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Developing Inter-organizational Culture

Inter-organizational relationships, as well as organizational cultures, rely on trust, commitment,

communication, learning, and ways to perceive and cope with reality, and shared meanings and symbols.
Organizational cultures involved can be changed through specific systems of meanings and symbols
because of inter-organizational relationships, due to relationship marketing processes and practices. The
characteristics of organizational culture interfered in the formation of the new company’s organizational
culture, since it has been the foremost reference of organization, despite the constraints faced as
entrepreneurs. The cultural changes identified probably occur due to inter active and collaborative
moments, trust development, learning processes and commitment. That inter-organizational culture
takes place in inter-organizational relationships, such as those related to relationship marketing actions,
but in a restricted and specific way.

Organization’s culture into three distinct levels: artifacts, values, and assumptions. Artifacts are
the overt and obvious elements of an organization. They're typically the things even an outsider can see,
such as furniture and office layout, dress norms, inside jokes, and mantras. Relationship marketing can
be defined as a process of engagement and interaction which develops, establishes and maintains long-
term cooper active and profitable relationships between partners. encouraged to sustain the
relationship, the lower the chance of relationship dissolution and the more willing they are to invest in
that relationship. An organizational culture is not a homogeneous and solid whole or an enduring
arrangement of subcultures. It accounts for combinations of cultural expressions from different sorts and

It may feel a bit weird to refer to people as ‘human resources’. Human Resources are all the
people that in one capacity or another work for or contribute to an organization. These people make up
a company’s workforce. They can be regular employees, for example, but also contractors. Especially
with the rise of the gig economy, more and more people are starting to work for an organization on a
contract basis without having a traditional labor contract. These people include independent
contractors, workers provided by contract firms, on-call workers, and temporary help agency workers.

Performance management once employees are on board, performance management becomes

important. Performance management is the second HR basic. It involves helping people to perform
better in their jobs. Usually, employees have a defined set of responsibilities that they need to take care
of. Performance management is a structure that enables employees to get feedback on their
performance – with the goal to reach a better performance.

Succession planning is the process of planning contingencies in case of key employees leaving
the company. If, for example, a crucial senior manager quits his/her job, having a replacement ready will
guarantee continuity and can save the company significant money. Succession planning is often based on
performance ratings and L&D efforts. This results in the creation of a talent pipeline. This is a pool of
candidates who are qualified and ready to fill (senior) positions in case of someone leaving. Building and
nurturing this pipeline is key to good people management.

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V. Sustaining Inter-organizational Culture

Inter-organizational culture occurs in the overlapping areas between organizations, in a cultural

perspective of fragmentation. It can be seen as a culture of intersection, because of the association of
cultural perspectives between suppliers and customers.

Leadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environment also focuses on leaders in domestic

organizations, as they can benefit from developing their own multicultural awareness, knowledge, and
skills. Effective leaders can shape the culture of their organization to be accepting of individuals from all
races, ethnicities, religions, and genders with a minimum of misunderstandings. Leadership in a Diverse
and Multicultural Environment is well grounded in solid research, but written in an easy-to-comprehend
style that: Provides a "culture centered" leadership perspective allowing organizational leaders the
opportunity to attend to the influence of culture. Helps the reader find examples of how multicultural
awareness can make their leadership task easier. Promotes an organizational culture that is more
satisfying to both individuals and their leaders by embracing and celebrating differences. Leadership in a
Diverse and Multicultural Environment is an ideal supplemental text for undergraduate- or graduate-
level international management, leadership, or diversity-related courses taught in the business
curriculum. It could also be used in leadership courses taught in education and communication

Mentoring is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional and personal
development. The "mentor" is usually an experienced individual who shares knowledge, experience, and
advice with a less experienced person, or "mentee." Mentors become trusted advisers and role models –
people who have "been there" and "done that." They support and encourage their mentees by offering
suggestions and knowledge, both general and specific. The goal is to help mentees improve their skills
and, hopefully, advance their careers. A mentoring partnership may be between two people within the
same company, same industry, or same networking organization. However the partners come together,
the relationship should be based on mutual trust and respect, and it typically offers personal and
professional advantages for both parties.

Build your leadership skills it helps you develop your ability to motivate and encourage others.
This can help you become a better manager, employee, and team member. Improve your communication
skills because your mentee may come from a different background or environment, the two of you may
not "speak the same language." This may force you to find a way to communicate more effectively as you
navigate your way through the mentoring relationship. Learn new perspectives by working with
someone less experienced and from a different background, you can gain a fresh perspective on things
and learn a new way of thinking which can help in your work life as well as your personal life. Advance
your career refining your leadership skills can strengthen your on-the-job performance, perhaps helping
you get that promotion to higher management – or into management in the first place. Showing that
you've helped others learn and grow is becoming more and more essential to advancement in today's
business world. Gain personal satisfaction it can be very personally fulfilling to know that you've directly
contributed to someone's growth and development. Seeing your mentee succeed as result of your input
is a reward in itself.

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