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INTERVIEWER: Prajakta ma’am, Sonali ma’am, Rajat sir

1. What are the features of python? Why python?

2. List vs tuple
3. What are the string methods?
4. Difference between deep copy and shallow copy and write a program for that.
5. What is the difference between ‘==’ and ‘is’?
6. What is range?
7. Explain decorator with program.
8. Can we use list or tuple as key in dict?
9. File handling
10. Exception handling
11. How memory is managed in python?
12. What is the use of raise?
13. What are the local and global variables and how we define it?
14. What are the pillars of oops?
15. Constructor method
16. Use of self.
17. Wap to remove empty tuple from list
18. Django features
19. Difference between Django and Flask.
20. Project flow
21. What is the use of middleware?
22. Django queries
23. Orm
24. What is the use of flask blueprint?
25. What are the different request methods and difference between them?
26. Difference between primary key and unique
27. Join types
28. Difference between delete and truncate.
29. What happens if we drop table and delete table?
30. How to add column in table?
31. Different git commands and their uses.
32. How to switch to another branch?
33. Git rebase

Interview experience:

After giving interview I understood how much study is required and the way of
doing study. They also shared important points for improvement like how to
answer the questions in technical words, improve communication skills and
confidence while answering. I found different areas for improvement after
mock interviews.

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