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Silva, Nohren S


1. Get your weight & height, then compute your Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI = kg/m²
=50 / (1.52)²
= 21.64 (healthy range)

2. Answer the following questions briefly.

a. What are your insights on Physical Education?
My insights regarding Physical Education is its main objective is to boost
individuals to gain knowledge about the importance of Physical Education to our lives.
Also, for us to develop skills, behaviors and improve our physical fitness and various
aspects of an individual. By doing so, it is required for us to do physical activities or

b. In the 5 dimensions of wellness, which of these dimensions is your strength?

And which is your weakness? Sight situations that can justify your answer.
In the 5 dimensions of wellness, the strength that I reckon is the "social." I am the
type of person who is socially active, loves to talk or hang out with people, enjoy the
company of each people I met. One example is when school started, wherein we have a
group chat with my classmates in the accountancy course. I didn't hesitate to respond to
my classmates whenever they ask as well as when they are having fun. I place myself
inside the circle and entertained my new classmates by messaging them. Right now, I
could say that because of my active involvement with them, I gained more friends.

While 'emotional' is what I consider as my weakness. With my active social type

of person, I'm also a soft-hearted person inside. I easily get hurt and be disappointed
with myself for my activities, works, and any other situations in my life. I sometimes can't
control my emotions that I get angry nor cry which would result in hurting other people
too. I remember when my mom says something to me, then after hearing it I
immediately go to my room and cry because I was hurt by her words. I'm not used to it,
that is why.
c. As a student, what do you think is the most important role of Physical
Education in your academic life?
The most important role of Physical Education in my academic life is it serves as
my motivation to start improving myself physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and
spiritually. It gives me the ability to work hard on developing myself so I could progress
and maintain a balanced life. Because having a balanced life means that you are a
healthy person in many aspects and we all know that "health is wealth." Thus, Physical
Education can give me additional opportunities as I travel in my academic life, it will
build me into a healthy person, and as I become healthy I can achieve my dreams in

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