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Nivel: Básica Superior Asignatura: Inglés

Grado: 10th Paralelo: A, B
Actividades semana 24 ( del 2 de marzo al 4 de marzo)
Communication and Cultural Awareness
1. Read and find the meaning of 20 words
Many of the things we have today are the result of years of research and work.
Many inventors were trying and trying many times until they got their inventions to
work as they had wished. However, there are other inventors who found their
products or machines by accident. That is the case of a meal that is part of the
breakfast of many people around the world, corn flakes. Corn flakes seem like a
very simple and basic invention; But it wasn’t until 1894 when people started eating
this type of cereal for breakfast. The Kellogg brothers, John Harvey and Will Keith,
were working in Michigan at Battle Creek Sanitarium when they discovered the
famous cereal. The brothers were working there place because they were following
the moral principles of Seventh-day Adventism. They were also investigating the
effects of diet on patients. While they were doing an experiment in 1894, one of the
brothers was cooking wheat. He let the dough dry a little, but it dried too much and
when he was trying to roll it out. The dough broke into many pieces. Kellog, who
wanted to know how these flakes tasted, baked them. Then he replaced wheat flour
with cornmeal and it became one of the most popular cereals in the world.


3. Choose the correct option

4. Level the pictures with the following vocabulary.

1.Bar code 3.Mobile phone 5.Internet 7. Antibiotics

2.Microchip 4. Ink pen 6. Plastic

5. Rank the inventions above in order of importance and give a reason why they are important to


1. __________________ __________________________________________
2. __________________ ___________________________________________
3. __________________ ___________________________________________
4. __________________ ___________________________________________
5. __________________ ___________________________________________
6. __________________ ___________________________________________
7. __________________ ___________________________________________

5. Find the words

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