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RTQ with MRH Session 1

Relevant, Well-Thought Out & Elaborated

1. Have I answered the question?
2. Have I structured the response well – overall and sequence of explanation?
3. Have I elaborated with details and evaluation?

P1: What is the most significant reason for your choice of project? Evaluative

I am ready to answer the question.
There are 3 significant reasons for the choice of our project.
They are Reason 1, Reason 2 and Reason 3.

In my opinion, Reason 1 is the most significant as compared to the other 2 reasons.

Main Body
First and foremost (have an extended linking phrase to lead the assessors better to the
point), Reason 1 is the most significant for the choice of our project because …
The second reason why Reason 1 is the most significant is because …

Next, I would like to compare Reason 1 with the other 2 Reasons to establish further why
Reason 1 is the most significant
I feel that Reason 2 is significant but not as significant as Reason 1 because …
Lastly, Reason 3 is another reason for the choice of our project. Neverthless, I also think
that Reason 3 is not as significant as Reason 1 because …

In conclusion (have your own personal ending phrase), Reason 1 is the most significant
reason in the choice of our project, Project X. That is all I have to say. Thank you very

Some content points to consider:

Prevalence in TA
Consequences on TA
Lack of effective current measures

P2: Which of the root causes presented is the most significant in contributing to the
injury in TA and why? Evaluative

Allow me to answer the question.
There are 3 root causes contributing to the X injury in our TA.
The 3 root causes are Cause 1, Cause 2 and Cause 3.

I believe that the most significant root cause is Root Cause 1.

Main Body
First and foremost (have an extended linking phrase to lead the assessors better to the
point), Root Cause 1 is the most significant because …
The second reason why Root Cause 1 is the most significant is because …

I feel that Root Cause 2 is significant but not as significant as Root Cause 1 because …
Lastly, I also think that Root Cause 3 is not as significant as Root Cause 1. This is
because …
In conclusion, Root Cause 1 is the most significant reason in contributing to the injury in TA.
Thank you very much.

P3: Which of your project ideas presented is the most important and why? Evaluative

Let me begin my response to the question on which of our project ideas is the most

To recap, there are 3 main project ideas. First is Xwearable which is a wearable to …,
second is Xapp which is an app to …

I would like to think that that the most important project idea is …

Main Body
Firstly, Project Idea 1 is the most important because …
The second reason why this project idea is the most important is because …

Next, if I am to compare Project Idea 1 with Project Idea 2 and Project Idea 3, I can safely
argue how Project Idea 1 is the most important …
I feel that Project Idea 2 is important but not as important as Project Idea 2 because …
Lastly, I also think that Project Idea 3 is not as significant as Project Idea 1. This is
because …

I would like to end my response now. I acknowledge that the 3 Project Ideas are important
in the overall success of our strategies to address the problem of X injury in X TA, but if I
have to choose the most important Project Idea, it has to be Project Idea 1 then. Thank you
very much.

Some content points to consider:

Greatest impact, benefit, effectiveness
In addressing consequences, causes, limitations of current measures
Innovative as a solution to mitigate problem
Cost to value and so on

P4: What were the challenges faced in developing your (educative) solutions? Literal

In developing our solutions, there are various challenges. In my opinion, there are 3 main
challenges. I will discuss these challenges in the context of our 3 proposed solutions. Our 3
solutions are Solution 1, Solution 2 and Solution 3.

Main Body
Solution 1 is a Form (wearable) with the function to …
One main challenge is … because … (main bulk is the reasoning)
We manage to resolve this by …

Next is Solution 2 …

Finally, is Solution 3 …

In conclusion, the 3 challenges are …

Some content points to consider:

You all think about it.

P5: How would you ensure the sustainability of your proposals? Literal

Allow me to answer the question on how our group can ensure sustainability of our
To recap, our proposals are Proposal 1, Proposal 2 and Proposal 3 (state the name/form).
In the context of my PW project, sustainability can be loosely defined as the ability of our
Proposals to be maintained, continued or expanded. Obviously, there are many ways to
ensure sustainability in our Proposals.

Main Body
Firstly, for Proposal 1, which is a (form and function) it is sustainable/can be sustainable
by …Explain why this important in achieving sustainability. Then explain how.
Next is Proposal 2, which is a (form and function) …
Lastly, is Proposal 3, which is a (form and function) ..

All in all, I have proposed 3 ways in which/how to ensure the sustainability of our Proposals.
They are … Thank you so much.

Some content points to consider:

Go think.

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