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Students’ Problem in Writing English Essay

Observing the status quo right now, particularly which happens in this university, some students
have difficulty to produce a writing. Writing is considered as the hardest skill among the other
English skills. But, since we are English Education Department’s students, it is a must for us to
be able to write in English correctly, because we have an obligation to make a scientific writing
at the end of our study.

Research Problems
1. What are the problems/difficulties faced by students in order to make a writing?
2. What are the factors which cause the problems?
3. Do the students know about their own problems?
4. Do the students feel anxious during writing? If yes, why do they feel anxious?
5. Does the students’ activeness in the classroom affect to their writing ability?
6. Does the speaking ability of the students affect to their writing ability?
7. How do the strategies of the lecturer affect to the ability of the students?

Theoretical Framework
Writing skill is a very important skill. However, it is considered as the hardest skill among the
other skills of English. Problems happen to the EFL students since English is only foreign
language, which means English is not used as main language, while the native English speakers
also still have problem in their writing.
Research Design
This study of students’ problem in writing English essay belongs to the qualitative case study.
Why case study?
Case study involve a detail analysis of the problem, so that the writer will be able to find the best
solution for all.
Method of Collecting Data
In collecting the data, the writer will use interview and documents.
Purpose and Significance of the Research
This study aims to find and analyze the problems of the students in writing English essay.
Conducting this study is very important to know the problems of the students in writing English
text, in this case is essay. Identifying their difficulties earlier will help the students to find the
best solution for themselves, so that they can improve their ability in writing.
Method of Data Analysis
Content analysis and Discourse analysis.
1. An Analysis of the Writing Skill Difficulties of the English Composition I Students at the
Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador (written by: Aragon
Jimenez, Claudia Esmeralda; Baires Mira, Dalia Cecilia; Rodriguez, Gloria Stephany)
2. Assessing and Evaluating EFL Learners’ Ability in Writing Academic Essay (written by:
M. Fadhly Fahry Abbas)
3. The Students’ Ability and Problems in Writing a Descriptive Essay Across Different
Levels (written by: Fikri Asih Wigati)

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