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The first chapter presents background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of
the research, significance of the research, scope of the research, and operational definition.
1.1 Background of the Research
English is the main foreign language being learned in Indonesia (Renandya, 2000). It has
so many impacts for each aspect of people’s life. It influences our study, carrier, etc.
Considering the importance of English, having a high motivation of learning English is a
must for students. As Huitt (2001) stated that paying attention to the importance of language will
help learners increase their motivation to learn even if they do not have enough intrinsic
motivation. It means that learning English is a must, even you only have intrinsic or extrinsic
Based on the writer’s discussion with the tutors of English Box Kudus, the students’
motivation of learning English is up and down. First, the students act differently during the
learning process and they give different response for each teacher teaches them. The students’
mood is good in the beginning, then getting down in the middle of learning process, and it can be
getting up or down at last. They are also sometimes enthusiastic taught by the teacher, but not for
the other teachers. They act differently when being taught by some teachers. Second, not all the
students focus during the learning process. They are sidetracked by many things. Sometimes the
students do some unnecessary activities. Third, not all the students dare to speak in the class.
Some of them just keeping silent while the other students asking or answering questions. This
case is very important to be known because the unstable motivations of the students will influent
their English learning process. It influences the velocity of learning English, how fast they learn
After knowing the students’ motivation of learning English, the students’ will know how
to maintain their own motivations and the teacher will know the appropriate strategies of
teaching. So, the writer decided to conduct a research entitled “The Students’ Motivation of
Learning English of Beginner Class in English Box”.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
1. What the students’ problem makes them have an unstable motivation of learning English in
English Box?
2. What is the teacher’s strategy dealing with students’ motivation of learning English in English
1.3 Objective of the Research
Based on the statement of the problem, the objectives of this research are:
1. Describe about the students’ problem make them have an unstable motivation of learning
English in English Box.
2. Describe about the strategy to make the students have a stable motivation of learning
English in English Box.
1.4 Significance of the Research
a. Theoretical benefits
1.) The result of the research can be used for those who want to conduct a study about students’
motivation in learning English as a reference.
b. Practical benefits
1.) The result of the research will be helpful for the teacher to know the problems that make the
students have unstable motivation of learning English.
2.) The result of the research will be helpful for the students to know how to have a stable
motivation of learning English.
3.) The result of the research will be useful for the writer to increase her knowledge about
students’ motivation of learning English
1.5 Scope of the Research
In this research, the writer focuses on the unstable students’ motivation in learning
English in English Box. The writer analyses the problems make them have a low motivation of
learning English, and make the new strategies after knowing the problems. So, we can keep the
students’ motivation high.

1.1 Operational Definition
The writer would like to define some topics related to the title of the research, they are:
1. Students’ Motivation
Students’ motivation is students’ reasons and goals which underlie their desire to
reach something in the class. It’s showed with their activeness and participation in the
2. Beginner Class in English Box
Beginner Class is the class which has students from English beginner’s learners.
Usually the students of the beginner class start from junior high school until unlimited
age. But I will observe the class which has students from nursing lecturer. English
Box is one of English course in Kudus located in 14B KH. Muhammad Arwani Amin
Street, Kajeksan.
3. Students’ Problem
Students’ problem is the problem faced by the students that make them have unstable
motivation of learning English.
4. Teacher’s Strategy
Teacher’s strategy is the strategy should be applied by the teacher to make the
students have a stable motivation of learning English.

The second chapter presents about the concept of motivation comprise of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation, teaching strategy, English Box, previous research, and theoretical
2.1 The Concept of Motivation
Motivation is human characteristic to make a commitment. (Badu, 2005) It’s
about people’s willingness to do something, because human must have a desire doing
their activities. Motivation created because of goal. Goal is someone’s idea or purpose
committed to be achieved. Then a goal will create a behavior. Behavior is someone’s
reaction to their environment. A goal can make a behavior should be done to achieve the
goal. And a behavior will create achievement of goal. Achievement of goal is the result
of what you have done related to the goal. So, motivation influenced or based on some

Intrinsic MOTIVATION Extrinsic

Kinds of motivation divided into two, they are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation is a motivation come from your individual reason to do, the reward is
from yourself. Doing an activity is for your own sake rather than another people’s
reward. You do not think other people’s response of your behavior. Meanwhile, extrinsic
motivation is a motivation come from outside. Sometimes, you do an activity not because
you enjoy it, but you want to get a reward from another people, just because you want to
avoid something unpleasant.
2.1.1 Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation is a motivation that pushes the students which produce
positive attributes. The motivation can come from the students’ reason of learning, in
this case, learning English. Intrinsic motivation can be illustrated as an evidence of
students’ natural curiosity can energize their learning, it doesn’t have apparent
reward, and they do it for their own sake (Decy and Ryan in Dornyei, 1994; Brown,

2000). The students don’t care about their environment, they learn it because they
want it. The students do the activities just because they want to reach their own goal
without thinking about other.
2.1.2 Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside factors to get external
rewards or threats (Harmer, 2007; Dornyei and Carrreira, 2005). Extrinsic motivation
caused by so many factors. In this case, the motivation can come from the learning
environment. First, it can be caused by the teacher. The students enjoy with the
teacher’s method of teaching, the teacher is very capable and fun during the learning
process. In the other hand, it can indicate the students’ desire to get attention from the
teacher. For example, the students want to exhibit their capability to the teacher. So,
the students will get a reward from the teacher.
The second is competition. The students want to compete with other students.
They want to be the best in the class. Each student doesn’t want to be left behind, and
it makes them do more efforts to be the first.
The third is situation. There are many kinds of situation. It can be the facilities.
For example, the room is not comfortable and pleasant. This condition will influence
the students’ mood of learning, because when the students do not feel comfortable, it
will decrease their enthusiasm of learning. Another kind of situation is a condition
that compelled the students to learn it. For example, they have to study for final
examination, make a paper or journal, joining competition, etc. So, they want it or
not, it is a must.
The fourth is price. Most of students will attract to a low budget course. It can be
their reason having a motivation of learning English. Those are some factors of
extrinsic motivation of learning English. Each student must have their own factor of
learning English.

2.2 Motivation in Learning English as Foreign Language
Motivation in learning English as foreign language learner is something crucial.
These days, people need to have a high motivation of learning English because motivation
plays an important role for foreign language students (Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993). And the
learners usually have various motivations in learning English. English is a must because it’s
the demands of life. First, because you are not a native, you need to study hard in order to
communicate with another people all over the world as well. As a student, you need to master
English to improve yourself quality. For example when you can speak English well, you can
join some competitions in another country. You can go international, and it’s a good start for
your future career.
The motivation is from the learners desire to have a job in the future (Ellis, 1997).
It’s related to the first motivation. Most of English as foreign language learners have a
motivation to compete with other competitors in getting a job. Nowadays, getting a good
work is difficult. Mastering English is one of the key to be had. Most of good companies will
employ a worker in a standard. English must be a very common labour standard. Students, in
this case English as foreign language learners initiated to study English earlier and sooner to
prepare their future pass through all obstacles in getting a job. As Celikoz (2010) stated that
the most effective motivation is the probability of finding a job.
2.3 Teaching Strategy
Lawton (2019) describe teaching strategy as a generalized plan for lesson, such as
structure desired learner behavior and an outline of planned tactics necessary to implement
the strategy. Mackenzie divides controlling factors constitute by which goal are achieved into
two types, they are material which means subject matter, teaching material and teaching aids.
Then, Procedural is ways of manipulation and implementation of the material means.
Teaching strategy should pay attention to some aspects. Student ownership is
important to be built by the teacher in the class. However, students should be allowed to
determine class rules and procedures, set learning goals, select learning activities and
assignments, and decide whether to work in groups or independently (Olson, 1997). Build
competency can be done by having them investigate and respond to issues relating to
survival, quality of life, problem solving, and/or real products and situations. Lessons that

are more interesting and more personally relevant are more motivating to the students
(Caroline C. Williams). Making the content relevant to real life can increase a student’s
motivation. Teachers should emphasize the links between real life and school subjects,
design assignments, and experiments that use everyday materials and situations (Palmer,
2007). Variety is very relevant to student motivation. Variety can be brought into the class
by including activities wherein the students are physically active with a thinking component
(Palmer, 2007). Teacher should be up-to-date. Students love the Internet, giving them
examples, videos, or demonstrations of topics from Internet sites is interesting to them. And
the Internet is a great way to keep up-to-date and to show important current trends and ideas
(Kaylene C. Williams).
2.4 Students Motivation Measurement
Measurement determines the characteristics of an object, skill, and knowledge. It can be
used for educational motivation measurement, and the measurement held to standards and
can be used to obtain reliable result ( Scoot Gilig, 2018). Students motivation measurement
can be divided into three. Intensity of the students’ learning in the class is important.
Intensity can be some points such students’ time management. Students lead very busy lives.
The evidence shows that students are devoting less time to their studies (Higher Education
Research Institute, 2003). And also the effectiveness of the students’ speaking skill in the
class, because speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed
(Brown, 2001:140).
The second measurement is understanding. It can be seen from how they pay attention,
they begin working on tasks immediately, they ask questions and volunteer answers, and they
appear to be happy and eager (Palmer, 2007).
The third measurement is convenience. If a student is hungry or thirsty, it is more
difficult to focus on learning. Also, if the environment is physically, mentally, or emotionally
unsafe, then it will be hard for the student to put all of his or her attention on learning. the
educator must do what is necessary to support the student’s satisfaction so that the student
can focus his or her attention on learning (Maslow, 1943).

2.5 English Box
Formal education is not the only media to learn. Informal education often chosen as
the second place to learn. In this case, English course is one of the most effective places to
learn English. English box which located in 14B KH. Muhammad Arwani Amin Street,
Kajeksan, is an English course n Kudus with their jargon “60 days can speak English”.
English Box has 4 kinds of class. They are Beginner Class, Advance Class, Quick Class, and
TOEFL Training class.
Beginner Class focus on the learning of Grammar, Pronunciation, and Speaking. This
class cost one million rupiah for two months. They will study start from Monday until
Friday. Advance Class focus on the higher level grammar, Listening, and Professional
Speaking. It cost one million and five hundred thousand rupiah for two months. Quick class
focus on English in general, and it only has twenty meetings. The cost depends on the
member of the group. The last, TOEFL Training also has twenty meetings. It cost three
million and five hundred thousand rupiah for 1-5 people. English box is the specialization of
English speaking course.
2.6 Previous Research
Based on some previous findings, there are some discussions related to students’
motivation. There are some result’s points can be a reference to this research.
Factor analysis identified five factors underlying motivation types: unwillingness
based motivation, intrinsic motivation, anxiety-based motivation, future-oriented motivation,
and praise-oriented motivation. The results of the study suggest that teachers should use
different types of praise including both social comparison praise and mastery praise,
depending on students and context, to motivate students in learning English ( Tomoharu
Takahashi, 2018).
Learners' motivation can go up and down depending on the context of language
learning. (Mitra Alizadeh, 2016). Most of them prefer short-term goals to long-term goals.
On the other hand, students generally have higher desire and commitment to learning English
despite a lot of difficulties facing them. In order to enhance the motivational behaviors of
these students, the author provides some suggestions, for example, developing students’
interests in learning English, training learning strategies and promoting students’ self-
efficacy (Chunmei Long, Zhu Ming & Liping Chen, 2013).

But in this case, the writer will analyze about the students’ problem make them
have an unstable motivation of learning English and the strategy to make the students
have a stable motivation of learning English in English Box. The writer will find some
indicators caused a low or high motivation of the students. Moreover, the writer will also
give suggestion how to make the students have a stable motivation, supported by the
teacher’s opinion and suggestion.
2.6 Theoretical Framework


Motivation’s factors Interview


Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has some factors that influence the students’
motivation of learning English. In this research, the writer observes the class situation. By
doing observation, the writer will analyze the problem related to the students, teacher, and
the condition of the class. The writer is looking for the problem faced by the students and the
teacher during the learning process.
After observing the class, the writer makes some points related to the problems. The
writer will do coding for the next data colleting. Then, the writer interviewed the students.
After interviewing the students, the writer will make more detail points.
By doing the interview, the writer analyzes the depth or detail information related to
the problems found before. At last, the writer will make more detail points and recheck the
problem’s points in the questionnaire.

In the third chapter presents about design of the research, data and data source, data
collection, and data analysis.
3.1 Design of the Research
According to Sekaran (2003) “a research design is set up to decide on, among other
issues, how to collect further data, analyze and interpret them, and finally, to provide an answer
to the problem.”. A research design pesents about the choice of data collection methods,
measurement and scaling procedures, instruments, samples and data analysis (Cavana et al,
2001). This research is a case study research, the writer will analyze about the condition of the
class deeper to know the problem and try to find the solution. The result of the research wi be a
descriptive report.
3.2 Data and Data Source
The data of the research is students’ problem of beginner class in English Box caused
unstable motivation. The writer will try to figure it out what’s going on inside the phenomenon
of students’ motivation in learning English. The data source is ten students of A class of
Beginner Class in English Box.
3.3 Data Collection
The writer uses three instruments in collecting data, they are observation, interview, and
1. Observation
In the observation, the writer tries to observe the condition of the class and find the
problem generally by using observation sheet. The writer observes some points, they are
the method used by the teacher, the interaction between the students and the teacher, the
mood of the students during the learning process, the understanding of the students
during the learning process. The writer will check the list made before.
2. Interview
The writer does a structured interview to know more about their problem during learning
English. The writer prepares the questions and asks some students in deep interview to
know the students’ feeling.

3. Questionnaire
The writer uses questionnaire to make sure about some points of problem found before.
In the questionnaire, each question should be answered with (5) agree, (3) neutral, (1)
disagree. The questions in the questionnaire divided into two parts, the first is the
students’ willingness joining the class, and the second is the method of teaching they like
or not. The questionnaire made to collect the data what make them enthusiastic or
unenthusiastic through the detail questions in the questionnaire.
3.4 Data Analysis
The technique for analyzing the data of the research, make the data more accurate.
1. Observation
The writer will make assumption from the observation sheet’s result, and analyze which
part need a depth analysis, then bring it to the interview.
2. Interview
The writer divided into two parts of analyzing the data:
a. Reduction: reducing unrelated or unnecessary words or phrases of the interviewee’s
answer in order to make the points result related to the issues.
b. Categorizing: categorize the interview result by using data analysis which concern to
the research question.
c. Interpreting: rewrite and paraphrase the interviewee’s answer become a structured
interview result.
3. Questionnaire
The writer serves the interview data result as a categorical data. Therefore, the writer will
examine the result of questionnaire into percentage. There are three steps of analyzing the
a. Inputting the answer of the questionnaire to the column of frequency.
b. Modifying the frequency into percentage.
c. Interpreting the percentage result.
d. Concluding the result questionnaire, interview, and observation become a statement
result of the research.


Takahashi, Tomoharu. 2018. Motivation of students for learning English in Rwandan schools.
Kyoto University: Japan.

Souriyawongsa T., Raob I., Abidin Z.J.M. 2012. Study on Students' Motivation in Joining An
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Zuniarti, Nemi, Salam, Urai, Arifin, Zainal. Students’ Motivation in Learning English. English
Education Study Program Language And Art Education Department Teacher Training And
Education Faculty Tanjungpura University: Pontianak.

Chunmei Long, Zhu Ming & Liping Chen. 2013. The Study of Student Motivation on English
Learning in Junior Middle School -- A Case Study of No.5 Middle School in Gejiu. College
of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Agricultural University, China

Mitra Alizadeh. 2016. The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning. Lahijan Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran

Wimolmas, Ratanawalee. A Survey Study of Motivation in English Language Learning of First

Year Undergraduate Students at Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT),
Thammasat University. Thammasat University: Thailand.

Nordquist, Richard. 2017. English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Retrieved from

Cherry, Kendra. 2018. Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivation: What’s the Difference? Retrieved from
Kaylene C. Williams, Caroline C. Williams. 2013. Five Key Ingredients for Improving Student
Motivation. California State University, Stanislaus, University of Wisconsin, Madison:
United State America.
Timothy L. Seifert. 2004. Understanding Student Motivation. Memorial University of
Newfoundland, Canada.


Observation Sheet
Intensity The students come on time.
The students prepare for the lesson.
The students aren’t talking about unnecessary
The students listen to the teacher’s
The students make a note of the material.
The students ask the questions about the
The students communicate using English
more than 50 %.
The students do not discuss other topics
except English.
The students who are enthusiastic for each
session during the learning process are
Understanding The students can answer the question given
by the teacher.
There are some students who look depressed
to the lesson.
There are some students who are more
prominent than the other.
The students look confused while the teacher
is explaining.
Convenience The students don’t feel hot.
The students are complaining about the
cleanness of the class.

The students feel bored with the method of
The students afraid and feel uncomfortable
with the teacher.

Observation Sheet

Teaching Strategy YES NO

1. The teacher comes on time.

2. The teacher prepares the stuff to teach.

3. The teacher greets the students with smile.

4. The teacher asks the students’ readiness to start the class.

5. The teacher explains the material slowly.

6. The teacher asks the students’ understanding of the material.

7. The teacher gives a chance for students to ask about the unclear

8. The teacher gives attention to a student more than another.

9. The teacher uses a media to teach.

10. The teacher uses a game to make the students more enthusiastic.

Interview Sheet
Interviewee :
Date :
Time :
Place :

1. Why do you want to take a course and why English Box (EB)?
2. Have you felt bored during learning English in EB?
3. What is your difficulty in learning English?
4. What is your biggest problem in learning English?
5. How do you overcome those problems?
6. Do you always ask the teacher when you don’t understand the material?
7. Is there anything make you uncomfortable in the class? If yes, what are they?
8. Are you afraid to speak English in the class?
9. When the teacher talks about a material you don’t understand enough, do you feel
depressed or keep listening to the teacher’s explanation?
10. Do you have any problem with the teacher’s method of teaching?

Interview Sheet
Interviewee :
Date :
Time :
Place :

1. Do you usually have various method of teaching for each meeting?
2. Have you ever seen the students feel lazy and have low motivation to study? If yes,
will you change your strategy to teach?
3. When the students getting bored, do you have any strategy to make the situation
4. When the students are talking in the class while you are teaching, what do you usually
5. Do you push your students to speak English all the time?


No Statement Agree Neutral Disagree

1. I’m doing this course because I want to improve
my English faster.
2. I’m motivated because it’s cheap.
3. I believe that participating in this course is a waste
of time.
4. Informal learning upgrades my knowledge more
than formal learning.
5. I learn English for my future carrier.
6. I always come late to the class.
7. I want to take more time to learn English, but I’m
so busy.
8. Sometimes I’m not focus in the class, because
I’m thinking about another business.
9. The teacher’s way of teaching is too boring.
10. The teaching-learning process is fun.
11. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable because the class
is hot.
12. If I don’t understand the material, I will keep
silent rather than ask the teacher.
13. I’m afraid when the teacher asks me to speak
14. The duration of the class is too long.
15. I’m enthusiastic when the teacher applies game as
the method of teaching.
16. I’m embarrassed when my friend can speak
English well, but I can’t.

17. I’m talking with my friends when I feel bored in
the class.
18. The material is too difficult.
19. The teacher is definitely patient.
20. I honestly have a big desire to learn English.
21. My family pushes me to take a course.
22. It’s a pleasant to study outside the school.
23. I’ve tried hard to learn English, but it’s difficult
for me.
24. I’m happy when people give a praise to me.
25. I always want to be the smartest in the class.


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