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Silva, Nohren S. Activity No.


 Explain the strategic importance of product and service design.

- Product and service design focus on how they will satisfy customers. Like these
products and service design are used to compete to other organizations. So
meaning, this strategy can help the products and service design to improve and
develop. Because product and service design are the heart of the organization
where in this is what people are looking for. And with the help or participation of
customers here, organizations would be able to identify what people wants and
needs into the products or any service requirements. After that, organization will
now have the opportunity to refine those products and develop new products as
well. So, if we observe properly by the use of product and service design it
affects the production management, cost, process management, etc. So at this
part, the essence of having the strategic area of product and service design will
now enter. In order for the organization to create new products and service
design they use this strategy in locating the needs and wants of customers.
However, the products wouldn’t exist without workers. Workers are really a great
asset to an organization especially in the production area. Plus, they also
contribute to the product designs that’s why organizations run successfully.

• Describe what product and service design does.

- As I have mentioned in the first question, product and service design can be
used by the organizations to translate customers wants and needs into product
and service requirements, also refine existing products and services, develop
new products and services so that customers wouldn’t be bored to the old and
existing products and services. We know that people get used to if that product is
already long so they will want to try new experience just to satisfy their needs
and wants. Products and service design also formulate goals and cost targets,
because when you plan to create a product or service design you create only
what you think is enough in producing that product as well on the cost targets.
So, in production, purchasing materials is a number one that will add hugely to
the cost. And for this reason, it is advised for the organization to use materials
with proper sustainability in order make at least very low impact to the
environment as well to achieve the cost targets of the organization.

• Name the key questions of product and service design.

- Here are the key questions of product and service design:
1. Are there demand for it?
2. Can we do it?
3. What level of quality is appropriate?
4. Does it make sense from an economic standpoint?

 Identify some reasons for design or redesign.

- One reason for design or redesign will come from the discussion of people like
groups where survey was distributed to them. By this, organizations gathered
information would help so they could come up with a design that people wish for.
Second reason is from the competitors. Of course you will be curious to your
competitors on what are their strengths so you will detect it in order to get on top
of that competitor. Third reason is the threat in the organization it terms of
economic, social and political, demographic, etc.

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