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Dela Torre, Elmer J.

EDU 542 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

BSED - Filipino Ma’am Cherlyn Pascual

Module 12
Check for Understanding: Multiple choices – Circle the letter of your answer.
1. Which is a pedagogic framework to learn and teach a subject through a project?

a. PBL
b. problem based learning

c. project based learning

d. all of the above

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about project based learning?

a. ‘doing a project’ does not always equal ‘learning through a project’.

b. a ‘teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an

extended period of time

c. Project work is integrated into many Language teaching programmes and course books.

d. none of the above

3. In PBL the project is the

a. objective

b. unit

c. topic

d. requirement

4. What is the aim of PBL?

a. to engage students in solving a real-world problem

b. to practice language abilities in authentic settings

c. to get acquainted with the soft skills for survival

d. all of the above

5. What does the PBL require?
a. an extended period of time

b. use of 21st century life skills

c. meaningful language use

d. all of the above

6. When do language come to play during use of PBL?

a. Anytime, at different stages of the project

b. through students’ collaborative work and negotiations

c. through teacher’s language input

d. all of the above

7. Which is NOT a Teacher’s role in PBL?

a. stimulates discussion and creativity

b. views outputs and critics

c. provides language input & corrective feedback

d. works as a facilitator at each stage

8. To achieve higher effective learning, successful project-based learning alongside

classroom teaching focuses on
a. use of technology

b. use of extended time period

c. use of projects

d. use of 21st century skills

9. To ensure a successful pedagogy in PBL with technology integration, you must see to it
a. your tech platform is properly implemented
b. the apps to be used are installed

c. the technology is appropriate for the level and the lesson

d. none of the above

10. The PBL method is a blending of

a. classroom teaching & technology use

b. real-world challenges

c. problem solving through projects

d. all of the above

11. Successful project-based learning takes major investment in terms of

a. Time

b. time & effort

c. effort

d. time, money & effort

12. Which is an important aspect of project-based learning?

a. Keeps the student at the center of learning design

b. Students will do a great deal of effort for the project

c. Teachers will be required to intensively plan out projects

d. none of the above

13. What determines the success of blended learning as a PBL?

a. the implementation of the activity

b. the ability of teachers to use the technology platform

c. the monitoring by the instructor

d. all of the above

14. Through the use of this tech solution, teachers can edit course content as the
learning project evolves, therefore allowing for flexible pedagogy.
a. flipped learning

b. course gamification

c. LMS

d. video quiz

15. Which is the technique by which learners are assigned points based on activities
completed within the course?
a. flipped learning

b. course gamification

c. LMS

d. video quiz


Here are some guide questions intended to give you a better understanding of this lesson.

a. Is project based learning an effective learning approach for teaching language?

 Yes. Because it brings authenticity to the classroom in that the problem is easily
connected to the world outside of the classroom, and students are challenged
to collaborate, communicate and think critically as they approach the problem.
These skills are directly related to Global Competencies and Transferable Skills.
Embedded in any good project are a solid set of language based skills (e.g.
research, writing a paper, putting together a presentation, etc.), as well as any
other subject-related expectations that you choose to include.

b. What should teachers take note when designing projects using project based learning

 Project-based learning, as with all lessons, requires much preparati on
and planning. It begins with an idea and an essenti al questi on. When
you are designing the project and the essenti al questi on that will launch
the activities, it is important to remember that many content standards
will be addressed. With these standards in mind, devise a plan that will
integrate as many subjects as possible into the project.

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