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2st Assignment




Dewi Veranita Rajagukguk, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Arranged By:

Anike Wamaer (2019 62 031)








September 22, 2021 / Classic Horror, Locations and Sites, Psychological Horror, Survival
Horror / apocalyptic, classic horror, Isolation, Peter Bowman, science fiction, survival

Written by Peter Bowman

As his aged, wrinkled fingers weaved through the long beard flowing from his face, that noise came
again. Only this time, it was louder.

There he sat, hunched over the stained oak table that had arrived years ago with no explanation. It
had come whilst he slept; absent one night, and there the following morning. Probably from the
people above, he deduced. That’s where he got everything. In this room with no windows. The only
room he’d ever known in his eighty-four years on this earth.

Again the sound reverberated off the four thick walls of his home. So much so that the candles
scattered across the table shook with ease, their yellow candlelight dancing off the glazed old eyes of
a man who had come to know them as friends through the passing years.

A sudden lurch thrust him from his seat and onto the dirt floor below. In a mad scramble, it dawned
on him quickly that this room with no windows, his room, was moving. Objects that had remained
idle for ages now found themselves scattered across the interior, and the candles themselves proved
no match for the tumultuous forces that knocked them level.
He staggered to his feet. Instinctively, he felt for the table’s edge to support himself, but his hand
met only pain in the form of hot wax. It scoured, but nothing could deprive his attention from the
jostling of the room.

Another lurch, and he was again thrown to the ground. But unlike the first, this force kept him
pinned, and he had the sense that he was moving up. The oak table quivered on its four legs before
surrendering to this mysterious influence, and the last of the candles was extinguished. He found
himself draped in darkness.

And then suddenly, it was dark no more. The ceiling was lifted off, and following it came a bright
light, brighter than any he had ever seen before. The people from above, he thought to himself. As
his eyes adjusted, the bright light became blue, and he could see that there were puffs of white
moving briskly across this blue firmament.

And it became only stranger. Two men, who very much resembled him save for their younger and
broader shoulders, reached down for him, each grabbing beneath the old man’s underarms. The
people from above. They wore plastic, yellow hats and bright reflective vests. He found himself
hoisted into the air and dropped on a wooden platform that stood adjacent to his room. Only now,
there was far more to see than the mere confines of his quarters.

He appeared to be on a beach, or at least he thought he was. All his life he had been told of places
such as these, and the word beach was the first that came to mind. In every direction, people of all
ages surrounded the area, expressions of vast wonder and hysteria lining their faces. For the first
time ever, he’d been granted a new perspective he’d never imagined in his wildest dreams. For the
first time ever, he was able to see his room for what it truly was.

It was a box, and judging from the deep depression in the adjacent sand, it appeared to have been
buried there for eons, not once seeing the light of day until its violent removal mere minutes ago.
The crowd roared abruptly, encouraged by another individual who had leapt onto the wooden
platform next to the old man. He was a middle-aged man wearing a pinstriped suit and black top hat.
Like a deranged ringleader.

“Welcome one and all,” he bellowed, “to the world’s first ever human time capsule!”

When I first read this title, one thing that comes in my mind is like there is a house with
one room, empty room with no windows. Of course I know that this a horror story, that is
why I imagined the rooms empty because there is a ghost in it or maybe in the past there is
a tragedy that caused someone was killed in that room. The room have no lights with full of
darkness as the reason why the room have no windows. That is about my first impression.
After I read the story, then I knew that there is a man at the room and the room is not
empty and dark, there are things in it and have candles as the lights. Then at the end, the
man realized that he wrong about the room as a house because it is a box.

Peter Bowman is a member of Booksie Publishing House, it Is a free social publishing site
that provides a place where writers and readers can connect from across to globe. He has
written another story Perrinville Shadow then he loved photograph you can see it on his
instagram @pbowmanphoto. Now he live in United States.

Room with no windows published on September 22, 2021 with a rating 6.88 out of 65
votes. This story is fictional in which the storyline, cast, settings is not real. Imagination of
the writer and aside the logic, is not a real incident.

Short synopsis of Room with no windows; A man who spent his eighty-four years on his
life, leaving in a room that he known as a house with no windows. There he sat on the oak
table with candles, he never came out of the room when he heard a sound he always think
that the sound is from the people above because he never met people on his life. Then one
day he heard that noise from the people above and then suddenly the room was moving, he
sense that he was moving up everything was dark and then suddenly, it was dark no more
because he could seen bright light. Two men reached down for him, each beneath the old
man’s underarms and dropped on a wooden platform. All his life he had been told of place
such as these, and the word beach was the first that come to mind. Then for the first time
ever, he was able to see his room for what it truly was. It was a box, it appeared to have
been buried there for eons. The crowd roared abruptly, encouraged by another individual
who had leapt onto the wooden platform next to the old man. He was a middle aged man
wearing a pinstriped suit and black top hat. “Welcome one and all,” he bellowed,” to the
world’s first ever human time capsule!”

My point of view, the man on this story is accidently made to life in the human time
capsule. It controlled by “people above” that is why he didn’t know about the oak table that
had come with no explaination whilst he slept. He don’t know that he life in a box that is
why the room have no windows. The things we can learn from this story; human can use
people as a project of science, now we are live in the era that almost everything is
developed by technology of science. Maybe in the future we can see these story becomes

The purpose of this story is to entertain the readers. Overall I like this story because the
storyline are able to make readers to understand what is the story tells about and create my
imaginations about human time capsule, after read the story I became more interested
about it. This is a good story to read.

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