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The Age of Drinking & Smoking

People should be considered an adult at the age of 21 for the

legal rights of drinking & smoking because we would know what we
are doing & because our minds are developed.

The legal adult age of adulthood for smoking should stay at the
current age of 21. I think it should be kept at 21 because the minimum
sale age for tobacco products to 21 has been important in not smoking
and other tobacco use among young people. The tobacco age to 21
had helped to prevent young people from ever starting to smoke at a
really young age. Lastly because it helps to not cause deaths,
disease, and healthcare problems caused by using tobacco.

The legal adult age of adulthood for drinking should stay at the
current age of 21. People tend to be more mature and responsible at
21 than any other age before that. It should continue to keep the legal
drinking age at 21 because it reduces rates of drunk driving and
causing crashes. For example, if you are caught driving it will be a DUI
charge for consuming alcohol and driving, therefore consequences will
be made for the fact that you can cause a car accident or any other
things. Not only that but if young people consume alcohol it can
interfere with developmenting young adults brain's.

In conclusion, I believe the legal age for smoking and drinking

should remain at 21 even though in the United States you are
considered an adult at 18, lots of 18 year olds don't really know how
life works and how being an adult really is. If the law were to change
the age, lots of teenagers would probably consume it and not think
about what they are really getting themselves into. Therefore there's
no need to change the age in things because we young adults need to
understand that life is not just about having fun, it's also about learning
how to manage things and wait for things when you are able to do it.

Work Cited

#1: Greenblatt, Alan. “What is the Age of Responsibility?” Governing,

30 September 2009,

#2: Galvan, Adriana. “Insight into the Teenage Brain.” Youtube,

uploaded by TEDxYouth, 12 February 2013,

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