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Notes on Current Labor Statistics

Current Labor Statistics

This section of the Review presents the values) are described as “real,” “constant,” or 1979.
principal statistical series collected and “1982” dollars. Detailed data on the occupational injury
calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics: and illness series are published in Occupa-
series on labor force; employment; unem- tional Injuries and Illnesses in the United States,
ployment; labor compensation; consumer, Sources of information by Industry, a BLS annual bulletin.
producer, and international prices; produc- Finally, the Monthly Labor Review carries
tivity; international comparisons; and injury Data that supplement the tables in this sec- analytical articles on annual and longer term
and illness statistics. In the notes that follow, tion are published by the Bureau in a variety developments in labor force, employment,
the data in each group of tables are briefly of sources. Definitions of each series and and unemployment; employee compensation
described; key definitions are given; notes notes on the data are contained in later sec- and collective bargaining; prices; productiv-
on the data are set forth; and sources of ad- tions of these Notes describing each set of ity; international comparisons; and injury
ditional information are cited. data. For detailed descriptions of each data and illness data.
series, see BLS Handbook of Methods, Bulletin
2490. Users also may wish to consult Major
General notes Programs of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Symbols
Report 919. News releases provide the lat- n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified.
The following notes apply to several tables est statistical information published by the
in this section: n.e.s. = not elsewhere specified.
Bureau; the major recurring releases are    p = preliminary. To increase
Seasonal adjustment. Certain monthly published according to the schedule appear-
and quarterly data are adjusted to eliminate the timeliness of some series,
ing on the back cover of this issue. preliminary figures are issued
the effect on the data of such factors as cli- More information about labor force,
matic conditions, industry production sched- based on representative but
employment, and unemployment data and incomplete returns.
ules, opening and closing of schools, holiday the household and establishment surveys
buying periods, and vacation practices, which    r = revised. Generally, this revision
underlying the data are available in the reflects the availability of later
might prevent short-term evaluation of the Bureau’s monthly publication, Employment
statistical series. Tables containing data that data, but also may reflect other
and Earnings. Historical unadjusted and adjustments.
have been adjusted are identified as “season- seasonally adjusted data from the household
ally adjusted.” (All other data are not season- survey are available on the Internet:
ally adjusted.) Seasonal effects are estimated
on the basis of current and past experiences. Historically comparable unadjusted and sea- Comparative Indicators
When new seasonal factors are computed sonally adjusted data from the establishment
each year, revisions may affect seasonally (Tables 1–3)
survey also are available on the Internet:
adjusted data for several preceding years.
Seasonally adjusted data appear in tables Additional information on labor force data Comparative indicators tables provide an
1–14, 17–21, 48, and 52. Seasonally adjusted for areas below the national level are pro- overview and comparison of major bls sta-
labor force data in tables 1 and 4–9 and sea- vided in the BLS annual report, Geographic tistical series. Consequently, although many
sonally adjusted establishment survey data Profile of Employment and Unemployment. of the included series are available monthly,
shown in tables 1, 12–14, and 17 usually are For a comprehensive discussion of the all measures in these comparative tables are
revised in the March issue of the Review. A Employment Cost Index, see Employment presented quarterly and annually.
brief explanation of the seasonal adjustment Cost Indexes and Levels, 1975–95, BLS Bul- Labor market indicators include em-
methodology appears in “Notes on the data.” letin 2466. The most recent data from the ployment measures from two major surveys
Revisions in the productivity data in table Employee Benefits Survey appear in the fol- and information on rates of change in
54 are usually introduced in the September lowing Bureau of Labor Statistics bulletins: compensation provided by the Employment
issue. Seasonally adjusted indexes and per- Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms; Cost Index (ECI) program. The labor force
cent changes from month-to-month and Employee Benefits in Small Private Establish- participation rate, the employment-popula-
quarter-to-quarter are published for numer- ments; and Employee Benefits in State and Local tion ratio, and unemployment rates for major
ous Consumer and Producer Price Index Governments. demographic groups based on the Current
series. However, seasonally adjusted indexes More detailed data on consumer and Population (“household”) Survey are pre-
are not published for the U.S. average All- producer prices are published in the monthly sented, while measures of employment and
Items CPI. Only seasonally adjusted percent periodicals, The CPI Detailed Report and Pro- average weekly hours by major industry sec-
changes are available for this series. ducer Price Indexes. For an overview of the tor are given using nonfarm payroll data. The
Adjustments for price changes. Some 1998 revision of the CPI, see the December Employment Cost Index (compensation),
data—such as the “real” earnings shown in 1996 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. Ad- by major sector and by bargaining status, is
table 14—are adjusted to eliminate the effect ditional data on international prices appear chosen from a variety of BLS compensation
of changes in price. These adjustments are in monthly news releases. and wage measures because it provides a
made by dividing current-dollar values by Listings of industries for which produc- comprehensive measure of employer costs for
the Consumer Price Index or the appropriate tivity indexes are available may be found on hiring labor, not just outlays for wages, and it
component of the index, then multiplying the Internet: is not affected by employment shifts among
by 100. For example, given a current hourly occupations and industries.
wage rate of $3 and a current price index Data on changes in compensation, pric-
number of 150, where 1982 = 100, the hourly For additional information on inter- es, and productivity are presented in table 2.
rate expressed in 1982 dollars is $2 ($3/150 national comparisons data, see Interna- Measures of rates of change of compensation
x 100 = $2). The $2 (or any other resulting tional Comparisons of Unemployment, Bulletin and wages from the Employment Cost Index

  58 Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011  

program are provided for all civilian nonfarm because they were on layoff are also counted ally adjusted data usually are revised for only
workers (excluding Federal and household among the unemployed. The unemployment the most recent 5 years. In July, new seasonal
workers) and for all private nonfarm workers. rate represents the number unemployed as a adjustment factors, which incorporate the
Measures of changes in consumer prices for percent of the civilian labor force. experience through June, are produced for
all urban consumers; producer prices by stage The civilian labor force consists of all the July–December period, but no revisions
of processing; overall prices by stage of pro- employed or unemployed persons in the civil- are made in the historical data.
cessing; and overall export and import price ian noninstitutional population. Persons not F OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on
indexes are given. Measures of productivity in the labor force are those not classified as national household survey data, contact the
(output per hour of all persons) are provided employed or unemployed. This group includes Division of Labor Force Statistics: (202)
for major sectors. discouraged workers, defined as persons who 691–6378.
Alternative measures of wage and com- want and are available for a job and who
pensation rates of change, which reflect the have looked for work sometime in the past Establishment survey data
overall trend in labor costs, are summarized 12 months (or since the end of their last job
in table 3. Differences in concepts and scope, if they held one within the past 12 months),
related to the specific purposes of the series, but are not currently looking, because they Description of the series
contribute to the variation in changes among believe there are no jobs available or there are Employment, hours, and earnings data in this
the individual measures. none for which they would qualify. The civil- section are compiled from payroll records
ian noninstitutional population comprises reported monthly on a voluntary basis to
Notes on the data all persons 16 years of age and older who are the Bureau of Labor Statistics and its co-
not inmates of penal or mental institutions, operating State agencies by about 160,000
Definitions of each series and notes on the sanitariums, or homes for the aged, infirm, businesses and government agencies, which
data are contained in later sections of these or needy. The civilian labor force partici- represent approximately 400,000 individual
notes describing each set of data. pation rate is the proportion of the civilian worksites and represent all industries except
noninstitutional population that is in the agriculture. The active CES sample covers
labor force. The employment-population approximately one-third of all nonfarm
Employment and ratio is employment as a percent of the civil- payroll workers. Industries are classified in
Unemployment Data ian noninstitutional population. accordance with the 2007 North American
Industry Classification System. In most
(Tables 1; 4–29) industries, the sampling probabilities are
Notes on the data
based on the size of the establishment; most
Household survey data From time to time, and especially after a de- large establishments are therefore in the
cennial census, adjustments are made in the sample. (An establishment is not necessarily
Description of the series Current Population Survey figures to correct a firm; it may be a branch plant, for example,
Employment data in this section are ob- for estimating errors during the intercensal or warehouse.) Self-employed persons and
tained from the Current Population Survey, years. These adjustments affect the compa- others not on a regular civilian payroll are
a program of personal interviews conducted rability of historical data. A description of outside the scope of the survey because they
monthly by the Bureau of the Census for these adjustments and their effect on the are excluded from establishment records.
the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The sample various data series appears in the Explana- This largely accounts for the difference in
consists of about 60,000 households selected tory Notes of Employment and Earnings. For employment figures between the household
to represent the U.S. population 16 years of a discussion of changes introduced in January and establishment surveys.
age and older. Households are interviewed 2003, see “Revisions to the Current Popula-
on a rotating basis, so that three-fourths of tion Survey Effective in January 2003” in
the February 2003 issue of Employment and
the sample is the same for any 2 consecutive
months. Earnings (available on the BLS Web site at An establishment is an economic unit which produces goods or services (such as a factory
Definitions Effective in January 2003, BLS began or store) at a single location and is engaged
using the X-12 ARIMA seasonal adjustment in one type of economic activity.
Employed persons include (1) all those who program to seasonally adjust national labor Employed persons are all persons who
worked for pay any time during the week force data. This program replaced the X-11 received pay (including holiday and sick pay)
which includes the 12th day of the month or ARIMA program which had been used since for any part of the payroll period including
who worked unpaid for 15 hours or more in a January 1980. See “Revision of Seasonally the 12th day of the month. Persons holding
family-operated enterprise and (2) those who Adjusted Labor Force Series in 2003,” in more than one job (about 5 percent of all
were temporarily absent from their regular the February 2003 issue of Employment and persons in the labor force) are counted in
jobs because of illness, vacation, industrial Earnings (available on the BLS Web site at each establishment which reports them.
dispute, or similar reasons. A person working for a discussion Production workers in the goods-produc-
at more than one job is counted only in the of the introduction of the use of X-12 ARIMA ing industries cover employees, up through
job at which he or she worked the greatest for seasonal adjustment of the labor force the level of working supervisors, who engage
number of hours. data and the effects that it had on the data. directly in the manufacture or construction
Unemployed persons are those who did At the beginning of each calendar year, of the establishment’s product. In private
not work during the survey week, but were historical seasonally adjusted data usually service-providing industries, data are col-
available for work except for temporary illness are revised, and projected seasonal adjust- lected for nonsupervisory workers, which
and had looked for jobs within the preceding ment factors are calculated for use during the include most employees except those in
4 weeks. Persons who did not look for work January–June period. The historical season- executive, managerial, and supervisory posi-

   Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011   59

Current Labor Statistics

tions. Those workers mentioned in tables probability-based sample design. The indus- lished as preliminary in January and February
11–16 include production workers in manu- try-coding update included reconstruction and as final in March.
facturing and natural resources and min- of historical estimates in order to preserve F OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on
ing; construction workers in construction; time series for data users. Normally 5 years establishment survey data, contact the Di-
and nonsupervisory workers in all private of seasonally adjusted data are revised with vision of Current Employment Statistics:
service-providing industries. Production each benchmark revision. However, with this (202) 691–6555.
and nonsupervisory workers account for release, the entire new time series history for
about four-fifths of the total employment on all CES data series were re-seasonally adjusted Unemployment data by State
private nonagricultural payrolls. due to the NAICS conversion, which resulted
Earnings are the payments production in the revision of all CES time series. Description of the series
or nonsupervisory workers receive during Also in June 2003, the CES program in-
the survey period, including premium pay troduced concurrent seasonal adjustment for Data presented in this section are obtained
for overtime or late-shift work but exclud- the national establishment data. Under this from the Local Area Unemployment Statis-
ing irregular bonuses and other special methodology, the first preliminary estimates tics (LAUS) program, which is conducted in
payments. Real earnings are earnings for the current reference month and the cooperation with State employment security
adjusted to reflect the effects of changes agencies.
revised estimates for the 2 prior months will
in consumer prices. The deflator for this Monthly estimates of the labor force,
be updated with concurrent factors with each
series is derived from the Consumer Price employment, and unemployment for States
new release of data. Concurrent seasonal and sub-State areas are a key indicator of lo-
Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical
adjustment incorporates all available data, cal economic conditions, and form the basis
Workers (CPI-W).
including first preliminary estimates for for determining the eligibility of an area for
Hours represent the average weekly
hours of production or nonsupervisory the most current month, in the adjustment benefits under Federal economic assistance
workers for which pay was received, and are process. For additional information on all of programs such as the Job Training Partner-
different from standard or scheduled hours. the changes introduced in June 2003, see the ship Act. Seasonally adjusted unemployment
Overtime hours represent the portion of June 2003 issue of Employment and Earnings rates are presented in table 10. Insofar as pos-
average weekly hours which was in excess and “Recent changes in the national Current sible, the concepts and definitions underlying
of regular hours and for which overtime Employment Statistics survey,” Monthly La- these data are those used in the national
premiums were paid. bor Review, June 2003, pp. 3–13. estimates obtained from the CPS.
The Diffusion Index represents the Revisions in State data (table 11) oc-
percent of industries in which employment curred with the publication of January 2003 Notes on the data
was rising over the indicated period, plus data. For information on the revisions for
one-half of the industries with unchanged the State data, see the March and May 2003 Data refer to State of residence. Monthly
employment; 50 percent indicates an equal issues of Employment and Earnings, and “Re- data for all States and the District of Colum-
balance between industries with increasing cent changes in the State and Metropolitan bia are derived using standardized procedures
and decreasing employment. In line with Area CES survey,” Monthly Labor Review, established by BLS. Once a year, estimates are
Bureau practice, data for the 1-, 3-, and 6- June 2003, pp. 14–19. revised to new population controls, usually
month spans are seasonally adjusted, while Beginning in June 1996, the BLS uses with publication of January estimates, and
those for the 12-month span are unadjusted. the X-12-ARIMA methodology to season- benchmarked to annual average CPS levels.
Table 17 provides an index on private non- ally adjust establishment survey data. This FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on data
farm employment based on 278 industries, procedure, developed by the Bureau of the in this series, call (202) 691–6392 (table 10)
Census, controls for the effect of varying or (202) 691–6559 (table 11).
and a manufacturing index based on 84
industries. These indexes are useful for mea- survey intervals (also known as the 4- versus
suring the dispersion of economic gains or 5-week effect), thereby providing improved Quarterly Census of
losses and are also economic indicators. measurement of over-the-month changes
and underlying economic trends. Revisions
Employment and Wages
of data, usually for the most recent 5-year
Notes on the data period, are made once a year coincident with Description of the series
With the release of data for January 2010, the the benchmark revisions.
Employment, wage, and establishment data
CES program introduced its annual revision
In the establishment survey, estimates
in this section are derived from the quarterly
of national estimates of employment, hours, for the most recent 2 months are based on tax reports submitted to State employment
and earnings from the monthly survey of incomplete returns and are published as pre- security agencies by private and State and
nonfarm establishments. Each year, the CES liminary in the tables (12–17 in the Review). local government employers subject to State
survey realigns its sample-based estimates When all returns have been received, the unemployment insurance (ui) laws and from
to incorporate universe counts of employ- estimates are revised and published as “final” Federal, agencies subject to the Unemploy-
ment—a process known as benchmarking. (prior to any benchmark revisions) in the ment Compensation for Federal Employees
Comprehensive counts of employment, or third month of their appearance. Thus, De- (ucfe) program. Each quarter, State agen-
benchmarks, are derived primarily from un- cember data are published as preliminary in cies edit and process the data and send the
employment insurance (UI) tax reports that January and February and as final in March. information to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
nearly all employers are required to file with For the same reasons, quarterly establish- The Quarterly Census of Employment
State Workforce Agencies. With the release ment data (table 1) are preliminary for the and Wages (QCEW) data, also referred as ES-
in June 2003, CES completed the transition first 2 months of publication and final in the 202 data, are the most complete enumeration
from its original quota sample design to a third month. Fourth-quarter data are pub- of employment and wage information by

  60 Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011  

industry at the national, State, metropolitan predominant reporting unit or statistical that wages be reported for, or based on the
area, and county levels. They have broad eco- entity for reporting employment and wages period during which services are performed
nomic significance in evaluating labor market data. Most employers, including State and rather than the period during which com-
trends and major industry developments. local governments who operate more than pensation is paid. Under most State laws or
one establishment in a State, file a Multiple regulations, wages include bonuses, stock
Definitions Worksite Report each quarter, in addition options, the cash value of meals and lodging,
to their quarterly ui report. The Multiple tips and other gratuities, and, in some States,
In general, the Quarterly Census of Employ- Worksite Report is used to collect separate employer contributions to certain deferred
ment and Wages monthly employment data employment and wage data for each of the compensation plans such as 401(k) plans.
represent the number of covered workers employer’s establishments, which are not Covered employer contributions for
who worked during, or received pay for, the detailed on the ui report. Some very small old-age, survivors, and disability insurance
pay period that included the 12th day of multi-establishment employers do not file a (oasdi), health insurance, unemployment in-
the month. Covered private industry em- Multiple Worksite Report. When the total surance, workers’ compensation, and private
ployment includes most corporate officials, employment in an employer’s secondary pension and welfare funds are not reported as
executives, supervisory personnel, profes- establishments (all establishments other wages. Employee contributions for the same
sionals, clerical workers, wage earners, piece than the largest) is 10 or fewer, the employer purposes, however, as well as money withheld
workers, and part-time workers. It excludes generally will file a consolidated report for all for income taxes, union dues, and so forth, are
proprietors, the unincorporated self-em- establishments. Also, some employers either reported even though they are deducted from
ployed, unpaid family members, and certain cannot or will not report at the establishment the worker’s gross pay.
farm and domestic workers. Certain types level and thus aggregate establishments into Wages of covered Federal workers rep-
of nonprofit employers, such as religious one consolidated unit, or possibly several resent the gross amount of all payrolls for all
organizations, are given a choice of coverage units, though not at the establishment level. pay periods ending within the quarter. This
or exclusion in a number of States. Workers For the Federal Government, the report- includes cash allowances, the cash equivalent
in these organizations are, therefore, reported ing unit is the installation: a single location of any type of remuneration, severance pay,
to a limited degree. at which a department, agency, or other gov- withholding taxes, and retirement deduc-
Persons on paid sick leave, paid holiday, ernment body has civilian employees. Federal tions. Federal employee remuneration gener-
paid vacation, and the like, are included. agencies follow slightly different criteria than ally covers the same types of services as for
Persons on the payroll of more than one do private employers when breaking down workers in private industry.
firm during the period are counted by each their reports by installation. They are permit- Average annual wage per employee for
ui-subject employer if they meet the employ- ted to combine as a single statewide unit: 1) any given industry are computed by divid-
ment definition noted earlier. The employ- all installations with 10 or fewer workers, ing total annual wages by annual average
ment count excludes workers who earned no and 2) all installations that have a combined employment. A further division by 52 yields
wages during the entire applicable pay period total in the State of fewer than 50 workers. average weekly wages per employee. Annual
because of work stoppages, temporary layoffs, Also, when there are fewer than 25 workers pay data only approximate annual earnings
illness, or unpaid vacations. in all secondary installations in a State, the because an individual may not be employed
Federal employment data are based on secondary installations may be combined and by the same employer all year or may work for
reports of monthly employment and quar- reported with the major installation. Last, if a more than one employer at a time.
terly wages submitted each quarter to State Federal agency has fewer than five employees Average weekly or annual wage is af-
agencies for all Federal installations with in a State, the agency headquarters office fected by the ratio of full-time to part-time
employees covered by the Unemployment (regional office, district office) serving each workers as well as the number of individuals
Compensation for Federal Employees (ucfe) State may consolidate the employment and in high-paying and low-paying occupations.
program, except for certain national security wages data for that State with the data re- When average pay levels between States and
agencies, which are omitted for security rea- ported to the State in which the headquarters industries are compared, these factors should
sons. Employment for all Federal agencies is located. As a result of these reporting rules, be taken into consideration. For example,
for any given month is based on the number the number of reporting units is always larger industries characterized by high proportions
of persons who worked during or received than the number of employers (or govern- of part-time workers will show average wage
pay for the pay period that included the 12th ment agencies) but smaller than the number levels appreciably less than the weekly pay
of the month. of actual establishments (or installations). levels of regular full-time employees in these
An establishment is an economic unit, Data reported for the first quarter are industries. The opposite effect characterizes
such as a farm, mine, factory, or store, that tabulated into size categories ranging from industries with low proportions of part-time
produces goods or provides services. It is worksites of very small size to those with workers, or industries that typically schedule
typically at a single physical location and 1,000 employees or more. The size category heavy weekend and overtime work. Average
engaged in one, or predominantly one, type is determined by the establishment’s March wage data also may be influenced by work
of economic activity for which a single indus- employment level. It is important to note that stoppages, labor turnover rates, retroactive
trial classification may be applied. Occasion- each establishment of a multi-establishment payments, seasonal factors, bonus payments,
ally, a single physical location encompasses firm is tabulated separately into the appropri- and so on.
two or more distinct and significant activities. ate size category. The total employment level
Each activity should be reported as a separate of the reporting multi-establishment firm is
establishment if separate records are kept not used in the size tabulation. Notes on the data
and the various activities are classified under Covered employers in most States report
different NAICS industries. total wages paid during the calendar quarter, Beginning with the release of data for 2007,
Most employers have only one estab- regardless of when the services were per- publications presenting data from the Cov-
lishment; thus, the establishment is the formed. A few State laws, however, specify ered Employment and Wages program have

   Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011   61

Current Labor Statistics

switched to the 2007 version of the North The Office of Management and Budget lion establishments compiled as part of the
American Industry Classification System (OMB) defines metropolitan areas for use operations of the Quarterly Census of Em-
(NAICS) as the basis for the assignment and in Federal statistical activities and updates ployment and Wages, or QCEW, program. This
tabulation of economic data by industry. these definitions as needed. Data in this table program includes all employers subject to
NAICS is the product of a cooperative effort use metropolitan area criteria established State unemployment insurance (UI) laws and
on the part of the statistical agencies of the by OMB in definitions issued June 30, 1999 Federal agencies subject to Unemployment
United States, Canada, and Mexico. Due to (OMB Bulletin No. 99-04). These definitions Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE).
difference in NAICS and Standard Industrial reflect information obtained from the 1990 The sampling frame is stratified by own-
Classification (SIC) structures, industry data Decennial Census and the 1998 U.S. Census ership, region, industry sector, and size class.
for 2001 is not comparable to the SIC-based Bureau population estimate. A complete list Large firms fall into the sample with virtual
data for earlier years. of metropolitan area definitions is available certainty. JOLTS total employment estimates
Effective January 2001, the program from the National Technical Information are controlled to the employment estimates
began assigning Indian Tribal Councils and Service (NTIS), Document Sales, 5205 Port of the Current Employment Statistics (CES)
related establishments to local government Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161, tele- survey. A ratio of CES to JOLTS employment
ownership. This BLS action was in response to phone 1-800-553-6847. is used to adjust the levels for all other JOLTS
a change in Federal law dealing with the way OMB defines metropolitan areas in terms data elements. Rates then are computed from
Indian Tribes are treated under the Federal of entire counties, except in the six New Eng- the adjusted levels.
Unemployment Tax Act. This law requires land States where they are defined in terms of The monthly JOLTS data series begin with
federally recognized Indian Tribes to be treat- cities and towns. New England data in this December 2000. Not seasonally adjusted
ed similarly to State and local governments. table, however, are based on a county concept data on job openings, hires, total separa-
In the past, the Covered Employment and defined by OMB as New England County tions, quits, layoffs and discharges, and other
Wage (CEW) program coded Indian Tribal Metropolitan Areas (NECMA) because coun- separations levels and rates are available for
Councils and related establishments in the ty-level data are the most detailed available the total nonfarm sector, 16 private industry
private sector. As a result of the new law, CEW from the Quarterly Census of Employment divisions and 2 government divisions based
data reflects significant shifts in employment and Wages. The NECMA is a county-based on the North American Industry Classifica-
and wages between the private sector and alternative to the city- and town-based metro- tion System (NAICS), and four geographic
local government from 2000 to 2001. Data politan areas in New England. The NECMA for regions. Seasonally adjusted data on job
also reflect industry changes. Those accounts a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) include: openings, hires, total separations, and quits
previously assigned to civic and social organi- (1) the county containing the first-named city levels and rates are available for the total
zations were assigned to tribal governments. in that MSA title (this county may include nonfarm sector, selected industry sectors, and
There were no required industry changes for the first-named cities of other MSA, and (2) four geographic regions.
related establishments owned by these Tribal each additional county having at least half its
Councils. These tribal business establishments population in the MSA in which first-named Definitions
continued to be coded according to the eco- cities are in the county identified in step 1.
nomic activity of that entity. The NECMA is officially defined areas that Establishments submit job openings infor-
To insure the highest possible quality are meant to be used by statistical programs mation for the last business day of the
of data, State employment security agencies that cannot use the regular metropolitan area reference month. A job opening requires
verify with employers and update, if neces- definitions in New England. that (1) a specific position exists and there
sary, the industry, location, and ownership For additional information on the is work available for that position; and (2)
classification of all establishments on a 3-year covered employment and wage data, contact work could start within 30 days regardless
cycle. Changes in establishment classifica- the Division of Administrative Statistics and of whether a suitable candidate is found; and
tion codes resulting from the verification Labor Turnover at (202) 691–6567. (3) the employer is actively recruiting from
process are introduced with the data reported outside the establishment to fill the position.
for the first quarter of the year. Changes Included are full-time, part-time, permanent,
resulting from improved employer reporting Job Openings and Labor short-term, and seasonal openings. Active
also are introduced in the first quarter. For Turnover Survey recruiting means that the establishment is
these reasons, some data, especially at more taking steps to fill a position by advertising
detailed geographic levels, may not be strictly Description of the series in newspapers or on the Internet, posting
comparable with earlier years. help-wanted signs, accepting applications,
County definitions are assigned according Data for the Job Openings and Labor or using other similar methods.
to Federal Information Processing Standards Turnover Survey (JOLTS) are collected and Jobs to be filled only by internal transfers,
Publications as issued by the National In- compiled from a sample of 16,000 business promotions, demotions, or recall from layoffs
stitute of Standards and Technology. Areas establishments. Each month, data are col- are excluded. Also excluded are jobs with
shown as counties include those designated lected for total employment, job openings, start dates more than 30 days in the future,
as independent cities in some jurisdictions hires, quits, layoffs and discharges, and other jobs for which employees have been hired but
and, in Alaska, those areas designated by the separations. The JOLTS program covers all have not yet reported for work, and jobs to be
Census Bureau where counties have not been private nonfarm establishments such as fac- filled by employees of temporary help agen-
created. County data also are presented for tories, offices, and stores, as well as Federal, cies, employee leasing companies, outside
the New England States for comparative State, and local government entities in the contractors, or consultants. The job openings
purposes, even though townships are the 50 States and the District of Columbia. The rate is computed by dividing the number of
more common designation used in New JOLTS sample design is a random sample job openings by the sum of employment and
England (and New Jersey). drawn from a universe of more than eight mil- job openings, and multiplying that quotient

  62 Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011  

by 100. full sample. Therefore, estimates from earlier to month simply because part-time and on-
Hires are the total number of additions months should be used with caution, as fewer call workers may not always work during
to the payroll occurring at any time during sampled units were reporting data at that time. the pay period that includes the 12th of the
the reference month, including both new and In March 2002, BLS procedures for collect- month. Additionally, research has found that
rehired employees and full-time and part- ing hires and separations data were revised to some reporters systematically underreport
time, permanent, short-term and seasonal address possible underreporting. As a result, separations relative to hires due to a num-
employees, employees recalled to the location JOLTS hires and separations estimates for ber of factors, including the nature of their
after a layoff lasting more than 7 days, on-call months prior to March 2002 may not be payroll systems and practices. The shortfall
or intermittent employees who returned to comparable with estimates for March 2002 appears to be about 2 percent or less over a
work after having been formally separated, and later. 12-month period.
and transfers from other locations. The hires The Federal Government reorganization F OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on
count does not include transfers or promo- that involved transferring approximately the Job Openings and Labor Turnover
tions within the reporting site, employees 180,000 employees to the new Department Survey, contact the Division of Administra-
returning from strike, employees of temporary of Homeland Security is not reflected in tive Statistics and Labor Turnover at (202)
help agencies or employee leasing companies, the JOLTS hires and separations estimates 961–5870.
outside contractors, or consultants. The hires for the Federal Government. The Office of
rate is computed by dividing the number of Personnel Management’s record shows these
hires by employment, and multiplying that transfers were completed in March 2003. The Compensation and
quotient by 100. inclusion of transfers in the JOLTS definitions
Separations are the total number of of hires and separations is intended to cover Wage Data
terminations of employment occurring at ongoing movements of workers between (Tables 1–3; 30–37)
any time during the reference month, and establishments. The Department of Home-
are reported by type of separation—quits, land Security reorganization was a massive The National Compensation Survey (NCS)
layoffs and discharges, and other separations. one-time event, and the inclusion of these produces a variety of compensation data. These
Quits are voluntary separations by employees intergovernmental transfers would distort include: The Employment Cost Index (ECI)
(except for retirements, which are reported the Federal Government time series. and NCS benefit measures of the incidence and
as other separations). Layoffs and discharges Data users should note that seasonal provisions of selected employee benefit plans.
are involuntary separations initiated by the adjustment of the JOLTS series is conducted Selected samples of these measures appear in
employer and include layoffs with no intent with fewer data observations than is cus- the following tables. NCS also compiles data on
to rehire, formal layoffs lasting or expected tomary. The historical data, therefore, may occupational wages and the Employer Costs
to last more than 7 days, discharges resulting be subject to larger than normal revisions. for Employee Compensation (ECEC).
from mergers, downsizing, or closings, firings Because the seasonal patterns in economic
or other discharges for cause, terminations data series typically emerge over time, the Employment Cost Index
of permanent or short-term employees, and standard use of moving averages as seasonal
terminations of seasonal employees. Other filters to capture these effects requires longer
Description of the series
separations include retirements, transfers to series than are currently available. As a result,
other locations, deaths, and separations due to the stable seasonal filter option is used in the The Employment Cost Index (ECI) is a
disability. Separations do not include transfers seasonal adjustment of the JOLTS data. When quarterly measure of the rate of change in
within the same location or employees on calculating seasonal factors, this filter takes compensation per hour worked and includes
strike. an average for each calendar month after wages, salaries, and employer costs of em-
The separations rate is computed by di- detrending the series. The stable seasonal ployee benefits. It is a Laspeyres Index that
viding the number of separations by employ- filter assumes that the seasonal factors are uses fixed employment weights to measure
ment, and multiplying that quotient by 100. fixed; a necessary assumption until sufficient change in labor costs free from the influence
The quits, layoffs and discharges, and other data are available. When the stable seasonal of employment shifts among occupations
separations rates are computed similarly, filter is no longer needed, other program fea- and industries.
dividing the number by employment and tures also may be introduced, such as outlier The ECI provides data for the civilian
multiplying by 100. adjustment and extended diagnostic testing. economy, which includes the total private
Additionally, it is expected that more series, nonfarm economy excluding private house-
Notes on the data such as layoffs and discharges and additional holds, and the public sector excluding the
industries, may be seasonally adjusted when Federal government. Data are collected each
The JOLTS data series on job openings, hires, more data are available. quarter for the pay period including the
and separations are relatively new. The full JOLTS hires and separations estimates 12th day of March, June, September, and
sample is divided into panels, with one panel cannot be used to exactly explain net changes December.
enrolled each month. A full complement of in payroll employment. Some reasons why it Sample establishments are classified by
panels for the original data series based on is problematic to compare changes in payroll industry categories based on the 2007 North
the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification employment with JOLTS hires and separa- American Classification System (NAICS).
(SIC) system was not completely enrolled in tions, especially on a monthly basis, are: (1) Within a sample establishment, specific job
the survey until January 2002. The supple- the reference period for payroll employment categories are selected and classified into
mental panels of establishments needed to is the pay period including the 12th of the about 800 occupations according to the 2000
create NAICS estimates were not completely month, while the reference period for hires Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)
enrolled until May 2003. The data collected and separations is the calendar month; and System. Individual occupations are com-
up until those points are from less than a (2) payroll employment can vary from month bined to represent one of ten intermediate

   Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011   63

Current Labor Statistics

aggregations, such as professional and related lished beginning in 1975. Changes in total service requirement. Employees in noncontr-
occupations, or one of five higher level aggre- compensation cost—wages and salaries and ibutory plans are counted as participating
gations, such as management, professional, benefits combined—were published begin- regardless of whether they have fulfilled the
and related occupations. ning in 1980. The series of changes in wages service requirements.
Fixed employment weights are used and salaries and for total compensation in Defined benefit pension plans use pre-
each quarter to calculate the most aggregate the State and local government sector and determined formulas to calculate a retirement
series—civilian, private, and State and local in the civilian nonfarm economy (excluding benefit (if any), and obligate the employer to
government. These fixed weights are also used Federal employees) were published begin- provide those benefits. Benefits are generally
to derive all of the industry and occupational ning in 1981. Historical indexes (December based on salary, years of service, or both.
series indexes. Beginning with the March 2005=100) are available on the Internet: Defined contribution plans generally
2006 estimates, 2002 fixed employment specify the level of employer and employee
weights from the Bureau’s Occupational A DDITIONAL INFORMATION on the contributions to a plan, but not the formula
Employment Statistics survey were intro- Employment Cost Index is available at www. for determining eventual benefits. Instead,
duced. From March 1995 to December 2005, or by telephone individual accounts are set up for par-
1990 employment counts were used. These at (202) 691–6199. ticipants, and benefits are based on amounts
fixed weights ensure that changes in these credited to these accounts.
indexes reflect only changes in compensation, Tax-deferred savings plans are a type of
not employment shifts among industries or National Compensation Survey defined contribution plan that allow partici-
occupations with different levels of wages Benefit Measures pants to contribute a portion of their salary
and compensation. For the series based on to an employer-sponsored plan and defer
bargaining status, census region and division, income taxes until withdrawal.
and metropolitan area status, fixed employ- Description of the series Flexible benefit plans allow employees
ment data are not available. The employment to choose among several benefits, such as life
NCS benefit measures of employee benefits
weights are reallocated within these series insurance, medical care, and vacation days,
each quarter based on the current eci sample. are published in two separate reports. The and among several levels of coverage within
The indexes for these series, consequently, are annual summary provides data on the in- a given benefit.
not strictly comparable with those for aggre- cidence of (access to and participation in)
gate, occupational, and industry series. selected benefits and provisions of paid
holidays and vacations, life insurance plans, Notes on the data
and other selected benefit programs. Data on
Definitions percentages of establishments offering major
benefit measures is available at www.bls.
employee benefits, and on the employer and
Total compensation costs include wages, gov/ncs/ebs/home.htm or by telephone at
employee shares of contributions to medical
salaries, and the employer’s costs for em- (202) 691–6199.
care premiums also are presented. Selected
ployee benefits. benefit data appear in the following tables. A
Wages and salaries consist of earnings second publication, published later, contains Work stoppages
before payroll deductions, including produc- more detailed information about health and
tion bonuses, incentive earnings, commis- retirement plans.
sions, and cost-of-living adjustments. Description of the series
Benefits include the cost to employers
Definitions Data on work stoppages measure the number
for paid leave, supplemental pay (includ-
and duration of major strikes or lockouts
ing nonproduction bonuses), insurance, Employer-provided benefits are benefits (involving 1,000 workers or more) occurring
retirement and savings plans, and legally that are financed either wholly or partly by during the month (or year), the number of
required benefits (such as Social Security, the employer. They may be sponsored by a workers involved, and the amount of work
workers’ compensation, and unemployment union or other third party, as long as there time lost because of stoppage. These data are
insurance). is some employer financing. However, some presented in table 37.
Excluded from wages and salaries and benefits that are fully paid for by the employ- Data are largely from a variety of pub-
employee benefits are such items as payment- ee also are included. For example, long-term lished sources and cover only establishments
in-kind, free room and board, and tips. care insurance paid entirely by the employee directly involved in a stoppage. They do not
are included because the guarantee of insur- measure the indirect or secondary effect of
Notes on the data ability and availability at group premium stoppages on other establishments whose
rates are considered a benefit. employees are idle owing to material short-
The ECI data in these tables reflect the Employees are considered as having ac- ages or lack of service.
con-version to the 2002 North American cess to a benefit plan if it is available for their
Industry Classification System (NAICS) and use. For example, if an employee is permitted Definitions
the 2000 Standard Occupational Classifica- to participate in a medical care plan offered
tion (SOC) system. The NAICS and SOC data by the employer, but the employee declines to Number of stoppages:  The number of
shown prior to 2006 are for informational do so, he or she is placed in the category with strikes and lockouts involving 1,000 work-
purposes only. ECI series based on NAICS those having access to medical care. ers or more and lasting a full shift or longer.
and SOC became the official BLS estimates Employees in contributory plans are Workers involved:  The number of work-
starting in March 2006. considered as participating in an insurance ers directly involved in the stoppage.
The ECI for changes in wages and salaries or retirement plan if they have paid required Number of days idle:  The aggregate
in the private nonfarm economy was pub- contributions and fulfilled any applicable number of workdays lost by workers involved

  64 Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011  

in the stoppages. The CPI is based on prices of food, clothing, try Classification System and product codes
Days of idleness as a percent of esti- shelter, fuel, drugs, transportation fares, doctors’ developed by the U.S. Census Bureau.
mated working time: Aggregate workdays and dentists’ fees, and other goods and services To the extent possible, prices used in
lost as a percent of the aggregate number of that people buy for day-to-day living. The calculating Producer Price Indexes apply to
standard workdays in the period multiplied quantity and quality of these items are kept the first significant commercial transaction
by total employment in the period. essentially unchanged between major revisions in the United States from the production
so that only price changes will be measured. All or central marketing point. Price data are
taxes directly associated with the purchase and generally collected monthly, primarily by
Notes on the data use of items are included in the index. mail questionnaire. Most prices are obtained
Data collected from more than 23,000 retail directly from producing companies on a vol-
This series is not comparable with the one
establishments and 5,800 housing units in 87 untary and confidential basis. Prices gener-
terminated in 1981 that covered strikes in-
urban areas across the country are used to de- ally are reported for the Tuesday of the week
volving six workers or more. containing the 13th day of the month.
velop the “U.S. city average.” Separate estimates
A DDITIONAL INFORMATION on work Since January 1992, price changes for
for 14 major urban centers are presented in table
stop-pages data is available at www. bls. the various commodities have been averaged
39.The areas listed are as indicated in footnote 1
gov/cba/home.htm or by telephone at (202) together with implicit quantity weights rep-
to the table. The area indexes measure only the
691–6199. resenting their importance in the total net
average change in prices for each area since the
base period, and do not indicate differences in selling value of all commodities as of 1987. The
the level of prices among cities. detailed data are aggregated to obtain indexes
Price Data for stage-of-processing groupings, commodity
Notes on the data groupings, durability-of-product groupings,
(Tables 2; 38–46) and a number of special composite groups. All
In January 1983, the Bureau changed the way Producer Price Index data are subject to revi-
Price data are gathered by the Bureau in which homeownership costs are meaured sion 4 months after original publication.
of Labor Statistics from retail and pri- for the CPI-U. A rental equivalence method FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, con-
mary markets in the United States. Price replaced the asset-price approach to homeown- tact the Division of Industrial Prices and
indexes are given in relation to a base pe- ership costs for that series. In January 1985, Price Indexes: (202) 691–7705.
riod—December 2003 = 100 for many Pro- the same change was made in the CPI-W. The
ducer Price Indexes (unless otherwise noted), central purpose of the change was to separate
1982–84 = 100 for many Consumer Price shelter costs from the investment component International Price Indexes
Indexes (unless otherwise noted), and 1990 of homeownership so that the index would
= 100 for International Price Indexes. reflect only the cost of shelter services provided Description of the series
by owner-occupied homes. An updated CPI-U
and CPI-W were introduced with release of the The International Price Program produces
Consumer Price Indexes January 1987 and January 1998 data. monthly and quarterly export and import
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, con- price indexes for nonmilitary goods and
Description of the series tact the Division of Prices and Price Indexes: services traded between the United States
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure (202) 691–7000. and the rest of the world. The export price
of the average change in the prices paid by index provides a measure of price change
urban consumers for a fixed market basket for all products sold by U.S. residents to
of goods and services. The CPI is calculated Producer Price Indexes foreign buyers. (“Residents” is defined as in
monthly for two population groups, one the national income accounts; it includes
consisting only of urban households whose Description of the series corporations, businesses, and individuals, but
primary source of income is derived from does not require the organizations to be U.S.
the employment of wage earners and clerical Producer Price Indexes (PPI) measure ave- owned nor the individuals to have U.S. citi-
workers, and the other consisting of all urban rage changes in prices received by domestic zenship.) The import price index provides a
households. The wage earner index (CPI-W) is producers of commodities in all stages of measure of price change for goods purchased
a continuation of the historic index that was processing. The sample used for calculating from other countries by U.S. residents.
introduced well over a half-century ago for these indexes currently contains about 3,200 The product universe for both the import
use in wage negotiations. As new uses were commodities and about 80,000 quotations per and export indexes includes raw materials,
developed for the CPI in recent years, the need month, selected to represent the movement agricultural products, semifinished manu-
for a broader and more representative index of prices of all commodities produced in the factures, and finished manufactures, includ-
became apparent. The all-urban consumer manufacturing; agriculture, forestry, and fish- ing both capital and consumer goods. Price
index (CPI-U), introduced in 1978, is represen- ing; mining; and gas and electricity and public data for these items are collected primarily
tative of the 1993–95 buying habits of about utilities sectors. The stage-of-processing by mail questionnaire. In nearly all cases,
87 percent of the noninstitutional population structure of PPI organizes products by class the data are collected directly from the ex-
of the United States at that time, compared of buyer and degree of fabrication (that is, porter or importer, although in a few cases,
with 32 percent represented in the CPI-W. In finished goods, intermediate goods, and crude prices are obtained from other sources.
addition to wage earners and clerical workers, materials). The traditional commodity struc- To the extent possible, the data gathered
the CPI-U covers professional, managerial, and ture of PPI organizes products by similarity of refer to prices at the U.S. border for exports
technical workers, the self-employed, short- end use or material composition. The industry and at either the foreign border or the U.S.
term workers, the unemployed, retirees, and and product structure of PPI organizes data in border for imports. For nearly all products, the
others not in the labor force. accordance with the North American Indus- prices refer to transactions completed during

   Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011   65

Current Labor Statistics

the first week of the month. Survey respon- output per unit of labor input, or output per is developed from measures of the net stock
dents are asked to indicate all discounts, allow- unit of capital input, as well as measures of of physical assets—equipment, structures,
ances, and rebates applicable to the reported multifactor productivity (output per unit land, and inventories—weighted by rental
prices, so that the price used in the calculation of combined labor and capital inputs). The prices for each type of asset.
of the indexes is the actual price for which the Bureau indexes show the change in output Combined units of labor and capital
product was bought or sold. relative to changes in the various inputs. inputs are derived by combining changes in
In addition to general indexes of prices The measures cover the business, nonfarm labor and capital input with weights which
for U.S. exports and imports, indexes are also business, manufacturing, and nonfinancial represent each component’s share of total
published for detailed product categories of ex- corporate sectors. cost. Combined units of labor, capital, energy,
ports and imports. These categories are defined Corresponding indexes of hourly com- materials, and purchased business services are
according to the five-digit level of detail for the pensation, unit labor costs, unit nonlabor similarly derived by combining changes in
Bureau of Economic Analysis End-use Clas- payments, and prices are also provided. each input with weights that represent each
sification, the three-digit level for the Standard input’s share of total costs. The indexes for
International Trade Classification (SITC), and each input and for combined units are based
the four-digit level of detail for the Harmo- Definitions
on changing weights which are averages of
nized System. Aggregate import indexes by Output per hour of all persons (labor pro- the shares in the current and preceding year
country or region of origin are also available. ductivity) is the quantity of goods and services (the Tornquist index-number formula).
BLS publishes indexes for selected cat- produced per hour of labor input. Output per
egories of internationally traded services, unit of capital services (capital productivity)
calculated on an international basis and on a is the quantity of goods and services produced Notes on the data
balance-of-payments basis. per unit of capital services input. Multifactor
productivity is the quantity of goods and Business sector output is an annually-
Notes on the data services produced per combined inputs. For weighted index constructed by excluding
private business and private nonfarm business, from real gross domestic product ( GDP)
The export and import price indexes are inputs include labor and capital units. For the following outputs: general government,
weighted indexes of the Laspeyres type. The manufacturing, inputs include labor, capital, nonprofit institutions, paid employees of
trade weights currently used to compute both energy, nonenergy materials, and purchased private households, and the rental value of
indexes relate to 2000. business services. owner-occupied dwellings. Nonfarm busi-
Because a price index depends on the same Compensation per hour is total com- ness also excludes farming. Private business
items being priced from period to period, it pensation divided by hours at work. Total and private nonfarm business further exclude
is necessary to recognize when a product’s compensation equals the wages and salaries government enterprises. The measures are
specifications or terms of transaction have of employees plus employers’ contributions supplied by the U.S. Department of Com-
been modified. For this reason, the Bureau’s for social insurance and private benefit plans, merce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis.
questionnaire requests detailed descriptions of plus an estimate of these payments for the Annual estimates of manufacturing sectoral
the physical and functional characteristics of self-employed (except for nonfinancial corpo- output are produced by the Bureau of Labor
the products being priced, as well as informa- rations in which there are no self-employed). Statistics. Quarterly manufacturing output
tion on the number of units bought or sold, Real compensation per hour is compensation indexes from the Federal Reserve Board are
discounts, credit terms, packaging, class of per hour deflated by the change in the Con- adjusted to these annual output measures by
buyer or seller, and so forth. When there are sumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. the BLS. Compensation data are developed
changes in either the specifications or terms Unit labor costs are the labor compensa- from data of the Bureau of Economic Analy-
of transaction of a product, the dollar value tion costs expended in the production of a sis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hours
of each change is deleted from the total price unit of output and are derived by dividing data are developed from data of the Bureau
change to obtain the “pure” change. Once compensation by output. Unit nonlabor of Labor Statistics.
this value is determined, a linking procedure payments include profits, depreciation, The productivity and associated cost
is employed which allows for the continued interest, and indirect taxes per unit of output. measures in tables 47–50 describe the rela-
repricing of the item. They are computed by subtracting compensa- tionship between output in real terms and
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, con- tion of all persons from current-dollar value the labor and capital inputs involved in its
tact the Division of International Prices: of output and dividing by output. production. They show the changes from
(202) 691–7155. Unit nonlabor costs contain all the com- period to period in the amount of goods and
ponents of unit nonlabor payments except services produced per unit of input.
unit profits. Although these measures relate output
Productivity Data Unit profits include corporate profits to hours and capital services, they do not
with inventory valuation and capital con- measure the contributions of labor, capital,
(Tables 2; 47–50) sumption adjustments per unit of output. or any other specific factor of production.
Hours of all persons are the total hours Rather, they reflect the joint effect of many
Business and major sectors at work of payroll workers, self-employed influences, including changes in technology;
Description of the series persons, and unpaid family workers. shifts in the composition of the labor force;
Labor inputs are hours of all persons capital investment; level of output; changes
The productivity measures relate real output adjusted for the effects of changes in the in the utilization of capacity, energy, material,
to real input. As such, they encompass a fam- education and experience of the labor force. and research and development; the organi-
ily of measures which include single-factor Capital services are the flow of services zation of production; managerial skill; and
input measures, such as output per hour, from the capital stock used in production. It characteristics and efforts of the work force.

  66 Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011  

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on this fuels, and electricity. from employment figures, although a small
productivity series, contact the Division of number of career military may be included
Productivity Research: (202) 691–5606. Notes on the data in some European countries. Adjustments
are made to exclude unpaid family workers
The industry measures are compiled from who worked fewer than 15 hours per week
Industry productivity measures data produced by the Bureau of Labor Statis- from employment figures; U.S. concepts do
tics and the Census Bureau, with additional not include them in employment, whereas
Description of the series data supplied by other government agencies, most foreign countries include all unpaid
trade associations, and other sources. family workers regardless of the number
The BLS industry productivity indexes mea-
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on of hours worked. Adjustments are made to
sure the relationship between output and
this series, contact the Division of Industry include full-time students seeking work and
inputs for selected industries and industry
groups, and thus reflect trends in industry ef- Productivity Studies: (202) 691–5618, or visit available for work as unemployed when they
ficiency over time. Industry measures include the Web site at: are classified as not in the labor force.
labor productivity, multifactor productivity, Where possible, lower age limits are
based on the age at which compulsory
compensation, and unit labor costs. International Comparisons schooling ends in each country, rather than
The industry measures differ in method-
ology and data sources from the productivity (Tables 51–53) based on the U.S. standard of 16. Lower age
measures for the major sectors because the limits have ranged between 13 and 16 over
industry measures are developed indepen- Labor force and unemployment the years covered; currently, the lower age
dently of the National Income and Product limits are either 15 or 16 in all 10 countries.
Accounts framework used for the major Description of the series Some adjustments for comparability
sector measures. are not made because data are unavailable
Tables 51 and 52 present comparative mea- for adjustment purposes. For example, no
sures of the labor force, employment, and adjustments to unemployment are usually
unemployment adjusted to U.S. concepts made for deviations from U.S. concepts in
Output per hour is derived by dividing an for the United States, Canada, Australia, the treatment of persons waiting to start a
index of industry output by an index of labor Japan, and six European countries. The new job or passive job seekers. These con-
input. For most industries, output indexes Bureau adjusts the figures for these selected ceptual differences have little impact on the
are derived from data on the value of indus- countries, for all known major definitional measures. Furthermore, BLS studies have
try output adjusted for price change. For differences, to the extent that data to pre- concluded that no adjustments should be
the remaining industries, output indexes are pare adjustments are available. Although made for persons on layoff who are counted
derived from data on the physical quantity precise comparability may not be achieved, as employed in some countries because of
of production. these adjusted figures provide a better basis their strong job attachment as evidenced by,
The labor input series is based on the for international comparisons than the for example, payment of salary or the exis-
hours of all workers or, in the case of some figures regularly published by each country. tence of a recall date. In the United States,
transportation industries, on the number of For further information on adjustments persons on layoff have weaker job attachment
employees. For most industries, the series and comparability issues, see Constance and are classified as unemployed.
consists of the hours of all employees. For Sorrentino, “International unemployment The annual labor force measures are
some trade and services industries, the series rates: how comparable are they?” Monthly obtained from monthly, quarterly, or con-
also includes the hours of partners, propri- Labor Review, June 2000, pp. 3–20, avail- tinuous household surveys and may be cal-
etors, and unpaid family workers. able on the Internet at culated as averages of monthly or quarterly
Unit labor costs represent the labor com- mlr/2000/06/art1full.pdf. data. Quarterly and monthly unemployment
pensation costs per unit of output produced, rates are based on household surveys. For
and are derived by dividing an index of labor Definitions some countries, they are calculated by ap-
compensation by an index of output. Labor plying annual adjustment factors to current
compensation includes payroll as well as For the principal U.S. definitions of the labor published data and, therefore, are less pre-
force, employment, and unemployment, see cise indicators of unemployment under U.S.
supplemental payments, including both
the Notes section on Employment and Un- concepts than the annual figures.
legally required expenditures and payments The labor force measures may have
employment Data: Household survey data.
for voluntary programs. breaks in series over time due to changes
Multifactor productivity is derived by in surveys, sources, or estimation methods.
dividing an index of industry output by an in-
Notes on the data
Breaks are noted in data tables.
dex of combined inputs consumed in produc- Foreign-country data are adjusted as closely For up-to-date information on adjust-
ing that output. Combined inputs include as possible to the U.S. definitions. Primary ments and breaks in series, see the Introduc-
capital, labor, and intermediate purchases. areas of adjustment address conceptual dif- tion and Appendix B. Country Notes in
The measure of capital input represents the ferences in upper age limits and defini- International Comparisons of Annual Labor
flow of services from the capital stock used tions of employment and unemployment, Force Statistics, Adjusted to U.S. Concepts, 10
in production. It is developed from measures provided that reliable data are available to Countries, 1997–2009, on the Internet at
of the net stock of physical assets—equip- make these adjustments. Adjustments are, and the
ment, structures, land, and inventories. The made where applicable to include employed Notes for Table 1 in the monthly report In-
measure of intermediate purchases is a and unemployed persons above upper age ternational Unemployment Rates and Employ-
combination of purchased materials, services, limits and to exclude active duty military ment Indexes, Seasonally Adjusted, 2008–2010,

   Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011   67

Current Labor Statistics

on the Internet at statistics of manufacturing employment and Survey of Occupational Injuries
employment_rates_monthly.htm. average hours. For most other economies, and Illnesses
recent years’ aggregate hours series are
obtained from national statistical offices, Description of the series
Manufacturing productivity usually from national accounts. However,
and labor costs for some economies and for earlier years, The Survey of Occupational Injuries and
BLS calculates the aggregate hours series Illnesses collects data from employers about
Description of the series using employment figures published with their workers’ job-related nonfatal injuries
the national accounts, or other comprehen- and illnesses. The information that employers
Table 53 presents comparative indexes sive employment series, and data on average provide is based on records that they maintain
o f m a n u f ac t u r i n g o u t p u t p e r h o u r hours worked. under the Occupational Safety and Health
(labor productivity), output, total hours, Hourly compensation is total compensa- Act of 1970. Self-employed individuals, farms
compensation per hour, and unit labor tion divided by total hours. Total compensa- with fewer than 11 employees, employers
costs for 19 countries. These measures are tion includes all payments in cash or in-kind regulated by other Federal safety and health
trend comparisons—that is, series that made directly to employees plus employer laws, and Federal, State, and local government
measure changes over time—rather than level expenditures for legally required insurance agencies are excluded from the survey.
comparisons. BLS does not recommend using programs and contractual and private ben- The survey is a Federal-State cooperative
these series for level comparisons because of efit plans. For Australia, Canada, France, program with an independent sample select-
technical problems. Singapore, and Sweden, compensation is ed for each participating State. A stratified
BLS constructs the comparative indexes increased to account for important taxes on random sample with a Neyman allocation
from three basic aggregate measures—output, payroll or employment. For the Czech Re- is selected to represent all private industries
total labor hours, and total compensation. public, Finland, and the United Kingdom, in the State. The survey is stratified by Stan-
The hours and compensation measures refer compensation is reduced in certain years to dard Industrial Classification and size of
to employees (wage and salary earners) in account for subsidies. employment.
Belgium and Taiwan. For all other economies, Labor productivity is defined as real
the measures refer to all employed persons, output per hour worked. Although the la-
including employees, self-employed persons, bor productivity measure presented in this Definitions
and unpaid family workers. release relates output to the hours worked
The data for recent years are based on the of persons employed in manufacturing, it Under the Occupational Safety and Health
United Nations System of National Accounts does not measure the specific contributions Act, employers maintain records of nonfatal
1993 (SNA 93). Manufacturing is generally of labor as a single factor of production. work-related injuries and illnesses that in-
defined according to the International Rather, it reflects the joint effects of many volve one or more of the following: loss of
Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). influences, including new technology, capital consciousness, restriction of work or motion,
However, the measures for France include investment, capacity utilization, energy use, transfer to another job, or medical treatment
parts of mining as well. For the United and managerial skills, as well as the skills other than first aid.
States and Canada, manufacturing is defined and efforts of the workforce. Occupational injury is any injury such
according to the North American Industry Unit labor costs are defined as the cost of as a cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation that
Classification System (NAICS 97). labor input required to produce one unit of results from a work-related event or a single, in-
output. They are computed as compensation stantaneous exposure in the work environment.
in nominal terms divided by real output. Occupational illness is an abnormal
Definitions condition or disorder, other than one result-
Output. For most economies, the output ing from an occupational injury, caused by
Notes on the data exposure to factors associated with employ-
measures are real value added in manufac-
turing from national accounts. However, ment. It includes acute and chronic illnesses
The measures for recent years may be based
output for Japan prior to 1970 and for the or disease which may be caused by inhalation,
on current indicators of manufacturing out-
Netherlands prior to 1960 are indexes of absorption, ingestion, or direct contact.
put (such as industrial production indexes),
industrial production. The manufacturing Lost workday injuries and illnesses are
employment, average hours, and hourly com-
value added measures for the United King- cases that involve days away from work, or
pensation until national accounts and other
dom are essentially identical to their indexes days of restricted work activity, or both.
statistics used for the long-term measures
of industrial production. Lost workdays include the number of
become available. For more in-depth infor-
For the United States, the output mea- workdays (consecutive or not) on which the
mation on sources and methods, see http://
sure is a chain-weighted index of real value employee was either away from work or at
added produced by the Bureau of Economic work in some restricted capacity, or both,
Analysis. BLS uses this series here to pre- ternational comparisons, contact the Division because of an occupational injury or illness.
serve international comparability. However, BLS measures of the number and incidence
of International Labor Comparisons: (202)
for its domestic industry measures, shown 691–5654 or rate of lost workdays were discontinued be-
in tables 47–50 in this section, BLS uses a ginning with the 1993 survey. The number
different output measures called “sectoral of days away from work or days of restricted
output,” which is gross output less intra- Occupational Injury work activity does not include the day of injury
sector transactions. or onset of illness or any days on which the
Total hours refer to hours worked in all
and Illness Data employee would not have worked, such as a
economies. The measures are developed from (Tables 54–55) Federal holiday, even though able to work.

  68 Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011  

Incidence rates are computed as the Illnesses: Counts, Rates, and Characteristics. counts, State motor vehicle fatality records,
number of injuries and/or illnesses or lost Comparable data for more than 40 States and follow-up questionnaires to employers.
work days per 100 full-time workers. and territories are available from the bls In addition to private wage and salary
Office of Safety, Health and Working Con- workers, the self-employed, family mem-
ditions. Many of these States publish data bers, and Federal, State, and local govern-
Notes on the data
on State and local government employees in ment workers are covered by the program.
The definitions of occupational injuries and addition to private industry data. To be included in the fatality census, the
illnesses are from Recordkeeping Guidelines Mining and railroad data are furnished decedent must have been employed (that is
for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (U.S. to BLS by the Mine Safety and Health working for pay, compensation, or profit)
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Sta- Administration and the Federal Railroad at the time of the event, engaged in a legal
tistics, September 1986). Administration. Data from these organiza- work activity, or present at the site of the
Estimates are made for industries and tions are included in both the national and incident as a requirement of his or her job.
employment size classes for total recordable State data published annually.
cases, lost workday cases, days away from With the 1992 survey, BLS began pub- Definition
work cases, and nonfatal cases without lost lishing details on serious, nonfatal incidents
workdays. These data also are shown sepa- resulting in days away from work. Included A fatal work injury is any intentional or
rately for injuries. Illness data are available are some major characteristics of the injured unintentional wound or damage to the body
for seven categories: occupational skin dis- and ill workers, such as occupation, age, resulting in death from acute exposure to
eases or disorders, dust diseases of the lungs, gender, race, and length of service, as well energy, such as heat or electricity, or kinetic
respiratory conditions due to toxic agents, as the circumstances of their injuries and energy from a crash, or from the absence of
poisoning (systemic effects of toxic agents), illnesses (nature of the disabling condition, such essentials as heat or oxygen caused by a
disorders due to physical agents (other than part of body affected, event and exposure, specific event or incident or series of events
and the source directly producing the con- within a single workday or shift. Fatalities
toxic materials), disorders associated with
repeated trauma, and all other occupational dition). In general, these data are available that occur during a person’s commute to or
illnesses. nationwide for detailed industries and for from work are excluded from the census,
The survey continues to measure the individual States at more aggregated in- as well as work-related illnesses,which can
number of new work-related illness cases dustry levels. be difficult to identify due to long latency
which are recognized, diagnosed, and re-
ported during the year. Some conditions, for cupational injuries and illnesses, contact the
example, long-term latent illnesses caused Office of Occupational Safety, Health and Notes on the data
by exposure to carcinogens, often are dif- Working Conditions at (202) 691–6180, or Twenty-eight data elements are collected,
ficult to relate to the workplace and are not access the Internet at: www.bls. gov/iif/. coded, and tabulated in the fatality program,
adequately recognized and reported. These including information about the fatally
long-term latent illnesses are believed to be Census of Fatal injured worker, the fatal incident, and the
understated in the survey’s illness measure. machinery or equipment involved. Summary
In contrast, the overwhelming majority of Occupational Injuries worker demographic data and event char-
the reported new illnesses are those which acteristics are included in a national news
are easier to directly relate to workplace The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries release that is available about 8 months after
activity (for example, contact dermatitis and compiles a complete roster of fatal job-relat- the end of the reference year. The Census of
carpal tunnel syndrome). ed injuries, including detailed data about the Fatal Occupational Injuries was initiated in
Most of the estimates are in the form of fatally injured workers and the fatal events. 1992 as a joint Federal-State effort. Most
incidence rates, defined as the number of The program collects and cross checks fatality States issue summary information at the
injuries and illnesses per 100 equivalent full- information from multiple sources, including time of the national news release.
time workers. For this purpose, 200,000 death certificates, State and Federal workers’ FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on
employee hours represent 100 employee compensation reports, Occupational Safety the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
years (2,000 hours per employee). Full detail and Health Administration and Mine Safety contact the BLS Office of Safety, Health, and
on the available measures is presented in the and Health Administration records, medical Working Conditions at (202) 691–6175, or
annual bulletin, Occupational Injuries and examiner and autopsy reports, media ac- the Internet at:

   Monthly  Labor  Review  •  June 2011   69

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