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Halal Law in Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. As a muslim, it is obligate to consume
halal food. Therefore, many foods, products, or related services that are traded in Indonesia
must fulfill the provision about Halal products in Indonesia. Now, Indonesia has set the
regulation became simpler for business licensing, particulary for halal certification by the
stipulated Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation (“Job Creation Law”).

Following the promulgation of Regulation of Government No. 39 of 2021 on the

Implementation of Halal Product Guarantee (“RG 39/2021”), as the implementing
regulation of Job Creation Law that specify about the provision about Halal Law in
Indonesia. This article will explain more about amendment of the halal products provision
based on Job Creation Law and RG 39/2021.

Halal Product Guarantee in General

Halal product guarantee is meant to give legal certainty for the halalness of a product
which that proved by halal certification, which signifies that the products in question are
produced from halal material and have been subject to halal product processing.

Type of industry that are obligated to possess Halal Certification

Produk yang dimaksudkan adalah barang dan/atau jasa yang terkait dengan makanan,
minuman, obat, kosmetik, produk kimiawi, produk biologi, produk rekayasa genetik, serta
barang gunaan yang dipakai digunakan, atau dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat.

The Requirements of Halal Certification

Pasal 49 PP 39/2021, in order to apply for halal certification, the following requirements
must be fulfilled:
1. Any required information must be provided in a correct, clear and honest manner;
2. Separate locations, places and means of slaughter, processing, storage, packaging,
distribution, sale and service must be employed for halal and non-halal products;
3. Halal supervisor must be appointed; and
4. any changes that are made to the relevant material compositions must be reported
to the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk
Halal/ ”BPJPH”).
The Procedure to obtain Halal Certification in General
Pasal 59 PP 39/2021, bahwa pelaku usaha mengajukan permohonan sertifikat halal secara
tertulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia kepada BPJPH melalui sistem eletronik. Berikut adalah
prosedur untuk mendapatkan Halal Certification:

Sertifikasi Halal


Status Halal

Sertifikat Halal

The Sanction for violation of Halal Certification

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