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Our planet, so small and round, but there is much more to see now.
For many centuries we thought were one, but now we know there’s more to explore.
We send our machines up high.
But when we try to reach the sky, we get met by a vastness we can’t identify.
We get baffled and worried of the sight; we call it space, the black sky you see at night.
We send men to the moon, the white dot in the sky that looks like grime, but we still debate on
who got there first.
Does it matter at all, for the feat is such high, the man who did it world renown.
We do not know what is there but we are not at all scared.
We send satellites through many distances to uncover the unknown.
Years go by and we see, there is a system of planets and stars out there.
Could have anyone imagined such a thing, but space has many more mysteries to bring.
So we say goodbye to home, and set off for a journey into the unknown.
How great is the vastness of space, but we will never quit, trying to find a new race?
Now what to do of such space is up to you O human race.
For now, I say goodbye, for I am well of here just fine


Ibaad Dar
London, UK.

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