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Assembly language and records

Registers are considered as storage sources

for assembly language, as these records are
divided into different spaces (18, 16, 32) bits,
whose function is to perform various
operations that include reading and writing
arithmetic and logical operations, and it is also
called the name of a stack ( stack).

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Assembly language components

Assembly language is divided into three main

sections: opcode commands, data segments, and
assembly language directives (Directives), and
each of them has its own function, for example the
running code represents the symbolic name of an
executable instruction written in machine
language, while data segments are It carries the
instructions that define the type of programs
available to the existing data. As for assembly
language directives, they are the instructions that
the compiler executes during assembly that the
.CPU cannot do at the time of running the program

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Assembly language system method

It is worth noting that the application

programs on a computer are divided into
two types: application programs and system
programs. Each type of programs has
specific uses. Application programs are
written in a high-level language (language
independent of the machine) and are
intended to perform certain tasks. These
include the inventory and processing of
variables. As for the system programs, their
importance is limited to making the use of
the computer easier, including translators
and operating systems.

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The importance of assembly language

Assembly language is used in the case of

connecting external devices to the computer
and controlling them, because these devices
cannot translate and understand machine
language, and they need programming that
enables them to work at the level of the
processing unit, and this is the task of
.assembly language
There are also other exceptional cases in
which assembly language is used, which is
when obtaining very large or very small
results during the calculations, where
assembly language corrects the result
because this type of result cannot be stored in
the CPU.

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Types of assembly language instructions

The quality of these instructions varies,

including the arithmetic operations of
subtraction, addition, division, multiplication,
etc., or logical operations (AND, OR, XOR,
NOT) which allow a person to implement a
specific code after checking a set of
conditions so that the value of the condition
must be correct and match the rules for each
Logic operator, or input and output operations

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Models on the use of assembly language

Assembly language was used during the

Apollo 11 flight to the surface of the moon,
where the software engineer at NASA
(Margaret Hamilton) used assembly language
to write the code for this trip, and currently
assembly language is often used in many
things due to the capabilities it provides to
facilitate and shorten Many of the difficult and
long commands, for example, are used for
writing games programs and other
applications that include graphing

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Uses of assembly language

Assembly language is often used in certain

medium-cost applications, which are found in
many systems such as the control and monitoring
system, the control system of washing machines,
etc., where the assembly language writes the
programs with a special code called the assembly
code so as not to reserve the machine code
program The compiler is more than the small
memory (ROM) inside the system.

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The origins of assembly language

Assembly language dates back to the fifties of

the twentieth century, which was credited
with making programming operations easy
and easy, and this language consists of a set of
instructions so that each instruction includes
32 bits (a box) and these bits in turn are
divided into parts that depend on the
command Which is in the first 5 bits of each
instruction, and each assembly language
instruction is matched by a machine-language
translation so that the CPU can understand
and execute it.

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The origins of
assembly language

Types of assembly
Assembly language
system method

Assembly language
and records

The importance of

assembly language

Uses of assembly

Assembly language

Models on the use of

assembly language 8
Name: Ahmed bahri omar
Date: 18 / 4 / 2021
Subject: computer programing

Assembly language


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