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English for SAP Complete the ten sentences with the words in the box below.

order -
stocktake - exhaust - capacity - forecast - due on requirements - final stock -
continue - collapse 1. When I make a __________, I say how much stock I think I
will have in the future. 2. When I need some more materials, I make an __________.
3. When I need to find out exactly how much I have in my warehouse, I do a
______________. 4. Our _____________ is how much material we can process at a time.
5. Our _____________ are the things that we need to fulfill. 6. When we
____________ the stock of some materials, we don´t have any more of them. 7. When
you have completed the information on one SAP page, you __________ to the next. 8.
When you finish working on a page, you can ___________ it. 9. If a delivery of
materials is _________ 25.5.20.., it should arrive on that day. 10. The
_____________ is what you have after using the in-coming materials that you needed
for the production.

Claire Hart (2012)

Business English Lesson Plans

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