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Activity (History of Computers)

1. What is the importance of knowing the history of computers?

Knowing the history of computers is a way of showing appreciation to those

who contribute and invented computers. It is also vital to remember that
previous knowledge is the foundation of what is current. In order for us to
understand a foundation, we must know and study its history.

2. What do you think is the most significant year and invention in the history
of computers?

The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer)

computing machine was constructed by John Mauchly and J. Robert
Oppenheimer in 1943, and I believe it is the most significant year and
invention in the history of computers. It is almost 1,000 times faster than any
prior computer due to its electrical, rather than electromechanical technology.

3. If computers were not invented, do you think we can have this type of
technologies nowadays? Yes/ No? Why?

No, because life without computers would be so boring. It would be like a

world with an empty space. There would be no fun. It would be a whole
different world. We wouldn't be able to communicate with each other by email
or chat. It would be really difficult to live without computers. We wouldn't be
aware of technological advancements or new discoveries. We may acquire
information through a newspaper, television, radio, or other sources, but we
can get it in greater detail on computers.

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