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1. The cell wall of bacteria unlike the archea contain a fat like chemical.
a) peptidoglycan b) chitin c) cellulose d) pectin
2. The characteristics of Monerans are
I. cells have membrane bound nucleus II. some cause diseases but others are helpful to people
III. They move with locomotory organs like flagella, cilia
IV. Archaebacteria, eubacteria & cyanobacteria are the three major groups of organisms which come
under this group.
a) I, II & III b) II, III & IV c) I, III & IV d) I, II & IV
3. The characteristics of fungi are
I. Most are many called and some are one celled organisms
II. Reproduce by spores III. Eaxamples are Paramecium, algae, amoeba
IV. Get nutrients and energy by absorbing or digesting the surface they live
a) II, III & IV b) I, II & IV c) I, III & IV d) I, II & III
4. Flowering plants having seeds enclosed within fruits are
a) Cryptogams b) Gymnosperms c) Angiosperms d) None of the above
5. Flowering plants having naked seeds eg: Pine are
a) Cryptogams b) Gymnosperms c) Angiosperms d) None of the above
6. Organisms which are eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic and cells without cell-wall come under
a) Animalia b) Plantae c) Monera d) Protists
7. The word Porifera means organisms with
a) Spines b) cell wall c) true organs d) holes
8. Euplectelea, sycon, spongilla are the examples under the group
a) Coelenterata b) Nematoda c) Porifera d) Annelida
9. Organisms which are aquatic with a body cavity and body made up of two layers of cells come under
a) Porifera b) Coelenterata c) Nematoda d) Annelida
10. Organisms which show bilateral symmetry, triploblastic and no body cavity or coelem come under
a) Porifera b) Coelenterata c) Platyhelminthes d) Nematoda
11. Organisms with cylindrical body, bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, and with pseudocoelom come under
a) Nematoda b) Platyhelminthes c) Arthropoda d) Annelida

FIITJEE KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
FIITJEE MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.
Regd. Off.: 29A, ICES House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016. Ph: 011 - 2651 5949, 2656 9493, Fax: 2651 3942
12. Elephantiasis is caused by
a) Pinworm b) Filarial worm c) Tapeworm d) Liver fluke
13. Animals which show bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, have a true body cavity, with organ
differentiation and differentiation occurs in a segmental fashion with segments lined up one after the
other from head to tail come under phylum
a) Mollusca b) Arthropoda c) Echinodermata d) Annelida
14. Which of the following Phylum has the largest group of animals
a) Arthropoda b) Annelida c) Mollusca d) Echinodermata
15. Animals with bilaterally symmetry, segmented, open circulatory system, blood-filled coelomic cavity,
jointed legs come under phylum
a) Coelenterata b) Annelida c) Echinodermata d) Arthropoda
16. Animals with bilaterally symmetry, reduced coelomic cavity, open circulatory system, kidney like
organs for excretion & use foot for moving come under phylum
a) Mollusca b) Echinodermata c) Arthropoda d) Annelida
17. Animals which are exclusively free living marine animals, with spiny skin, have peculiar water-driven
tube system used for moving around come under phylum
a) Arthropoda b) Echinodermata
c) Mollusca d) Annelida
18. Animals which have a true vertebral column, internal skeleton, bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic,
segmented with complex differentiation of body tissues and organs come under phylum
a) Protochordata b) Vertebrata c) Echinodermata d) Arthropoda
19. All _________ possess the features like notochord, dorsal nerve cord, paired gill pouches & coelomates
a) Chordates b) Protochordates c) Molluscs d) Arthropoda
20. _________ are grouped into 5 classes – Pisces , amphibians, reptiles, birds & mammals
a) Annelids b) Arthropoda c) Vertebrates d) Protochordates
21. Animals which change their body temperature according to their surroundings are called
a) cold blooded b) warm blooded c) oviparous d) None of the above
22. Which of the following are aquatic mammals
a) Hippocampus b) Dolphin c) Whale d) both b & c
23. Vertebrates with fins & tail, use gills to breath under water, cold blooded & have two chambered heart
belong to class
a) Amphibia b) Birds c) Reptiles d) Fishes (Pisces)
24. Vertebrates which live in both water and land, Poikilothermic , 3 chambered heart and can hibernate &
aestivate belong to class
a) Pisces b) Amphibia c) Aves d) Mammals

FIITJEE KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
Regd. Off.: 29A, ICES House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016. Ph: 011 - 2651 5949, 2656 9493, Fax: 2651 3942
25. Vertebrates with dry skin and scales, lay eggs, cold blooded, have a three chambered heart belong to
a) Reptiles b) Aves c) Mammals d) Fishes
26. Vertebrates with feathers, two wings, claws, lay eggs, warm blooded, 4chambered heart belongs to class
a) Mammals b) Birds c) Reptiles d) Amphibia
27. Mammals which use echolocation, nocturnal, live in caves are called
a) Marine animals b) Rodents c) Flying mammals d) Primates
28. Mammals which grow and live in water, some with sparse covering of hair are called
a) Marine mammals b) Marsupials c) Rodents d) Flying mammals
29. Mammals with large incisor teeth used like chisels to gnaw on hard foods are called
a) Primates b) Marsupials c) Rodents d) Flying mammals
30. Mammals with well developed hands, feet with fingers and toes very intelligent, form bonds with
family friends are called
a) Marsupials b) Primates c) Rodents d) Marine mammals
31. Mammals which care for and feed their young in their sacks are
a) Primates b) Rodents c) Marsupials d) Flying mammals
32. Vertebrates with skin covered by hair or fur, give birth to fully formed young ones and feed babies with
milk are called
a) Mammals b) Aves c) Pisces d) Amphibia
1. Plants having two seed leaves are called dicotyledons
2. Plants having single seed leaf are called monocotyledons.
3. Dicots have reticulate or branched venation while monocots have parallel venation.
4. The presence of differences between organisms of the same species is called variation.
5. Classification in biology is the systematic study of organisms present in nature with respect to their
6. Charles Darwin first wrote about evolution in the book “The origin of species” in 1859.
7. Charak and Sushrut had classified the plants on the basis of their medical importance.
8. Parsar in his book Vrikshyurveda documented the classification system for several land plants for the
first time.
9. Linnaeus in the year 1735 gave the 2 kingdom classification.
10. Haeckel in the year 1866 gave the 3 kingdom classification (Protista, Plantae, Animatia)
11. Chatton in the year 1925 divided the organisms into 2 empires, Prokaryota, Eukaryota.
12. Copeland in the year 1938 gave the 4 kingdom classification. (Monera, Protoctista, Plantae, Animalia)
13. Whittaker in the year 1969 gave the 5 kingdom classification (Monera, Protoctista, Plantae, Animalia)
14. Wooese et al in the year 1990 divided the organisms into 3 domains, Bateria, Archaea and Eukarya.

FIITJEE KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
Regd. Off.: 29A, ICES House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016. Ph: 011 - 2651 5949, 2656 9493, Fax: 2651 3942
15. Cavalier – Smith in the year 1998 gave the 6 kingdom classification (Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista,
Fungi, Animalia).
16. In 1758 Carolus Linnaeus introduced Binomial nomenclature by which an organism is named by two
words – a generic name and a specific name.
17. Some prokaryotes living in hot springs and other places where the temperature is near or even above
the boiling point of water are called thermophiles.
18. Halophiles are able to tolerate very high salt concentrations.
19. All the cells came from a common ancestor cell termed the Last Universal Common Ancestor(LUCA).
20. Seeds are produced from ovule of flower, spores are produced within structures called as sporangium.
21. Plants like Moss and fern which do not produce flowers and have sporangium as reproductive
structures are called non-flowering plants or cryptogams.
22. Flower producing plants like pine, cycas, neem, mango etc. are called phanerogams.
23. Free living animals like planarians or parasitic animals like liverflukes and tapeworms are examples of
24. Earthworm and Leech are examples of phylum Annelida.
25. Snails and Mussels are examples of phylum Mollusca.
26. In Greek echino means hedgehog and derma means skin.
27. Starfish and seaurchins are examples of phylum Echinodermata.
28. Balanoglossus, Herdmania and Amphioxus are examples of phylum Protochordata.
29. Aquatic mammals are fishes which give birth to young ones eg: Dolphin and Whales.
30. The hollow structure found inside the body is called coelome.
31. The organisms which have flat body are called as flat worms, platy- flat, helmenthes – worms.
32. Round worms without true body cavity are called pseudocoelomates.
33. The body of earthworm is made of several ring like structures (annulus : rings, edios – form)
34. Arthopods body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen and have jointed legs.
35. Animals with soft body enclosed in a hard shell are called Molluscs.
36. Pearls are produced from a mollusc called oyster.
37. Echinoderms are marine, pentamemal, it means they have five fold symmetry with rays of arms in fives
or multiples of five.
38. Fishes are the first organisms possessing back bones.
39. Naming of organisms with a distinctive scientific name is called nomenclature.
40. While writing scientific names Genus should begin with a capital letter, species should begin with a
small letter.
41. Scientific name of Mango tree is Mangifera indica and Human being is Homosepians.

FIITJEE KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
Regd. Off.: 29A, ICES House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016. Ph: 011 - 2651 5949, 2656 9493, Fax: 2651 3942
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. c 11. a
12. b 13. d 14. a 15. d 16. a 17. b 18. b 19. a 20. c 21. a 22. d
23. d 24. b 25. a 26. b 27. c 28. a 29. c 30. b 31. c 32. a

FIITJEE KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
Regd. Off.: 29A, ICES House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016. Ph: 011 - 2651 5949, 2656 9493, Fax: 2651 3942

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