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The drinking age is an issue that has been a topic of debate for many years.

I think
that raising the drinking age is a necessary and responsible step to reduce the negative
consequences associated with alcohol use by young people. So, I will try to provide some
acceptable instances to prove my claim.

Firstly, alcohol negatively affects the young brain. I mean that it damages the brain
cells, and repeated exposure to alcohol can cause a range of problems, including cognitive
decline, reduced brain size, and behavioral problems. Moreover, teenagers who drink alcohol
are more likely to experience depression, anxiety and other mental health problems which
are detrimental for their development, as they cannot navigate the complexities of the world
and we will have generation which will be on the wrong way.

Thirdly, raising the drinking age would protect young people from the potential harm
of alcohol. I mean that like cigarettes, alcohol is a substance that can be addictive and
harmful when used excessively. Raising the drinking age may help reduce the number of
young people who become addicted to alcohol, and it may also help young people make
better decisions about their health and wellbeing. By setting the drinking age at 21, we can
minimize the risk of alcohol-related harm among young people.

In conclusion, raising the drinking age is a necessary and responsible step towards
reducing the negative consequences associated with alcohol use by young people. Raising the
drinking age is a simple and effective step towards ensuring the health and well-being of our
young people.

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