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Lack of motivation

Due to the spread of COVID-19 a lot of things has changed and distance learning is one of it. In 2017, 6.6 million
students enrolled in distance learning but that number has increases to over 400 million students. Online learning from a
distance has become a go-to method of education, especially as we all adjust to new circumstances presented by the COVID-
19 pandemic. Distance learning provides a learning opportunity as it allows for flexibility in learning methods. It is convenient in
materials, schedules, and physical location. We break down some of the most common challenges of distance education, as
well as ideas for improving the learning experience for every student. However there are circumstances that we face in online
distance learning. The most common issue in odl that I deal with nowadays is lack of self-motivation. Lack of motivation is a
feeling that we may experience from time to time as individuals and many are currently going through this especially in distance
learning. This may affect the academic performance of the students throughout the term. This effect can have many roots, with
some describing a lack of structure with online learning in comparison to the traditional classroom. Other students also
encounter this kind of problem base on what I heard from my friends and students from social medias. Whenever I face this
kind of problem I feel the absence of punctuality and focus in what I do. I also feel bored and under-appreciated.

I know that Jesus will help us in our difficult times in this new mode of learning and pandemic, he’ll help us heal and
guide us to get out from our fear in ourselves. If Jesus was in my place I am for sure that he will try his best to solve the
problems that he is dealing with, he will come up with a solution that will help not only him but other people. Regarding on my
problem that I’m dealing with is a sign that Jesus is telling me to never give up and this is just an obstacle that will help improve
myself. Jesus is also telling me that this is a part of God’s plan and to realize my worth. My conscience is trying to help me to
solve my problems in a good way. It also enables me to know myself and our world and act accordingly.

In order to solve this kind of problem the first thing that I will do is remind myself why I care about school or why am I in
school right now, I must tell myself that I do this for my parents to make them proud and to return their hard works that they do
for me. I will also tell myself that I need this to be successful and earn for living in the future. The second thing I will do is talk to
my friends through phone or video calls and share about my problems, this may help me to feel better and lighten my problems.
The next thing I will do is set small daily goals in order to be guided and have directions in what I do. And the last thing is I will
think about a reward for myself after I achieved or finish the task to motivate myself. I think this will help other students to feel
motivated again because these solutions are easy to do and the things we can do during this pandemic.

The solutions that I have thought is the best way to practice or exercise my authentic freedom and right conscience.
These solutions may help me experience inner peace and free to openly share the gifts of God that he gave me. It may guide
me to have motivation and not experience this kind of issue again. In conclusion I may experience problems in online distance
learning but this solution that will help me practice my authentic freedom is a journey of self-discovery and transformation that
can lead me to an awareness of the issues that I encounter in distance learning. It is a personal healing through which I am
empowered to recognize my own unique giftedness and the call to freely and openly share these gifts in the world.

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