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Name: __ Trisha D.


Program: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Course Number & Title: GE 03 Mathematics in Modern World

Instructor’s Name: Mrs. Benjielyn B. Bautista

1. What do you expect to learn? (Objectives)

I expect to learn how to use different types of reasoning to

justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and
mathematical concepts and I also expect to learn how to
discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics.

2. How are you going to learn it? (Resources and Strategies)


I am going to learn it through my modules provided by my



3. Target date of completion.__________________________________

I am expected to finish my module before the end of the semester.



4. How are you going to know that you learned it?

I am going to know that I learned it if I am able to submit all of my
activities and passing to all of my quizzes.



5. How are you going to prove that you learned it? (Verification)
I am going to prove that I learned it by applying mathematics
in other aspects such as finance, voting, health and medicine
business and more.



6. Advising faculty member feedback (Evaluation)






I have reviewed and find acceptable the above learning contract.

TRISHA D. LAYCO Date: ______________

Signature Over Printed Name of Student

____________________________ Date: ______________

Signature Over Printed Name of Advising Instructor

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