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1. Active / Passive ?
2. Time ?
- Time Reference (Cümlenin bağlamı/anlam akışı içinden eylemin ne zaman olduğunu kestirme) Past
/Present / Future?
- Time Agreement (Zaman uyumu- sadece zaman bağlaçlarında aranır)
3. Kullanıma 1ore doğru Tense veya Modal!!!


1. Simple Present (Geniş Zaman) ……yaparım/ederim

 Form

Olumlu Soru Cümlesi Olumsuz

I think Do I think? I do not think

You think Do you think? You do not think

He thinks Does he think? He does not think

She thinks Does she think? She does not think

It thinks Does it think? It does not think

We think Do we think? We do not think.

They think Do they think? They do not think.

Üçüncü tekil şahıs için;

 Üçüncü tekil şahıs için fiil her zaman -s ile biter:

he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
 Olumsuz ve soru sorma biçimi DOES (= 'DO' yardımcı fiilinin üçüncü şahıs hali) + fiilin mastar halini
He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla.
 -y ile biten fiiller: üçüncü şahıs -y'yi -ies'e dönüştürür:
fly --> flies, cry --> cries
Özel durum: -y'den önce bir ünlü var ise:
play --> plays, pray --> prays
 -ss, -x, -sh, -ch ile biten fiilerin sonuna -es ekleyin:
he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes

 Use (Kullanım)

●Repeated actions/ routines/ habits (Tekralanan olaylar/ rutinler/ alışkanlıklar)

-We go on holiday every summer. → Tekrarlanan olaylar
- Ahmet walks to school every morning. → rutinler
- I never smoke.→ alışkanlıklar

●Facts/ Permenant actions ( Gerçekler / kalıcı olaylar)

The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
Smart phones affect the success of the students at school.
I live in Fethiye.

●Time tables for future use (Gelecekle iligili çizelgeli olaylardan bahsederken)
Hurry up! The bus leaves in 10 minutes.

●Sport commentaries/ reviews/ narrations /Newspaper headlines

- An earthquake hits Japan.
- “The princess kisses the frog and the frog turns into a prince.”
- David passes the ball to Jackson. Jackson kicks and scores!

2. Present Continuous Tense (yapıyorum)

 Form
am / is / are verb+ing

 Use
- Actions happening at the time speaking. (konuşma anında gerçekleşen olaylarda)
We are learning English now.

- Actions happening around now. /Temporary actions / thesedays- nowadays ( Şimdilerde olmakta olan,
geçici olaylarda)
I am reading a fantastic book these days.

- For future plans and arrangements. (gelecekle ilgili önceden planlanmış veya ayarlanmış olaylarda)
Ahmet is flying to Paris next week.

- When we use present continuous with ‘always’, we state complaints and annoyance. ( always ile birlikte
kullanılarak şikayet veya yakınma ifade ettiğimiz durumlarda)
You are always leaving your books on the floor!

- Changing and developing situations. ( Değişen ve gelişen olay ve durumlarda)

More and More forests are disappearing every year.
My English is improving day by day.
STATE VERBS (Durum Fiilleri)
Not: Durum fiilleri Continuous Tenselerle yaygın olarak çekimlenmeyip kendine en yakın simple tense ‘i
tercih eden ve her iki zamanı da anlatabilen fiillerdir.

I don’t know. (Bilmem/ Bilmiyorum)

I want to drink water. (isterim / istiyorum)

- Mental Verbs → undertsand / think / suppose / guess / know / realise / notice /recognise
- Sense verbs → see / smell / taste / hear/ feel / look (seem/appear)
- Likes /dislikes → love / like/ hate/ enjoy
- Possession → have / posses / own / belong to
- Others → want / need / fit / cost

3. Present Perfect Tense (Yaptım/yapmıştır)

 Form
Have /has +V3
I have had my lunch.

 Use
- To express the present result of a past action1 whose time is not stated2. (Geçmişte zamanı belirtilmeden
olmuş bir olayın şuan görülen sonucunu vurgulamak için)
I have washed my car. → arabamı şuandan önce yıkadım ve şuan arabam temiz
A stranger has walked into the building. → (Şuan içeride bir yabancı var)

- To Express the life experience we have had so far. ( Şuana kadar sahip olduğumuz yaşam
deneyimlerimizden bahsederken)
I have been abroad three times so far. ( Şuan toplam 3 kez yurtdışında bulunmuşluğum var)

- To Express the actions (for state verbs) beginning in the past and still carrying on now. (Durum fiilinin
kullanıldığı geçmişte başalayıp hala devam eden olaylarda)
I have known Tolga for 10 years. He is my best friend.
I have been knowing Tolga for 10 years. He is my best friend.
Attention!! Since – başlama noktası & For – o zamandan şuna kadar geçen süre

4. Present Perfect Continuous (Bir süredir yapmaktayım)

 Form
Have /has +been + Verbing
I have been reading since lunch time.

 Use
- To express the actions beginning in the past and still carrying on now. (Geçmişte başlayıp hala devam eden
I have been painting my room.
I have been learning English for years.
- To express the present effect of an action which finished in the past but continued for some time.
(Geçmişte başlayıp bir süre devam edip bitmiş ancak şuan o olayın bir süre devam ettiğiyle ilgili ortada
bir etkinin görüldüğü olaylarda)
His hands are in dirt and oil (present effect) because he has been repairing his car all afternoon.
The little boy looks so tired (present effect) because he has been playing in the garden since early
Time Expressions for Present perfect and Present perfect Continuous)
- For vs. Since / ever since ( ..dan beri / …dan şuana kadar)
Not : Since başlama noktasını for başlama noktasından şuana kadar geçen süreyle birlikte kullanılır.
Since’den sonra başlama noktasındaki geçmiş bir zamanla birlikte geçmiş bir olayı da ifade edebiliriz. Başka
bir deyişle since yan cümle olarak da kullanılabilir ve zamanı her zaman simple past tense ile çekimlenir.
I have been teaching English for 14 years.
I have been teaching English since 2006. → (Edat olarak)
I have been teaching English (ever) since I graduated from the university. → ( Yan cümle olarak)
(Ever) Since I graduated from the university, I have been teaching English. → ( Yan cümle olarak)
- How long ? → Present Perfect Continuous /present perfect
How long have you been learning English?

- Just +/yet - ? / already + → Özellikle Present perfect ile kullanılırlar.

Teacher: Have you finished writing yet?
S1: I have already finished writing, Sir. +
S2: I have just finished writing, Sir. +
S3: I haven’t finished writing yet, Sir. -
- So far = up till now = until now = up to now (şuana kadar) → Özellikle Present perfect ile kullanılırlar.
I have read 200 books so far.
- Recently/currently /lately (son zamanlarda) → Present Perfect Continuous /present perfect
My students have been studying hard recently.

Notes about Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

→ I have been reading an interesting book since last week. - Duration
I have read 150 pages so far. – Result
→Have been – (bulundu/He is not there now) / have gone (gitti/ He is there now)
She's been to India on holiday three times.

She's gone to Moscow, she will be back next week.

Ara Not: Bağlaçları genel olarak yapılarına göre 3 gruba ayırırız.

- Yan cümle (adverbial clauses)→ Mutlaka kendi öznesi ve çekimli fiili olan, bir ana cümleye bağlanıp, onunla
yer değiştirebilen cümleciklerdir.
1. When I came home, my mum was cooking.
2. My mum was cooking when I came home.
Since/Because Arda is so sleepy, he has difficulty in following the lesson.
He has difficulty in following the lesson because Arda is so sleepy.

- Edatsı bağlaç (prepositional phrases) + isim/isim soylu sözcükler(gerund/phrase/N.C), Ana cümle

Because of feeling sleepy, he has difficulty in following the lesson.
Şüheda is yawning because of the boring lesson.

- Geçiş bağlacı (Transitions)

Arda is so sleepy. Therefore, he has difficulty in following the lesson.
Not: since/ever since (…dan beri) hem yan cümle hem de edat görevi yapar.
Since → AC Since I graduated from the university, I have been teaching English.
Since → PP Since 2006, I have been teaching English.

1. Simple Past ( yaptım)
 Form
S + V2+ O + P + T
I went to cinema last weekend.
I was at home last night.

 Use
- Actions happenning at a specific time in the past. ( Geçmişte belli bir zamanda olup bitmiş olaylarda)
Not: İllaki geçmiş zamanın kullanıldığı cümlelerde geçmişle ilgili kesin bir zamanın belirtilmesine gerek
yoktur. Bağlamdan olayın geçmişte olduğunun işaret edilmesi yeterlidir.
I went to Spain for summer holiday. I had a great time there.
- Actions happening repeatedly in the past which is not going on now. (yapardım) = used to ≥ would1
(Geçmişte tekrar eden ancak artık devam etmeyen olaylarda)
I studied / used to study / would study a lot when I was at high school.
Not: would1 sadece action verblerle kullanılır.
I used to be shy / was / would be shy when I was a child.
I used to run /ran/ would run long distances when I was young.

Not: + used to
- didn’t use to + V1 (do)
? did + subject + use to

Be used to → …ya alışkın olmak

+ Ving
Get used to → …ya alışmak

I am used to getting up early.

Sabri has got used to working hard.

2. Past Continuous ( yapıyordum)

 Form
S + was/were Ving + O + P + T
I was sleeping.
My friends were talking.

 Use

1.Past time now

2.Past event
- Geçmişte belli bir zaman veya belli bir olay esnasında devam etmekte olan 2. olayı ifade ederken
1. At 7 o’clock yesterday evening(past time), I was studying English.
2. When you called me yesteday evening (past event), I was studying English.
- Past Continuous aynı zamanda bir hikayede olay yerini tasvir ederken de kullanılabilir.
It was a nice summer morning. The birds were singing and the Sun was shining. We were walking through
the forest. …..
Not: Belli bir zaman aralığı cümle içinde belirtilmedikçe, olayın ne kadar sürdüğü ve ya ne zaman
başladığı belli değildir.

Bazı Zaman veren Yan cümlelerle (bağlaçlarla) kullanımı

- When1 → …… dığında/dığı zaman = Once ….ınca/ince + kısa bir olay (past simple), Ana cümle + kısa
olay(past simple) +uzun olay (Past continuous)
When I came(short action) home yesterday evening, my mum was cooking (long action).
My mum was cooking (long action) when I came(short action) home yesterday evening.
When/Once I came(short action) home yesterday evening, I had (short action) a snack.
I had (short action) a snack, when/once I came(short action) home yesterday evening.
- While = As= When2 ….iken + uzun olay (Past continuous), Ana cümle + kısa olay(past simple) +uzun olay
(Past continuous)
While/As/When2 I was studying English last night, my brother was listening (long action) to music.
My brother was listening (long action) to music, while/as/when2 I was studying English last night.

While/As /When2 I was studying English last night, my best friend called (short action) me.
My best friend called (short action) me while/as /when2 I was studying English last night.

EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The professor ________ (talk) to his companion when he ________ (see) a snake on the path.
2 One day I ________ (lie) in my hammock when a plane ________ (fly) overhead.
3 Sanchez ________ (not go) into the forest because he ________ (be) afraid of the monkeys.
4 She ________ (have) an argument with her husband when they ________ (hear) an enormous explosion.
5 Thieves ________ (steal) my luggage while I ________ (wait) at the airport.
6 The flight attendant ________ (lose) his cool when a passenger ________ (stand up) and ________ (start) to
1.was talking/saw 2.was lying/flew 3.didn’t go/was 4.was having/heard
5.stole/was waiting 6.lost/stood up/started
EXERCISE 2. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 We________ (talk) to our friends when a plane ______ (fly) noisily overhead.
2 One day I ______ (lie) in my hammock when suddenly a snake ______ (bite) me.
3 De Palma ______ (start) his journey in Russia and ______ (finish) it two years later in China.
4 ______ (you, go) out last night or ______ (you, stay) at home?
5 A man suddenly______ (come) running down the mountain while I ______ (climb) up.
6 What were the natives ______ (do) when he ______ (arrive) at the village?

1.were talking/flew 2.was lying/bit 3.started/finished 4.Did you go/did you stay 5.came/was
climbed 6.doing/arrived

EXERCISE 3. Choose the correct options.

A thief (1) stole / was stealing a $200,000 Pablo Picasso picture from a San Francisco gallery yesterday. Then he (2)
got / was getting into a taxi and he (3) disappeared / was disappearing. The man, who (4) was / was being well-
dressed and (5) had / was having sunglasses on, (6) took / was taking the drawing without anyone noticing, the San
Francisco Chronicle (7) reported / was reporting.
It was the weekend and there were lots of people in the gallery. Some (8) looked / were looking at the paintings,
and some (9) talked / were talking on their mobiles. But can it really be true that nobody (10) looked / was looking
when the thief (11) took / was taking the picture? It seems incredible, but the cameras in the gallery (12) recorded
/ were recording all day, and (13) didn’t show / were not showing a thing!
1.stole 3.disappeared 4.was 5.had 6.took 7.reported 8.were looking
9.were talking 10.was looking 11.took 12.were recording 13.didn’t show
EXERCISE 4.Choose the correct options.
It was Saturday afternoon and there were lots of people in the gallery. Some (1) looked / were looking at the
paintings, and some (2) talked / were talking on their mobiles. Can it really be true that nobody (3) saw / was
seeing the well-dressed woman who (4) took / was taking a £1,000,000 Matisse picture? It seems incredible, but
the cameras in the gallery (5) recorded / were recording all day, and (6) didn’t show / were not showing a thing!
The thief (7) stole / was stealing the valuable picture from a London gallery yesterday. Then she (8) got / was
getting into a cab and she (9) drove / was driving away. The woman, who (10) wore / was wearing a black coat and
(11) had / was having a large hat on, (12) took / was taking the drawing without anyone noticing, the London Voice
(13) reported / was reporting.
1.were looking 2.were talking 3.saw 4.took 5.were recording 6.didn’t show
7.stole 9.drove 10.was wearing 11.had 12.took 13.reported

EXERCISE 5.Choose the correct options.

1 How long have you lived / did you live here? You haven’t unpacked yet!
2 Did / Have you ever been married?
3 We have lived / lived here for five years and we’re very happy here.
4 What have you done / did you do at the weekend?
5 She moved / has moved to Barcelona in 2001.
6 I haven’t seen / didn’t see you for months! How are you?
7 They got / have got back from their holiday last night.
8 What did he do / has he done before he became a politician?
9 When have you inherited / did you inherit the house?
10 How long have you known / did you know the Duke and Duchess? They’re charming!
11 My great-grandmother died / has died last year.
1.have you lived 2.have 3.have lived 4.did you do 5.moved 6.haven’t seen
8.did he do 9.did you inherit 10.have you known 11.died
EXERCISE 6.Complete the sentences with for or since.
1 We’ve lived in this house _______years.
2 The lawyers have been in that meeting ______ hours.
3 I haven’t seen Sam ______ last November.
4 He studied at Oxford University ______ three years.
5 Have you seen Rudolf and Uta ______ they got married?
6 I haven’t played a game of poker ______ ages.
7 I’ve had this camera ______ I was twelve years old.
8 The royal family has lived in Buckingham Palace ______ 1837.
9 She hasn’t had a break ______ this morning.
10 He hasn’t seen his parents ______ over six months.
11 I haven’t seen you ______ a long time!
1.for 2.for 3.since 4.for 5.since 6.for 7.since 8.since 9.since 10.for 11.for
3. Past Perfect Tense (Yapmıştım)
 Form
S + had+ V3+ O + P + T
I had finished studying.

 Use

1.Past time now

2.Past event
- Geçmişte belli bir zaman veya belli bir olaydan daha önce/ daha geride gerçekleşen olayı past perfect ile
ifade ederiz. Bu yüzden özellikle olayların önceliğini veya sonralığını bildiren zaman bağlaçlarıyla yaygın
olarak kullanılırlar.
By (PP): …olmadan past time + ana cümle
By the time (AC): …….olmadan past event + ana cümle

By the end of last year(past time), my dad had retired.

By the time my dad arrived at home(past event), I had left last night.

I felt so tired during the day last Saturday, because I hadn’t slept well the night before.
NOT: Zaman Bağlaçlarıyla geçmişte iki olayı kıyaslarken daha önceki (ilk olay) Past perfect son olay ise past simple
olur. Ancak zaman bağlacı zaten olayların sıralamasını verdiği için ilk olayın illaki past perfect olmasına gerek yoktur.
Simple Past ile de çekimlenebilir.
By the time→son olay, ana cümle → ilk olay
By the time my dad arrived (son olay) at home, I had left (ilk olay)last night. (I had left (ilk olay) last night by the
time my dad arrived (son olay) at home.)
By the time my dad arrived (son olay) at home, I left (ilk olay)last night.
Before →son olay, ana cümle → ilk olay
Before I started taking English lessons, I hadn’t known how to study for the exam.
Before I started taking English lessons, I didn’t know how to study for the exam.
After → ilk olay, ana cümle →son olay
After I had finished (ilk olay) studying yesterday, I went out (son olay) with my friends.
After I finished (ilk olay) studying yesterday, I went out (son olay) with my friends.

When = Once
When my dad came (son olay) home, I had left (ilk olay) last night. ( I didn’t see my dad.)
When my dad came /had come (ilk olay) home, I left (son olay) home last night. ( I saw my dad.)
Until = till → PP /AC
- Until the guests had arrived (ilk olay), I didn’t finish(son olay) cooking.
- Until Wednesday, I didn’t finish the exercises which my teacher assigned.
- By the time the guests arrived (son olay), I had finished(ilk olay) cooking.

Until Wednesday, I didn’t finish(son olay), writing the reports.

By Wednesday, I had finished (ilk olay) writing the reports.

4. Past Perfect Continuous (bir süre yapmıştım)

 Form
S + had+ been+ Ving+ O + P + T
I had been studying.
 Use

1.Past time now

2.Past event

- Geçmişte belli bir zaman veya belli bir olaydan daha önce/ daha geride gerçekleşen ancak bir süre devam
edip biten olayı past perfect continuous ile ifade ederiz. Bu yüzden özellikle olayların önceliğini veya
sonralığını bildiren zaman bağlaçlarıyla yaygın olarak kullanılırlar.
By (PP): …olmadan past time + ana cümle
By the time (AC): …….olmadan past event + ana cümle

By the end of last year(past time), my dad had been working in the company for 25 years.

By the time my dad arrived at home, I had been studying English for 3 hours.

When my dad arrived at home, I was studying English.

Not: Present perfect ve Present perfect continuous’da kullanılan zaman ifadelerinin (for / since /
already/never..) bir çoğu past perfect ve past perfect continuous da kullanılabilir. Ayırt etmek için şuana
kadar mı veya şuan için mi ya da geçmişte bir zamana kadar mı yoksa geçmiş için mi diye sorarız.
Şuana kadar/şuan için → Present perfect / Present perfect Continuous
Geçmişte bir zamana kadar / Geçmiş için → Past perfect / Past perfect Continuous

- I have been teaching English since I graduated from the university.

- Before I started working for an international company as a manager (in 2018), I had been teaching
English since I graduated from the university.

- I am exhausted now because I have been studying all day.

- I was exhausted yesterday evening because I had been studying all day.

- This is the first time I have ever eaten sushi.

- Last year I went to Japan for holiday and it was the first time I had ever eaten sushi.

Lisa örneği:
On Monday when her husband came home, they fed the children.
On Tuesday, when her husband came home, Lisa was feeding the children.
On Wednesday, when her husband came home, Lisa had already fed the children.
On Thursday, when her husband came home, Lisa had been feeding the children for 2 hours.
On Friday,…
EXERCISE 7.Choose the correct options.
1 She explained that she ______ from the monster.
a escaped
b had escaped
c escaping
2 I’m tired because I ______ to bed after midnight.
a had gone
b was going
c went
3 They were hungry because they ______ anything all day.
a had eaten
b hadn’t eaten
c are eating
4 What ______ at ten o’clock yesterday morning?
a have you done
b had you done
c were you doing
5 ______ a nice time at the party last night?
a Did she have
b She was having
c She had had
6 We got to the concert after the music ______ .
a started
b had started
c was starting
7 We ______ when the doorbell rang.
a were sleeping
b sleep
c had slept
8 I looked for the cat for ages, but she ______ .
a disappearing
b had disappeared
c was disappearing
9 There was a troll that ______ under the bridge.
a has lived
b lived
c is living
10 He cleaned his teeth, brushed his hair and then ______ the house.
a left
b was leaving
c had left

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A
EXERCISE 8.Choose the correct options.
1 He cried out that he ______ the monster.
a killed
b had killed
c killing
2 I’m tired because I ______ to bed last night.
a had gone
b didn’t go
c went
3 She was jealous because he ______ to another woman all evening.
a had talked
b hadn’t talked
c has talked
4 What ______ at five o’clock yesterday morning?
a did she
b she had done
c was she doing
5 ______ a nice time at the concert?
a Did you have
b Were you have
c You hadn’t
6 We got to the stadium after the football match ______ .
a started
b had started
c was starting
7 Were you ______ when the doorbell rang?
a sleeping
b slept
c sleep
8 The police searched for the villain, but he ______ .
a had disappeared
b disappearing
c was disappearing
9 I was terrified when I ______ the wolf in the moonlight.
a was seeing
b had seen
c saw
10 Which novel was he ______ when he died so suddenly?
a writing
b wrote
c written
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.A
Past Forms
EXERCISE 9. Underline the correct tense.

1) I saw Jim this morning. He ran/was running for the bus.

2) Keri was angry. She had been waiting/ was waiting for Sarah for two hours.
3) Andy was relieved to hear that he was passing /had passed the exam.

4) I was walking /had walked home when I saw Paul.

5) Brian learnt/had learnt how to spell his name at school today.

6) They hadn't visited/weren't visiting their grandparents for a long time.

7) I watched/ was watching television when the telephone rang.

8) Jason had been thinking /had thought about his new car all day.

9) I bought the dress because I wanted/had wanted something special to wear to the party.

10) The little boy was crying because he had lost/was losing his mother.

11)Graham had been working/was working for the company for twenty years before he retired.

12)Pam opened/had opened the present and read the card.

13) Lucy wrote/had written a letter to her sister last night.

14) It had been raining/ was raining all day and the roads were very wet.

15) Sue was smiling / had smiled as she was reading Mary's letter.

1.was running 2.had been waiting 3.had passed 4.was walking 5.learnt 6.hadn’t visited
7.was watching 8.had been thinking 9.wanted 10.had lost 11.had been working
EXERCISE 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. They .................................... (walk) in the park when the storm broke.

2. The man .................................... (pay) for this new car in cash.

3. I ................................................. (already/eat) breakfast by the time the others woke up.

4. It ................................................ (snow) for three days when suddenly the sun came out.

5. Sam ........................................... (work) here for six years before he left to go to university.

6. Liz .............................................. (go) to the Bahamas for her holidays last year.

7. We ............................................ (watch) a film on TV when our guests arrived.

8. They .......................................... (already/see) the film twice at the cinema when she rented it on video.

9. The teacher ............................... (teach) the children a song yesterday.

10. He ......................................... (sit) on the rain at this time yesterday morning.

1.were walking 2.paid 3.had already eaten 4.had been snowing 5.had been working
6.went 7.were watching 8.had already seen 9.taught 10.was sitting

EXERCISE 11. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. Jack hasn't travelled abroad for years.

time The last …………………………………….. abroad was years ago.

2. When did Monica get married?

since How long is it .......................... married?

3. It was the first time she had visited the National Gallery.

never She ................................ the National Gallery before.

4. Jessica didn't start cooking until after the children had fallen asleep.

before Jessica waited until the children ..................... started cooking.

5. The last time I went to the theatre was months ago.

have I ................................................ the theatre for months.

6. It's two months since she called me.

has She ............................................ me for two months.

7. The president waited until all the reporters had arrived before he made his statement.

making The president didn't ........................................ statement until all the reporters had arrived.

8. We haven't played chess for a month.

since It's a month ....................................... chess.

9. She waited until Tom had left before she began packing.

after She didn't begin packing ................................ left.

1.time Jack travelled 2.since Monica got 3.had never visited 4.had fallen asleep before she
5.have not been to 6.has not called 7.start making his 8.since we played 9.until after Tom

Future Tenses

1. Future simple ( ….ecek/acak)

will be (am/is/are) going to
1. Future predictions based on what you think. 1. Future predictions based on what you see.
(Gelecekle ilgili düşünceye dayalı (Gelecekle ilgili gördüğümüz şeye dayalı
tahminlerde/ öznel tahminler)→ I think /In tahminlerde/ nesnel tahminler) → perşembenin
my opinion/I suppose/I guess / I believe /I gelişi çarşambadan belliyse, tahmin için bir delil
am sure….etc gibi görüş ifadeleri kullanılır. (evidence) varsa.
- I think Arda will study at one of the best universities - My sister is pregnant. She is going to have a baby.
in Turkey next year.
2. On-spot-decisions about future (gelecekle 2.Future plans, arrangements and intentions.
ilgili anlık kararlarda. ….yaparım/ederim (Gelecekle ilgili planlar, ayarlamalar, niyetlerde) →
şeklinde de çevrilebilir. (etki tepki olayı) Şimdiki zaman da kullanılabilir.
- A: I am thirsty. I am going to fly to Paris next week.
-B: Hold on a minute! I will bring you a glass My brother is going to help me with my homework
of water. because he has promised me.
3. Warning /promise / threat (Uyarı/söz/tehdit)
- I promise I will always revise the subjects
we have learned, Sir.

ARA NOT: Zaman Bağlaçlarıyla gelecekte olacak 2 olayı bağlarken zaman bağlacının olduğu yan cümlede future
tenseler kullanılmaz. Yerine Present simple veya present perfect kullanılır.
After I finish / have finished will finish studying (yan cümle), I will go out with friends.
Before I go out/ have gone out will go out with friends, I will finish studying.

EXERCISE 12. Fill in the gaps with the correct from of will or be going to and the verb in brackets.

1. A: Why are you buying flour and eggs?

B: Because I ........................ (make) a cake.

2. A: I have decided what to buy Mum for her birthday.

B: Really. What ............................... (you/buy) for her?

3. A: Did you ask Jackie to the party?

B: Oh no! I forgot! I ...................... (ask) her tonight.

4. A: Could I speak to Jim, please?

B: Wait a minute. I ....................... (get) him for you.

5. A: What are your plans weekend?

B: I .......................... (spend) some time with my friends.

6. A: What are you doing on Friday night?

B: Oh, I ............................... (probably/stay) at home with my family.

7. A: Have you tidied your room yet?

B: No, but I promise I ................. (do) it this afternoon.

8. A: Look at that boy!

B: Oh yes! He ............................. (climb) the tree.

9. A: Jason is very clever for his age.

B: Yes. He says he ............................. (become) a doctor when he grows up.

10. A: I'm too tired to cut the grass.

B: Don't worry! I ..................... (cut) it for you. going to make 2.are you going to buy 3.will ask 4.will get going to spend 6.will
probably stay 7.will do going to climb going to become 10.will cut

EXERCISE 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.

1. A: I'm going to the gym tonight.

B: Well, while you ......... (be) there, I .............. (do) the shopping.

2. A: ................................ (you/call) me when you ................. (get) home?

B: Yes, of course.

3. A: As soon as John ................... (come) in, tell him to come to my office.

B: Certainly, sir

4. A: I'm exhausted.

B: Me too. I wonder if David ........................ (come) to help tonight.

5. A. Are you going to visit Aunt Mabel this afternoon?

B: Yes, I ....................... (visit) her before I ................. (do) the shopping.

6. A: When .................. (you/pay) the rent?

B: When I ............................ (get) my pay cheque.

7. A: Is George going to eat dinner with us?

B: No, by the time he ................. (get) home it ......................... (be) very late.

8. A: What are your plans for the future?

B: I want to go to university after I ......................... (finish) school.

9. A: If you ............................... (pay) for dinner, I .................... (pay) for the theatre.

B: Okay, that's a good idea.

10. A: Can you give this message to Mike, please?

B: Well, I'll try, but I doubt if I ...................... (see) him today.

1.are/will do 2.will you call/ get 3.comes 4.will come going to visit/do 6.will you/get
7.gets/will be 8.finish-have finished pay 10.will see

EXERCISE 14. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple, the present simple or the present continuous.

1. A: I …..................... (see) Roger at seven o’clock tonight.

B: Really? I thought he was out of town.,

1. A: …......................... (you/do) anything on Friday morning?

B: No, I’m free.

1. A: I …....................... (go) to the cinema. There’s a new film on. Do you want to come with me?

B: What time …....................... (the film/start)?

1. A: Helen …....................... (have) a party the day after tomorrow. ….................. (you/go)?

B: As a matter of fact. I haven’t been invited.

1. A: The new exhibition …..................... (open) on April 3rd and …............... (finish) on May 31st.

B: I know. I …................ (go) on the first day.

1. A: Aunt Maggie …................... (come) to visit us tomorrow.

B: I know. What time …............... (she/arrive)?

7. A: Excuse me, what time …................... (the train/leave)?

B: At half past three madam.

8. A: Michael Jackson …................. (give) a concert at the Olympic Stadium next week.

B: I know. I …................... (want) to get a ticket.

9. A: I’m really thirsty.

B: I ….......... (get) you glass of water.

10. A: Are you looking forward to your party?

B: Yes, I hope everyone …............. (enjoy) it. seeing 2.are you doing going / does the film start having/are you going
5.opens/finishes/am going coming 7.does the train leave giving 9.will get 10.will enjoy

EXERCISE 15. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

1. A: Are you looking forward to your holiday?

B: Oh, yes! This time next week I ................... (lie) on the beach.

2. A: We're having a party on Saturday.

B: Oh, good. I .......................... (make) a cake to bring along.

3. A: Have you finished that report yet?

B: Yes, I ................... (give) it to you in a minute.

4. A: Why are you buying all those vegetables?

B: Beacuse I .................. (make) vegetable soup.

5. A: This writing is too small for me to read.

B: Give it to me and I ....................... (read) it to you.

6. A: I ............................... (stay) at Claire's house tonight.

B: Alright. I won't expect you home, then.

7. A: Would you like to join me for lunch today?

B: Yes, please. I ......................... (meet) you at half past one.

8. A: .................................... (you/help) me with the shopping tomorrow?

B: Of course.

9. A: Are you excited about your trip?

B: Yes. This time tomorrow I ..................... (sit) on the plane.

10. A: I can't hear the TV very well.

B: I ............................... (turn up) the volume.

1.will be lying 2.will make 3.will give going to make 5.will read going to stay
7.will meet 8.will you help 9.will be sitting 10.will turn up
2. Future Continuous ( yapıyor olacağım)
 Form
S + will be Ving + O + P + T
I will be sleeping.
My friends will be talking.

 Use

Now 1.future time

2.future event
- Gelecekte belli bir zaman veya belli bir olay esnasında devam etmekte olan 2. Olayı ifade ederken

-At 7 o’clock tomorrow evening(future time), I will be studying English.

- At this time tomorrow (future time), I will be sleeping in my bed.
- When you call me tomorrow evening (future event), I will be studying English.
3. Future Perfect Tense (Yapmış olacağım)
 Form
S + will+have+ V3+ O + P + T
I will have finished studying.

 Use

Now 1.Future time

2.Future event
- Gelecekte belli bir zaman veya belli bir olaydan daha önce/ daha geride gerçekleşen olayı future perfect
ile ifade ederiz. Bu yüzden özellikle olayların önceliğini veya sonralığını bildiren zaman bağlaçlarıyla yaygın
olarak kullanılırlar.
By (PP): …olmadan future time + ana cümle
By the time (AC): …….olmadan future event + ana cümle

By the end of next year (future time), my dad will have retired.
By the time my dad arrives / has arrived at home, I wil have left tonight.

4. Future Perfect Continuous (bir süre yapmış olacağım)

 Form
S + will+have+ been+ Ving+ O + P + T
I will have been studying.
 Use

Now 1.Future time

2. Future event

- Gelecekte belli bir zaman veya belli bir olaydan daha önce/ daha geride gerçekleşen ancak bir süre devam
edip biten olayı future perfect continuous ile ifade ederiz. Bu yüzden özellikle olayların önceliğini veya
sonralığını bildiren zaman bağlaçlarıyla yaygın olarak kullanılırlar.
By (PP): …olmadan future time + ana cümle
By the time (AC): …….olmadan future event + ana cümle

By the end of next year(future time), my dad will have been working in the same company for 25 years.

By the time my dad arrives/has arrived at home tonight, I will have been studying English for 3 hours.

EXERCISE 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

1. By 3 o'clock she ....................................... (study) for six hours.

2. By the end of the next month, Sam ........................................ (finish) the project.

3. He ........................................ (not/start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.

4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she ............................. (travel) for four hours.

5. I hope I .................................. (buy) my own house by the time I'm thirty five.

6. By Saturday, Lisa ................................ (diet) for two weeks.

7. Hopefully, they ............................... (learn) everything by the time they sit the exam.

8. By 4 o'clock, I .................................... (sit) in the hairdresser's for the three hours.

9. By Christmas, I .................................. (work) for this company for eighteen months.

10. By the next weekend. Brian .............................. (move) house.

11. Hopefully, the builders .............................. (finish) building the house by next month.

12. By Tuesday, Alan .................................... (sail) for twelve days.

13. By tomorrow morning, she ............................. (sleep) for twelve hours.

1.will have been studying 2.will have finished 3.won’t have started 4.will have been travelling
5.will have bought 6.will have been dieting 7.will have learnt 8.will have been sitting
9.will have been working 10.will have moved 11.will have finished 12.will have been sailing
13.will have been sleeping
EXERCISE 17. Choose the correct answer.

1. What are you thinking about?

This time next week, I .......... on the beach.

a) will have sunbathed

b) will be sunbathing

c) will have been sunbathing

2. Have you finished decorating your house yet?

No, but I ........... by Friday.

a) will be finishing

b) will have been finishing

c) will have finished

3. Have you just moved here?

No. I ............... here for two years next month.

a) will be living

b) will have been living

c) have lived

4. ................... to the supermarket today?

Yes. Do you want me to get you something?

a) Will you have gone

b) Will you have been going

c) Will you be going,

5. Can you give Steve a message for me?

Certainly I .............. him at work later on today.

a) will be seeing

b) will have seen

c) will have been seeing

6. You've been working hard all day.

Yes. At 3 o'clock, I ................ for six hours.

a) will be studying

b) will have been studying

c) will have studied

7. Sarah has gone to the cinema to see that film again.

I know. After this time, she ................ it five times!

a) will have seen

b) will have been seeing

c) will be seeing

8. John has an exam tomorrow, doesn't he?

Yes. In fact, at this time tomorrow, he ............. the exam.

a) will have been sitting

b) will be sitting

c) has sat

9 Are you typing another report?

Yes. By the time I finish this one. I ............... twenty-three reports today.

a) will have been typing

b) will have typed

c) will be typing

10. Those two peaople have been dancing all evening.

Yes. By 11 o'clock, they ............... for four hours.

a) will have been dancing

b) will have danced

c) will be dancing

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A

EXERCISE 18. Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous or the future perfect.

1. A: I can't come shopping on Saturday morning because I ............................... (work) .

B: That's a pity.

2. A: Don't phone me later than midnight because I ................................. (sleep) then.

B: Shall I give you a call at about 10.30, then?

3. A: Come to my house at six o'clock.

B: ......................... (you/finish) your homework by then?

4. A: Have you made the preparations for the party?

B: Not yet, but I .......................... (finish) them by this evening.

5. A: .................................................... (you/go) to James party on Saturday night?

B: Yes.

6. A: There's a meeting tomorrow at 4 o'clock.

B: I can't go if it is that late. I ............................... (leave) by then.

1.will be working 2.will be sleeping 3.will you have finished 4.will have finished 5.will you be
going 6.will have left
- was/were going to / would2 → (….yapacaktım)
I was going to tell / would tell the correct answer but the teacher didn’t let me do it.
1. would1 ≤ used to → … yapardım (PAST)
I would study hard when I was at high school.

2. was/were going to / would2 → (….yapacaktım) (PAST)

I was going to tell / would tell the correct answer but the teacher didn’t let me do it.
3. Would do (V1) → yapardım (unreal present)
Would have done (V3) → yapardım (unreal past)
If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
If I had been rich when I was young, I would have travelled around the world.

Time Clauses (Zaman Bağlaçları)

Ara Not: Bağlaçları genel olarak yapılarına göre 3 gruba ayırırız.

- Yan cümle (adverbial clauses)→ Mutlaka kendi öznesi ve çekimli fiili olan, bir ana cümleye bağlanıp, onunla
yer değiştirebilen cümleciklerdir.

When I came home, my mum was cooking.

My mum was cooking when I came home.
Since / Because Arda is so sleepy, he has difficulty in following the lesson.
He has difficulty in following the lesson because Arda is so sleepy.

- Edatsı bağlaç (prepositional phrases) + isim/isim soylu sözcükler(gerund/phrase/N.C), Ana cümle

Because of feeling sleepy, he has difficulty in following the lesson.
Ege is yawning because of the boring lesson.

- Geçiş bağlacı (Transitions) → İki bağımsız cümlenin ortasında kullanılan ve iki cümle arsında geçişi sağlayan
Arda is so sleepy. Therefore, he has difficulty in following the lesson.

1. Adverbial Clauses of time

-when1= once …dığında /…dığı zaman / …ınca
- While = As = When2 …iken
- As soon as (…er …maz) = The moment (that) ( .. olduğu anda) = The minute (that) ( .. olduğu dakikada) =
Immediately after ( .. olmasının hemen arkasından)
- No sooner ….. than(yan cümle) / Hardly / Barely / Scarcely …….when (yan cümle) (Tam ..yaptım .. oldu) (as
soon asgiller2)
Not: Bu kalıplarda ana cümleye no sooner, hardly,barely, scarcely gibi zarflarla cümleye başlarsak ana
cümlemiz devrik olur.

→ I had no sooner left home yesterday (ana cümle) than the phone rang (yan cümle).
→ No sooner had I left home yesterday than the phone rang.
→ I had hardly left home yesterday (ana cümle) when the phone rang (yan cümle).
→ Hardly had I left home yesterday when the phone rang.

- after / soon after

- Before / long before
- By the time
- Until = till
→1. Until the guests had arrived, I didn’t finish cooking.
Anlamları aynı →2. Not until the quests had arrived, did I finish cooking. (Cümleye Not ile başanınca ana cümle devrik

→3. It was not until the guests had arrived that I finished cooking.
- Whenever / every time … Her ne zaman … olsa
- Since / ever since …dan beri

2. Prepositional Phrases of time

Hem PP. hem de AC. görevi olanlar Sadece PP görevi olanlar

- After - Up to (…e kadar)
- Before - For ( ……dan beri /….süreliğine
- Until / till - By ( …..olmadan)
- Since /ever since - Prior to ( …dan önce)
After school(PP.) , we meet friends at a café. - During/through ( ….sırasında/..boyunca)
After I finish school (AC.), we meet friends at a - In/within

3. Transitions of time
- First/Firstly/ To begin with /first of all (ilk olarak/öncelikle)
- Second /Secondly (İkinci olarak)
- Then / Later /Next / After that /Afterward(s) (Daha sonra/ Bundan(Ondan) sonra/ sonrasında)
- Finally / In the end / Eventually (En sonunda/ sonunda)
- Meanwhile / In the mean time ( Bu süre zarfında)
- Soon ( Kısa zaman sonra)

Not: Zaman bağlaçlarında bilinmesi gereken iki önemli kuralı daima hatırlayınız.
1- Zaman veren yan cümlede asla future tense kullanılmaz. Future anlamını Present simple veya Present Perfect
Tense ile veririz.
When I will finish / finish √ / have finished √ school, I will go abroad.
2- Zaman bağlaçlarında mutlaka zaman uyumu aranır. Yani, Yan cümle ile ana cümlenin zamanları aynı grup
içinden olur.

1. Grup (Past) 2. Grup (Present / Future)

- Simple past - Present Simple
- Past continuous - Present Continuous
- Past Perfect - Present Perfect
- Past perfect Continuous - Present Perfect Continuous
- Future Tenses

When I will finish / finish √ / have finished √ school, I will go abroad.

When I finished school, I went abroad.

EXERCISE 19. Put the verbs in brackest into the correct future tense.

1. My grandmother is very old. She ............... (be) ninety next month.

2. I'm afraid I ................. (fail) my exams this year

3. This time next week, they ..................... (lie) on a sandy beach.

4. The team ........................ (leave) the office 9 o'clock tomorrow.

5. By 10 o'clock. Sue ........................ (drive) for twelve hours.

6. Jenny .......................... (see) Paul at work, so she can give him letter.

7. The film .......................... (start) by the time they get to the cinema.

8. Tom expects he ................. (get) a pay rise soon.

9. By 6 o'clock, the secretary ........................ (type) for three hours.

10. I hope I ......................... (buy) my own car by the time I'm thirty.

11. By next week, they ............................... (live) in this town for two years.

12. I ................................ (help) you carry your shopping.

13. Martin ............................... (go) the work by Sunday evening.

14. Mother.............................. (go) to the supermarket tonight. She has already made her shopping list.

15. The play ..................... (start) at 6 o'clock.

1.will be 2.will fail 3.will be lying 4.will have left 5.will have been driving 6.will be seeing 7.will
have started 8.will get 9.will have been typing 10.will have bought 11.will have been living
12.will help 13.will have done going 15.starts

EXERCISE 20. Underline the correct tense.

1. When we go to Paris, we will climb/ will have climbed the Eiffel Tower.

2. James will have completed/will have been completing his studies by the end of the year.

3. By the time I get home. I will have been walking/ will walk for three hours.

4. Kim will be performing/ will have been performing in the school concert next week.

5. We're too late to catch the bus. It will go/ will have gone by now.

6. 'We've run out of milk' Really? I will buy/ will have been buying some more this afternoon.

7. This time tomorrow, I will have been leaving/will be leaving for the airport.

8. Sam will work/will have been working here for two years on Monday.

9. I will collect/ will have collected you from Peter's house on my way home.

10. Julia will have found/ will be finding the note I left for her by now.

1.will climb 2.will have completed 3.will have been walking 4.will be performing 5.will have
gone 6.will buy 7.will be leaving 8.will have been working 9.will collect 10.will
have found

EXERCISE 21. Put the verbs into the correct future tense.

1.Laura and George ................. (go) on holiday next week. They've already bought tickets.

2. Wash your hands. Dinner ........................... (be) ready in five minutes.

3. The baby keeps closing his eyes. He ..................... (fall) asleep soon.

4. We ........................ (not/go) to Penny's party tonight because Jack is working.

5. We're very late. Mum............................ (return) home by now.

6. The football match ............................. (begin) in a few minutes. We'd better hurry up.

7. Jane will have to get up early when she ............................. (start) her new job.

8. I .............................. (meet) Nick at the airport at 6 o'clock this evening.

1.are going 2.will be going to fail 4.aren’t going 5.will have returned 6.begins 7.starts meeting

EXERCISE 22. Choose the correct answer.

1. What ............ at the moment?

I'm writing a letter to my aunt.

a) are you doing b)you are doing c)do you do

2. Were you at work yesterday?

No I .................. I was ill.

a) am not b) was c) wasn't

3. It's very hot in this room, isn't it?

Yes, I................. the window.

a)will you open b)open c)will open

4. Where is Christine?

I don't know. I ............... her today.

a) am not seeing b)haven't seen c)didn't see

5. What's wrong?

My car has broken down ................ me , please?

a)will you help b)you will help c)shall you help

6. Are you new here?

No I ................... here for five years.

a) had been living b) have been living c) am living

1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B

EXERCISE 23.Choose the correct answer.

When Jake (1).................. the door, he knew someone (2)................. in the house. Things were different. Earlier that
morning, he (3) ...................... a man standing outside, and now he wondered if this man (4) ..................... for him to leave
the house. Jake went into the kitchen. The window was open. He was sure he (5) ................. it earlier. Next, he went into
the garden Jake knew something very strange (6) .................... on. He went back into the house. He had just go to the top
of the stairs (7) .................. he heard a noise coming from the bedroom. Slowly, he opened the door and there, lying in the
middle of the bed, was his sister! She (8) ..................! Jake was very relieved.

1. a) has opened b) opens c) opened

2. a) had seen b) is c) has seen

3. a) was seeing b) had seen c) has seen

4. a) is b)waited c)had been waiting

5. a) had closed b) was closing c) had been closing

6. a) was going b) went c) have been going

7. a) after b) when c) while

8. a) was sleeping b) slept c) had slept

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.A

EXERCISE 24.Underline the correct tense.

1. When we go/ 'll go shopping, I'll buy you something nice.

2. Donna started looking for a new job after she will pass/ had passed the exam.

3. I always will wake up /wake up when the alarm clock goes off.
4. When we go/went to the party, we took a gift with us.

5. After I have finished my homework, I watch/ will watch a film on TV

6. I will paint/ painted the walls after I had covered all the furniture with old sheets.

7. The children are going to park. They will have some ice cream while they will be/are there.

8. No sooner had she left the building than the fire broke/breaks out.

9. By the time Sam finishes/ will finish work, it will be dark outside.

10. Joan stayed at the office until she has done/ had done all her work.

11. I usually read/will read a book before I go to sleep.

1.go 2.had passed 3.wake up 4.went 5.will watch 6.painted 7.are 8.broke
9.finishes 10.had done

EXERCISE 25.Underline the correct word(s)

1. Sam got married last year. His brother had got married two years ago/before.

2. The storm broke as/during the climbers were running for shelter.

3.I expect Samanta will have woken up by/until nine o'clock.

4. We will stay in the house until/before it stops snowing.

5. By/After I've finished my work, I'll go out.

6. You are welcome to stay in my flat as long as/ as soon as you like.

7.Call me the moment/until you arrive back home.

8. Since/When you go to the shop, don't forget to ask for a receipt.

9. He was singing a song during/while he was walking.

10. The thieves had escaped by the time/ by the police arrived.

11. Turn off the lights before/ as long as you go to bed.

12. He offered to help no sooner/ whenever I was in trouble.

13. Please call me as soon as/till you get the results.

1.before 4.until 5.after long as 7.the moment 8.when 9.while the time 11.before 12.whenever soon as

EXERCISE 26.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. A: Could you do the shopping for me, please?

B: Certainly, but only after I ................... (finish) washing the car.

2. A: Have a safe journey.

B: Thanks. I ......................... (call) you as soon as I ........................ (arrive) home.

3. A: Did you wash the dishes before you left?

B: No, but I ............................ (wash) them when I.......................... (get) home tonight.

4. A: How did you break your leg?

B: I .................................... (fall) as I ..................................... (go) down the stairs.

5. A: Did James walk the dog?

B: No. He says he ............................ (do) it when he ................................ (come) back.

6. A: When will they announce their engagement?

B: They won't announce it until they .................................... (set) a date for their wedding.

7. A: When did you realise your wallet was missing?

B: I realised it the moment I ............................. (open) my briefcase.

8. A: Have you listened to your new CD yet?

B: No, but I ............................. (listen) to it after I.......................................... (tidy) the garage.

1.have finished 2.will call/arrive 3.will was/get 4.fell/was going 5.will do/comes

6.set-have set 7.opened 8.will listen/tidy-have tidied

EXERCISE 27.Fill in the gaps with since, until, while, before, hardly..... when, as soon as, when or as long as.

1. I was listening to the radio .................... I heard the news.

2. Sharon waited in the car ......................... Sam was filling the petrol tank.

3. I had .......................... finished my dinner .......................... my friend knocked at the door.

4. I have to do my homework ....................... I can go out.

5. You can keep this book ........................... you like.

6. Jack has been friends with Sally ................................ they were at school together.

7. She fell asleep ............................ she closed her eyes.

8. I can't pay the bills ............................ my boss gives me my wages.

1.when 2.while 3.hardly…when 4.before long as 6.since soon as 8.until

EXERCISE 28. Complete each sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. We can't leave. We have to wait for the rain to stop first.

until We can't leave .................................... stopped.

2. Jessica opened the door. The bird flew out of the cage.

hardly Jessica had ......................................... the bird flew out of the cage.

3. They returned home. They realised that their house had been burgled.

sooner They had no ....................................... they realised that their house had been burgled.
4. As soon as he saw the police, he started running.

moment He started running ............................... the police.

5. She collected some information before she called the agency.

after She called the agency .................................. some information.

6. Helen had no sooner set the table than the guests arrived.

hardly Helen had ................................ the guests arrived.

7. Paul fell asleep during the film

while Paul fell asleep ................................ the film.

8. They will come home at seven o'clock. Mary will have cooked dinner by then.

time Mary will have cooked dinner by ............................... home.

1.until the rain has 2.hardly opened the door when 3.sooner returned home than 4.the moment he saw
5.after she had collected 6.hardly set the table when 7.while he was watching 8.the time they come

EXERCISE 29. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given.

1. It is the first time I have ever swum in the sea.

never. I have............................................................................................. before.

2. The last time I went to the dentist was eight months ago.

been. I........................................................................................................ eight months.

3. I have never seen such an interesting film.

ever. It is .......................................................................................................

4. She started learning English two years ago.

has. She.......................................................................................................... for two years.

5. When did your sister get married?

is. How long ................................................................................................... got married?

6. How long is it since you moved to Ankara?

did. When......................................................................................................... move to Ankara?

7. She hasn't got up yet.

still. She............................................................................................................ up.

8. He still can't use the computer properly.

yet. He can't......................................................................................................

9. I haven't ridden a horse since 1984.

was. The last.....................................................................................................

10.How long is it since you graduated?

ago. How long .................................................................................................graduate?

11. Serdar has never eaten keledosh before.

first. It is the ....................................................................................................eaten keledosh.

12. It started to rain in the morning.

since. It has ......................................................................................................

13. We started working together ten years ago.

been. We.......................................................................................................... together for ten years.

14. Anna has never been to the ballet before.

ever. It's ............................................................................................................. been to the ballet.

15. Jack hasn't finished reading that book yet.

still. Jack .............................................................................................................. that book.

16.I am going to visit my family next summer.

visiting. I.............................................................................................................. my family next summer.

17. I have never seen such an intelligent boy

ever. He is............................................................................................................ seen.

18. She has never taken an exam before.

ever. It is the first .................................................................................................. an exam.

19. I haven't taken an exam for two years.

took. The last ......................................................................................................... two years ago.

20. I have been playing chess since 1984.

started. I .................................................................................................................chess in 1984.

21. I started teaching ten years ago.

been. I have ..................................................................................................................ten years.

22. Jenny left home before I arrived there.

already. When I arrived home ......................................................................................left.

23. Their fifteenth wedding anniversary is at the end of next October.

will. By the end of next October they ..............................................................................fifteen years.

24. Do you know how to ride a horse?

ever. Have ................................................................................ a horse before?

25. Do you have any plans for the summer holidays?

doing. What................................................................................ for the summer holidays?

26. Is this your house?

belong. Does this......................................................................... you?

27. I haven't been abroad for two years.

time. The........................................................................................ abroad was two years.

28. This is my first visit to France.

been. This is the first time................................................................ France.

29. Its a long time since we saw each other.

seen. We............................................................................................. for a long time.

30. The last time I went to the theatre was last November.

since. I ................................................................................................. last November.

31. This is the longest book I have ever read.

such. ..................................................................................................... long book before.

32. I last saw him when he got married.

since. I .................................................................................................... he got married.

33. This is the first time I have touched a snake.

never. I.................................................................................................... a snake before.

34. She hasn't taken an exam for five years.

last. The................................................................................................... exam was five years ago.

35. She took some medicine, and then she felt much better.

taken. After..............................................................................................., she felt much better.

36. I haven't been on a holiday for ages.

since. It's .................................................................................................... holiday.

37. I haven't been to the theatre for two years.

last. The....................................................................................................... the theatre was two years ago.

1.never swum in the sea 2.haven’t been to the dentist for 3.the most interesting film I have ever seen
4.has been learning English it since your sister 6.did you 7.still hasn’t got
8.use the computer properly yet 9.time I rode a horse was in 1984 10.ago did you
11.first time I have 12.been raining since morning 13.have been working 14.the first time Anna has still reading/still hasn’t finished reading visiting 17.the most intelligent boy I have ever
18.time she has ever taken 19.time I took an exam was 20.started playing 21.been teaching for
22.Jenny had already 23.will have been married for ever ridden 25.are you doing belong to 27.last time I went abroad 28.I have been to 29.haven’t seen each other
30.haven’t been to the theatre since 31.I haven’t read such a 32.haven’t seen him since
33.have never touched 34.last time she took an 35.she took/had taken some medicine
36.ages since I went on 37.last time I went to

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