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1.1 Background of The Study

According to (Maduwu, 2016) English as a language used by most countries in the world
as the main language, has universal status. Moreover, English is considered an international
language that is important to learn or master. Several countries, especially those that were
formerly British colonies, have designated English as a second language that must be mastered
after their mother tongue. In Indonesia, even though English is considered a foreign language,
this language has quite a big role in the daily lives of our society. This can be seen especially in
the context of education in Indonesia. English is one of the subjects taught to students from
elementary to tertiary level in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has introduced learning
English from an early age to students in Elementary Schools (SD) or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)
through the 1994 Basic Education Curriculum. Since the implementation of this curriculum,
English has become part of the local content taught starting in grade IV (four ) SD/MI. Even
though the 2013 curriculum implemented in SD/MI in Indonesia ignores English subjects, this
does not mean that learning English is prohibited in schools.Top of Form

English has been designated as the main foreign language in Indonesia through the
Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 096/1967 dated 12 December 1967.
Accoding to (Dwihartanti & Nur Faizah, 2019) The choice of English as the main foreign
language was based on several considerations, one of the main reasons being that at that time, the
Indonesian national language was not widely used enough to communicate with the outside
world in the context of foreign policy and establishing relations with other countries. . English is
recognized globally as a very important language for international communication, the
development of science, modern technology, trade and politics. English has been used widely in
various fields and by most of the international community. Therefore, English is given top
priority as a foreign language that must be studied among other foreign languages in Indonesia.
The importance of English as a primary foreign language emphasizes the importance of an
effective education system. Education has a central role in improving and improving the quality
of Indonesia's Human Resources (HR). Accoding to (Lolita, 2022) with good education,
including strong English language learning, Indonesian human resources can be better prepared
and able to compete at the global level, supporting the nation's progress and competitiveness in
various fields.

The educational goal of incorporating English into the curriculum is to ensure students
gain a comprehensive understanding of the language and proficiency in four essential skills:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Alkodimi & Al-Ahdal, 2021). In the field of English
language acquisition, mastery of writing is a very important skill, as emphasized by scholars
(Purba, Sianturi, & Siahaan, 2022). Developing writing skills not only requires linguistic
competence but also fosters holistic thinking processes among students, thereby enabling them to
compose articulatory compositions (Purba, Sianturi, & Siahaan, 2022). Apart from that, the
meaning of writing also extends into everyday life, equipping students with the ability to
compose sentences effectively and articulate their thoughts coherently through written media
(Purba, Sianturi, & Siahaan, 2022). Therefore, developing proficient writing skills is integral in
cultivating well-rounded English language learners, enabling them to express themselves clearly
and effectively in a variety of contexts.

In education, the role of a teacher as a professional educator and teacher is very

necessary, materials that suit needs, appropriate strategies or methods to achieve goals,
evaluation as a measuring tool to determine abilities and facilities and infrastructure to be able to
support learning activities (Diniyyah, 2020). The role of a teacher in the learning process cannot
be ignored. The strategies implemented by a teacher have a significant impact in shaping how
students understand, respond, and process information. More than just a transmitter of
information, a teacher who is proficient in teaching strategies has an important role in forming
the foundation of students' knowledge and understanding (Diniyyah, 2020). Teaching is helping
someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in learning something,
providing knowledge, causing knowing or understanding (Brown, 2006); There are several
criteria for good teaching writing skills, namely describing objective instructions, the teacher
asking questions and providing assignments that have been taught, sharing details of material
based on the concept of a better teaching process, and student interest. attention and creative
teaching activities (Nomalungelo l.Ngubane, Berrington Ntombela, 2018).

According to (Sari & Aceh, 2020) There are several aspects in English that we should
know, these aspects are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In these four aspects, writing is
one aspect that is not easy for some people to understand. Writing is an important activity in
human life, by writing, people can express ideas both from within and outside themselves, and to
get more of their experiences. Writing must be done through intensive training so that writing
skills will be well structured. According to (Diniyyah, 2020) Of the many skills, writing is
something that must be mastered by a student who is expected to have the competence to carry
out various types of writing skills to be able to express feelings, thoughts and information in the
form of simple essays, instructions, announcements, letters, dialogues, reports. , summaries and
various literary works for children in the form of rhymes, poetry and stories.

Based on pre-research which was carried out on December 07 2023, the reason why
researchers conducted research there was obtained because the researchers wanted to know the
strategies used by English teachers in teaching writing to seventh grade students and the reasons
for implementing these strategies. One of the main obstacles faced by grade 7 junior high school
students is limitations in English vocabulary. These limitations can hinder their ability to express
ideas or concepts appropriately. Apart from that, a lack of understanding of grammar is often the
cause of errors in writing, such as using inappropriate tenses, subject-verb agreement errors, and
using incorrect pronouns.

First previous study entitled "Teacher Strategy in Teaching Writing at Eleventh grade
students of SMK Pancasila 6 Jatisrono". The written by Anik Adik Hartini. This research focuses
on the teacher's strategy and the reasons for using the strategy in teaching writing at the eleventh
grade students in academic year 2022/2023. The aims of this research are to know teacher's
strategy in teaching writing at the eleventh grade students of SMK Pancasila 6 Jatisrono and
teacher's reasons for using the strategy in teaching writing at the eleventh grade students of SMK
Pancasila 6 Jatisrono in Academic Year 2022/2023. Second previous study was written by
Hidayat & Jaenudin (2022). The title of this study is "Teachers' Strategies to Teach Writing
Explanation Texts". The purposes of the research were to understand the teachers' strategies and
techniques used to teach writing. The results of this study were teaching strategies are important
to use, various strategies are used by English teachers to help students cope with their problems.
Based on the information, the researcher conducted a study focusing on the methods employed
by teachers in instructing writing at SMPN 01 Sanankulon. The research entitled "Teacher's
Strategy in Teaching Writing Student for the 7 th grade of Junior High School : A single Case
Study at SMPN 01 Sanankulon” aims to gather data about the approaches utilized by teachers
when teaching writing to seventh-grade students.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the background of the problem above to avoid expansion research title, the researcher
only focuses on things that include "Teacher's Strategy in Teaching Writing Student for the 7 th
grade of Junior High School : A single Case Study at SMPN 01 Sanankulon”

a. What types of strategies use of teach writing?

b. How make a preparation for using the strategies?

c. How do teaches implement the srategies?

d. How does the teaches evaluate the dropedd and advantanges strategies?

e. What are the result and impact of student’s achievement of use the srategies?

1.3 Research Objective

a. To know types of strategies use of teach writing

b. To know preparation for using the strategies

c. To know how do teaches implement the srategies

d. To know how does the teaches evaluate the dropedd and advantanges strategies

e. To know the result and impact of student’s achievement of use the srategies

1.4 Benefit of Study

The researcher expects that this research has two major benefit :

1. Theoritical Benefit

a. The results of this research can serve as a basis for further research efforts
b. The findings from this research have the potential to expand readers' knowledge
concerning the strategies teachers use to teach writing

2. Practical Benefit

a. Teacher

The insights gained from this research will assist English teachers in creating diverse and
engaging learning experiences tailored to students' individual characteristics.
Furthermore, it will increase the attractiveness of the English teaching and learning
process. The findings of this research can be valuable input for educators at SMPN 01
Sanankulon, thereby encouraging them to focus on their students' writing learning

b. Students

It is hoped that the results of this research will provide new insights to students, so that
they can provide input to teachers regarding their preferences in using learning strategies.
Through the understanding obtained from this research, it is hoped that students will have
the opportunity to communicate with teachers regarding the methods they like best or are
most effective for them in learning writing skills.

c. School

The researcher anticipates that this study will serve as an assessment within the school
aimed at enhancing the English teaching and learning process, specifically focusing on
improving writing skills.

1.5 Definition of Operational Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in reading this study the researcher should give the definition of
some key terms :

1. Teacher Strategy

Teaching strategy can be defined as a plan, method or series activities to achieve

particular educational goal (Richards, Jack C. & Rodgres. 1986).
2. Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (2004), teaching writing in English is important for students,

especially in non-English speaking countries. Teaching writing in English has two major
approaches: process and genre/product. The process approach is concerned with phases in
the writing process, while the genre approach requires learners to examine texts they will
write before starting their writing.

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