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Task 2

Number of words - 294

Time Taken – 43 min

Do children behave better when they are physically punished or rewarded?

Children are the future stars of a nation and they need to be treated and raised with care.
Some people argue that a child’s performance is at its best when punished physically while
others think that punishments would only give a child trauma and only rewarding system is
the best for him or her. In my opinion, a balance of both punishment and rewarding systems
are the best suited for a child’s behavior.

To begin with, there are many advantages of rewarding and appreciating children’s hard
work, whether big or small. In this way, they will be more confident in themselves and will
have the motivation to perform much more difficult tasks in the future. However, there is a
limit in praising children with such blessings. Depending on a child’s focus, adults should
know when to stop or change the method of appreciating one’s performance. If a child is
focusing mainly on the reward but not on valuing the good behaviors he does, he may lose
motivation to do unrewarded deeds.

On the other side, children being exposed to physical punishments behave better but not
many of the over-punished children have the courage to make mistakes and this is when
one’s life processes slower. It is true that some children will not act with manner even when
warned or punished, and therefore this stubbornness leaves parents with no choice but to
beat them up. Nevertheless, children who are exposed to everyday artificial punishment
tend to lack self-confidence and be more aggressive and furious compared to other children
of the same age.

To sum up, children are tender buds and nurturing them is a major responsibility. Hence, a
fair judgment is required depending on the type of children that one is handling for fruitful

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