorpo- corporated into the proposed model. Moreover, for the first time,
rating both flight altitude and airspeed as input variables in the the fuel flow-rate of the cruise phase was predicted, represent-
modeling approach improves the accuracy of the model to esti- ing an improvement on current models. The accuracies of the new
mate fuel flow rate values. GA-NN model were achieved in terms of percentage mean error
as 0.020% and 0.745% for the climb and descent phases, respec-
6. Conclusions tively, which are superior compared to the previous models. BP
and LM algorithms hybridized with GA provided more accurate
This paper constitutes the first attempt to optimize the initial results than a simple trial-and-error approach. GA-NNs with one
parameters and design of the NN architecture by using GAs in fuel hidden layer showed better test performance than two-hidden-
flow rate prediction modeling of transport aircraft for emissions layer GA-NNs. When real flight data or flight manual data of any
T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62 61

Fig. 5. (continued)

Table 2 Table 3
Learning and momentum rates obtained by GA-optimization for networks trained Comparison of the input variables and accuracies in fuel flow rate for the new GA-
by BP. NN model and previous models [4,6].

Climb Climb
One-hidden-layer GA-BP Two-hidden-layer GA-BP Model Input variables Mean error in fuel
flow rate (%)
HL 1 PEs 6 14
HL 2 PEs – 7 GA-NN model flight altitude, airspeed 0.020
η (HL 1) 0.4375 0.3929 Trani et al.’s NN model airspeed 1.026
η (HL 2) – 0.8123
m (HL 1) 0.7768 0.3740
m (HL 2) – 0.9071 Model Input variables Mean error in fuel
flow rate (%)
GA-NN model flight altitude, airspeed 0.745
One-hidden-layer GA-BP Two-hidden-layer GA-BP
Trani et al.’s NN model airspeed 1.423
HL 1 PEs 11 7 Turgut and Rosen’s GA model flight altitude >1
HL 2 PEs – 14
η (HL 1) 0.5844 0.3228
η (HL 2) – 0.6157 tionship between thrust and required fuel energy is accomplished,
m (HL 1) 0.6203 0.7440 FADEC will be able to send correct and minimum required fuel
m (HL 2) – 0.5276
flow rate to engine combustor. Furthermore, providing correct fuel
Descent flow rate means minimization of emission, detrimental environ-
One-hidden-layer GA-BP Two-hidden-layer GA-BP mental effects, wasted energy as well as achievement of maximum
HL 1 PEs 7 8 sustainability of an aircraft. Moreover, robust fuel flow rate mod-
HL 2 PEs – 14 eling approach derived in this paper can be applied to energetic
η (HL 1) 0.7841 0.8772
and exergetic models of aircraft engines in analyzing environmen-
η (HL 2) – 0.3014
m (HL 1) 0.2984 0.9274 tal impact and sustainability of modern transport aircraft.
m (HL 2) – 0.4200
7. Glossary
aircraft is available to the user, this newly proposed GA-optimized
NN model will enable a more efficient NN modeling methodology Abbreviation
for fuel flow-rate prediction in real applications, such as decreas-
BADA Base-of-aircraft data
ing fuel emissions in environmental studies, fuel-saving strategies,
BP Backpropagation
air traffic management, and aircraft trajectory prediction in air
CV Cross-validation
traffic control simulations and decision support tools. In order to FAA Federal Aviation Administration
achieve accurate fuel flow rate predictions to calculate the re- FADEC Full authority engine control unit
quired thrust and energy of an aircraft engine, the model derived FNN Feed-forward neural network
in this study must be embedded into the main engine control unit, GA Genetic algorithm
namely FADEC. While an accurate formulation to describe the rela- GN Gauss–Newton
62 T. Baklacioglu / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 52–62

HL Hidden layer [3] B. Collins, Estimation of aircraft fuel consumption, J. Aircr. 19 (11) (1982)
LM Levenberg–Marquardt 969–975,, also AIAA Paper 81-0789R.
[4] A. Trani, F. Wing-Ho, G. Schilling, H. Baik, A. Seshadri, A neural network model
MSE Mean squared error
to estimate aircraft fuel consumption, in: 4th AIAA Aviation Technology, Inte-
NN Neural network gration and Operations (ATIO) Forum, Chicago, 20–22 Sept. 2004, AIAA Paper
PE Processing elements (neurons) 2004-6401.
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