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Identify the various sizes of available coarse aggregates from a sample of 10kg in
laboratory and prepare a report (80, 40, 20, 10mm)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) What are the different types of aggregates based on their size?
2) Define coarse aggregates and state their sizes.
3) Which method is used for segregating aggregates into different sizes?
4) Explain any 4 requirements of a good stone.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Identify the available construction materials in the laboratory on the basis of their sources.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Give the broad classification of construction materials with examples.
2) State the criteria for selection of construction materials.
3) Explain the role of construction materials in building construction
4) Classify the following materials: sand, cement, brick, aggregate, metals, concrete, plastic,
POP, varnish, rice husk, coir, rubber.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Identify the grain distribution pattern in given sample of teak wood in the laboratory and
draw the various patterns.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) State the requirements of a good timber
2) Define seasoning of timber. State their types.
3) State 3 causes of defects in timber.
4) State 4 methods of preservation of timber.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Prepare the lime putty by mixing lime (1kg) with water in appropriate proportion and
prepare report on slaking of lime.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Define calcination of lime with equation.
2) State any 4 properties of lime.
3) State the types of lime
4) State any 4 uses of lime

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Select first class, second class and third class bricks from the stack of bricks and prepare a
report on the basis of their properties.
Sketch of brick with standard dimensions:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Define brick.
2) State any 4 requirements of a good brick
3) State the manufacturing process of bricks (Only steps).
4) State the special types of bricks.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Measure dimensions of 10 bricks and find average dimension and weight. Perform field
tests- dropping, striking and scratching by nail and correlate the results obtained.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Draw a neat sketch of brick with conventional dimensions.
2) State the classification of burnt clay brick.
3) State the constituents of a brick earth
4) State the field tests performed on bricks.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Measure dimensions of 10 bricks and find average dimension and weight. Perform field
tests- dropping, striking and scratching by nail and correlate the results obtained.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Explain the following tests to be performed on the brick: dropping, water absorption
2) What should be the colour of a good brick?
3) State the uses of bricks as a construction material
4) Explain the following tests to be performed on the brick: Shape and Size, Soundness.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Identify different types of flooring tiles such as vitrified, ceramic, glazed, mosaic, anti-skid,
paver blocks and prepare a report on it (Part I).
Sketch of tile and paver block with dimensions:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Define tile.
2) State the types of tiles.
3) What do you mean by roofing tiles? Give any two examples.
4) State the uses of tiles.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Identify different types of flooring tiles such as vitrified, ceramic, glazed, mosaic, anti-skid,
paver blocks and prepare a report on it (Part II).

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) State the requirement of a good tile.
2) Write the type of tile in your college laboratory.
3) What do you mean by flooring tiles? Give any two examples.
4) What do you mean by skirting and dado?

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Apply the relevant termite chemical on given damaged sample of timber (part I)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:
1) What are special construction materials? Give examples.
2) Give two brand names for termite proofing materials.
3) Give the properties and uses of termite proofing materials.
4) Give any two examples of thermal insulating, water proofing and sound insulating materials.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Apply two or more coats of selected paint on the prepared base of a given wall surface for
the area of 1m x 1m using suitable brush or rollers adopting safety practices (part I).

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

1) Give the properties of a good paint.
2) List the types of paint with their suitability.
3) Define POP along with its constituents.
4) State any four properties of POP.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Prepare the cement mortar of proportion 1:3 or 1:6 using artificial sand as a special
processed construction material.

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department


Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Results and Conclusion:
1) Define mortar and state its types.
2) Give any 4 properties of a good mortar
3) Give 4 uses of rice husk as a construction material
4) Give any 4 properties of fly ash

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Suggested assessment scheme:
Sr.No Performance indicators Weightage in %
Process related: 15 marks (60%)
1 Preparation of experimental set up 20
2 Setting and operation 20
3 Safety measures 10
4 Observations and recordings 10
Product related: 10 marks (40%)
5 Interpretation of result and conclusion 20
6 Answer to sample questions 10
7 Submission of report in time 10
Total 100

Marks obtained Dated sign of teacher

Process related Product related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

Construction Materials Civil Engineering Department

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