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Kaye R.

Rubica BSCS 3A 02 Task Performance 1

Part 1

First Assembler

a. What organization/company manages the online assembler?

 Tutorials Point
b. Provide the links to the online assembler.
c. Take a screenshot of the initial content of the code editor of the assembler.

d. Run the initial codes in the editor and take a screenshot of the output/result.

e. Does the assembler support an x86 architecture? Elaborate your answer.

Yes. Tutorials Point Online Assembler supports Netwide Assembler (NASM) that caters x86
architecture which has the capability to execute 32-bit instruction set. It can be used to write
16-bit, 32-bit (IA-32) and 64-bit (x86-64) programs. NASM is considered to be one of the most
popular assemblers for Linux. As seen in the code editor, the statements including the label,
mnemonic, operands, and comments used are x86 instructions.

Second Assembler

a. What organization/company manages the online assembler?

 JDoodle
b. Provide the links to the online assembler.
c. Take a screenshot of the initial content of the code editor of the assembler.
d. Run the initial codes in the editor and take a screenshot of the output/result.

e. Does the assembler support an x86 architecture? Elaborate your answer.

Yes. JDoodle Online Assembler supports Netwide Assembler (NASM) that caters x86 architecture
which has the capability to execute 32-bit instruction set. It can be used to write 16-bit, 32-bit
(IA-32) and 64-bit (x86-64) programs. NASM is considered to be one of the most popular
assemblers for Linux. As seen in the code editor, the statements including the label, mnemonic,
operands, and comments used are x86 instructions.

Part 2


a. What does the program do?

 The program executes the addition operation of two integers which is the 5 and 3.
b. Is the result of the program correct?
 Yes, the sum of 5 and 3 is 8.
c. How much memory was utilized in the program execution?
 The program used 340 kilobytes of memory in its execution.
d. How long did it take to execute the program?
 It took 0.00 secs to execute the program.
e. Under what section were the x and y utilized?
 The x and y were utilized under .text section.


a. What does the program do?

 The program executes a subtraction, division and addition operation of integers, which
the output results to 3.
b. How many sections were used in the program?
Three sections were used in the program:
 .text
 .data
 .bss
c. Identify at least three (3) mnemonics (opcode/directive/macro) that were used in the
 mov
 sub
 div
 add
 int
 .data
 .text
 .bss
d. Identify at least three (3) operands that were used in the program.
 ax, 9
 ax, 0
 bl, 3
 bl, 0
 [res], ax
e. In the program above, which lines of code indicate the storage space allocation for the
message and message length?
section .data
message db “The result is: “
length equ $- message
section .bss
res resb 2

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