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1. It is very important that before assisting a client to sit on the side of the table, the nurse
must perform surgical hand washing.

Answer : False
2. It is necessary to document the procedure after doing it.

Answer: True

3. Always place one hand behind patient’s shoulder to support the neck and vertebrae and
to avoid any injury.

Answer: True

4. Prior to assisting a patient to sit at the side of the table , it is important to perform an
assessment to determine how much assistance will be require.

Answer: True

5. Patient who have been immobile for a long period of time may not experience vertigo
when assisting in to a sitting position.

Answer: False

6. Body mechanics in assisting client in sitting position is not required for it will not cause
any injury to the health care provider.

Answer: False

7. If the patient become dizzy or faint , lay patient back on bed.

Answer: True

8. Do not allow the patient to place their arms around your shoulders. This action can lead
to serious back injuries.

Answer: True

9. In preparing patient to sit , elevate the bed and do not apply any breaks on the bed.
Answer: False

10. Always make sure the safety of your patient in performing any procedure.

Answer: True.


1. __________ is defined as moving a patient form one place to another.

Answer: Ambulation

2. The nurse in charge is preparing a patient for abulation. Which action does the
nurse take during this patient transfer?

A. Position the head of the bed flat

B. Helps the patient dangle the legs.
C.  Stands behind the patient.
D. Place the chair facing away from the bed

Answer: B

3. The coordinated efforts of the musculoskeletal and nervous system maintain

balance, posture, and body alignment. Body alignment refers to
a. A low center of gravity balanced over a wide base of support.
b. The result of weight, center of gravity, and balance.
c. The relationship of one body part to another.
d. The force that occurs in a direction to oppose movement

Answer: C

4. The nurse is ambulating a patient in the hall when she notices that he is beginning to
fall. The nurse should
a. Grab the patient and hold him tight to prevent the fall.
b. Gently lower the patient to the floor.
c. Jump back and let the patient fall naturally.
d. Push the patient against the wall and guide him to the floor

Answer: B
5. When assessing the activity tolerance of a patient, the nurse would evaluate which
of the following? (Select all that apply.)
a. Skeletal abnormalities
b. Emotional factors
c. Age
d. Pregnancy status
e. Race

Answer: A, B, C D
6. What are the examples of nursing diagnoses related to activity/exercise, Select all that

a. activity intolerance
b. ineffective coping
c. impared gas exchange
d. risk for injury
e. impaired physical mobility
f. imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements
g. acute or chronic pain

Answer: A, B, C, D, E, F , G

7. Assisting a patent to ambulate cannot be delegated to Unlicensed personnel

Answer: False

8. The step 1 in assisting a client to ambulate. Is,

a. Perform hand hygiene and observe appropriate infection prevention procedures.
b. introduce self and verify the client’s identity using agency protocol. Explain to
the client how you are going to assist, why ambulation is necessary, and how he
or she can participate.
c. Ensure that the client is appropriately dressed to walk and has shoes or slippers
with nonskid soles.
d. Assist the client to sit on the edge of the bed and allow dangling for at least 1

Answer: B
9. Assist the patient to ambulate, using the following procedures.

a. Provide minimum assistance for patients who have only a slight balance problem
b. Stand to the side and behind the patient during ambulation
c. Assist the patient who does not use a walker by placing your left hand on the
patient's left upper arm and your right arm around the patient's waist, gripping the
transfer belt at the patient's back .
d. Hold the patient firmly if the patient is inclined to fall; if the patient should lose
strength or start to fall, pull the patient toward you, and hold on firmly; gently
lower the patient to the floor, letting the patient slide down against your leg for
support; call for assistance

e. All of the above.

Answer: E

10. Prior to ambulation the nurse must perform a ROM exercise to prevent injury. It is a
type of ROM exercise where the patient can able to perform independently.
a. Active
b. Passive
c. Active assisted
d. None of the above

Answer A


1. In assisting a client to log roll, always obtain the help of at least 2 assistants.
Answer: True

2. Log rolling a patient is performed when the patient spinal column is, select all that
a. Kept straight
b. After spinal injury
c. Spinal cord injury
d. Headache
Answer: A, B, C

3. _____ Is a technique used to turn a patient whose body must at all times kept in a
straight alignment
a. Sitting
b. Supine
c. Log rolling
d. Side lying
Answer: C

4. In positioning the bed of the patient , make sure to.

a. In flat position at a comfortable working height
b. Side rails must be up al the times
c. Head of the bed must be elevated
d. Only c is correct
Answer: A

5. To provide patient’s comfort and safety after performing the procedure the nurse
a. Position the call bell
b. Place personal items within reach
c. Be sure the side rails are up and secure
d. All of the above
Answer: D

6. The nurse will perform logrolling to keep the patient's spine in proper alignment. The nurse will:

a. always explain procedure to the patient.

b. advise the patient to keep arms at their side
c. remove draw sheet.
d. elevate head of bed.
Answer: A

7. The nurse is preparing a client to be turned in bed. In what position would the nurse
place the client to begin this procedure?

a. lying flat
b. sitting up
c. lying flat with feet raised slightly
d. lying prone

Answer: A

8. “Log-rolling” is a technique best used for which of the following patient


a. Left tibial fracture.

b. Spinal cord injury (SCI).

c. Psychosis.

d. Cellulitis of the right arm.

Answer: B

9. Log rolling a client can prevent a spine trauma?

Answer: TRUE

10. Log rolling is applicable to patients that can ambulate.

Answer: False

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