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The organization can be defined as a social unit consisting of human cooperation and
interdependence between each other to achieve individual, group, and organization.
When the organization is treated as a social unit, which means it has a number of
employees who have been given a specific role to carry out a task. They need to work together
and communicate with each other to complete a task. If they are carrying out their duties without
the need for services and cooperation of other parties, of course, carried out the task could not be
completed as required either in terms of time, quality, quantity, and other specifications.
An organization requires employees to unite their efforts in order to achieve the desired
goals. If there is no unity among the workers, of course, the organization is unable to carry out
their activities effectively and properly. State organization will be in chaos without any particular
direction. Consolidation efforts should be present in an organization to ensure the attainment of
those listed. The relationship among the staff can ensure that the organization operates properly,
orderly and efficient. Coordination with the rules and procedures created to improve the
relationship between the function and one function to another and from one individual to the
An organization cannot possibly exist without the help of human resources. Even though
individual business needs the cooperation of human resources from outside or other business
partners to form.
The rapid development of human resources follows the trend has left a strong impact on
their evolution. Management and planning of human resources is not tied to specific techniques,
work-oriented personnel and public relations alone. It is more likely to understand the objectives
of the organization and its employees. Human Resources managers of an organization must
recognize these needs and the strategy to achieve them through the recruitment, training and
development, counseling, consultation, evaluation, salary / income and other.

In general, according to (Robbins, 2000) organizational behavior is a field of study that
investigated the three determinants of organizational behavior in individuals, groups and
structures. In addition, the OB will use all the knowledge about individuals, groups and effects
on the behavior of structures with a view to enable an organization to operate more efficiently
and effectively.
Who should study the OB? Obviously the manager or leader of an organization. What is
the organization? The organization is a social unit which is controlled by two or more persons,
where the unit is relatively continuous work to achieve specific goals.
Therefore, the manager of an organization that has a management function ODC (Plan,
Do, tract and control) will review any behavior or the behavior of the individual (employee),
groups and structures that are in the organization in achieving its goal of management.
This is so because, OB will affect the achievement of the goals of the organization.
Literature found four individual level variables that are often studied biographical characteristics,
abilities, personality and learning. All of these variables are related and are affecting labor
productivity, absenteeism, employee satisfaction and conversion.

3.1 Planning
Planning refers to the process of establishing vision, setting objectives, strategies,
and implement and when the right time is necessary until there is an initiative to make
appropriate corrections to the vision, objectives, and strategies where necessary.
Through the training program planning, an employee will be able to: -
• Increase in job performance and increase organizational productivity.
• Enjoy a monetary reward or promotion.
• Having extra qualifications or higher academic qualifications.
• Improve the quality of jobs by reducing waste and error.
• achieve job satisfaction.
While the benefits to the organization are as follows: -
• An increase in organizational performance.
• Reduction in costs by reducing mistakes.
• Ownership of skilled workers in various fields.

3.2 Coordinating
Co-ordination is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of
group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. It is a
hidden force which binds all the other functions of management. According to Mooney
and Reelay, “Co-ordination is orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of
action in the pursuit of common goals”. According to Charles Worth, “Co-ordination is
the integration of several parts into an orderly hole to achieve the purpose of
Management seeks to achieve co-ordination through its basic functions of
planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. That is why, co-ordination is not
a separate function of management because achieving of harmony between individuals
efforts towards achievement of group goals is a key to success of management. Co-
ordination is the essence of management and is implicit and inherent in all functions of


3.3 Facilitating
To facilitate the strategy implementation, HR needs to understand the formulation
mechanism of the strategy. That way, HR can deeply analyze it and correctly interpret it
into HR actions. Those actions must be organized with a process methodology to make
the workflow efficient and the action steps clear for the implementation. The outcome
process should have the necessary characteristics of an interaction process between top
management, HR professionals and employees. The process should be designed in a way
to create interaction opportunities for all parties within the organization to internalize the
strategic objectives and to cooperate for achieving them.

3.4 Staffing
Staffing is referred as both line as well as a staff activity. It is referred as line
activity because like other functions such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling,
staffing is also performed by every manager.
It is a staff activity because it is an important area of management also like
marketing management, financial management, we have human resource management
department also in large organizations.
The steps involved in the staffing process are:
i) Manpower requirements
ii) Recruitment
iii) Selection
iv) Orientation and Placement
v) Training and Development
vi) Remuneration
vii) Performance Evaluation
viii) Promotion and transfer

3.5 Auditing
Though the process would vary from organization to organization, generally it
involves the following steps:
i) Briefing and orientation
ii) Scanning material information
iii) Surveying employees
iv) Conducting interviews
v) Synthesizing
vi) Reporting

Kulumpang Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. better known as KDC is located
approximately 45km from the city of Tawau and can accommodate approximately 30 employees
was built with the landscape and architecture are quite interesting. Nevertheless, it is quite
isolated in comparison with other offices located in urban areas. This is because it is located in
the area of oil palm plantation near the road or main route to Semporna.
However, this is not an issue for them to operate. With image and visibility that has lived
in the main industrial oil palm plantations, they still received attention from many quarters.
This office is also equipped with the club. It was built next to the administration office
and placed in an area that is fenced. The purpose of this club is to provide a range of facilities to
its employees in the form of entertainment and basic necessities such as sports, food and
beverage and so on.
Although the building is quite short, but with the comfort of work and facilities provided
at the workplace is an attraction that can give satisfaction to its employees.
The mission is "to develop a workforce that is competent, confident, and capable of
increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the community, while encouraging an
atmosphere of competitive work culture. Also produce knowledgeable human resources,
productive and competitive”.

Behavior is a form of action which includes habits, behavior, behavior, attitude or
behavior of an individual. It explains how a person acts. Organization, we can define as a group
or body which is made up of individuals who work together to accomplish the mission, vision
and goals to be achieved. Organizational behavior can be defined as a field or fields of learning
about one's thoughts, feelings and actions and how the attitude of a person in an institution or
organization. There are three levels in the analysis of organizational behavior, the individual
level, group level and organizational level
In my opinion, behavior or behavior of an individual cannot be predicted. This is because
the behavior and temperament of the individual in an organization is not the same and cannot be
traced and identified without extensive research. This is because, every person has the attitude,
behavior and distinctive way to stand out and showcase themselves. In addition, the behavior
cannot be expected because of the behavior of a person is caused by external influences "external
forces". For example, someone working conditions, which require a high commitment in
carrying out the task given. This we can see where if someone is working in an urgent situation
for the success of his goals required by the organization. For example, a manager of a company
has a high responsibility to provide profit or success of the company which is the goal of every
organization. However, if he was not given a reasonable incentive and is commensurate with the
work, certainly make it work with the manager casually and do not emphasize the importance
and the quality and productivity of the company or organization that quality work is not
appreciated by his superiors. Therefore, the level of productivity also decreased and affected.
In addition, the attitude and manner of each employee are difficult to predict. This we can
see where some people have a distinctive behavior in the performance of its duties. For example,
there are some employees who like to complete the work on "dateline" determined by their
employer. However, there are some workers who suspend their work until sometimes cause
confusion at the last minute. So, we cannot expect the behavior of a person in his personality.
The behavior of a person also associated to an individual. This is because the emotional
impact that individual actions that cannot be predicted due to emotional because it changes

according to the "mood" at the time. Therefore, all his actions were changed by different
situations and time which we cannot expect the behavior of an individual without specific
research and observation. For example, someone who is angry is not able to control his emotions
in a professional because sometimes actions happens out of control and the reflex action of the
individual will act outside its control. Such a situation we can clearly see where one teacher who
taught at the school level easily describe its behavior when the teacher is distressed with their
students. So with this, the teacher will be irritable and angry. Whereas before, the teacher happy
with his colleagues. Someone who is in a state of positive mental and emotional typically view
and make a positive response to their work and its environment and vice versa. Through this
situation, we can see that the behavior of an individual is difficult to predict due to the emotional
factor causing the angry teacher with her students because emotions are difficult to control
without a special power of self
In an organization as large and complex, the role of a manager or leader is a heavy
responsibility. Managers can be defined as a person who supervises a person or more than one
individual or subordinate. A manager of the caliber and have the characteristics of a leader
whose integrity should have extensive knowledge and expertise in his career as well as a little-
know as much about knowledge in these organizational behavior. This is because, a manager's
knowledge in organizational behavior is important in which it can assist managers in improving
the quality of decision-making, increase the chances of success and reduce the risks that may
arise in the planning and decision-making. Organizational behavior provides many guidelines on
how coordinated the employees (human resources of an organization) to enable workers to
perform their duties diligently and produce products and services and productive.
In addition, knowledge in organizational behavior is important for a manager because it
provides knowledge in managing and responding to progress in line with the changing
technology and to compete in the global stage. If the organization involves businesses or services
on a global basis, the management needs to adopt management systems that fit the needs and
global requirements.
A manager is brilliant in understanding the concept of organizational behavior can create
a more harmonious work environment conducive to stimulate new ideas that are more innovative
and creative. A manager's understanding of this concept can improve the quality and productivity
of work while creating an ethical environment to strengthen harmony in the workplace. A

manager must ensure that subordinates the opportunity and incentive fit with their work because
it is an understanding of ethics in the field of organizational behavior studies.


6.1 Globalization
The world is advancing due to the rapid growing world economy now. This leads
to the sharing of knowledge across the globe is rampant. As a result, the term
globalization, which is defined universally by all people around the world as borderless
world. In this regard, globalization has influenced the world. Not only in economics, but
all kinds of fields such as social, political, cultural and religious, and not behind in terms
of human resource management. As a result of the world economic boom, the human
resources must also be managed well, so there is no wastage of resources to ensure that
the work can be carried out smoothly.
At present, the issue of globalization have emerged as a result of listing the
various processes of transnational and domestic structures that enable economic, political,
cultural and ideological penetration of a country other national borders (Abdul Rahman
Embong, 2000). Directly on this issue will have a significant impact on growth and
economic development? Economic growth and development itself is actually the basis for
the development of human resources (Norani, 2000), thus creating generations of
Globalization is a process to put the world under the same unit without being restricted
by borders and geography of a country. Through this process, the world is finally no
longer have a border with a country air and the sky was wide open for entry by a variety
of information transmitted through various communication media such as the Internet
medium, electronic media, and cyber technology. This allows the development of the
relationship between a country to country and fellow human communication can be done
in a short period.
Weaknesses and the main challenges to be faced by Malaysia is the lack of skills
in modern applications. Arguably, this modern application arises when several employees
have reached their 40s and 50s. Their brains are different from the brains of young people
usually complicates the development of resource management system. There are some of

them do not want to follow the wave of change and some even lazy to update the data
about themselves because of shame to ask the young people. Indirectly, it will be difficult
for human resources to meet the data about themselves in the system.

6.2 Work Force Diversity

Concerns managers to increase the number of employees consisting of employees
with ethnic background, race, age and gender, as well as different cultures can be
overcome with the understanding of the concept of disorder workforce management and
positive thinking about these changes. Managers need to understand that before that
important aspects of why a heterogeneous workforce and is essential for a multinational
company. There are two important aspects that should be understood that the company's
managers need to manage the growing diversity of the labor force increased by
understanding the variations that exist in every employee and every diverse workforce
has a potential competitive advantage for the company's development. Managers should
not feel worried and concerned by the escalation rather heterogeneous labor as an
advantage to make it available to the company to grow further.

6.3 Ethical Behavior

Referring to Ab. Aziz Yusof (2006), ethics in the sense of actually being
discussed is the question of moral right or wrong, true or not, and what needs to be done
or omitted. Ethics in the management intends to apply moral values such as discipline,
guidelines, code of ethics, regulations, policies and all the positive elements that can help
managers carry out its duties effectively. Integrity is a quality and its overall positive
form of the individual and the organization.
Its integrity and quality of the elements of 'wholeness' (integrated existence as a
whole) in the individual or organization. In Islamic morality, integrity appropriate to the
characteristics of a true, trustworthy, faithful, strong grip, a private firm, the personal
glory, believers are righteous, and so on, which brings a thorough understanding of the
practice and moral values which are shown in the Messenger of Allah (Tuan Asmawi,
2006). In the public sector a wide range of policies, regulations, circulars and guidelines
have been formulated to ensure ethics and integrity practiced by civil servants.

7.1 Globalization
Therefore, the ability of organizations to evaluate, follow and interpret the issue
of globalization is an urgent challenge as it will determine the organization's competitive
position in producing outstanding citizens. Therefore, a comprehensive approach,
systematic and strategic covering various aspects including planning, training, career
development, safety and health, welfare, performance evaluation, discipline and reward
ratio is a challenge that needs to be handled properly to avoid the emergence of a number
of issues other harmful image and reputation of an institution, especially in efforts to
produce outstanding citizens in the community or organization. 
Research on human resource management in the era of globalization has shown
changes in the organization that according to current technological and economic
changes. The introduction of the new careers to challenge these organizations to provide
opportunities for everyone to move forward in line with the changing times. It depends
on the willingness of the public whether or not to accept it. An organization should be
more careful with the global market as an organizational response to globalization will
also affect future career (Mahmood). Therefore, in order to share information across the
world, we must be careful especially with regard to the identity of the public and national
identity. One wrong move may affect the safety of the public and the nation. Other
organizations also should not be too dependent on the human resources only. They should
also make the effort to get the necessary data from human resources to avoid non-running
processes. Finally, the relationship between administrators and employees should always
harmonious, fair and dedicated so that no unpleasant feeling when working. This value is
very important to ensure that our country is able to implement high-performance work
culture in the success of Vision 2020.

7.2 Work Force Diversity

Managers need to understand the concept of management of labor disorders in
depth and thorough understanding of all the hassle of subordinates. There are several
important issues that need to be understood by managers in managing this disorder
workforce of the ethnic origin, language, age, gender, religious sensitivities and universal
values held by their fundamental freedoms such as the right. According to Solomon
(1995), a successful glocal management requires foresight and careful thought as to
engage in a new culture. This helps managers develop social networks and provide a lot
of information about a culture. This is one of the cross-cultural skills in the management
of labor abnormalities outlined by Solomon in seven skills are highlighted. Therefore, it
becomes a tough task to managers to challenge himself in understanding the diversity that
exists within the organization.
A good manager will understand the background of its employees to avoid
problems in terms of cultural practices held by its employees. To ensure that every
employee has the understanding between each other. So, it is natural for each of them and
managers understand the culture and background of each nation to avoid any stereotyping
occurs. This will make the organization more secure and the company became a regular
with the understanding that existed next to each other can improve organizational
A manager need not feel threatened by the variety of languages that exist in the
organization. Instead, managers should feel lucky to be in the context of Malaysia's
multi-racial and multi-language, it is an advantage in extending the empire of
organizations all over the state and country. Therefore, managers should take the
initiative to give priority to workers who are able to speak more than one language is
entrusted with the responsibility of managing and implementing organizations. With this,
companies do not bother to train their employees to master other languages, and this can
reduce the cost of management of the organization. Indeed, communication is very
important in a multinational organization. The language is often used in an organization
is in English. This is because language is an international language that is understood by
virtually the entire world community. This fact is a fact when this scenario can be seen in
ads seeking employment in Malaysia are mostly multinational and local companies
placing conditions the ability to speak and write in English as one of their criteria in

finding skilled workers.
Managers also need to understand another important aspect of the organization of
life. Older workers often told his experience in terms of skills. However, they are also
said to be unable to adapt to the circumstances or new working environment that is not of
their time. Therefore, as a manager should understand this situation so that the skills
available in every different age workers although it can be used optimally.

7.3 Ethical Behavior

Philosophical ethics are the principles or specific rules that apply in one
individual to evaluate the extent to which an act done or seen construed either correct or
incorrect. It is also deemed as one of the major branch of philosophy that includes proper
behavior and good life. The scope of this ethical philosophy can be seen more widely
than just analyze what is right and wrong as often assumed. Among the main aspects of
the philosophy of ethics is "the good life", that is life worth or satisfaction, which is
considered more important than moral behavior by many philosophers.
There are also ethical philosophy is interpreted as a theory of right conduct in life
instead of good practice to review the facts, analyze and summarize the behavior actually.
The application of ethical philosophy contribute to various aspects such as in the context
of management, it is used as a guide for managers in achieving the company's objectives
and resolve ethical issues in the event. Moreover, the philosophy of ethics is often seen in
connection with the moral concepts such as good, evil, right, wrong, duty, responsibility,
fairness, namely the analysis of concepts such as these considerations and justifications
(statements, claims) involving such concepts. However philosophy is the philosophy of
each individual may vary depending on factors such as religion, culture, ethnic group,

The specialists of human behavior and organizational view that the biggest success in any
management job is to develop the relationship between-individual (interpersonal) good or in
other words, human relations skills. Knowledge and technical skills alone are not sufficient to
address the problems of mankind. However, awareness of the importance of human skills is
unfolded in late 1980, where if the previous curriculum in higher education, particularly
emphasized the technical aspects of the business faculty in teaching such as accounting,
economic, finance, and quantitative techniques, but the trend is up This emphasis on areas
related to human behavior and control of human skills in their teaching. This is in line with the
increased understanding that effective managers are those who have the skills of humanity in
addition to technical skills in their respective fields.
In conclusion, our understanding of the concept of organizational behavior not only gives
us an opportunity to improve their capabilities, but also to the values and ethics to us when we
enter the working world or in the public or private sector to strengthen prosperity in our


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