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Why do we have only 24 hours?

The Perfect Morning

An Organised Afternoon

The Evening Stress Free Night

YOUR important 24 HRS.
Why do we have only 24
As we enter the world of adulthood,

the number of hours in a day

suddenly seem to acquire a new

significance. Away from the

carefree world of childhood, where

the number of hours in a day never

bothered us, as adults we have to

learn how to manage our work

around the limited hours in a day.

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Adulthood therefore is a labyrinth

where multitasking and time

management is everything and

where we have to deal with the ever

increasing workload and other

demands of our life, these 24 hours

at our disposal seem to be too less

and a number too hastily decided


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We have only a limited amount

of time at our rescue.I have

often often wondered why do

we have only 24 hours with us?

Why such a random number

and why not 28 or even 48

hours?There are a few

interesting reasons for this as

researched by experts.

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The system of counting the

hours and decoding the time of

the day goes back to Egypt

where people had divided one

day into 3 phases. These

phases were - 10 hours of

daylight, 12 night hours and 2

hours of twilight which formed

the dusk and dawn.

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Stars had an important role

for the Egyptians when it

came to deciding the time

particularly at night. They

depended on a set of stars

called ‘Decans’ and their

movement in the night sky

determined the time for

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So when a new star

rose, it was

considered to be

the start of a new

hour. There were 36

decans in total, one

for each week- as

the Egyptians had

360 weeks annually.

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The length of the night time

and the day time was both

unequal and it varied

during seasons. In summer

the days were longer and

the nights were shorter. 

During winters it was the

other way round with the

nights being longer and the

day being shorter.

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The ancient chinese had

devised a system of ‘double

hours’, where each day was

divided into 12 hours with the

middle of the first double hour

being at midnight. Other

cultures and their methods of

keeping track of time is also

constantly studied by


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However there is no

clear evidence on how

people in other cultures

used to used to keep

track of time.The units

used for measuring time

have stayed the same

for us but there has

been a huge shift from

the way the ancient

Egyptians used to keep

track of time and the

way we do it now.

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Whereas the

Egyptians had

made use of

sundials and water

clocks; civilizations

after them turned

to hourglasses to

keep note of the

passing hours.

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Later with the invention of

pendulum clocks and

mechanical clocks timekeeping

became less of a burden for us.

It ceased to require any human

effort. And now we have

atomic and quartz watches

which tell us the exact time

with accuracy.

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Another change is the

way we define time

now.The definition of

time is no longer in

terms of the rotation

of the earth around

the sun but is based

on international

atomic time


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The Perfect
There is no

exaggeration to the

words- morning sets the

tone for the rest of the

day. Mornings play an

important role in

deciding how the rest of

the day will turn out for


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It is often seen how a sour

morning makes the day go

downhill whereas a

cheerful and positive

morning time and schedule

makes you better in all your

dealings and interactions

for the rest of the day.

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Robin Sharma's ‘ The

5 AM Club’ sold like

hot cupcakes and

was bought by

everyone desirous of

making their mornings

better. This is also

indicative of how

serious people are

about their morning


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But is waking up early

the only way you can

make your mornings

productive? The key to

your perfect mornings

can be a list of things

that will have to be

turned into habits if you

want your mornings to

be brimming with

positivity and


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To start with, the first thing

you have to do is to wake

up at your own time

without giving in to the

pressure of being an early

riser. Early to bed and early

rise was a statement which

was overfed to us as kids

but it is time to learn our

lesson now.

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Everyone’s body has its own

timings and clock routine,

so whereas some find it

easier to wake up early,

some find it comfortable

waking up late till night.

Contrary to the popular

perception, nightowls are

as productive as early

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You do not have to pressurise

your body to wake up as early

as 5 or 4 o’ clock as this may

lead to severe burn out issues.

With changing work culture

environment and office hours

becoming flexible and work

from home becoming a trend

many people work until night

and therefore cannot wake up


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Early mornings are not directly

proportional to productivity in

any way. There are many

successful people who can

serve an examples of this. Mark

Zuckerberg rises at 8 am and

the Reddit co founder- Alexis

Ohanian, too begins his day

unhurriedly waking up as late

as 10 o’clock.

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Before you hop into the day

and start acting out your

duties, it is important to start

slow and start well. Create

your own personalised morning

schedule which will help

rejuvenate your senses, thus

giving your day the perfect


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Different people may have

different ways to start their

mornings. Some like to start it

by drinking water, others by

drinking coffee. Then there are

some who rush to the gym

while others go for a light jog

or walk in the neighbourhood.

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Yoga and meditation are also

some popular ways by which

people start their mornings.

Preparing a schedule and

following it will help you stay

focussed giving you an

unwavering concentration for

the day to follow.

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Moving around your body and

performing some physical

exercises will help your muscles

and joints open up and relax

causing increased blood flow.

A little jog or skipping rope

could be the oiling your joints

need before beginning with

hefty jobs of the day.

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One need not go for

heavy duty exercises

like gymming or any

other hiit training.

The  former CEO of

Starbucks- Howard

Schultz- goes for a

bike ride and

sometimes takes his 3

dogs along for a


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Steve Jobs on the other hand would

stand in front of the mirror and ask

this to himself- “If today was the last

day of my life would I be happy with

what I am about to do today?”          


  Such cross questioning with our

own selves regarding our aims and

priorities can help us get pumped up

and energised for the day to follow.

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One important point which

nearly all successful people

place their bets on is to plan

your day in advance. Ideally

preparing your schedule for the

next day should be done the

previous night. All essential

jobs should be put down on

paper or on your phone.

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It will help you keep track

of things and keep your

taks organised for you. “95

percent of what you do is

the result of habit” - this

quote by Aristotle helps

make another important

point. Make it a habit to set

your goals for the next day.

In this way your mornings

will be less stressed and 

less confused worrying

about the tasks that need

to be accomplished.

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Once the list is made, start the

next day by going for the most

difficult task mentioned in it. In

other words the task you dread

the most should be finished

first as it would give you a

feeling of accomplishment and

boost your morale and place

you on track for the rest of the


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in the morning. And

if it's your job to eat

2 frogs , it is best to

eat the biggest one


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What he means is that

completing the

bigger job first would

be the best thing to

do. So pick a task you

otherwise would have

shifted to the end of

the day and stay put

on it until it gets


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These were a few tips on

how monings could be

made the most productive

time of the day. Everybody

has different ways to

kickoff their mornings but

one thing we all should

learn to inculcate is a

positive outlook right from

the start of our day. And as

Elon Musk puts it- “If you

get up in the morning and

think the future is going to

be better, it is a bright day.

Otherwise it is not.”
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An Organised
We are so obsessed

with perfecting our

mornings (which is

undoubtedly an

important part of our

day)  that we forget

to focus on the time

that follows the

mornings which is the

afternoon hours.

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Planning an afternoon

routine can be as crucial as

scheduling your mornings.

A great start to our

mornings leave us

energised and ready to

take on the world and all

our tasks, but this lasts only

for a short while until the

dreary afternoon hits us.

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We fall prey to some

workplace evils like

sluggishness or the ever

so charming siestas or

even social media apps

which can distract us

from our tasks for the

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Various studies show

that our mental

alertness levels drop a

few hours after waking

up and so by the time

we enter the second

phase of the day we are

no less than zombies

merely going about our

work with decreased

efficiency levels and

housing extreme

amounts of fatigue.

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Henceforth a

schedule or

some tips should

be kept in mind

so that our

afternoons can

be as productive

as our mornings.

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Sitting for a prolonged

period at your desk may

result in shutting down of

your brain making it hard

for you to concentrate on

your work. It is better to

stop for a while and look

for ways to revive those

depleting energy levels.

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One such way to accomplish this is

by moving around. Stretching for a

while, going for a mini walk, listening

to music or having a conversation

with someone. Stress and boredom

are cutting across your work hours

which can otherwise be used for

completing important tasks.

Therefore these little exercises are

much needed.

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As we enter into noon and as it

progresses further, it becomes

increasingly unbearable to sit

up and work especially when

the pull of the pleasant

afternoon sleep is incredibly

hard to resist. In such a

scenario it is advisable by

experts to set a timer for your


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This will provide you with

the necessary motivation to

get on with work and you

will end up completing the

task within no time.Our

brain will take the time limit

as a challenge and this will

boost our efficiency.

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So when you feel slagging at your

desk and no amount of coaxing from

within could help you concentrate, it

is better to walk out amidst nature

and stand beneath the open sky.

Various studies show how looking at

trees makes one feel light in the

head and improves our mental

health. When you will get back at

your desk you will find it easier to

restart work.

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The next way you could

make your afternoons

productive is by indulging

in power naps lasting for

around 10 to 15 minutes.

These short naps could do

wonders in curing your

fatigue and low energy

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Many celebrities like Bill Clinton

and J.K. Kennedy have sworn

over the power of these naps.

Arianna Huffington, the co-

founder of Huffington Post has

designed an employees nap

room in her office thus showing

how important power naps are

to productivity.As the day

progresses into late afternoon,

it is only feasible to keep easy

tasks for the day-end. Go by

the principle of keeping hard

tasks for the start of the day

and devote yourself to mindless

tasks such as replying to

official emails etc.

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Another way to organise your

afternoons is to follow the Ivy Lee

Method where you can jot down 6

important tasks that you are

required to complete the next

afternoon. And the next afternoon

go on performing them in their order

of priority. This can prove beneficial

in keeping you stress free and more

work efficient.

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Another method followed to

increase productivity during

work hours is to stop working

when you know what your next

step is going to be. Yes, as

surprising as it may sound this

is a method which is widely

followed and is popularly

known as the Ernest

Hemingway Principle which

states that if you know what

you have to do next, simply

walk away from your desk

putting a halt to your work.

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This way when you return to

your desk you will be

knowing what to do next.

Therefore, you will not be

faced with the difficulty to

take the next step and no

time will get wasted


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Not focussing on our

afternoon schedule can

lead to workplace

inefficiency and lethargy.

This can affect our mood

and make us irrational and

impulsive both being

equally dangerous to us,

our work and relations.

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Afternoons form that

part of our day which

get ignored but they

have a significance of

their own and cannot be

considered to be mere

follow-ups of our

mornings. So, organising

our afternoons following

the above mentioned

tips can help us be more


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The Evening
After spending most of the day

at the desk completing all piled

up work and

assignments,evenings are

eagerly awaited by all of us. As

the day progresses and the sun

slowly starts to set we yearn to

reach home and spend the

evenings away from all work

with our family and friends.

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Evenings can be looked upon

as reward hours which we can

keep for indulging in our

passions and hobbies.Having

said this, how one decides to

spend one’s evenings can have

a powerful impact on one’s

mental health as well as one’s

career.Therefore a little

thought should be spared for

the way we spend our


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The most sought after way for

spending the evenings is by

working out. Fitness being

everyone’s top priority these

days, people like working out

each evening. Now, this could

be done at gyms or by

venturing outside for a run

across the neighbourhood.

Being regular at this can help

your health in several ways.

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Another way to cherish those

evening hours is by going out

with your friends and family.

Our declining relations with our

family due to greater work

pressure is often the most

negative aspect of our modern

lives. But this can surely be


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However going out is not the

only way to strengthen the

bond. You can spend quality

time with your loved ones at

home too. Having a

conversation without any

interruption from the outside

world can be a fruitful way to

spend your evenings.

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The next point can never be stressed

upon enough as it is the most crucial

part of our lives. Nature therapy is

slowly gaining precedence in today’s

stress buster classes where people

are made to reconnect with nature

and find how they are an extension

of it. With our sedentary lifestyles

and desk jobs we forget to revel in

the everyday beauty of nature.

Evenings could be the way to find

that lost connect with nature by

either visiting a garden or even

performing any outdoor activities

like hiking, climbing etc.

Page num:-61
The next point can never be stressed

upon enough as it is the most crucial

part of our lives. Nature therapy is

slowly gaining precedence in today’s

stress buster classes where people

are made to reconnect with nature

and find how they are an extension

of it. With our sedentary lifestyles

and desk jobs we forget to revel in

the everyday beauty of nature.

Evenings could be the way to find

that lost connect with nature by

either visiting a garden or even

performing any outdoor activities

like hiking, climbing etc.

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Your evenings could also be

utilised by focussing on your

hobbies or passions. They could

be anything ranging from

painting to writing to

performing arts like theatre

etc. Indulging in them freely

can act as a stress buster and

make your life less monotonous.

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These are some tips on how

you can de-stress yourself

in the evenings after a

tough day at work. There is

no way in which work can

stay away from our lives for

long. So even though our

evenings should be

reserved for easy breezy

activities, a little planning

for our work can bring us

no harm.

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So after you are done relaxing,

you may ponder over the work

that was left incomplete or the

tasks you would like to attend

to the next day. This little

decluttering of our work

related thoughts will help us

better our understanding of our

work along with making things


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For those who like spending time

alone at home after a tiring day at

work, television is a good option.

Watching tv can ease our mind of

any pressures. However, one should

be cautious of not spending our

entire evening in front of the idiot

box. It should be well timed and

should not extend beyond one and a

half hours.

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We all need our evenings to

wind down ourselves, to

rejuvenate our senses so that

the next day becomes easier to

cope with. Anxiety can creep in

at any time in our lives. Free

evening hours ensure that we

are cushioned against these

mental as well as physical

perils. Making our evenings

useful as well as full of

amusement can help us

improve our career graph

along with enriching our

everyday life.

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Stress Free
It is often reiterated time and again

that if you are not busy doing

anything or even planning your next

step then you are idling away your

precious hours. Such a thought

pattern has led to the creation of a

dangerous work culture for us where

we are supposed to indulge in our

work day and night leaving no space

for easy breathing or lazing around.

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In such a harmful

modern day culture

where having no

plans for the next few

hours is categorised

as being almost

criminal, night time

comes as a relief and

as a possible remedy

to all of this.

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After spending most of

your day at work, your

nights should definitely

be stress free and light

as a bubble. To ensure

this, there are a few

habits that need to be

inculcated and turned

into a pattern each

night before sleeping.

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One of the very first and

essential points to be followed

is that of having dinner with

one’s family. It is important that

this meal of the day should be

had with our entire family. Also

it is often advised that dinner

should be light and nutritious

as it helps us sleep better.

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Night time is only

for sleeping and

this is where your

work needs to be

left out. After

having dinner you

must indulge in

activities that will

stimulate sleep.

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The first thing that can be done

is to take a hot bath. Bathing

helps relieve stress and toxins

both from our minds and

bodies. Oprah Winfrey swears

by this and has often

mentioned taking baths before

going to sleep. So before

jumping into bed remember to

go for a calming hot bath.

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Another thing that is highly

vouched for is sipping some

chamomile tea. This herb

has several health benefits;

the most prominent ones

being those of inducing

sleep and reducing anxiety.

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Apart from this if you are

spiritually or religiously inclined

individual then praying or

meditating can help calm your

thoughts down and prepare

you for a good night’s sleep.

Putting on some soulful music

or reading a few pages of

some novel also seem to help in

cultivating sleep.

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One thing that you have to

let go no matter how

tempting it may be is that

of using phones and other

electronic devices.Unplug

yourself from all devices

and gadgets be it

television or even your

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If you are constantly thinking

about work, clients, and

pending projects then stress

will surely pile up and it will

make it difficult for you to

sleep on time. Stress hoarding

leads to insomnia. Hence, it is

essential to de-stress yourself.

Slow down your brain and put

your wandering thoughts to


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Also what thought you are

holding onto before hitting

the bed will have a direct

effect on the type of

dreams you will have. There

is ample evidence to prove

this point. Your pre-sleep

thought lingers on for a

long time in your

subconscious mind so make

it positive rather than

anything related to work or

other stressful aspects of

your life.

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Exercising before going to

bed is often advised by

experts. But there is a

warning attached to it. You

must exercise 3 hours

before going to bed or else

too much physical exertion

could make it difficult for

you to sleep.

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If you still find sleeping an issue

then take a mental vacation.

Imagine yourself in a peaceful

setting, surrounded by flowers

and balmy fragrances.

Counting sheep is another

effective method which still

helps people wander off into

sleep.Keep aside upto an hour

or forty five minutes before

bedtime. This helps in

alleviating stress and helps

maintain your focus on the next

big thing which is going to bed.

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We are often told to look up to those

who sleep for as little time as

possible like only for 4 or 5 hours.

But getting at least 6 hours of sleep

is very essential for your body and

mind or else it could lead to several

health complications. Just as we all

have a pre-planned morning

schedule to follow, in a similar

fashion we must prepare a night

schedule too and follow it diligently.

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YOUR important
24 HRS.
In the previous chapters we

had discussed the

importance of organising

each phase of your day so

that you are left with

enough time to relax,

rejuvenate yourself and get

back to work the next day.

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We had also stressed on the

importance of following

schedules for each phase, such

as having a pre-planned

morning schedule, an

afternoon and evening

schedule. Abiding by it for say

15 days will automatically get

converted into a habit and this

will prove beneficial to you in

terms of career and relations

not only in your present times

but also in your future


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In this chapter, we will be

listing down how important

time is for all of us and what all

can be done to manage it well.

As we have seen in the earlier

chapters, time is one thing

which may seem too finite or

aplenty, depending on the way

we organise our day. .

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We have often heard how

time once wasted is lost

forever and can never be

brought back. Many of us

have also felt the sting of

these honest words in our

lives. It will not be wrong to

classify time as a limited

resource which when lost

becomes extinct. But

merely knowing this truth is

not enough.

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We humans are

creatures of errors

and often fiddle with

things in an uncaring

fashion even after

knowing the truth

about them. It

therefore becomes

important to correct

such faults.

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There is no second opinion required

when it comes to taking out time for

yourself. You could spend your hours

in watching a series, or gardening or

listening to music or simply doing

whatever you like. But the key point

is not to over indulge yourself.

Adhere to the time-table and make

your life more disciplined.

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Apart from following your

schedules and completing

tasks that are very important

and top our to-do list, there are

tasks that are perpetually

occupy the lowest place on our

lists and we never see them

getting completed. So, take

out at least 15 minutes of your

day in completing these tasks.

Considering how well managed

all your routines are, it won't be

difficult to forsake 15 minutes

for the completion of such


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These could be anything right from

mending something at home to

organising your room. At first it might

seem silly to work for 15 minutes and

to stop after that but that is what

the trick is. After a few days of

practice your mind will automatically

know when to stop as a habit will be

developed. There is no force needed

as things get settled in your

subconscious mind.

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Your time is very important as it

holds the golden key to your

goals and aims. If you have any

ambitions for your future, then

place it down on a paper and

write steps which will help you

achieve it. Follow your time-

table earnestly.

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The man regarded as the god of

cricket in India- Sachin Tendulkar-

once said that if one is chasing a

dream, then don't waste even a

minute. Every second of practice

makes a difference. This practice

could be anything- the practice of

your art or even the regulated

following of your schedule which will

help you be better in innumerable


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If you are in a job that takes

most of your hours, then

following a time-table

becomes all the more

important to ensure that you

don't go on getting absorbed

into work. Working full time

saps  your energy out of you

and leaves you with no time to

pursue your hobbies or any

other activity. Therefore every

minute needs to be squeezed

out to perform tasks other than

those belonging to the arena

of work or job.

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Therefore organising your 24 hours

well is very vital. By doing so you can

stay focussed and even though you

will have loads and loads of tasks to

do, you will breeze past them

without stressing over the hours.

Time well managed increases our

efficiency and makes us stay calm

and composed.

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Time management is necessary as it

makes you see the beauty of each

second as it passes by. It is the

difference between how some

people seem to act busy, completely

submerged in the workload and still

get no work accomplished where as

the other set of people who despite

having huge quantities of work are

able to complete everything on time.

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It can be a challenge at

first and you might

rather feel like a tiny fish

caught in a whirlpool.

But slowly and steadily

things will begin to

gather shape and with

constant efforts you will

see how easy it is to

follow a schedule and

stay disciplined.

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