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1) What does the singer mean when he says “I’d catch a grenade for ya”? ( 2)
With this phrase, he means that he would give his life to this girl he talks about. In particular, the singer would
be willing to do anything for the girl to whom the song is dedicated. In fact, he says that he would be willing to
catch a grenade, to put his hand on a blade, to jump in front of a train and to take a bullet straight through his
brain, and any other form of pain with certain death. For these considerations, he could seem a crazy and
extreme person, willing to give his life for another person. But in my opinion, he is a deep and sensitive singer,
because to write such a song full of deep and exciting phrases he will also have experienced all these emotions
and only after he has turned them into a spectacular song. In my opinion, he is also a sensitive singer for the
deep affection he continues to develop for that girl, even though she doesn’t love him. In addition, he is a really
brave person, for the emotional strength he has in saying all these sentences which come straight to the heart. I
think that almost no one would have the strength to write a song like that, based on the suffering that the singer
feels for a woman who doesn’t love him.

3) What does he expect from the girl in return?

He expects his love, but his love is not returned. However, he let this girl know that he would be willing to die for
her. The actions he describes in the song ,that he could do for that girl ,are crazy, but if we think like the singer,
we can come up with the great pain he feels for a girl who doesn’t love him, but that cheated on him. It’s a very
sad and hard reality that the singer turns into words. In this characteristic we can see all his skill as a composer
he manages to turn his pain into a song that reflects his mood.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to overcome these negative moods, but for composers, they are the best moments!
Thanks to these emotions that could be positive or negative, singers can have more concentration to make a
better song than ever. Not surprisingly this song, when it was released has passed all the charts. Furthermore
the singer, through this song, has been able to make almost concrete the emotions he hid inside of himself
turning them into terrible actions that are shown to us in the video clip. At the end of the video clip, he drags
himself and the piano, that he was carrying, in front of a train. This action, which was only staged, represents
the intensity of the singer’s pain. Consequently, the video clip has also helped him to free his pain by
concretizing the actions that he could also perform for that “mad” and “bad” woman. As a result, I can affirm that
the singer isn’t crazy, as many people might think by reading the lyrics of the song, but he is only deep and a
little dramatic, showing a lot of emotional sensitivity.
4) What does he accuse the girl of doing?
He accuses the girl of throwing his love away, as it was something that she no longer needed. For this girl's
behavior , he feels sorry and angry, because for so many years he received nothing in return from her.

5) What adjectives would he use to describe her? Provide evidence from the lyrics
The girl, differently from the singer, is careless, selfish, hypocritical, heartless, and also insensitive. She has no
emotions for him and she doesn’t respond to his love, but she shows all her cruelty.

6) What adjectives would you use to describe the singer?

I would use the adjective deep or sensitive to describe the singer because the emotions that the singer feels are
very expressive and intensive. In fact he has felt these emotions to write these very overwhelming words. To
write sentences like that, it isn’t enough to have so much imagination but you have to experience the emotions
of which he writes.

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