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Name : Andi Syanthiqah Tirta

Class : IIB

Nim : PO713201201053

1. What consisted of the biographic data ?

= Biographic data obtained include the client’s name , address, age, sex, race marital status ,
occupation, religious orientation, health care, financing and usual source of medical care.

2. Give 4 examples of chief complaint related to the patient’s complaint!

= The chief complaint (CC) is the answer given to the question “what is troubling you?” or “what
brought you to the hospital or clinic?” and should be recorded in the client own words. If the client
states , “ I have heart trouble “ or “ have cancer” the nurse should encourage the client to collaborate by
discussing specific symptoms and their duration further investigation may produce a chief complaint,
example ; “ I’ve had chest pain for the past two hours” or “ I’ve lost 4 pounds in the past month.

3. what do you know about history of present illness !

= The history of present illness ( HPI ) is a sequentially : (a ) Usual health status , ( b ) Chronologic
story, ( c ) Relevant family history , and ( d ) Disability assessment . To obtain a description of the
client’s usual health status, ask the client “How would you describe you health until this time?” Answer
such as terrible as “good “need to be clarified further. For example ask the client, “What do you mean
by terrible or good)?”.

The chronologic story is a narrative section where the client‘s chief complaint is documented
in the proper of events. The chronologic story includes these:

- When the symptoms started

- Whether the onset of symptoms was sudden or gradual.

- Available, specific dates when the problem was experienced

- How often the problem occurs

- Exact location of the distress

- Character of the complaint ( e.g., intensity of pain or quality of sputum , emesis or discharge).

- Amount of discharge, mucus, blood, stool, or urine or the size of a lesion.

- Activity which the client was involved when the problem occurred.
- Phenomena or symptoms associated with the chief complaint.

- Factor that aggravate or alleviate the problem.

4. give 4 examples of past history ?

= Included in the past history are all previous immunizations and experiences with illness, Including
the following:

 Childhood illness such as chickenpox, mumps measles , rubella ( German measles) , rubella
( red measles ), streptococcus infections, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever and other significance
 Childhood immunizations and the date of the last tetanus
 Allergic to drugs, animals, insects or other environmental agents ant the type of reaction that
 Accidents and injuries: how, when and where the incidents occurred, type injury, treatment
received and any complication.
 Hospitalization for serious illnesses, reason for hospitalization, date, location of hospital, name
of physician, surgery performed , course of recovery and any complications
 Medications: all currently used prescriptions and over the counter medications such as aspirin
nasal spry, vitamin or laxatives.

5. The family history related to illness, explain and give 5 examples ?

= The family history reveals risk factors for certain diseases. This information should include the age
of siblings, parents and grandparents, their current state of health or (if they are deceased), the cause of
the death. Particular attention should be given to disorders such as heart diseases, cancer, diabetes,
hypertension, obesity, allergies, arthritis, tuberculosis, jaundice bleeding, migraine and alcoholism.
Review of System. The ROS is a review of all health problems by body system. Its purpose is to prevent
the omission of the data related to the present illness and to discover any other problems that may have
been missed. It is a review of the past and the present status of each system. Generally a head to toe
approach is used, and agency checklists are often available. A head to toe approach is also used in the
physical examination, but the data obtained in this part of the history focus on subjective data by given
the clients.

6. what are the lifestyle elements ?

= Investigation of the client life style provides data about factors that can be used for planning health
promotion, maintenance and, restoration. The nurses obtain the data about personal habits, diet,
sleep/rest pattern, ADL, and recreation/hobbies.

 Personal habits
 The nurse documents the frequency of all substances abuse, including the use of tobacco,
alcohol, coffee, tea, drugs, etc.
 Diet. Dietary data may include the description of a typical diet on a normal day or of any
prescribed special diet, number of meals and snacks per day, who cooks and shops for food,
ethnically distinct food patterns, method used for food preparation, likes dislikes, and allergies.
A detailed nutritional history form is provided
 Sleep/rest patterns. Sleep and rest clearly affect the total well-being of the client. The nurse
notes the usual daily sleep/wake times, difficulties sleeping.
 Activities of daily living (ADLs).The nurse collects data about the client’s perception of any
difficulties experienced in the basic activities of eating, elimination and locomotion.

7. What are the social data related to the clients ?

= Social assessment includes family relationships, ethnic affiliation, educational history, economic
status, and home and neighbored condition.

 Family relationships/friendships such as single parents, unmarried couples, homosexual couple.

 Ethnic affiliation, Data ethnic affiliation help the nurse understand the client’s customs and
 Educational history. Data about the client’s highest level of education attained and any past
difficulties with learning can help the nurse make appropriate adjustments in plans for client
 Occupational history. The occupational history should focus on all jobs the client has held, the
client’s current employment status, the number of days missed from work because of illness,
any history of accidents.
 Economic status. Financial status is another sensitive area of inquiry that is best handled initially
by an open ended question.

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