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(A case study at fourth semester of English Education Department of
Universitas Muria Kudus in Academic Year 2017/2018)



(A case study at fourth semester of English Education Department of
Universitas Muria Kudus in Academic Year 2017/2018)


Presented to the Universitas Muria Kudus

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirments for Completing
the Sarjana Program in English Education

Ayu Puji Astuti



1. Be brave to face the world, be clever to face problem, be gentle to treat
people, be grateful if you are still have parents make them proud of you.
2. Try everything, even fail keep trying and learning. Learn from your
mistakes make it as a worth experience then.
3. I’d rather than regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t

This skripsi is dedicated to:
1. Her beloved parents who always give her
support for everything that she does.
2. Her best friends in English Education
Departement who always accompany her in
every step.
3. All of her friends in English Education
Department in 2014 academic year.


This is to certify that the Skripsi of Ayu Puji Astuti (NIM 201432026) has
been approved by the skripsi advisors for further approval by the Examining
Kudus, 11th of July 2018
Advisor I

Dr. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd

NIDN. 0615097701

Kudus, 11th of July 2018

Advisor II

Diah Kurniati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0601017501

Acknowledged by
Head of English Education Department
The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Nuraeningsih, S.Pd. M.Pd.

NIDN. 0612077901


This is to certify that the Skripsi of Ayu Puji Astuti (NIM 201432026) has
been approved by the examining committeeas requirement for research.
Kudus, 28th of July 2018

Skrispi Examining Committee

Dr. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd

NIDN. 0615097701

Diah Kurniati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0601017501

Agung Dwi Nurcahyo, S.S, M.Pd

NIDN. 0607037804

Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0601058402

Acknowledged by
The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0019126201


First of all, overwhelming praise and gratitude to God Allah S.W.T, who
has given His mercies and blessing, so the writer can finish this skripsi without
any significance of the problem.
During this struggle to finish this research, the writer would also like to
convey her special gratitude to:
1. Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd as the dean of the Teacher Training and
Education Faculty, for all his supports.
2. Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd as the head of English Education Department
for all her supports.
3. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M. Pd as the first advisor, for all the patience and
gives suggestion in writing skripsi.
4. Diah Kurniati, S.Pd, M.Pd as the second advisor, for all the patience and
gives suggestion in writing skripsi.
5. Farid Noor Romadlon, S.Pd., M.Pd as the lecturer of Academic Speaking
Class who facilitates her in conducting this research.
6. The writer’s beloved family, her father (Suwandi) and her mother (Sri
Mulyati) who always give support and pray in everything that the writer
7. The writer’s Special person, Fatih Abdul Rozaq, S.Pd who always
supports and gives motivation.
8. The writer’s best friends in English Education Departement Putri
Minarosa, Herlina, Budi, Masyit, Lily, Rifa, Misbah, Babe, and Afid who
always support and help her.
9. All of the students of English Education Department in Universitas
Muria Kudus for participating in the research.
10. The fourth Semester Students of English Education Department of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty who participated in this

11. The lecturers of English Education Department of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty who transferred their knowledge during studying in
12. All people involved during the writing of this research.
The writer expects that it will be useful for those especially who are in
the field of education.

Kudus, 11th of July 2018

The writer


Astuti, Ayu Puji. 2018. Masalah Siswa dalam Praktik Debat di Academic
Speaking (Studi Kasus pada semester empat Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris Universitas Muria Kudus). Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
Departemen Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Fakultas Universitas Muria
Kudus.Advisor: ( i) Fitri Budi Suryani, SS, M.Pd., (ii) Diah Kurniati, S.Pd,
Berbicara adalah keterampilan untuk mengekspresikan ide atau menerima
pengetahuan atau informasi dari satu ke yang lain dalam situasi kehidupan secara
lisan. Dalam kegiatan berbicara di kelas, guru mencoba selalu menciptakan
interaksi dengan bertukar informasi dan mengekspresikan ide. Debat dianggap
sebagai salah satu cara terbaik dan aktivitas kelas yang menarik dari latihan
berbicara. Ini adalah salah satu praktik yang paling menantang di antara yang lain.
Sedangkan perdebatan di kelas bahasa asing umumnya membantu pelajar bahasa
Inggris untuk mengembangkan kemampuan komunikatif mereka. Namun,
beberapa pelajar bahasa Inggris masih memiliki masalah dalam berdebat.
Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
menemukan masalah dan strategi siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam
debat berlatih di kelas berbicara akademik di semester empat jurusan pendidikan
bahasa inggris, Universitas Muria Kudus pada tahun akademik 2017/2018.
Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus. Metode itu untuk
mendeskripsikan masalah dan strategi para siswa dalam berlatih debat di kelas
academic speaking. Peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui angket dan interview.
Kemudian, data angket tersebut dianalisi ke dalam mean dan standar deviasi
masing-masing pernyataan dan menginterpretasikan hasilnya. Selanjutnya,
peneliti menganalisis data wawancara dengan mentranskripsikan hasil wawancara
ke dalam bentuk tertulis, transkrip diringkas menjadi pernyataan singkat dimana
arti utama yang disampaikan diulang menjadi beberapa kata dan dikategorikan
dengan menggunakan analisis data berkaitan dengan pertanyaan penelitian.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah yang dihadapi oleh
siswa dalam berlatih debat di academic speaking class adalah kesulitan untuk
berlatih berbicara, mendefinisikan gerakan, membuat batasan dan menjadi
pembicara pertama dalam latihan debat, kurangnya kosa kata, sanggahan,
mengekspresikan argumen, menemukan data untuk mendukung argumen,
membangun pemikiran kritis, dalam cara mengelola, mengontrol kontak mata dan
menggunakan catatan dalam perdebatan berlatih dan kecemasan. Sementara itu,
strategi yang digunakan oleh siswa adalah melakukan latihan sebelum latihan
debat, menghentikan argumen dalam beberapa menit untuk memediasi beberapa
kata yang akan dihasilkan, mengulangi beberapa kata, menggunakan sinyal non-
linguistik ketika menyampaikan argumen, berdiskusi dengan kelompok sebelum
latihan debat, membuat beberapa catatan, membaca untuk mendapatkan
pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber.
Pada akhir penelitian ini, penulis menyarankan bahwa siswa harus
menerapkan strategi yang sesuai dengan masalah yang mereka hadapi, sementara
dosen harus mengetahui potensi masalah dalam debat di academic speaking class

Kata kunci: masalah; berlatih debat; kelas academic speaking. .


Astuti, Ayu Puji. 2018. Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing in Academic

Speaking Class (A Case Study at fourth semester of English Education
Department of Universitas Muria Kudus). Skripsi. English Education,
Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Universitas Muria
Kudus. Advisor: (i) Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd., (ii) Diah Kurniati,
S.Pd, M.Pd

Speaking is a skill to express ideas in order to transfer or receive

knowledge or information from one to another in the whole life situation orally. In
classroom speaking activities, the teacher always tries to create interaction by
exchanging information and expressing ideas. Debate is considered as one among
the best way and interesting classroom activity of speaking practice. It is one of
the most challenging practices among the others. Furthermore, debate in the
foreign language classroom generally helps English learners to develop their
communicative abilities. Nevertheless, some English learners’ still have problems
in doing debate.
Based on the problems, the objectives of the research are to find students’
problems and strategies to solve the problems in debate practicing in academic
speaking class at fourth semester of English Education Department, Universitas
Muria Kudus in academic year 2017/2018.
The researcher used qualitative research in case study. That method is to
describe the students’ problems and the strategies in debate practicing in academic
speaking class. The researcher collected the data through questionerire and
interview. Then, the researcher analyzed the data of questionnaire by analysing
the mean and standard deviation of each statement and interpreting the result.
Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the data of interview by transcribing the
interview result into written form, the transcripts condensed into briefer
statements in which the main sense of what is said is rephrased in a few words and
being categorized by using data analysis with regard to the research question.
The result of this research shows that the problems faced by the students in
debate practicing in academic speaking class are difficulty to practice speaking, to
define the motion, to make limitation and be the first speaker in debate practicing,
lack of vocabulary, to rebuttal, to express an argument, to find the data to support
an argument, to build up critical thinking, in managing manner, to control eye
contact and use note in debate practicing and anxiety. Meanwhile, the strategies
used by the students are doing rehearsal before debate practice, pausing argument
in few minutes to mediate some word to be produced, repeating some word, using
non-linguistic signals when delivered argument, having discussion with group
before debate practice, making some notes, reading to get knowledge from any
At the end of this research, the writer suggests that students should apply the
appropriate strategies according to the problems that they faced, while the
lecturers should know the potential problems in debate practicing in academic
speaking class.

Key words: problems; debate practicing; academic speaking class.


COVER............................................................................................................ i
LOGO ............................................................................................................. ii
TITTLE .......................................................................................................... iii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION...................................................................... iv
ADVISORS’ APPROVAL ............................................................................ v
EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL ........................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ vii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRAKSI .................................................................................................. x
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xi
LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiv
1.1 Background of the research ....................................................................... 1
1.2 Focus and Locus ........................................................................................ 2
1.3 Statement of the problem ........................................................................... 3
1.4 Objective of the research ........................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the research ....................................................................... 3
1.6 Scope of the research ................................................................................. 3
2.1 Concept of Speaking ................................................................................. 4
2.2 Problem Faced by Students in Speaking .................................................. 5
2.3 Debate ....................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Rules of Debate ............................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Australia – Asia Debate .................................................................. 9
2.4 Academic Speaking Class of English Education Department of
Universitas Muria Kudus in Academic Year 2017/2018 .......................... 10
2.5 Previous Research ..................................................................................... 11
2.6 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................. 11

3.1 Design of the research .............................................................................. 13
3.2 Data and Data Source ............................................................................... 13
3.3 Data collection .......................................................................................... 13
3.4 Data analysis ............................................................................................. 15
4.1 The Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing
in Academic Speaking Class..................................................................... 16
4.2 The Students’ Strategies to Solve the Problems in Debate Practcing
in Academic Speaking Class..................................................................... 18
5.1 The Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing
in Academic Speaking Class..................................................................... 21
5.2 The Students’ Strategies to Solve the Problems in Debate Practicing
in Academic Speaking Class..................................................................... 25
6.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................ 29
6.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................ 29
References ....................................................................................................... 31
Appendices....................................................................................................... 34


Table Page
2.1. Duties of Each Speaker.............................................................................. 9
4.1. Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing in Based on Questionnaire....... 16
4.2. Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing Based on Interview.................. 18
4.3. Students’ Strategies to Solve the Problems in Debate Practicing
Based on Questionnaire............................................................................. 18
4.4. Students’ Strategies to Solve the Problems in Debate Practicing
Based on Interview.................................................................................... 20


Appendix Page
Appendix 1 Questionnaire.............................................................................. 34
Appendix 2 Guideline of Interview................................................................ 35
Appendix 3 Questionnaire result of students ................................................. 36
Appendix 4 Calculation of mean ................................................................... 37
Appendix 5 Calculation mean and standard deviation................................... 38
Appendix 6 Interview transcript..................................................................... 39
Appendix 7 Outline course............................................................................... 40
Appendix 8 Statement..................................................................................... 41
Appendix 9 Keterangan selesai bimbingan.................................................... 42
Appendix 10 Permohonan ujian skripsi........................................................... 43
Appendix 11 Scan kartu bimbingan................................................................ 44
Appendix 12 Curriculum Vitae....................................................................... 45


This chapter discusses background of the research, focus and locus,

statement of the problem, objective of the research, significance of the research,
and scope of the research.

1.1 Background of the Research

Speaking is related to communication, in which speaking skill needs
accurately to express ideas in order to transfer or receive knowledge or
information from one to another in the whole life situation orally. Based on
Harmer, (2001:271) “In the oral expression course; the most widely used speaking
activities should: fall at or near the communicative end of the communication
continuum”. Through the classroom speaking activities, the teacher tries all the
time to create interaction by exchanging information and expressing ideas,
naturally with an exclusive care about correct grammar (accuracy), adequate
vocabulary, acceptable fluency as well as a good pronunciation to convey a
meaning. Over the statement above, debate is considered as one among the best
way and interesting classroom activity of speaking practice. According to Snider
and Schnurer (2002), debate foster students’ active learning by giving them
responsibility to understand course content, an approach that completely
transform perspective from passive to active.
Debate is a formal activity in interactive and representational arguments. It
aims to persuade judges and audience. Debating is a practice that inspires learning
to get into discussion, defend their own arguments with evidence to against
opponent. In debate practice of academic speaking class of EED of Universitas
Muria Kudus, the students should be able to share their arguments on an issue
properly and to keep up with current issues. Debate is one of the most challenging
practices among the others, whereas debate in the foreign language classroom
generally helps English learners to develop their communicative abilities.
According to Fukuda (2003), in a study conducted with Japanese students, found
that before the practice of debate only 30.8 per cent of the students were not afraid


of expressing their opinions. After the debate, this figure rose to 56.7 per cent.
(Fukuda, 2003) added that the knowledge and skills which came from the practice
of debate led students to become more accustomed to expressing opinions.
Otherwise, some students of EED still have problems in doing debate.
Based on the writer experience in 2016, when the writer joined academic speaking
class, she found some of students were afraid to face the debate practice. They felt
stressed of it and as if they were in a serious problem. In spite of they got
explanation from the lecturer, they still had some problems. However, from the
statement above the students should pass the practice without any problems and
fears instead through debate can improve their speaking skill to share arguments.
According to Gebhard (2000:186), “EFL learners face the students’ won’t talk
problem”. In fact, most of students still have problems in speaking of debate
practicing especially.
The writer compares this research with the previous research by Farzaneh,
Moomala and Maryam (2017) which has conducted in Malaysian secondary
students. It just focused on the implementation of debate activities in teaching
English that can improve students speaking skill. This research focuses on the
problems and some strategies faced by the students in university level. Therefore,
it makes the writer eager to investigate the students’ problems and some strategies
in debate practicing in academic speaking class of fourth semester of EED in
academic year 2017/2018. Based on the background, the writer intended to
conduct the research about “Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing in Academic
Speaking Class (A Case Study at Fourth Semester of English Education
Department of Universitas Muria Kudus)”.

1.2 Focus and Locus

The focus of this research is to know about the students’ problems in debate
practicing in academic speaking class. Besides knowing the problems, the writer
wants to know the students’ strategies to solve the problems in debate practicing
in academic speaking class.
The locus of this research is English Education Departments’ students of
fourth semester of Universitas Muria Kudus.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the research above, the writer determines the
statements of the problem as follows:
1. What are the students’ problems in debate practicing in academic speaking
2. What are the students’ strategies to solve the problems in debatepracticing in
academic speaking class?

1.4 Objective of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem, the writer determines the objectives
of this research are:
1. To find out the students’ problems in debate practicing in academicspeaking
2. To find out the students’ strategies to solve their problems in debatepracticing
in academic speaking class.

1.5 Significance of the Research

Besides this research will be significant for the writer, she hopes that the
result of this research will be useful for:
1. The lecturers and students. It can give information about problems faced by
the students in debate practicing in academic speaking class and also the
strategies to solve the problems.
2. The readers. It can be the next reference for those who want to conduct the
same research about speaking problem in debate practicing.

1.6 Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is the debate practicing in academic speaking
class of the fourth semester of EED’s students of Universitas Muria Kudus in
academic year 2017/2018. The writer focuses on students’ problems in debate
practicing and the students’ strategies to solve the problems in debate practicing in
academic speaking class of fourth semester of English Education Department of
Universitas Muria Kudus in Academic Year 2017/2018.

In this chapter, the writer explains about concept of speaking, problem faced
by students in speaking, debate, rules of debate, Australia – Asia debate,
Academic speaking class of Universitas Muria Kudus in Academic Year
2017/2018, previous of the research, theoretical framework.

2.1 Concept of speaking

Speaking is one of the important abilities among the other foreign language
abilities. According to Nunan (1991:93) “speaking is the single important aspect
of learning a second or foreign language and success is measured in terms of the
ability to carry out a conversation in the language.” Therefore the writer infers
that speaking produces words and sounds to convey meaning of ideas and feelings
orally. While Tarigan (1990:3) said that speaking is the way to express our ideas
and feelings to one another. To develop the ability of expressing their ideas or
opinions, the students should master the elements of speaking. The followings are
the elements of speaking ability according to Harmer (2001:269-271), language
features such as the connected speech, expressive devices, lexis and grammar, and
negotiation language.
Connected speech is the modifying in sounds production or utterances such
as assimilation, omission, addition, and weakened (trough contraction and stress
patterning). An expressive devices is the alteration of the speed, volume, and
stress of utterances to show the feelings. The use of this device contributes the
ability to convey meaning. Then lexis and grammar are necessary for the teacher
to give of supply of certain words and language function, such as agreeing or
disagreeing, surprise, and so forth. Lastly, negotiation language is the benefits to
clarify and to show the structure what we are saying. Moreover, Harmer
(2001:104) stated that the other element of the speaking is mental or social
processing except the language skill for the speaker, but the rapid processing skill
is also necessary, such as language processing, interaction, and information


The language processing is the effective speaker to convey their intention to

someone else and they process the word or retrieval or words so phrases from
memory to communicate with people. It helps the students develop habits of rapid
language processing English. Then, interaction is the student interacting with the
other and they understand each other.
Lastly, information processing is related to the perception of someone else
concerning the response to other feeling in using the language consequently, the
mental particularly in speaking ability.

2.2 Problem Faced by Students in Speaking

It is not easy for students to speak English. In this case, students should
master several important elements such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency and comprehension. Hence, students may have some problems in learning
speaking English. Hadijah (2004:1) found that students’ reason in facing the
problems on speaking English were not only having limited knowledge on the
components of speaking skills including pronunciation, grammar , vocabulary,
fluency and comprehension. Besides the components they have their own personal
reasons, such as shy to perform speaking, lack of confidence, lack of speaking
practice, time management, speaking material, and exposure problem.
In this case the personal reasons can be the main factor in speaking English,
such as Juhana (2012) states that fear of mistakes, anxious, shyness, lack of
confidence, and lack of motivation are included into psychological factors. Those
become the main factor which affect the students’ condition because it comes
from the individual. Each of them is explained below:
1. Fear of Mistakes
Learning language means learning how to communicate through oral
not only from text and translate into target language. Most of students are
afraid to be laughed and do not want to be criticized or even look silly in
front of their peers. They keep silence and listen rather than expressing what
in their mind.

2. Shyness
The students are afraid to speak due to the feeling of being incapable in
English. They are unwilling to intimidate by their friends or teacher. It
creates the sentiment of shyness. Students think a lot when they are faced to
explore their ideas in speaking performance. The feeling of worst, in
component, and less-skilled, that all have been built if students could not
uncover their shyness by confidence. Those could block the process of
students’ ability in oral communication.
3. Anxiety
Anxiety is the feeling of nervous correlated to the specific situation.
When the students are dominated by this tension during practicing English,
it must obstruct students from speaking fluently.
4. Lack of Confidence
There are many reasons that lead the students lacking of confidence. It
can be caused by insufficient encouragement by the teacher. Teachers might
be seemed as giving support to their students but they do that way based on
the teachers’ perception only.
5. Lack of Motivation
Motivation can drive from both the students and the teacher. In English
language classroom, teachers mainly handle the success of communication
apprehension. The method and strategy play the important roles on how
extent the students exploring and applying the target language as well.

2.3 Debate
There are various form of active learning strategies. However debate is a
particularly interesting technique. According to (Snider & Schnurer, 2002) that
debate foster students’ active learning by giving them the responsibility to
understand course content, an approach that completely transforms their
perspective from passive to active. A debate is a speaking situation in which
opposite point of view are presented and argued (Dale & Wolf: 2000). Similarly
(Littlewood: 1981) state that a debate is about the real or simulated issue. The
learners’ role ensure that they have adequate shared knowledge about the issue

and different opinions or interest to defend. At the end of activity, they may have
to reach a concrete decision or put the issue to a vote.
It can be concluded that debate is an activity in which students take a
positions on issue and defend their position. The writer considers debate to be a
competitive intellectual activity with the principal objective of communicating
ideas. Berdine (1987) has found that debate requires extensive oral
communication abilities because students must defend their points of view and
directly and quickly respond to the questions that they are asked. These tasks are
not mechanical, but practical drilling is useful to debate better and more quickly.
Furthermore, (schroeder & Ebert, 1983) state that this methodology can bring
many benefits to students, including and increase in their motivation to learn and
consequently to master course content, along with an improvement in their
research skills, empathy, and oral expression and communication skills. From the
statement above to improve communication skill in debate, students need to know
the basic debating skill. Based on the Kidd, A. (2002) there are six the basic
debating skill explained below:
1. Style, style is the manner in which you communicate your arguments.
2. Speed, speed is vital to talk at pace which is fast enough to sound
intelligent and allow you time to say what you want, but slow enough to
be easily understood.
3. Tone, tone is what makes you sound interesting.
4. Volume, speaking quite loudly is sometimes necessity, but it is by no
means necessary to shout through every debate regardless of context.
There is absolutely no need speak any more loudly than the volume at
which everyone in the room can comfortably hear you.
5. Clarity, the ability to concisely and clearly express complex issues is
what debating is all about, the main reason people begin to sound unclear
is usually because they lose the “stream of thought” which is keeping
them going. It is also important to keep it simple. While long words may
make you sound clever, the may also make you incomprehensible.
6. Use of Note and Eye Contact. Notes are essential, but they must be brief
and well organized to be effective. There is absolutely no point in trying

to speak without notes. Of course, note should never become obtrusive

and damage your contact with the audience, nor should they ever be read
from verbatim. Most people sketch out the meaning headings of their
speech, with brief note under each. When writing notes for rebuttal
during the debate, it is usually better to use a separate sheet of paper so
you can take down the details of what the other speakers have said and
then transfer a rough outline onto the notes you will actually be using.
Eye contact with the audience is very important, but keep shifting your
gaze. No one likes to be stared at.

2.3.1 Rules of Debate

In debate, there are also rules to follow. Below are the ten rules based on
1) There are two teams, each consisting of two or three speakers.
2) Each team has two or three constructive speeches, and two or three
rebuttal speeches. The affirmative gives the first constructive speech and
the rebuttal alternate: negative, affirmative, negative, affirmative. The
affirmative has both the first and the last speeches of debate.
3) When worded as a proportion of policy, the topic requires the affirmative
to support some specified action by some particular individual or group.
The affirmative has the right to make any reasonable definition of each of
the terms of the proposition. If the negative challenges the reasonableness
of a definition by the affirmative, the judge must accept the definition of
the team that shows better grounds for it interpretation of term.
4) The affirmative must advocate everything required by the topic itself. No
revision of position of team is permitted during the debate.
5) He who assert must prove. In order to establish an assertion, the team
must support it with enough evidence and logic to convince an
intelligence but previously uninformed person that it is more reasonable
to believe the assertion than to disbelieve it. Fact must be accurate.
Visual are permissible, and once introduced, they become available for
the opponents’ use if desired.

6) In the questioning period, the questioner may ask any fair, clear question
that has a direct bearing on the debate. The questioner may use the period
to build up any part of his own case, to hear down any part of his
opposition’s case, or to ascertain facts, such as the opposition’s position
on a certain issue, that can be used later in the debate. The questioner
must confine himself to questions and not make statements, comments,
or ask rhetorical questions.
7) Each speaker is questioned as soon as he concludes his constructive
speech. The witness must answer the questions without consulting his
8) No new constructive arguments may be introduced in the rebuttal period.
The affirmative must, if possible, reply to the major negative arguments
before the last rebuttal.
9) The judge must base his decision entirely on the material presented,
without regard for other material which may happen to possess.
10) Any gains made outside of the established procedure are disallowed.

2.3.2 Australia – Asia Debate

In this case the writer focuses on Australia – Asia debate. The context in
which an Australia – Asia style debate is commonly used in Academic Speaking
Class of English Education Department of Universitas Muria Kudus. In this
Australia – Asia style debate consist of two teams of three speaker each. These
two teams are called “Affirmative and Negative”. Each of speaker will deliver
speech with certain duties. Swanwick (2003) define that without wanting to force
speaker into a rigid or stereotyped style of speech, it’s true to say that there are
certain structural elements of a speech which will tend to enhance its effectiveness
(and the absences of which will tend to reduce its effectiveness). As for a
summary of these duties is set the table below:
Table 2.1 Duties of each speaker
Speaker Duty
First affirmative speakers Define the topic – set out affirmative’s
interpretation of the topic – identify
issues which will be in contention.

Present team structure – team line –

team split.
Present arguments allocated to the first
Identify major areas of initial
disagreement with the affirmative case
– include any disagreement about the
definition – rebut the major affirmative
First negative speakers arguments.
Present team structure – team line –
team split.
Presents arguments allocated to the first
Identify the major areas of
disagreement with the other team –
include definitional issues which are
still in contention.
Second speakers
Defend own case against rebuttal by
previous speakers.
Present arguments allocated to second
Present an overview of the debate –
identify the essential issues upon which
the teams disagree – rebut the important
Third speaker
aspects of the opposing team’s case –
defend own team’s case against attack –
summarise own case.

2.4 Academic Speaking Class of English Education Department of

Universitas Muria Kudus in Academic Year 2017/2018
Related to the curriculum of English Education Department 2015,
Universitas Muria Kudus, academic speaking is one of the subject offered to the
fourth semester students. This class is taken in the fourth semester. It has four
credits semester and the time allotment is 200 minutes per meeting. In academic
year 2017 / 2018, there are three classes. In academic speaking class, the students
are required to practice skill in public speaking. This needs to be possessed by
students to prepare themselves to be an English teacher candidate. A teacher is
one of public speakers to convey advice, motivation, and teaching materials by
using the right language and easy to understand. This also will train the students
in speaking English orderly. There are three subjects that must be mastered by the
students as follows: speech, mini seminar, and debate.

2.5 Previous Research

In this research, the concern of the writer is to know the students’ problems
in debate practicing and the strategies to solve the problems. Hence, the writer
tries to find some previous researches that have relation with debate practice as
reference to conduct the research. Farzaneh, Moomala, and Maryam (2017). The
result of the research showed that the improvement of the participants’ speaking
skill after five rounds of debate activities. An analysis of the participants’ use of
communicative strategies and development of speaking skills through debate
activities has shown that the group work strategy with peers allowed the student to
interact and collaborate. The differences between the previous research and this
research is the previous research just focused on the implementation of debate
activities in teaching English that can improve students speaking skill, while this
research focuses on the problems and strategies faced by the students in debate
practicing of university level.
The second previous research is Ali and Sayed (2013). The result of the
research is debating can be used to learn English in both formal and informal
settings. It such as an activity that engages learners in practicing all skills English
language. If the debate practice modules are practiced appropriately, students will
learn both English language and presentation skills which will make them
confident users of English language in academic, social and professional settings.
The differences with the writer’s research is the aim to proposes a few modules of
debating and the writer’s aim is to know the problem and strategies to solve it,
and the similarity is talking about debate in foreign language classes.

2.6 Theoretical Framework

As we know that debate is interesting technique in active learning strategies
to improve speaking skill. However, it is quite different with the writer’s
experience when she joined in debate practicing in academic speaking class in
2016. The students tended to be afraid and confused for practicing in the
classroom. Debate can improve speaking skill in communicative way as Kriger
(2005) said that with practice, many students had obvious progress in their ability
to express and defend ideas in debate and they often quickly recognized the flaws

in each other’s arguments. Meanwhile, Stewart (2003) found that 75 per cent of
his unmotivated and reserved students ranked debate as their most favourite
classroom activity

In this chapter, the writer discusses design of the research, data and data
source, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Design of the Research

Research design is a design made by the researcher as guidance in
conducting the research. Arikunto (2000: 45) stated that design of the research is a
plan made by the researcher, as a guidance of the research that will be conducted.
In this research the writer used qualitative research that is case study. Muhadjir,
(1991:42) notes that the purpose of case study is to understand a case intensively
(which personality, unit, social, or problem, the past time and its development).

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data in this research was students’ problems in debate practicing in
academic speaking class of fourth semester of English Education Department of
Universitas Muria Kudus in academic year 2017 / 2018. The writer found the
problems of students in debate practicing and the strategies to solve the problems.
The data source was twenty six students of EED in academic year 2017 / 2018.

3.3 Data Collection

The writer used two instruments in collecting all the data, they were
questionnaire and interview.
1. Questionnaire
In the questionnaire sheet, the writer gave close ended liker scale questions
consist of five choices with the scores of each, they are: (5) strongly agree (4)
agree (3) neutral (2) disagree (1) strongly disagree. The questionnaire is used to
collect the data about students’ problems in debate practicing in academic
speaking class and the strategies to solve the problems. The writer divided the
questionnaire into two parts, i.e. problems and strategies which consist of fifteen
statements. In the students’problems consist of four aspects; they are liker,


understanding, difficulties, and psychological. They are available in number one

to nine of the questionnaire.Furthermore, for the students’ strategies the writer
used some theories to arrange the statement based on Rajasekaran (2010) who
stated that in order to solve the students’ problems, students directed to form
English Speakin Cirle (ESC) and reading club. Besides, there are two ways in
solving speaking problem while speaking process occurs. Linblad (2011) stated
that pausing and repeating a word or part of words during speaking process can
decreas speaking obstacle. Another strategy in solving speaking problem while
speaking process is non – linguistic signals. Ya-ni (2007) stated that non –
linguistic signals means that speaker add mimes, gestures, and facial expressions
while speaking occurs. Those are available in number ten to fifteen of the
questionnaire. The writer did some steps for collecting data, as follows:
a. Preparing questionnaire sheets.
b. Spreading questionnaire sheets to students.
c. Asking students to answer questionnaire
d. Collecting questionnaire sheets.
2. Interview
The writer used structured interview. Gill et al., (2008) stated that the
structured interview is defined as a “verbally administered questionnaire” which
does not use prompts and provides very little scope for following up question to
investigate responses which warrant more depth and detail. The structures
interview is chosen in order to get the information of the students’ problems and
the strategies to solve the problems. In this research the interview as a member
checking to maintain the trustworthiness, Doyle (2007) defined that member
checking is used to validate, verify or assess the trustworthiness of qualitative
research. Similarly, Harvey (2015) said that alternatively the researcher can
undertake analysis on the individual participant’s data and the emerging findings
might foreground the member check interview.

3.4 Data analysis

Technique for analysing data is the way to analyse the data, to make the data
of the research accurately.
1. Questionnaire
The writer divided into two parts for analysing the data of questionnaire.
These two parts are as follows:
a. Analysing the mean and standard deviation of each statement.
b. Interpreting the result and the conclusion.
2. Interview
The writer divided into three parts of analysing the data. These three parts
are as follows:
a. Transcribing the interview result into written form.
b. The transcripts condensed into briefer statements in which the main sense
of what is said is rephrased in a few words.
c. Being categorized by using data analysis with regard to the research

In this chapter, the writer presents two research findings about the
students’ problems in debate practicing in academic speaking class and the
students’ strategies to solve the problems in debate practicing in academic
speaking class.

4.1 Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing in Academic Speaking Class

To identify the students’ problems in debate practicing in academic
speaking class, the writer used questionnaire and interview. The writer got
the data about students’ problems in debate practicing in academic
speaking class by analysing mean and standard deviations of each
statement in the questionnaire and doing interview. For further result can
be seen below:

Table 4.1 Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing Based on Questionnaire

Aspect No. Statement Mean Standard

Liker 1. I like debate subject in 3.5 7.1
academic speaking class
Understanding 2. I can understand the debate 3.6 7.3
3. I can understand the motion in 3.3 6.6
debate practice
Difficulties 4. Debate is the most difficult 3.5 7.2
subject in academic speaking
5. I find it difficult to practice 3.5 6.9
speaking in debate practice.
Psychological 6. I am shy to deliver argument 3.4 6.9
in debate practice.

7. I am less motivated to ask 2.9 5.9

questions when I do not
understand the material of
8. I am afraid to make mistake 3 6.2


when I deliver argument in

front of people.
9. I am less in managing time 3.3 6.7
when I deliver argument in
debate practice.

Based on the table above, the writer divides the aspect of problems in
debate practicing in academic speaking class into four aspects these four
aspects are as follows:
1. Liker, in this aspect there only one point and the average of the students
showed that they like debate subject in academic speaking class which was
proved by the number of mean 3.5 that means agree with that statement.
2. Understanding, in this aspect there are two points which consist of
understanding the debate materials and understanding the motion in debate
practice. The first point in this aspect, the average of the students showed
that they can understand the debate materials which was proved by the
number of mean 3.6 that means agree with that statement. The second
point in this aspect, the average of the students showed that they are quite
understand the motion in debate practicing, which was proved by the
number of mean 3.3 that means neutral with that statement.
3. Difficulties, in this aspect there are two points which consist of debate is
the most difficult subject in academic speaking class and difficult to
practice speaking in debate practicing. The average of both points showed
that they have difficulties in debate subject and practice speaking in
academic speaking class which was proved by the number of mean 3.5
that means agree with those statements.
4. Psychological, in this aspect there are four points which consist of shy to
deliver argument in debate practice, less motivated to ask questions when
they do not understand the materials of debate, afraid to make mistake
when they deliver argument in front of people and less managing time
when they deliver argument in debate practicing. The average of those
points showed that the students are neutral with the psychological aspect
which was proved by the number of mean about 3.

This result of questionnaire is also supported by the result of

interview, it can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.2 Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing Based on Interview

Students Problems
Student I a. Difficult to define the motion
b. Difficult to make limitation of the motion
c. Difficult to be the first speaker
d. Feel nervous
Student II a. Difficult to define the motion
b. Difficult when the student want to rebut
Student III a. Difficult in expressing opinion when deliver
b. Lack of vocabulary
Student IV a. Difficult in managing manner while deliver
argument, student cannot deliver argument with
stand up.
Student V a. Difficult to find the data or reference to support the
b. Difficult to deliver argument without reading note
c. Difficult to control eye contact
Student VI a. Difficult to build up critical thinking
b. Nervous
c. Difficult in preparing material
Based on the problems above, there are several problems faced by the
students in debate practicing in academic speaking class.

4.2 Students’ Strategies to Solve The Problems in Debate Practicing in

Academic Speaking Class
To identify the students’ strategies to solve the problems in debate
practicing in academic speaking class, the writer used questionnaire and
interview. The writer got the data about the students’ strategies to solve
the problems in debate practicing in academic speaking class by analysing
the mean and standard deviation of each statements in the questionnaire
and doing interview. For further result can be seen below:
Table 4.3 Students’ Strategies to Solvethe Problems in Debate Practicing
Based on Questionnaire
No. Statement Mean Standard
10. I do rehearsal before doing debate 3.7 7.5
11. I join an English Speaking Circle 3.3 6.7
(ESC) involving my close friends

in class to improve my speaking

skill in debate practicing.
12. I join reading club involving my 2.9 5.6
close friends in class to read a
newspaper or an article in a week
to discuss what we have already
13. I pause my argument in few 3.8 7.6
minutes to mediate some words to
be produced with “emm”, “well”,
or “how we call it”.
14. I repeat some words in order to 3.9 7.9
produce what I intend to say.
15. I add mimes, gestures, and facial 3.7 7.4
expressions while I deliver
argument in debate practicing.

Based on the table above, the writer found the students’ strategies to
solve the
problems in debate practicing in academic speaking class of each statement as
The average of the students showed that they do rehearsal before
doing debate practice which was proved by the number of mean 3.7 that
means the students agree with that statement.
The average of the students showed that they feel enough with
English Speaking Club (ESC) to improve their speaking skill which was
proved by the number of mean 3.3 that means the students neutral with
that statement.
The average of the students showed that they feel enough with
Reading Club which was proved by the number of mean 2.9 that means
the students neutral with that statement.
The average of the students showed that they pause their argument in
view minutes to mediate some words to be produced in debate practicing
which was proved by the number of mean 3.8 that means the students
agree with that statement.

The average of the students showed that they repeat some words in
order to produce what they intend to say which was proved by the number
of mean 3.9 that means the students agree with that statement.
The average of the students showed that they add mimes, gestures,
and facial expression while they deliver argument in debate practice which
was proved by the number of mean 3.7 that means the students agree with
that statement.The questionnaire is also supported by the interview, the
result can be seen in the table below:
Table 4.4 Students’ Strategies to Solve the Problems inDebate Practicing
Based on Interview
Students Strategies
Student I a. Having discussion with the group before debate
practice about the motion and the limitation.
b. Making some notes to help the one who cannot
c. Choosing not to be the first speaker.
Student II a. Sharing with the group before debate practice.
b. Praying and sleeping before debate practice.
Student III a. Reading a lot of book before debate practice.
b. Making a note to write some point what the
studentwant to say in a piece of paper.
Student IV a. Preparing camera and record himself and try to
Deliver argument with stand up.
b. Reviewing his own video and always try to
Student V a. Doing practice and discussion with the group.
b. Finding the data in the Internet.
Student VI a. Doing practice with group.
b. Praying before debate practice.

Based on the table above, there were some strategies done by the
students indebate practicing in academic speaking class.

In this chapter the writer discusses further data based on the two research
findings. The discussion is about the students’ problems in debate practicing in
academic speaking class and the students’ strategies to solve the problems in
debate practicing in academic speaking class.

5.1 Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing in Academic Speaking Class

From the finding of the research, the writer indicatedthat the main problem
in debate practicing in academic speaking class is from difficulties aspect and the
other problem relating to psychological aspect. Therefore the writer found that
there were eleven problems faced by the students in debate practicing in academic
speaking class as follows:
1) Difficulty to practice speaking in debate practicing.
According to Alonso and Junio (2012), the more practice students do, the
better result they will obtain. However, difficulty in practicing speaking in debate
practicing became one of the problems faced by the students in debate practicing
in academic speaking class. It was proven by the result of questionnaire that the
students agree with the statement which stated that I find it difficult to practice
speaking in debate practice with the number of mean 3.5. It can be concluded that
the students had difficulties because the students mostly speak in Indonesian even
when they were in the classroom. Hence, it was in line with Alonso and Junio
(2012) who stated that the students are difficult to practice speaking English
because the students do not live in English speaking country.
2) Difficulty to define the motion in debate practicing.
Based on http;//, in debate
there were also rules to follow, one of that rule is the affirmative team had the
right to define the motion and make any reasonable definition of each of the terms
of the proposition. If the negative challenges the reasonableness of a definition by
the affirmative, the judge must accept the definition of the team that shows better
grounds for it interpretation of term. However, difficulty to define the motion


becomes one of the problems faced by the students in debate practicing in

academic speaking class. It was proven by the result of interview. Based on the
two participants, Student I claimed that: “my problem actually nervous and define
the motion” and student II claimed: “the difficult thing in debate is the motion”.
Thus, it can be indicated that most of the students were difficult to define the
motion in debate practicing they were sometimes unfamiliar with some terms of
the motion itself.
3) Difficulty to make limitation and be the first speaker in debate
The next problem in debate practicing was difficulty to make limitation and
be the first speaker. From the result of the interview, the writer found that the
student I stated that she found it difficult to make limitation and could not be the
first speaker. It was proven with her statement: “it is about they tottally difficult
about the limitation it self, how to make limitation”, “I never being a first speaker,
so when I will be a first speaker it will make me blank”. Swanwick (2003)
defined that duty of the first speaker of affirmative and negative team had to
present team structure – team line – team split. Based on that statement, it can be
indicated that to be the first speaker with the duty to make limitation was
considered as one of the problems faced by the students in debate practicing.
4) Lack of vocabulary in debate practicing.
Based on the result of interview, the student III got less in speaking English
because he had limited vocabulary. He claimed: “I feel difficult to express it
because my speaking English is not good enough and still try to find some new
vocabularies to speak up in arguing in debate”. It can be concluded that
vocabulary was the problem in speaking especially in debate practicing in
academic speaking class. It was proven by one participant which stated that he
less in speaking English cause his vocabulary is less. It was in line with Liu and
Jackson (2008) who stated that EFL students have poor vocabulary as their
problem in Speaking English.

5) Difficulty to do rebuttal in debate practicing.

Swanwick (2003) defined that duty of each speaker had to defend own case
against rebuttal by previous speaker. It means that the rebuttal had to do by the
first speaker of negative, second and third speaker of each group to define their
group’s argument. In contrast with that statement, the writer found that most of
the students were difficult to rebut opponent’s argument. It was proven with the
result of interview of students II, claimed: “in speaking of course, when I have to
rebutt”. Based on that statement, it can be indicated that difficult to do rebuttal in
debate practicing in academic speaking class was considered as one of the
problems faced by the students in debate practicing in academic speaking class.
6) Difficulty to express an argument in debate practicing
The next problem in debate practicing was difficulty to express an
argument. Based on the result of interview student IIIclaimed: “I find some
difficulties from me, the most difficult is how to express about my opinion when I
want to aruge something”. According to Kidd, A (2002) there are six basic
debating skills in which one of those skills is clarity. The ability to concisely and
clearly express complex issues is what debating is all about. However, difficulty
to express an argument become one of the problems faced by the students in
debate practicing in academic class.
7) Difficulty to find the reference to support the argument in debate
Based on the result of interview student V claimed: “find the data and make
sure the data”. It can be concluded that difficult to find the reference to support
the argument was the problem in debate practicing in academic speaking class.
From that statement, she indicated that most of students deliver their argument as
their assumption without any supporting references.
8) Difficulty to build up critical thinking and prepare material.
Debate is an activity that make you to be critical thinking according to
Dundes (2002), these sorts of activities will foster creative and critical thinking
and quick decision making in problem solving matters. However, difficulty to
build up critical thinking and preparing material in debate practicing faced by
students. It was proven by this phenomenon that the student VI stated “my mind

maybe, because in debate we have to critical thingking like that and nervous, and
less prepare the material”, he was less critical in thinking argument therefore, he
did notprepare material in debate practicing in academic speaking class well. It
was because the student did not exactly knew about the issues surrounding to be
discussed in the motion of the debate practice.
9) Difficult in managing manner in debate practicing
According to Kidd, A (2002) style is the manner in which you communicate
your arguments. However, difficulty in managing manner in debate practicing was
faced by the student in debate practicing because he had problem when he had to
deliver his argument while stand up. It was proven by the result of the interview
with student IV claimed: “when I do the debate actually hard thing that I must
stand up, in debate when I share my argument ”. From that statement it can be
indicated that difficult in managing manner was the problem in debate practicing
in academic speaking class.
10) Difficulty to control eye contact and use note
Student V said that she could not control eye contact with the audience and
the judges while she delivered arguments, she had blank when she did not read a
note. Student V claimed: “I difficult say my argument and then I lost my eye
cintact to the audience and the adjue. I usually blank it there are no note in my
hand, so I just lost some arguement”. From that statement, it indicates that the
student faced problem in debate practicing because got difficult to control eye
contact and blank when she did not read her note. That was in line with Kidd, A.
(2002), one of the basic debating skill is use of note and eye contact. Notes are not
essential, but they must be brief and well organized to be effective. There is
absolutely no point in trying to speak without notes. Of course, note should never
become obtrusive and damage your contact with the audience, nor should they
ever be read for verbatim. Eye contact is important, but keep shifting your gaze.
11) Anxiety
The last problem found in this research was anxiety. This problem was
faced by Student I and Student VI. It was proven by the result of the interview in
the previous chapter with the statement is: “okay, my problem actually nervous
and define the motion”, “my mind, because in debate we have to critical thinking

like that, and nervous and less prepare the material”. Anxiety is related to
psychological aspect. Anxiety is considered as the problem in debate practicing in
academic speaking class. The writer indicated that they felt anxious can be seen
when they delivered arguments in front of people. Furthermore, difficult to
practice before debate practice and lack of vocabulary were also contributing as
one of the factors that caused students felt anxious. It was in line with Juhana
(2012), anxiety is the feeling of nervous correlated to the specific situation. When
the students are dominated by this situation during practicing English, it must
obstruct students from speaking fluently.

5.2 Students’ Strategies to solve the problems in Debate PracticingIn

Academic Speaking Class
From the finding of the research, the writer indicated that there were seven
strategies to solve the students’ problem in debate practicing in academic speaking
class. The result are obtained from the questionnaire and the interview of six
participants can be seen below:
1. The students do rehearsal before debate practice.
According to Alonso and Junio (2012), the more practice students do, the
better result the will obtain. This research found that do rehearsal before debate
practice was one of the strategies used by the students which was proved by the
result of the questionnaire that the students agree with the statement ten, which
was proved by the number of mean 3.7. It was also proven by the student’s result
of Interview the students IV, V and VIclaimed: “I try to speak stand up that’s
actually I do it a lot thing, I prepare some stuff, and I prepare the camera in my
room at my home. I prepare for table and then I try to stand up and I try to record
my self and then I try to review and try again ”, “I practice with my group and
discuss the motion”, and “practice in group and prepare the motion”. Based on
that statement, do rehearsal was a good strategy for the students to solve the
problems in debate practicing, especially for overcoming the difficulties in
managing manner when delivered arguments, expressing an argument in debate
practicing and to cope their anxiety when speak in front of people.

2. The students pause argument in few minutes to mediate some word to be

The next strategy found in this research was using pausing argument in few
minutes to mediate some word to be produced. It was proven by the result of
questionnaire on the finding of the research that the average of students agreethat
the students used pause argument in few minutes to mediate some word to be
produced, with the number of mean 3.8. Thus, it became a strategy used by the
students to solve their problem in debate practicing in academic speaking class
while delivering argument. Similarly, Linblad (2011) stated that students can
pause in few times to found some word to be produced in speaking English and to
solve their problem.
3. The students repeat some word
From the finding of the research, the writer indicated that repeating some
words was the one of strategies was done by the students it was proven by the
questionnaire that the average of students agree to repeat some word, with the
number of mean 3.9. Based on that, repeating some words when delivering
argument in debate practicing in academic speaking class was good strategy to
make speaking going and other people understand to deal with speaking problem.
It was supported by Linblad (2011) who stated that students repeat some words in
order to produce what they intend to say.
4. The students use non-linguistic signals when delivering argument
The writer indicated that the students used non-linguistic signals as a strategy
while delivering argument. It was proven by the result of the questionnaire on the
finding of the research that average of students agree that they add mimes,
gesture, and facial expression while delivering argument, with the number of
mean 3.7. From that statement, it can be seen that using non-linguistic signals
such as mimes, gesture, and facial expression while delivering argument can be
strategy to solve problem in debate practicing in academic speaking class related
to difficult to express an argument, control eye contact and anxiety in debate
practicing. It was in line with Ya-ni (2007) who stated that students add mimes,
gestures, and facial expression while speaking occur to declare something in

5. The students have discussion with group before debate practice

From the finding of the research, the writer also found that most of students
had discussion in group before debate practice. It was proven by the student Iwho
stated “we have discussion a big discussion with the some of different group and
we just talk about the motion and what is the limitation and anything else”and
student V who stated “I practice with my group and discuss about the motion ”.
From that result, it can be concluded that having discussion with group before
debate practice was a good strategy in solving the students’ problems in debate
practicing in academic speaking class related to less in preparing material and
anxious feeling. It is also drilled the students to more practice. It was supported by
Byrne (1986) who stated that by discussion is meant by any exchange of ideas and
opinion. Thus, it was evident that having discussion with group before debate
practice became good strategy to solve the students’ problems in debate

6. The students make some notes

From the finding of the research, that most of students made note as a
strategy to solve their problem in debate practicing in academic speaking class
which was proved by the result of interview that student I claimed “we have
discussion a big discussion with the some of different group and we just talk about
the motion and what is the limitation and anything else then we have take a note”.
Furthermore, student III stated “I try to write what I want to say in a paper first”.
Hance, students can easily remember what word they intend to say by making
some notes in debate practicing as a result, students could deliver argument in
front of people as well. It can be concluded that make some notes was good
strategy to solve the problems related to difficulty in expressing argument and to
do rebuttal in debate practicing. It was supported by Kidd A. (2002) stated that
notes are essential, but they must be brief and well organized to be effective.
There is absolutely no point in trying to speak without notes. Of course, note
should never become obtrusive and damage your contact with the audience, nor
should they ever read from verbatim. Most people sketch out the meaning
headings of their speech, with brief note under each. When writing notes for
rebuttal during the debate, it is usually better to use separate sheet of paper so you

can take down the details of what the other speaker have said and then transfer a
rough outline onto the notes you will actually be using.

7. The students reading to get knowledge from any sources

Reading is categorized in receptive language skill. From the finding of the
research reading to get knowledge from any sources became one of the strategies
to solve the students’ problems in debate practicing. It was proven by the result of
interview with student III he claimed “My strategies is when before I do debate, I
read a lot of sources to build my vocabularies before I arguing something I read a
lot of book to support my argument”and student V claimed “search the data from
the Internet”. It can be cocluded that reading from any sources to make argument
and to find the reference to support their argument. Thus, it can be indicated that
reading to get knowledge from many sources such as book, newspaper or internet
was useful for students to solve their problems related to anxiety, to enrich their
vocabulary, to solve difficulty in expressing an argument in debate practicing in
academic speaking class. It was in line with Pikulski and Templeton (2004) who
stated that through reading, students can build their vocabularies knowledge.
Similarly, Rajasekaran (2010) said that students can involve to group of reading in
order to solve and decrease their anxiety.

This chapter the writer presents the conclusion and suggestion based on
finding of the research and discussion in the previous chapter.

6.1 Conclusion
Based on the finding of the research and discussion in previous chapter,the
writer can conclude the result as follows:
The problem faced by the students in debate practicing in academic
speaking class are divided into difficulties aspects and psychological aspect. The
difficulties aspect consists of: dificulty to practice speaking, difficulty to define
the motion, difficulty to make limitation and be the first speaker in debate
practicing, lack of vocabulary, difficulty to rebuttal, difficulty to express an
argument, difficulty to find the data to support an argument, difficulty to build up
critical thinking, difficulty in managing manner, difficulty to control eye contact
and use note in debate practicing. While the psychological aspect is anxiety.
There were seven strategies used by the students in debate practicing in
academic speaking class: the students do rehearsal before debate practice, the
students pause argument in few minutes to mediate some word to be produced, the
students repeat some word, the students use non-linguistic signals when delivered
argument, the students have discussion with group before debate practice, the
students make some notes, the students reading to get knowledge from any

6.2 Suggestion
Based on the finding has been shown the writer proposes some suggestion
deal with this research. The suggestion are aimed at the students, lecturers and
future writers.
1. Students
This research can give more information about problems in debate
practicing in academic speaking class and also can give new ideas about strategies


to solve students’ problems in debate practicing in academic speaking class. Thus,

the writer suggests for students to apply the appropiate strategies according to the
problem they faced, and the most important one is the students must read a lot to
get more knowledge and to easily find the references to support their argument in
2. Lecturers
Based on the result of the study, lecturers are expected to know the potential
problems in debate practicing in academic speaking class. consequently, by
looking at the result of this study, lecturers can anticipate these difficulties when
teaching debate in academic speaking class and let students know about strategies
that probably appropiate to cope with the problems faced by students in debate
3. Future researcher
At last, this research has limitation which is only investigate the problems
and strategies in debate practicing by students’ problem. The writer hopes that the
other writers could continue this research at the related topic and find out other
problems and strategies in debate practicing. Furthemore, the writer suggests for
other writers to study the problems and strategies in debate practice not only
through questionnaire and interview but also through observation to get more real
situation about students’ problems and strategies.

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Appendix 1
Filling Guidance:
1. Write your identity.
2. Read the statements in the following questionnaire carefully.
3. Fill in the following questionnaire according to your circumstances by
checking (√) the answer options column.
No Statements SA A N D SD
1. I like debate subject in Academic Speaking
2. I can understand the debate materials.
3. I can understand the motion in debate
4. Debate is the most difficult subject in
Academic Speaking Class.
5. I find it difficult to practice speaking in
debate practice.
6. I am shy to deliver argument in debate
7. I am less motivated to ask questions when I
do not understand the material of debate.
8. I am afraid to make mistake when I deliver
argument in front of people.
9. I am less in managing time when I deliver
argument in debate practice.
10. I do rehearsal before doing debate practice.
11. I join an English Speaking Circle (ESC)
involving my close friends in class to improve
my speaking skill in debate.

12. I join reading club involving my close friends

in class to read a newspaper or an article in a
week, to discuss what we have already read.
13. I pause my argument in few minutes to
mediate some words to be produced with
“emm”, “well”, or “how we call it”.
14. I repeat some words in order to produce what
I intend to say.
15. I add mimes, gestures, and facial expressions
while I deliver argument in debate practice.

SA: Strongly Agree DE: Disagree
AE: Agree SD: Strongly Disagree
NE: Neutral
Appendix 2

Interview Guideline.
This questions for analysing students’ problems in debate prcticing and
strategies to solve the problem in Academic Speaking Class, fourth semester of
English Education Department, Universitas Muria Kudus in academic year
1. What do you know about debate?
2. When do you know about debate?
3. How do you know about debate?
4. What difficulties do you find in debate practice?
5. How are your strategies to solve the problems in debate practice?
Appendix 3
The Example of Students’ problems and strategies questionnaire in debate
practicing in academic speaking class
Appendix 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 3 3 3 5 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 4
2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 5 4 3 5 5
3 2 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 4
4 3 3 2 5 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3
5 3 4 3 5 5 4 3 5 2 4 3 3 5 5 4
6 4 5 4 1 2 2 1 3 4 5 3 3 4 3 4
7 5 4 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 4 5 5 4 4 3
8 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3
9 3 2 3 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3
10 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 5 3 3
11 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
12 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 3 3 3 4 3
13 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 2 4 4
14 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 5 5 3 4 4 4
15 3 3 3 1 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 3 5 5 5
16 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
17 5 4 3 5 4 4 2 4 4 3 5 2 4 4 4
18 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 3 5 5 5
19 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4
20 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
21 5 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 4 4 5
22 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3
23 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 4
24 4 4 4 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 4
25 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1
26 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 5 5
SUM 91 93 85 90 90 88 76 79 87 97 86 76 98 102 96
  3.5 3.6 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.4 3 3 3.3 3.8 3.3 3 3.8 3.9 3.7
Appendix 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 42.3 43.6 39.7 72.3 30.3 41 47.6 36 39.7 44.9 28.1 24 46.2 47.6 59.3
2 56.3 57.8 53.3 72.3 42.3 41 34.8 16 39.7 44.9 68.9 47.6 46.2 79.2 75.7
3 30.3 74 68.9 42.3 72.3 70.6 62.4 36 68.9 75.7 53.3 47.6 60.8 62.4 59.3
4 42.3 43.6 28.1 72.3 56.3 70.6 47.6 49 39.7 44.9 39.7 34.8 60.8 62.4 44.9
5 42.3 57.8 39.7 72.3 72.3 54.8 34.8 64 28.1 59.3 39.7 34.8 77.4 79.2 59.3
6 56.3 74 53.3 20.3 30.3 29.2 15.2 36 53.3 75.7 39.7 34.8 60.8 47.6 59.3
7 72.3 57.8 39.7 42.3 20.3 41 15.2 16 39.7 59.3 68.9 62.4 60.8 62.4 44.9
8 42.3 43.6 39.7 56.3 56.3 54.8 34.8 49 53.3 44.9 39.7 34.8 46.2 62.4 44.9
9 42.3 31.4 39.7 72.3 56.3 54.8 34.8 49 53.3 44.9 39.7 34.8 60.8 62.4 44.9
10 56.3 57.8 39.7 42.3 30.3 29.2 34.8 25 39.7 44.9 28.1 15.2 77.4 47.6 44.9
11 42.3 43.6 39.7 72.3 56.3 54.8 47.6 49 53.3 44.9 39.7 34.8 46.2 47.6 44.9
12 42.3 43.6 39.7 56.3 56.3 70.6 47.6 64 68.9 59.3 39.7 34.8 46.2 62.4 44.9
13 72.3 74 68.9 20.3 20.3 19.4 15.2 16 28.1 75.7 68.9 62.4 33.6 62.4 59.3
14 56.3 57.8 39.7 42.3 42.3 29.2 24 25 39.7 75.7 68.9 34.8 60.8 62.4 59.3
15 42.3 43.6 39.7 20.3 56.3 41 47.6 49 53.3 75.7 39.7 34.8 77.4 79.2 75.7
16 42.3 43.6 39.7 56.3 56.3 54.8 34.8 36 53.3 44.9 39.7 34.8 46.2 47.6 44.9
17 72.3 57.8 39.7 72.3 56.3 54.8 24 49 53.3 44.9 68.9 24 60.8 62.4 59.3
18 42.3 43.6 39.7 72.3 56.3 54.8 47.6 64 53.3 75.7 39.7 34.8 77.4 79.2 75.7
19 42.3 43.6 39.7 56.3 56.3 54.8 47.6 49 53.3 59.3 39.7 34.8 46.2 62.4 59.3
20 42.3 43.6 39.7 42.3 42.3 41 34.8 36 39.7 44.9 39.7 34.8 46.2 47.6 44.9
21 72.3 57.8 53.3 20.3 56.3 19.4 15.2 16 18.5 75.7 28.1 24 60.8 62.4 75.7
22 30.3 43.6 39.7 42.3 42.3 54.8 34.8 49 53.3 44.9 53.3 34.8 46.2 47.6 44.9
23 42.3 57.8 39.7 56.3 56.3 70.6 47.6 49 53.3 75.7 39.7 34.8 60.8 62.4 59.3
24 56.3 57.8 53.3 30.3 42.3 29.2 15.2 16 28.1 44.9 39.7 24 46.2 47.6 59.3
25 56.3 57.8 39.7 56.3 42.3 41 34.8 16 18.5 22.1 18.5 15.2 77.4 79.2 22.1
26 56.3 57.8 39.7 56.3 42.3 54.8 34.8 36 53.3 59.3 53.3 34.8 77.4 79.2 75.7
1293. 1604.
∑ ( Xi−X )2 8 1368.8 1133.4 1337.8 1247.8 1232 915.2 995 1155.6 1463 1163 903.2 1507.2 8 1442.6
S 7.1 7.3 6.6 7.2 6.9 6.9 5.9 6.2 6.7 7.5 6.7 5.6 7.6 7.9 7.4

The formula for the variance and standard deviation is:

( Xi−X )
S= Note:
S = Standard Deviation

26 Xi = Score

S = √ 49,8 X = mean

S = 7,1 N = Number of Students

Appendix 6
NO Question Answer
. Student I Student II Student III Student IV Student V Student VI
1. What do Debate, actually the highest Debate is one of Based on my Debate, I think debate Debate is
you know speaking from academic my assignment knowledge according to me is giving an
about speaking I think and because in speaking debate is arguing is something communication argument
debate? we know that debate is not class to do it for something about that sharpen our between 2 every students
about how to speak but is my course that I a theme between critical teams that is can give an
deliver argument and opinion must take in 2 teams, there is thingking and about argument his
in the shorten time. We know this semester. affirmative and then is about argument of or her own
that some of like we have to negative team. collecting the the motion. It argument.
rebutt and anything else and So, for data and will get
the first is about debate, affirmative is collecting conclude about
actually is not a simple as they agree with something the problem is
easy but it is not too difficult the theme but the important that it.
but it can be more negative they make us have a
complicated than I think. don’t agree with good critical
the theme and thingking like
they will arguing that,
about based with
their theme.
2. When do Actually, first time when I When I am in I know about When I join Actually, I just Since Mr.
you know was follow debate practice at 1st semester. debate is when I ESA, it sinces know debate Farid teach me.
about debate division from ESA. Actually I join was in senior almost 1 year itself, but I
debate? There are some practice and for the debate high school in 1st inside of ESA know debate
since I was in the first division in the grade of senior there is a debate more specificly
semester I follow the practice ESA. But, I high school. division. in this
and I know what is debate think I can’t semester.
even at the first time debate join again
totally difficult really because I face
difficult, if we not comfort my difficulties
with debate and speaking it in that place so,
will be more stop with I go from that
actually. place.
3. How do After I follow from the first Okay, no My teacher show I know about In this class In academic
you know time until now it can change actually I’m me video about debate is from and Mr. Farid speaking class,
about my mind or perspective about with my group debate. my friend she is tell more about watching in
debate? what is debate. At the first is share our Amalia debate and the youtube about
totally difficult but after that opinion about Murbawanti, other debate itself.
it is really difficult, but it is the motion and she told me information
about how to enjoy with I think the everything about debate
debate. For me debate is difficult thing in about debate, the motion, the
about how to convey my debate is the she share her steps to do
argument or opinion about motion, because experience debate itself,
something case because we sometimes we, I about debate, and he give
know that in debate we talk can’t to her experience practice and
about hot issues and some of understand the in join example also.
hot thing in enviroment even motion is about competition so I
in country, so it is about how this but feel that I am
to make sense with them. sometimes the interest with
lecturer say that debate.
no it is not
about this, like
that. So, I think
we have miss
when the
Actually, in my
group itself,
they sometimes
make me
confuse with
their opinion
because it same
with my
opinion but they
feel is not same.
4. What For the first, is about how to Many, many. In Ya, I find some When I do the Find the data, My mind
difficulties attack or how to make the speaking of difficulties from debate actually and make sure maybe,
do you argument itself. I think is not course, when I me, the most hard thing that I the data and because in
find in about the motion. And the have to rebutt. difficult is how to must stand up in then when I debate we have
debate first define the motion, but express about my debate when I was practice I to critical
practice? after that how to define in the opinion when I share my introvet thinking like
team, we are in team how to want to argue argument, that’s person, I that. And
define the argument itself or something, I feel the difficult one difficult say nervous, less
the side itself is totally difficult to that I feel the my argument prepare the
difficult. Because we have to express it problem. So, and then I lost material.
define the first, second, and because my you know my eye contact
third speaker. As we know as speaking English actually when I to the audience
a scond speaker she or he has is not good talk, I always sit and the adjue. I
to have a complite argument enough and I still down, and then usually blank it
and the detail one. But the to find some new when I try to there are no
other one it will be difficult vocabularies to join debate and note in my
for them, I mean we have to speak up in I try to share my hand so, I just
decide which one side that arguing in argument, share lost some my
appropiate. But the other hand debate. my opinion argument. if I
we have to think which one stand up that’s forgot the
that most important point but make my mind argument
when we choose it from me blur and distruct itself.
as a second speaker then my my mind. It is
friend ask “okay, I don’t difficult for me
know what should I talk about to share
or anything else.” It means argument while
we need to think what our I stand up.
friends to do for the first.
Because, me has an
experience before but some of
my friends don’t have
experience yet so, it is about
the first they totally difficult
about limitation itself, how to
make limitation and then if
the definition I think they are
when we have practice more
easier, even we lost some of
the case. Then we have to
define three or words, but that
we just define one word, then
limitation and the third define
what kind of this motion will
go. I mean some of them
think that okay just go with
this case and actually some of
motion talk about anything
else so at the other me try to
tell them okay this motion go
there and another go there.
Because the other one feel,
okay no problem but the other
say that its totally difficult
and I don’t want to speak in
debate or I feel nervous or
anything else. Because last
time when we have practice
some of them was totally
okay I don’t want this motion
mal and the other is difficult
one and anything else like
that. And my problem
actually nervous and define
the motion actually, not only
define the motion and try to
limit. Because some, the first
even I follow debate at the
first, I never being a first
speaker, so when I will be a
first speaker it will make me
5. How are Actually we have several day Praying and My strategies is Ya, I have a I practice with In group
your before final test. Some of my sleep before when before I do problem when I my group and amalia help me
strategies friends, we have discussion a debate practice debate, I read a share my discuss about to practice,
to solve big discussion with the some and share with lot of sources to argument with the motion and before debate
the of different group and we just my group, so build my stand up, so I search the data we prepare the
problems talk about the motion and we are not vocabularies try to speak from the motion or we
in debate what is the limitation and nervous in before I arguing stand up that’s Internet and know what is
practice? anything else then we have debate something I read actually I do it a my group help the motion first
take a note and after that we practicing. a lot of book to lot thing and I me read the and pray.
go to discuss in our group, support my prepare some motion and the
intern group. Because in the argument and I stuff. I prepare data.
intern group we talk about try to write what the camera in
which part that will take, it I want to say in a my room at my
will decreas the confusing of paper first. home. I prepare
definition and limitation and for table and
then it is to know how many camera and than
time or what material that I try to stand up
they need to fulfill 7 minutes and I try to
or 6 minutes because some of record my self
us, we know that not all of and then I try to
student have some ability in review that am I
speaking so, by this case help good in
them just make sure that, speaking when I
okay you will be more stand up?. And I
comfortable when you face keep review and
the debate even the nerveous try it again.
one, I believe that it will be Actually it give
difficult to solve it, but I think me a lot of
for this case it will help them benefit during
just to make sure that okay its Mr. Farid’s
my material I will speak and debate class
no matter how I will speak. itself. For the
And I being not choose to be practice itself I
the first speaker. can share my
argument while
stand up.
Appendix 7
 This is a class in the area of Public Speaking.
 For the purpose of this class, “public speaking” will be defined as ANY
kind of speaking in front of more than one person, not just giving

Here I list some points dealing with Academic Speaking class:

 The goals of the class (what you should learn).
 The requirements of the class (what you must do in order pass).
 My expectation of you (what you need to do to act like a college student).
 And, other important things that you need to know about this class.

Goals of this class:

1. Students will learn to give informative and persuasive speeches.
2. Students will learn to prepare a speech outline.
3. Students will learn to participate appropriately (as presenter, moderator,
MC and audiences) in mini seminar.
4. Students will be able to deliver arguments about issues surrounding
5. Students will keep up with current events/issues.

Requirements of the class:

1. You must do all projects.
2. You must participate in class in the form of asking questions, commenting,
taking notes, playing attention, and supporting other students.

My expectation of you:
1. You must complete all projects on time.
2. You must come to class on time-this means, be sitting on your seat at the
time when class is scheduled to start.
3. You must not ask questions at inappropriate times and content.


Do not miss understand-ALL questions are legitimate. NO question is “TOO
DUMB”. However, you are not 3 years old and cannot yell out questions
wherever you want. RAISE YOUR HAND and I willcall on you when I finish
my tought. If I say, “Any questions?”, that’s a good time for a question. If your
question is unrelated to that day’s class, wait until the end class. If you are
afraid you’ll forget the question, write it down.
# you must be considerate of other classmates. You can disagree, but don’t insult.
Appendix 8
Kampus UMK Gondangmanis Bae Kudus PO Box 53
Phone/ Fax 0291- 438229


Name : Ayu Puji Astuti

NIM : 2014-32-026
Study Program : English Education Department
Skripsi Title : Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing
in Academic Speaking Class (A Case Study at Fourth
Semester of English Education Department of
Universitas Muria Kudus in 2017/2018 Academic

State that this skripsi is indeed the scientific work of mine, not that of
others. I only make some certain quotations from others as references I need to
support my skripsi.

I am fully responsible for this statement.

Kudus, 11th of July 2018

The researcher

Ayu Puji Astuti

Appendix 9
Kampus UMK Gondangmanis Bae Kudus PO Box 53
Phone/ Fax 0291- 438229


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : Dr. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd

NIDN :0615097701
Jabatan : Lektor Kepala

Nama : Diah Kurniati, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIDN : 0601017501
Jabatan : Lektor

Menerangkan bahwa

Nama : Ayu Puji Astuti

NIM/ Semester : 2014-32-026/ VIII
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Telah menyelesaikan bimbingan skripsi dengan judul:

Students’ Problems in Debate Practicing in Academic Speaking Class (A Case

Study at Fourth Semester of English Education Department of Universitas Muria
Kudus in 2017/2018 Academic Year)

Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat sebagai syarat mengajukan permohonan

ujian terakhir.

Kudus, 11 Juli 2018

Pembimbing II Pembimbing I

Diah Kurniati, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dr. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd
NIDN. 0601017501 NIDN. 0615097701

Appendix 10
Kampus UMK Gondangmanis Bae Kudus PO Box 53
Phone/ Fax 0291- 438229


Nama : Ayu Puji Astuti

NIM : 2014-32-026
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Mengajukan permohonan menempuh ujian skripsi

Bersama ini kami lampirkan hal- hal sebagai berikut:

1. Surat pernyataan tentang orisinalitas skripsi.
2. Surat keterangan selesai bimbingan skripsi.
3. Naskah skripsi 4 eksemplar.
4. Tanda bukti biaya bimbingan dan ujian skripsi.
5. Transkip nilai lulus dengan IPK minimal 3.0

Kudus, 11 Juli 2018

Ka. Progdi PendidikanBahasa Inggris Pemohon

Nuraeningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. Ayu Puji Astuti

NIDN. 0612077901 NIM. 201432026
Appendix 11
Scan kartu bimbingan
Appendix 12
Ayu Puji Astuti was born on June 09th,
1996 in Kudus. She lives in Sadang
RT:006 Rw:003, Jekulo, Kudus. Her
parents’ name is Mr. Suwandi (alm)
and Mrs. Sri Mulyati. She is the first
children of two children. She has one
little sister, her name is Putri Dwi
The background of her education
begins from TK Pertiwi 01 Sadang since 2001 – 2002. After that, she continued
her study at SD Negeri 1 Sadang since 2002 – 2008. Then, she continued her
education at SMP Negeri 1 Jekulo. In 2011, she continued her study at SMA N 1
Jekulo Kudus and graduated in 2014. The last, in 2014 she continued her study at
Universitas Muria Kudus majoring English Education Department.
She was active in some of organization experience as long as being a student
college. In period 2014 / 2015, she became member of Broadcasting Devision in
journalistic. Then, in period 2015 / 2016 she was the leader of department of
organization in broadcasting Devision and the member of English Debate
Division in English Student Association (ESA). She looks for experience by
joining some of the international event and national competitions such as:
1. Participants of national debate competition Universitas Brawijaya in
2. Representative of students’ internship of Hatyai University, Thailand
in 2016.
3. Liason official of Muria Cultural Program, Universitas Muria Kudus,
Indonesia in 2016.

4. Semi-finalist of national Microteaching Competition in UNY,

Indonesia in 2017.
5. Liaison official of 2nd International Conference in Teacher Training
and Education Faculty of Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia in 2017
entitle “Indonesian Culture-Based Comic for Teaching Young
Learners in Indonesia”

6. Representative of students’ exchange of Universitas Muria kudus with

Hatyai University entitle “Teaching Practice Internship” with
Siriwanwaree School 2, Thailand in 2017.

In this university, she got a worth experience that can improve her knowledge
and ability especially to be a teacher. She wants be able to make her beloved
mother and her beloved family proud of her. So, after the writer graduates from
this university, the writer won’t stop to find a new experience in any fields
especially related to education field. If the readers want to discuss about
everything, you can contact her via, twitter:
@ayusuwandi09 and by WA number: 085740026448.
That’s all about me. Thank you very much for reading.

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