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Irregular Tu commands:

Decir Di No digas
Hacer Haz No hagas
Ir Ve No vayas
Poner Pon No pongas
Salir Sal No salgas
Ser Sé No seas
Tener Ten No tengas
Venir Ven No vengas

Relative Pronouns
 Que – that/which/who
 Quien(es) – instead of “que” when refering to people after a preposition (a, de,
 Lo que – what
Future Tense
To form the future tense of a verb in Spanish, the following endings are added at the end of
the infinitive form of the verb:
Yo É
Tu Às
El/ella/usted À
Nosotros Emos
Ellos/ellas Àn

Conditional Tense
It is used to say what you should, would or should do.
The -ar, -ir, and -er verbs all have the same endings.
Yo Ía
Tu Ías
El/ella/usted Ía
Nosotros Íamos
Ellos/ellas Ían

To form, take the infinitive and then add the ending.

For example, Hablar- Yo hablaría (I would speak)
Irregular verbs for the conditional tense: (these are also the irregular verbs for the future
Infinitive Stem
Decir Dir-
Haber Habr-
Hacer Har
Poder Podr-
Poner Pondr -
Querer Querr-
Saber Sabr-
Salir Saldr-
Tener Tendr-
Venir Vendr-

Si Clauses (If clauses)

These are basically sentences with the word ‘if’. Specifically, a hypothetical sentence or
something contrary to fact.
For example-
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a MiniCooper.
Si tuviera un million dolares, compraría un MiniCooper.

If I were a woman, I would wear…

Si fuera mujer, llevaría…

Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect means someone “has done” something
Yo he
Tu has
El/ella/ust ha
Nosotros hemos
Ellos/ellas han

For -ar and -ir verbs, we take of the -r and add ‘do’. For -er verbs, we take of the -er and add
Useful Situation Expressions
 Apologizing/Regrets
1) Me disculpo – I apologize
2) Siento - Sorry
3) Lo siento mucho – I am very sorry
4) Perdoname – Forgive me
5) Qué lastima – What a pity!
6) Qué pena – What a shame/pity!
7) Acepta mi mas profundo pesame- Accept my deepest regrets
8) Te acompano en tus sentimientos – I accompany you in your feelings
9) Te perdono – I forgive you
10) No pasa nada – It’s all right
11) No es para tanto - Don’t fuss about it
12) No tiene/s la culpa – It’s not your fault
 Expressing Delight/Surprise
1) Qué sopresa – What a surprise
2) Qué alegria – What a joy
3) Qué chevere – How cool
4) Qué maravilla – How marvelous
5) Qué emocion – How exciting
6) Esupendo - Excellent
7) Dios mio – My God
8) Caramba - Gosh
9) Qué asco – How disgusting
 Promising
1) Prometer - Promise
2) Dar la palabra -
3) Lo prometido es deuda – What is promised is due
 Advising
1) Aconsejar - Advise
2) Dar consejo – Give advice
3) Vale la pena – it is worthwhile
4) Mas vale – It is better
 Warning/Calling Attention
1) Cuidad – Be careful
2) Ojo – Watch out
3) Peligro - Danger
4) Mira – Look out
5) Dios mio – Oh my god
6) Oye – Aye
 Congratulations/Good Wishes
1) Le/te felicito – I congratulate you
2) Felicitaciones - congratulations
3) Buen viaje – Good trip
4) Buena suerte – Good luck
5) Hasta luego – See you later
6) Qué te diviertas – Have fun
7) Buen apetito – Good appetite
8) Vaya con dios – Go with God
9) Que los pases bien – Have a good time
 Introductions
1) Te/Le presento a – I present to you
2) Quiero presenter – I want to introduce
3) Este/esta es – This is
4) Mucho gusto en conocerte – Nice to meet you
5) Es un placer – It is a pleasure
 Que hay de nuevo? – What’s new?
 Asking or Requesting
1) Querer desear – Wanting to wish
2) Necesitar – To need
3) Permitir – To allow
4) Dejar - Leave
5) Dar permiso a – Give permission to
6) Cuanto cuesta – How much is it?
7) Cuanto vale – How much is it worth?
8) Hazme el favor de – Please do me the favor of
 Inviting
1) Invitar a – Invite to
2) Tenga a bondar de – Kindly ask you to
 Holiday greetings/Toasts
1) Feliz navidad – Merry Christmas
2) Feliz dia de las madres – Happy Mother’s Day
3) Salud – Cheers!
4) Qué viva – Long live
5) Feliz dia de los enamorados – Happy Valentines day

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