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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arro ceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Introduction to World
Religions & Belief
Positive and Negative
Effects of Religion

Quarter 1 - Week 3
Module 3

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Analyze the influences of religion to culture and
Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and skills
did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims to
help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Positive and Negative effects of
3 Religion

You will analyze the influences of religion to culture and society.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
• identify the positive and negative effects of religions
• observe the positive and negative effects of religion
• justify that religion can have positive or negative effects on society


Directions: Write P if the sentence expresses positive effects of religion to a person or

society and N if the sentence expresses otherwise. Write your answer on a separate

1. Religion inhibits social change.

2. Religion fosters dependence and irresponsibility.
3. Religion performs services to humanity.
4. Religion provides answer to ultimate meaning.
5. Religion calms the person with dead relative.
6. Religion is dedicated to the development of arts and culture.
7. Religion is the cause of disputes in the region.
8. Religion serves the poor is society.
9. Religion is the opium of society.
10. Religion offers spiritual enhancement to a person.

(Critical thinking, Communication)

To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be ready to accomplish
this task. You may do the following.


1. Answer the questions below based on your own understanding. Use

separate paper for your answer.

What is religion? What is spirituality?

The practice of religion is a powerful antidote to many of our social problems
that we face today. Considerable research has emerged over the past years
demonstrate the good contributions of religious practice to individuals well-being,
families and communities. However, aside from its positive functions, there are also
negative effects of religion to us. In the book, Fundamentals of World Religion (2019),
Cornejo, et al, suggests that religion plays a role in the way people live their lives


Positive effects of religion

1. Religion provides us norms or guidelines for our everyday life for us to obey or follow. For
example, in the Catholic teachings we are taught to follow the
commandments. First, we ought to love God above all else and second, to love
our neighbours as we love ourselves. The latter is more of a guidelines, to
always do to others what you want others do to you. All Catholics try to live
by these two commandments (34).
2. Religion helps us in our struggle for societal survival. Religion played a significant
role in the formation and early development of seven primary civilizations:
Egyptian Mesopotamian, Indian, Cretan, Chinese, Middle American, and
Andean. Religion in each of these societies offered its members the courage
needed for survival in a hostile environment, giving explanations to certain
aspects of the human conditions which could not be explained in a rational
manner. In present societies, religion also performs this role (34).
3. Religion serves as a unifying power that encourages social integration in several ways. It plays
an important part in forming, symbolizing, and reinforcing common values and
norms. It thus provides support for social standards, socially accepted
behaviour. Common faith, values and norms, etc., are significant in unifying
people (34).
4. Religion encourages people to render services to the poor and the needy and promote
their welfare. It develops a sense of giving among people. Because of this, help
and assistance is being extended to those in need due to religion inspiration.
It is believed that one can obtain the cherished goal of religion by way of
giving alms and assistance to the helpless and needy persons. It also
inculcates the habit of charity among people who opened charitable
institutions like hospitals, rest houses, temples to help promote the welfare of
individuals, groups and communities (34).
5. Religion promotes art and culture. Religious leaders often were dedicated to art and
culture. Throughout the world, beautiful, architecturally creative and
magnificent buildings and churches were constructed in the name of God and
gods wherein stunning, brilliant and impressive paintings and works of arts
were hanged on the walls of great museums and galleries (36).
6. Religion serves to calm the person in times of suffering and disappointment. In this world
we often suffer disappointment even in the midst of all hopes and
achievement. The things that we strive are in some measures always denied
us. When our hopes are shattered, when all that was planned has been swept
away, we naturally want something or someone to console and compensate us
7. Religion shapes domestic, economic and political institutions. Religion supports
institutional pattern more explicitly. All the great religions of the worlds have
attempted to regulate kinship relations, especially marriage and family.
Another, political institutions are often sanctioned by religion: the emperor of
China or Japan was sacred: the ruling caste of India was sanctioned by
Brahmanism; the kings of France were supposed to rule by divine right (37).
8. Religion has also performed some other services to humanity among which
Summer and Keller included the provision of work, the spread of education,
the accumulation of capital and the creation of a leisure class. For thousands
of years, religion has exerted great influence over economic and political life.
Even today religion is called upon to support rulers and other legal procedures

Negative effects of religion

Contrary to the positive functions of religion, there are negative effects of its social
functions. Although religion is an integrative force, it may be disruptive for the society
as a whole. Summer and Keller, Benjamin Kidd, Karl Marx, Thomas F. O’ Dea, and
others have pointed the dysfunctions of religion. The disfunction of religion are as
follows (Cornejo et al, 2019).

1. Religion often times inhibits protest and impedes social changes which may even prove to
be beneficial to the welfare of the society. All protest and conflicts are not always
negative. It is often become necessary for bringing out changes. Some changes
would certainly lead to positive reforms. By inhibiting protest and preventing
changes religion may postpone reforms, like the issue of the family planning,
death penalty for heinous crimes etc. (38).
2. Religion may foster dependence and irresponsibility. Religion often makes its
followers super-dependent on religious institutions and leaders. But it does
not develop an ability in them to assume individual responsibility. For
example, a good number of people in India prefer to take the advises of priests
and religious leaders before starting some ventures. But they do not take
suggestion of those who are competent in the field (38).
3. Religion sometimes promotes evil practices. In its course of development, religion
has supported and promoted evil practices such as cannibalism, slavery,
social hierarchy (untouchables), human and animal sacrifice, etc. like the
“satanic ritual abuse” the ritual of sacrificing human beings was practiced
before but is rapidly fading at present time. Another example in India, a two-
year old was bothered to death in a cowshed in New Delhi by a mother, who
had been told by a Hindu mystic that if she sacrificed the child her abusive
husband would reform (38).
4. Religion contributes to exploitation. As religion interprets misfortunes and
suffering in this world as manifestations of the supernatural order itself, it
sanctifies the existing social structure (38).
5. Religion oftentimes promotes superstitions. Religion is the source of many
superstitions. These superstitions have caused harm to human being.
Superstitions like evil spirits and ghost cause diseases; that poverty is the
desire of the god etc., hinders the welfare of the human beings. The excessive
veneration of saints by the Catholics bring about magical and irrational
practices among them (39).
6. Religion results or causes conflicts and divisions. Religion results in inter- group
conflicts by dividing people along religious lines. It is deeply related with
conflicts of beliefs. Wars and battles have been fought in the name of religion.
For example, the case of Isis or Hamas or the “Crusaders” during the medieval
period, the religious was between the protestant of North Ireland and the
Catholics in the South Ireland in the early 19th and 20th century (39).
7. Religion causes economic wastes. For example, investing huge money on
building temples, churches, mosques etc., spending much on religious fairs,
festivals and ceremonies, spoiling huge quantity of food articles, material
things etc., in the name of offerings. It leads to waste of human energy and
time (39).
8. Religion weakens unity. Religion creates diversities among people. It creates a gap
among them. In the name of God and religion, loot, plundering, mass killing,
rape, and other cruel and inhuman treatments have been meted out to
people. The wars in Syria and Iraq raised disunity among people (39).

9. Religion promotes fanaticism. Religion has made people blind, dumb and deaf to
reality. They have faith without reasoning. On the contrary, it has often made
people to become bigots and fanatics. Bigotry and fanaticism have led to
persecution, inhuman treatment and misery in the past (39).
10. Religion obstructs progress. Because it preserves traditions, it preaches
submission to the existing conditions and maintenance of the status quo. It
is not readily amenable to social change and progress. Like scientific
achievement, religion has tried to prevent the scientist from discovering new
facts. By placing high importance on divine power religion has made people
fatalistic. They think that all events in life is due to some divine power and
hence due to fate. As a result man’s power and potentiality is undermined.
Thus, religion affects the creativity of man.
To sum up, there are many ways in which religion can affect our society and
people’s lives. Some of which can be good while others can be bad. Whatever religion
you belong, it is an expression of man’s nature as creature. In other words, when
man encounters truth he can’t explain, realities deeper than his own experience, and
wonders beyond imagination, he naturally becomes religious. Meaning, when man
finally realizes that he is but a part of creation, and not the whole creation, he
becomes religious.

Activity 1.1. Paste It.
Objective: Identify the different effects of religion through a collage


1. Make a collage ( gather articles, photos, editorial, etc. that show the positive or
negative effects of religion)
2. Use separate coupon bonds (short) in your collage.
3. Answer the following guide questions on a short bond paper.

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. How did you feel after accomplishing the task?
2. What important realization/s did you encounter while doing the task?

Rubrics for the Activity

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics or None of the graphics
objects used in the objects used in the objects reflect student or objects reflects
collage reflect collage reflect student creativity, but the student creativity.
creativity in their creativity in their ideas were typical
display. Student display. Student only rather than creative.
utilizes numerous uses pictures to depict
materials for texture. the themes, symbols,
&/or characters.
Design Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size, lacking in design or lacking in design or appropriate size
shape and are placement. There placement. Too much shape. Glue marks
arranged neatly. Care may be a few background is evident. Most of the
has been taken to smudges or glue showing. There are background is
balance the pictures marks. No tape marks noticeable smudges or showing. It appears
across the area. are obvious from the glue marks. little attention was
Items are glued neatly front. given to designing the
and securely. NO collage.
tape is showing from
the front! Looks
professional and could
be displayed with
Number of Items The collage covers the There are a few white The collage has a few The collage has more
entire page, leaving no spaces showing. No large pictures, but white space than
white space showing. repetition of pictures. does not cover the pictures.
whole paper.

Time and Effort Much time and effort Time was used wisely, It appears the student Class time was not
went into the planning but student could have didn’t put in a lot of used wisely and the
and design of the put in more time and effort before the student put in no
collage. It is clear the effort at home. Project presentation. The additional effort.
student worked at was complete but only project is unfinished or
home as well as at showed the basics. completed without
school. The project color.
shows great detail and
followed the proposal
exactly. Student
worked on this project
at home and during
study hall.
Titles and Text Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and/or text are
written clearly and written clearly and mostly clear and hard to read, even
were easy to read were easy to read somewhat easy to when the reader is
from a distance. NO close-up. Possible read close-up. close.
SPELLING OR minor spelling errors. Spelling/Grammar
GRAMMAR ERRORS! errors are distracting
from the project.
Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are weak
Theme explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how and illustrate difficulty
every item in the most items in the most items in the understanding how to
collage is related to collage are related to collage are related to relate items to the
the book. “No leaf is the book. For many of the book. book.
left unturned” the items, the
relationship is clear
without explanation.

Activity 1.2. Identify It.
Objective: Identify the positive effects of religion during the pandemic times. Direction:
Create a graphic organizer showing the positive effects of religion during the COVID 19
pandemic. Cite specific example for each positive effects.


How are you now? Are you ready to continue? At this point, let us focus on the
effects of religion to your life. By answering the question “how religion influences me
or affects me personally?”, gives you the privilege to reexamine your life and become
a better and a mature individual. What you are now, and what you will become, is
because, you have someone whom you believe He will. And just like among others
who believed that religion as an expression of their very nature, you too will prove it
through writing a poem.

1. Write a three-stanza poem with four (4) lines per stanza which expresses the
importance of religion to your personal life.
2. Be imaginative and creative. Use a short coupon bond.

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. What did you feel?

2. How did you work on it? Did you find it easy or difficult?

3. What is/are your realization/s while doing your task?
Note: (Your answer should be included in your portfolio.)

Rubrics for the Activity


• Religion is a powerful antidote to many social problems that we face
today. Considerable research has shown that religious practice over the
past years has contributed to the well-being of individuals, families and
communities. It provides us norms or guidelines for our everyday life for us to obey
or follow; helps us in our struggle for societal survival; serves as a unifying power that
encourages social integration in several ways; encourages people to render services
to the poor and the needy and promote their welfare; promotes art and culture;
serves to calm the person in times of suffering and disappointment; shapes domestic,
economic and political institutions. Religion supports institutional pattern

explicitly; and, exerts great influence over economic and political life.
• Aside from its positive functions, there are also considerable negative
effects of religion to us. And these negative effects are the following: it inhibits
protest and impedes social changes which may even prove to be beneficial to the
welfare of the society; it fosters dependence and irresponsibility; promotes evil
practices; contributes to exploitation; promotes superstitions; results or causes
conflicts and divisions; causes economic wastes; weakens unity; promotes fanaticism;
and it obstructs progress.


Directions: Give your own evaluations or observations on the positive and negative effects
of religion to human person and society. Use separate paper for your answer.
Positive Effects Negative Effects

On the human person

On the society


Online Sources


Cornejo, Nigel L., et al. Fundamentals of World Religions. MaxCor Publishing House,
Inc., 2019

Serapio, Maria Perpetua Arcilla. Introduction to World Religions for Senior High
School. Mindshapers Co., Inc. 2016


Writer: Gener C. Irinco

Editor: Amalia C. Solis - EPS
Reviewers: Paciano Ferrer, Aldrin Alac, Jeriel Apurillo, (Content)
Virginia Pike (Language)
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

Name Grade and Section
School: Date: Subj. Teacher:

Quarter: 3 Module No.: 3 Week No.: 3.1

MELC: * Analyze the influences of religion to culture and society Objective: Appreciate
the importance of religion to culture and society though
textual analysis
Topic: Positive and Negative Effects of Religion
Directions:Analyze the article and answer the questions below.
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion
and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute
of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness-
these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally
with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace
all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, Where is
the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation
desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice?
And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained
without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on
minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that
National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle”.

- By: George Washington on the indispensability of

the freedom of religious practice in his farewell
address to the nation

Critical Thinking Questions: (Use a separate sheet for your answer)

1. What is the article all about?

2. Why are religious practices necessary? How do they influence the society to
move in a positive direction?
3. What realizations/insights did you learn in the article?


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