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So, based on my personal experience, I believe this is a novel that will remind you

of childhood and what it means to be a child. It all comes down to innocence. And

maybe it was because I was young and living my childhood at the time, but I

couldn't get behind it. It was enjoyable to read. With all of the childish figurines, it

depicts the simplicity of life by reducing details and keeping things as simple as

possible. It conveys the message to be yourself, whether you are a businessman, a

mathematician, a king, or a little prince: 'An alien in this entire world with your

own planet and a flower enjoying the peacefulness of life.' The author of the book

claims that adults forget that we were once children. They only think on the

important things in life, such as money. We all have a child inside of us, but only a

small percentage of us are aware of it. Although it appears to be a simple story, it

has a much deeper meaning and interpretation. It motivates us to rediscover our

inner child. The description of the little prince is also quite appealing. Overall, this

novel reminds me of my childhood's pure and innocent feelings. It's a novel I'd like

to read again as I become older.

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