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Training planning is a process of designing the learning needed by the (human)

workforce to improve job performance. It involves the importance of training
objectives emphasizing aspects of post -training effects, the use of a combination of
training techniques and appropriate locations to achieve training objectives. The
amount of training followed by a new employee has a significant relationship with job
satisfaction, commitment, ability and job performance.

Training programs play an important role in adapting employees to the way they
work and the culture of the organization. The training also accelerates them in
identifying their respective weaknesses and capabilities to reduce the gap between
existing conditions and job expectations as set by the organization. In the meantime,
the main focus that is being given attention when discussing the question of this
training program is to what extent its influence in improving performance?

Measurements of the influence or effectiveness of a training program are often made

based on trainee reactions, knowledge, behavioral changes and increased work
output. Therefore, all selection planning and methodology determination as well as
the implementation of training programs are critical issues. It involves important
issues such as goal setting, guidelines in planning and designing training programs
that are able to focus on specific learning principles and then implemented according
to the right program and arrangement.

The ultimate goal is that the training program successfully demonstrates a positive
reaction of trainees, improved knowledge and skills, changes in behavior for the
better as well as resulting in improved work performance of an employee. Therefore,
the discussion on the selection of training methodology, facilitators, training
objectives and training evaluation as well as its impact on job performance are
detailed hereafter.

The training program that I will provide is focused on how the training program can
shape and improve the skills of an employee as well as the effectiveness of the
training program on an employee.
Program Training and Development

Name of Training Program

This Training Program is entitled “Building self-confidence and shaping skills among

Training Needs Analysis

This Training and development programs are ongoing efforts given to improve the
skills and knowledge of employees. Training is an effort to improve an employee’s
skills or focus on work-related matters that benefit both the employee and the
company. Training needs for employees are identified through:-

1. Overcome weaknesses

If a company owner evaluates his workforce carefully, he will likely find that two or
more of his employees lack certain skills. Training programs provide an opportunity
to instill the necessary skills in employees. Similarly, development programs help
broaden the knowledge base of all employees

By doing so, company owners are able to bridge gaps and weak relationships in their
organizations. In such a way, each employee will be in a position to fill in for his or
her co-workers and handle all tasks efficiently.

2. Improving employee performance

An employee who receives training from time to time is in a better position to

increase his work productivity. Thanks to the training program, each employee will
be experienced with proper safety practices and procedures that must be followed
while performing basic tasks. The training program also helps build employee
confidence as he or she will gain a better understanding of the industry and its role
3. Improve the profile and reputation of the company

As mentioned earlier, employee training is not only good for employees but also for
companies. Doing regular training and expansion programs is one way to grow an
organization’s employer brand, making it a key consideration for top employees
working for competitor companies, as well as graduates. A company that trains its
employees will be more attractive to new job candidates, especially those who want
to improve their skills.

4. Innovation

When employees receive consistent training and skill improvement, this spurs their
creativity. Training programs help employees become more independent and
creative when facing challenges in their jobs.

Program Goals

• Gain experience in following training programs so that it is easy to identify

one's weaknesses.
• Get to know the company organization more deeply and more closely without
fear of superiors.
• Inculcate the nature of love for each other in an organization.

Programme's objectives

• Foster a spirit of cooperation among new employees who are just starting
• Provide opportunities for employees to know the company's organization in
more depth and the working system in the company.
• Ensuring that the company's employees are able to produce the best of the
best products.
• Produce skilled and professional employees to manage the administration.
• identify whether a training program has achieved the right objectives.
• identify the types of changes that need to be made to improve training
programs such as in terms of design, content and delivery.
• provide assurance on whether the trainees have acquired the required
knowledge and skills through the training followed.

Employee Training and Development Methods and Implementations

While there are new training techniques emerging every day, some common training
approaches have proven to be very effective. This training and development
methods and implementations includes:

1. Orientation

Orientation training is critical to the success of a new candidate regardless of

whether the training is implemented through handbooks, one-on-one sessions, or
lectures. What is important is to provide information to new employees about their
background, strategy and mission statement. The mission statement defines the
area of business in which the company is located, and why the company exists or
the purpose for which it functions, vision, and objectives. Such training provides an
opportunity for new employees to familiarize themselves with company policies,
rules, and regulations.

2. Talks

Lectures are very effective when the purpose is to provide the same information to a
large group at once. By doing so, there is no need for individual training and thus,
cost savings. However, the lecture also poses some shortcomings. For one, they are
centered on one-way communication, which leaves little room for feedback. Trainees
may find it difficult to assess the level of content comprehension in large groups.

3. Computer Based Training (CBT)

With this approach, computers and computer-based tutorials are the main
communication tools between trainees and employees. The programs are arranged
in such a way that they provide teaching materials while also facilitating the learning

The main benefit of computer-based training (CBT) is that each employee is given
the freedom to learn at their own pace at the most appropriate time. This also helps
reduce the total costs incurred by the organization to train its employees. Costs are
reduced by reducing training periods, eliminating instructor manpower requirements,
and reducing travel.

Completion of the Training Program

Studies have shown that productivity in a job is very important because it can further
improve the skills of each individual who works, especially for those who want to
maintain a position and get a promotion.

1. Do not look at the mobile phone first

One of the causes that can be neglected by humans is mobile phones. It has
become a habit for everyone regardless of age and rank. The effect is that it can
disrupt your work which can be completed quickly, so slowly.

From here we know it will have the effect of increasing the productivity of work which
is less in terms of quality.

2. Get enough sleep

We all know that insufficient sleep has a negative impact on the performance and
productivity of a job. Lack of sleep can reduce work focus and even lack of
enthusiasm for work.

3. Come early to work

Arriving early at work before everyone arrives is one way can further increase work
productivity. It also helps you to get fresh ideas in the early morning you come to

4. Focus on one task or job only

Focusing on just one task allows you to become more proficient with the scope of
your own work. Every organization needs employees who have quality in doing
every scope of work.

So, focus is very important for every employee because it can save time and work
productivity will continue to increase and even less work delays.

5. Avoid doing two jobs at a time

Not all individuals have the advantage of doing two or more jobs at a time. So, avoid
this as it will put high stress on yourself.

6. Prioritize work according to the dateline sequence that you have arranged

Creating work where Dateline is earlier than other work because it requires a lot of
energy and technique to think about before creating it.

Make this work as your passion to be better in order to further improve technique
and productivity in work. Also, make it a stepping stone to get a better position in the

7. Make hard work a challenge

To complete a big project may seem great, so it’s one of the challenges to be more
creative and optimistic to handle it. But work will be more productive if there is a spirit
of cooperation with each other.

In addition, the head also plays an important role when handling large projects.

8. Provide training to employees

Through training organized by the organization, employees can further increase work
productivity and further expand existing skills. At the same time it can benefit the
company you work for.

Among the examples of training that can be organized by a company are individual
training, workshops, courses, seminars, and mentee mentor programs. This is also
one of the employee initiatives to improve their skills in various fields.

Overall, productivity lets you know where your level is whether it’s already good
enough or needs to be improved again. In addition, productivity in a job is very
important because it can evaluate the performance of your company over time.

Finally, with high work productivity, employees will get more incentives from the
company including salary increases, additional bonuses, related insurance and so

Evaluation Evidence

The effectiveness and success of a human resource development program can be

determined through training evaluation. Training evaluation allows the organization
to determine the extent to which trainees have learned the things taught and the
extent to which the learning can affect their work performance. In addition, through
training evaluation, it can also be determined the extent and depth to which the
trainee has acquired certain skills and/or knowledge. From here, the training
program can be modified to meet its objectives. From the training program "Building
self-confidence and shaping skills among employees", we will identify some
evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of this program-on-program participants who
follow this training program.

Reaction Criteria

It is a subjective evaluation criterion. This criterion measures the level of satisfaction

of the trainees by assessing their views on the training involved. For example, their
views on the training content, the training methods used by the coaches involved
and so on. Two frequently used methods to assess trainee reactions were
questionnaires and interviews.

Assessment based on reaction criteria does not indicate whether the things taught
are understood by the trainee or not. Most trainees like to give positive comments
about the training program they participate in regardless of whether the training is
beneficial or not.

Learning Criteria

Used to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs in providing knowledge and

skills to trainees. Trainee learning is usually measured through tests such as oral,
written and performance tests. Performance tests are usually used to assess
whether the wearer has acquired certain skills or not. The test requires the trainee to
perform a task or work activity during the probationary period. Trainees' skills can
also be measured through role -playing techniques, letter container training,
business games and so on. This kind of technique requires the trainee to perform an
activity while making a decision.

Behavioral criteria

Used to assess the extent to which the transfer of learning has occurred, i.e. whether
there has been a change in terms of the trainee’s work behavior or not after the
trainee has undergone training. Although the measurement of behavior is very useful
but it is quarterly done, especially for upper -level employees who do a lot of
planning activities rather than implementation. Among the techniques that can be
used to measure work behavior include questionnaires, interviews, self-reports and
critical incident techniques.

Result Criteria

A training program may be able to produce positive feedback when evaluated based
on reaction, learning and behavioral criteria but may not provide any results or
returns to the organization. At the outcome criterion level, the benefits of training to
the organization will be determined. The revenue measures that can be used are
total sales, total production, productivity, profit accident rate and employee turnover
rate. Techniques for measuring training outcomes include surveys, analysis of
records and performance data, organizational performance audits and management

Through this training program, at the end of the program I will distribute the
evaluation form to you via Google Form and return it to me. The evaluation form is
for your feedback on the entire training program that has been given earlier.


Finally, a measure of the effectiveness of a training program that is often debated is

job performance. It should be clarified that the factors of work context, motivation,
knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and talents are among the factors that can not
be ignored in assessing the work performance of employees after they go through a
training program. Job performance can be summarized as a combination of mental
and physical abilities of employees in performing a job, where both of these depend
on the needs of a job. Thus, to measure a job performance, the difference between
one form of job and another job needs to be considered. This statement clarifies that
an effective and successful training program still cannot be said to be the only
determinant to the improvement of job performance. Yet the importance of the role,
influence and effectiveness of training programs cannot be denied as critical towards
improving employee job performance.

In determining the effectiveness or success of a training program, evaluation is a

process to measure the degree of change of trainees in aspects of knowledge,
reaction, behavior and performance. Where this evaluation process ultimately
provides important information related to the positive or negative effects of changes
on the targeted trainees. In short, such an evaluation is very important to evaluate
the effectiveness of investment in training, provide and provide feedback to trainees,
show the extent to which training objectives are achieved, guide future training
program planning, guide to improve the quality of training programs and provide data
or information that can confirm expenses in conducting training.

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