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Performance Task

Statistics and Probability


Jan Niña F. Cuerquis

Grade 11- STEM 12
Negative Traits 24.21% 28.23%
Positive Traits
(0.2421) (0.2823)

14.05% 13.68%

(0.1405) (0.1368)

8.31% 6.35%

Easily Give Up

(0.0831) (0.0635)


(0.0343) (0.0174)
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These negative and positive traits that I have for myself make me feel blessed, happy, sad
and at the same time, I learned a lot. In my negative traits, I have four; those are overthinker, easily
giving up, pessimistic, and doubtful. I can hear those traits when I ask my friends, family, and cousins.
Yes, I do possess those traits, I have a habit of thinking negative thoughts about my outputs or something.
Something like I'm degrading myself, many negative thoughts that come in my mind when I'm feeling
tired I can easily give up, and I don't trust myself anymore that I can do it. And I can say that those traits
make me feel weak, sad and I cry a lot, but I learned many lessons from it and I am so very thankful to
those people who see the bad things in me, help and bare with me always to heard all my problems when I
encountered challenges, they teach me how to handle those traits and gives me the advice to overcome it.
In my positive traits, I have four also, those are friendly, approachable, cheerful, and
observant. Those traits make me feel happy and at the same time blessed to have them. When I ask my
friends about positive traits of me they say that those traits that I stated above are very true because I am
the kind of person that you can lean on, always there for you when needed. When I hear those traits that
they see for me I am very thankful for them because they see the good thing for myself and I am also
thankful to God for giving good traits that many people will appreciate.
Those traits that I stated above give me enough lessons on the things that I must do to have
a good living. I must apply the advice that they teach me to overcome those challenges that I face. And I
will keep those positive traits that they see in me and I will continue it.

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