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A research paradigm is a set of frequently held views and assumptions concerning

ontological, epistemological, and methodological issues within a research community

(Johannesson & Perjons, 2014). A paradigm is a mental model that shapes and
impacts how members of a research community think about their subject of study. An
ontological inquiry about the nature of reality, what entities exist, and how they are
related and interact with one another is answered by a research paradigm. A research
paradigm also addresses epistemological issues concerning people's ability to know
about reality. Finally, a research paradigm provides answers to methodological
problems such as how to conduct legitimate investigations into reality and how to
verify the validity of the knowledge obtained.

Quantitative Research Methods

Positivists think that there is only one reality that can be measured and understood,
and as a result, they employ quantitative research methodologies. Positivism depends
on genuine information that scientists acquire through perception and estimations.
Whatever isn't quantifiable or discernible is of next to zero significance. The greater
part of the logic or quantitative research use positivism as a reasonable structure for
research. Quantitative exploration consistently follows positivist methodology since
positivists have confidence in the observational speculation testing. In unadulterated
sciences, positivism is favored on account of its exact nature to contemplate realities.
In quantitative research, the exploration follows a probabilistic model that is
controlled by past research. Positivists accept that the discoveries of one research can
be summed up to another investigation of a comparative kind paying little heed to it is
directed in an alternate climate and circumstances. This is valid for logical factors like
volume, speed, thickness, strength, and weight. For instance, if a logical report
demonstrates the theory that if a specific completion is applied to a fine cotton tulle
texture it will lose a portion of its regular strength, these outcomes can be summed up
to another comparative texture that gets something very similar after-finish. When
discussing social and conduct sciences quantitative analysts accept that any human
conduct can be considered and anticipated quantitatively and they accept that conduct
can be clarified utilizing a logical way to deal with research. While utilizing positivist
worldview in sociologies the scientist controls the wide range of various variables that
can demolish his/her examination by having their effect. To accomplish a controlled
climate the specialist needs to direct the examination in a lab setting like a logical
trial, however the human conduct is hard to concentrate in a controlled climate, this
makes it hard for the sociology scientist to utilize a positivist worldview in the
investigation of human conduct. For instance, if a scientist theorizes that teenagers
who exit secondary schools are additionally associated with crimes, he/she needs to
contemplate those understudies who exited in a characteristic setting as opposed to in
a lab. As human conduct can't be concentrated in lab settings it's hard to sum up
human conduct to a wide and differed gathering of individuals paying little mind to on
the off chance that they have a few similitudes.

Qualitative Research Methods

Constructivists believe that there is no such thing as a single reality or truth, but rather
various realities that must be interpreted. As such they use the qualitative methods of
research. This worldview depends on the possibility that individuals are innovative
and intentional on their activities, and they effectively make their social world
(Shannon-Baker, 2016). The similarity likewise thinks about the changing idea of
society and the chance of a few understandings of an occasion, that a person's social
or verifiable point of view shapes.

Mixed Research Methods

Reality, according to pragmatists, is continually renegotiated, contested, and

interpreted. As a result, the most effective research approach is the one that solves the
problem. These therefore have a mixed way of researching problems. Pragmatists
have a few strategies to show up at the real world. It very well may be through
levelheaded or emotional means, or through joining the two strategies. Practicality
research reasoning acknowledges ideas to be important just in the event that they
support activity. Pragmatics understand that there are multiple approaches for reading
the world and conducting research, that no single perspective can ever convey the
entire picture, and that several realities may exist. According to logic research
reasoning, research question is the main determinant of the examination theory.
Pragmatics can consolidate both, positivist and interpretivism positions inside the
extent of a solitary examination as indicated by the idea of the exploration question.
logic research theory can incorporate more than one exploration approaches and
examination techniques inside a similar report. In addition, concentrates with realism
research reasoning can incorporate the utilization of numerous exploration strategies,
for example, subjective, quantitative and activity research techniques.


Johannesson, P., & Perjons, E. (2014). An Introduction to Design Science. Switzerland:

Springer International Publishing.

Shannon-Baker, P. A. (2016). Making Paradigms Meaningful in Mixed Methods Research.

Journal of Mixed Methods Research. 10 (4), 319-334.

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